- 25006 Sustainability of Cities under Population Decline
by Tomoya MORI & Miki OGAWA - 25005 Reconsidering Supply Chains and Industrial Policy from the Economic Security Perspective
by Yasuyuki TODO
- 24012 Economic Statecraft in Securing Australia’s Future
by Shiro ARMSTRONG - 24003 Security Exceptions and WTO Reform
by Michitaka NAKATOMI
- 23032 Population Aging and Small Business Dynamics
by Peng XU - 23016 Results of the Survey on Standardization Activities in 2021 (an overview of standardization activities and the administration system)
by Suguru TAMURA - 23008 Policy Agenda and Trajectory of the Xi Jinping Administration: Textual Evidence from 2012 to 2022
by Jaehwan LIM & Asei ITO & Hongyong ZHANG - 23004 Impact of Trade Sanctions against Russia: Analysis using international input-output tables
by Koji ITO
- 22031 Ex Ante Evaluation of Migration Subsidy: Evidence from Japan
by Keisuke KONDO - 22028 Recursive Expectations Approach in Policymaking
by Keiichiro KOBAYASHI - 22025 Compliance Costs of Regulations and Productivity
by Masayuki MORIKAWA - 22024 Resilient and Innovative Supply Chains: Evidence-based policy and managerial implications
by Yasuyuki TODO - 22021 Productivity and Wages of Firms Using COVID-19-related Support Policies
by Masayuki MORIKAWA - 22015 Status of Standardization Activities (Survey on Standardization Activities 2020) (Overview of Results by Industry and R&D Expenditures)
by Suguru TAMURA
- 21015 Results of the Survey on Standardization Activity (2019): Situation of Standardization Activities in Business Entities and Other Institutions
by Suguru TAMURA - 21006 Productivity of Firms Using Relief Policies During the COVID-19 Crisis
by Kazuyuki MOTOHASHI - 21001 Progress of Digital Platforms and their Impact on Japan's Industrial Competitiveness
by Kazuyuki MOTOHASHI
- 20023 Results of Survey on Standardization Activities for 2018 (State of Implementation, Advanced Technologies, and Organizational Design)
by Suguru TAMURA - 20018 Fiscal Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis in Japan: The First Six Months
by Michihito ANDO & Chishio FURUKAWA & Daigo NAKATA & Kazuhiko SUMIYA - 20007 Digitalization and New Product Development in Manufacturing SMEs: A Comparative Study of Germany and Japan
by Kazuyuki MOTOHASHI & Christian RAMMER - 20003 Structural Changes in Japanese SMEs: Business Dynamism in Aging Society and Inter-Firm Transaction Network
by Gee Hee HONG & Arata ITO & Yukiko SAITO & Thi-Ngoc Anh NGUYEN
- 19031 Structural Change in Firm Dynamics: From Inter-Firm Network and Geospatial Perspectives
by Gee Hee HONG & Yoshiaki OGURA & Yukiko SAITO - 19030 Blockchain Business and its Regulation
by Makoto YANO & Chris DAI & Kenichi MASUDA & Yoshio KISHIMOTO - 19029 Creation of a Blockchain and a New Ecosystem
by Makoto YANO & Chris DAI & Kenichi MASUDA & Yoshio KISHIMOTO - 19028 Why has Deflation Continued under Extraordinary Monetary Expansion?
by Keiichiro KOBAYASHI - 19015 Minimum Wages and Productivity: Evidence from Japan
by Masayuki MORIKAWA - 19013 Results of a survey on standardization activities: Japanese institutions' standardization activities in 2017 (Implementation, knowledge source, organizational structure, and interest in artificial intelligence)
by Suguru TAMURA - 19005 Digitalization of manufacturing process and open innovation: Survey results of small and medium sized firms in Japan
by Kazuyuki MOTOHASHI
- 18017 Understanding AI Driven Innovation by Linked Database of Scientific Articles and Patents
by Kazuyuki MOTOHASHI - 18014 Determinants of survival ratio for de jure standards: AI-related technologies and interaction with patents
by Suguru TAMURA - 18013 Digitization, Computerization, Networking, Automation, and the Future of Jobs in Japan
by Koichi IWAMOTO & Yuta TANOUE - 18012 The Regional Innovation System in China: Regional comparison of technology, venture financing, and human capital focusing on Shenzhen
by Kazuyuki MOTOHASHI
- 17027 Survey of Big Data Use and Innovation in Japanese Manufacturing Firms
by Kazuyuki MOTOHASHI - 17011 Global Service Value Chain in Japan: Inbound tourism cases
by Yoko KONISHI - 17007 Empirical Analysis: Technological character, type of function, and longevity of standardized knowledge
by Suguru TAMURA
- 16008 How Uncertain Are Economic Policies? Evidence from a survey on Japanese firms
by Masayuki MORIKAWA - 16007 Does Standardization Affect Science Linkage? Implications for society and organizational management: Evidence from artificial intelligence-related technology
by Suguru TAMURA & Shino IWAMI & Ichiro SAKATA
- 14023 Services Negotiation and Plurilateral Agreements: TISA and sectoral approach
by Michitaka NAKATOMI - 14020 The Dynamics and Determinants of De Jure Standards: Evidence from the electronic and electrical engineering industries
by Suguru TAMURA
- 13021 Explaining Japan's Unproductive Two Decades
by Kyoji FUKAO - 13003 Foreign Direct Investment in East Asia
by Willem THORBECKE & Nimesh SALIKE
- 12018 Innovation and Growth Policies in Japan-U.S. Economic Relations:Considering areas for new engagement
by Sean CONNELL - 12016 Japan-India Economic Relationship: Trends and prospects
by Masanori KONDO - 12009 Exploring Future Application of Plurilateral Trade Rules: Lessons from the ITA and the ACTA
by Michitaka NAKATOMI - 12006 East Asian Supply Chains and Relative Prices: A survey of the evidence
by Willem THORBECKE - 12005 The Battle for New Resources: Minor minerals in green technologies
by David S. ABRAHAM - 12003 Evaluating the Economic Response to Japan's Earthquake
by Molly K. SCHNELL & David E. WEINSTEIN
- 10002 The Appropriate Policy Mix for China
by Willem THORBECKE - 10001 Service Sector Productivity in Japan: The key to future economic growth
by Kyoji FUKAO
- 07001 Index of Donor Performance (2006 Edition): Selectivity and Project Proliferation Reconsidered
by Ken TOGO & Yoshio WADA