- 2005-01 Toward a Naturalistic Foundation of the Social Contract
by C. Cordes & C. Schubert
- 2004-24 The Nature and Units of Social Selection
by G. Hodgson & T. Knudsen - 2004-23 Useful Knowledge as an Evolving System: the view from Economic History
by J. Mokyr - 2004-22 Evolutionary Theories of Cultural Change: An Empirical Perspective
by R. R. Nelson - 2004-21 Accounting for Evolution: An Assessment of the Population Method
by J.S Metcalfe - 2004-20 Routines, genes and program-based behaviour
by Jack Vromen - 2004-19 Why Multilevel Selection Matters
by Alexander Field - 2004-18 Heterogeneous preferences and new innovation cycles in mature industries: the camera industry 1955-1974
by Paul Windrum - 2004-17 Strategic Interaction and Externalities: FD-games and pollution
by Reinoud Joosten - 2004-16 Agent Learning Representation - Advice in Modelling Economic Learning
by Thomas Brenner - 2004-15 Darwinism in Economics: From Analogy to Continuity
by Christian Cordes - 2004-14 Economic Systems of OECD Nations: Impact and Evolution
by Frederic L. Pryor - 2004-13 Second-order sustainability – conditions for sustainable technology development in a dynamic environment
by Christian Sartorius - 2004-12 The autocatalytic character of the growth of production knowledge: What role does human labor play?
by Thomas Brenner & Christian Cordes - 2004-11 Hayek and the Evolution of Designed Institutions: a Critical Assessment
by Christian Schubert - 2004-10 Empirical Calibration of Simulation Models
by Claudia Werker & Thomas Brenner - 2004-09 Tracing Empirical Trails of Schumpeterian Development
by Michael Peneder - 2004-08 Network-Induced Oscillatory Behavior in Material Flow Networks and Business Cycles
by D.Helbing & S.Lämmer & T.Brenner & U.Witt - 2004-07 The Origin and Location of Entrants in the Evolution of the U.S. Tire Industry
by G. Buenstorf & S. Klepper - 2004-06 From Possession to Property: Preferences and the Role of Culture
by Uta-Maria Niederle - 2004-05 On Novelty and Heterogeneity
by Ulrich Witt - 2004-04 The Working Parts of Rules and How They May Evolve Over Time
by Elinor Ostrom - 2004-03 Legislation and Countervailing Effects from Social Norms
by Francesco Parisi & Georg von Wangenheim - 2004-02 Human Intentionality and Design In Cultural Evolution
by V. J. Vanberg - 2004-01 Veblen's "Instinct of Workmanship," its Cognitive Foundations, and Some Implications for Economic Theory
by Christian Cordes - 2003-10 The Human Adaptation for Culture and its Behavioral Implications
by C. Cordes - 2003-09 The role of intermediate structures and regional context for the evolution of knowledge networks and structural change
by J. Lambooy
- 2003-12 Ernst Abbe's Scientific Management: Insights from a 19th Century Dynamic Capabilities Approach
by G. Buenstorf & P. Murmann - 2003-11 A contractarian view on cultural evolution
by C. Schubert - 2003-08 On the Behavior of Proposers in Ultimatum Games
by T. Brenner & N.J. Vriend - 2003-07 The Evolutionary Perspective on Organizational Change and the Theory of the Firm
by U. Witt - 2003-06 The Dependence of Innovativeness on the Local Firm Population - An Empirical Study of German Patents
by T. Brenner - 2003-05 The Proper Interpretation of 'Evolution' in Economics and the Example of Production Theory
by U. Witt - 2003-04 An Identification of Local Industrial Clusters in Germany
by T. Brenner - 2003-03 The Use of Simulations in Developing
by T. Brenner & P. Murmann - 2003-02 Long-term Tendencies in Technological Creativity - A Preference-based Approach
by C. Cordes - 2003-01 'Production' in Nature and Production in the Economy - Second Thoughts about Some Basic Economic Concepts
by U. Witt
- 2002-12 Toward a Systematic Framework for Research on Dominant Designs, Technological Innovations, and Industrial Change
by P. Murmann & K. Frenken - 2002-11 The Complex Role of Patents in Creating Technological Competencies: A Cross-National Study of Intellectual Property Right Strategies in the Synthetic Dye Industry, 1850-1914
by P. Murmann - 2002-10 Generic Features of Evolution and Its Continuity -- a Transdisciplinary Perspective
by Ulrich Witt - 2002-09 Stability of Equilibria in Enforcement Games with Increasing Marginal Enforcement Costs
by G. v. Wangenheim - 2002-08 Market Opportunity and Organizational Grind - The two Sides of Entrepreneurship
by U. Witt - 2002-07 Entry by Spinoffs
by S. Klepper & S. Sleeper - 2002-06 The Economic Effects of Basic Research: Evidence for Embodied Knowledge Transfer via Scientists' Migration
by C. Zellner - 2002-05 Innovation and Cooperation During the Emergence of Local Industrial Clusters - An Empirical Study in Germany
by T. Brenner - 2002-04 Network Externalities, Critical Masses and Converters. An Evolutionary Analysis
by L. Andreozzi - 2002-03 Creative Destruction in International Trade
by L. Dudley & J. Moenius - 2002-02 Yesterday's Games: Contingency Learning and the Growth of Public Spending
by L. Dudley & U. Witt - 2002-01 Sequential Production, Modular Techniques and Technological Change
by G. Buenstorf
- 2001-12 How Evolutionary is Schumpeter's Theory of Economic Development?
by Ulrich Witt - 2001-11 On Repeated Games with Vanishing Actions
by R. Joosten - 2001-10 Social Cognitive Learning and Group Selection - A Hayekian Model of Societal Evolution
by Ulrich Witt - 2001-09 Technological Change, Human Capital and Extinction
by William M. Wadman - 2001-08 Noisy Decision Makers - On Errors, Noise and Inconsistencies in Economic Behavior
by Thomas Brenner & Tilman Slembeck - 2001-07 Conceptions vs. Routines - On the Development of Firms and the Evolution of Markets
by Ulrich Witt - 2001-06 The Evolution of Social Norms and Values by Means of Social Group Selection
by Christian Sartorius - 2001-05 Designing Clunkers: Demand-Side Innovation and the Early History of the Mountain Bike
by Guido Buenstorf - 2001-04 Consumption of Sweeteners: An Evolutionary Analysis of Historical Development
by Wilhem Ruprecht - 2001-03 Self-organisation, Local Symbiosis and the Emergence of Localised Industrial Clusters
by Thomas Brenner - 2001-02 Understanding and the Mobilisation of Error - Eliminating Controls in Evolutionary Learning
by H. Siegenthaler - 2001-01 The Evolutionary Perspective on Economic Policy Making - Does it Make a Difference?
by Ulrich Witt