September 1996, Volume 45, Issue 5
- 24-26 Set them free
by Andy Dawson
June 1996, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 5-8 Creating a culture of safety
by Heather Dilley & Brian H. Kleiner - 9-12 Handling redundancies
by John Muir - 13-17 TQM in the service sector
by R.P. Mohanty & A.K. Behera - 18-20 Benchmarking
by Shirley Daniels - 21-23 Re‐engineering revisited
by Anna Baines
April 1996, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 5-9 New developments in organizing around core competences
by Mark Unland & Brian H. Kleiner - 14-17 A model for evaluating TQM effectiveness in health‐care systems
by R.P. Mohanty & K. Santhi & C. Haripriya - 18-21 Marketing management consultancy
by Edwin Wilde - 22-26 Supervisor skill formation in Taiwan’s automated factories
by Hong Jon‐Chao & Wu Jinn‐Cherng & Wu Ming‐Hsiung
February 1996, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 7-12 New developments in re‐engineering
by Jacqueline Skehan & Brian H. Kleiner - 13-19 TQM ‐ a comparative approach
by R.P. Mohanty & B.P. Sethi - 20-23 Designing customer service programmes
by Anna Baines - 24-26 Supporting a dispersed workforce: a changing role for HR
by Angela Eden - 27-29 Theft at work
by John Muir - 30-31 Helping the help desk
by Ian Stinton - 32-33 Gainsharing revisited
by Shirley Daniels
December 1995, Volume 44, Issue 8
- 4-8 New developments in organizing around markets
by Gail S. Thomas & Brian H. Kleiner - 9-10 TAPIng your potential
by John Lynch - 11-17 Reinforcing our moral vision: examining the relationship between unethical behaviour and computer crime
by Richard Cardinali - 18-20 Measuring construction productivity: a practical approach
by Jaideep Motwani & Ashok Kumar & Michael Novakoski - 21-27 Re‐engineering the disability determination process: a case study
by Arie Halachmi
November 1995, Volume 44, Issue 7
- 4-5 Data warehousing
by Shirley Daniels - 6-7 Effective management through delegation
by John Muir - 8-9 Computer‐telephony integration
by John Lynch - 10-14 Work measurement – the basic principles revisited
by Anna Baines - 15-18 Early empowerment creates productive outcomes during an organizational transformation
by Victor R. Prybuto & Leon A. Kappelman - 19-22 Managing TQM affairs: some lessons
by R.P. Mohanty - 23-24 Demanding supply
by Andrew Clemmet
August 1995, Volume 44, Issue 5
- 4-8 Bonus for internal auditors – a case study
by Edwin Wilde - 9-9 Top cat awards
by E. Arthur Jennings - 15-15 Are men and women different at work
by Charles Margerison & Dick McCann - 16-21 Factors for evaluating factory automation projects – inferences from an Indian survey
by K.V. Sambasivarao & S.G. Deshmukh & R.P. Mohanty
May 1995, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 4-7 Aggregate planning today
by Lin Pan & Brian H. Kleiner - 8-9 Report from the Fifth International Conference on Productivity and Quality Research
by John Heap - 10-15 A state government which costs less and achieves results
by Nancy L. Hadley - 16-18 Management commitment for successful suggestion systems
by Andrew E. Marx - 19-19 ATM finds an application
by John Lynch - 20-24 Implications of lean manufacturing for human resource strategy
by Rosalind Forrester
March 1995, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 5-7 How to motivate problem employees
by Desmond Daly & Brian H. Kleiner - 8-13 Preparing the public workforce for the twenty‐first century: the challenge
by Arie Halachmi - 14-15 Productivity growth: some propositions
by R.P. Mohanty - 16-18 Managing change
by John Muir - 19-19 Can there be life without donkeys
by E. Arthur Jennings - 20-21 The disorganized organization
by Shirley Daniels - 22-22 Only five years to go
by Anna Baines - 23-24 Bonus for VAT inspectors – a case study
by Edwin Wilde
February 1995, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 5-7 Compressed workweeks in office‐type environments
by Rudy Hung - 8-10 Managing the transition to supervision
by Brian T. Kumagai & Brian H. Kleiner - 11-13 A model of job analysis on industrial occupations
by Jon‐Chao Hong & Yi‐Shyuan Lin - 14-15 Flexible employment – evil or opportunity?
by Anna Baines - 16-17 Productivity growth: some imperatives
by R.P. Mohanty - 18-19 Time to compute
by Andrew Clemmet - 20-21 Information resource management
by Ken Gregson - 22-27 Realizing organizational potential
by Ken Gregson
December 1994, Volume 43, Issue 8
- 5-6 The Learning Organization
by Shirley Daniels - 7-12 Ergonomics is Good for Business
by Marilyn P. Rowan & Phillip C. Wright - 13-15 Working Together – An Engineering Approach
by Edwin Wilde - 20-20 Without History, What Future?
by E. Arthur Jennings - 21-22 Linking the Quality and Productivity Movements
by R.P. Mohanty & O.P. Yadav - 23-24 Technology – Friend or Foe?
by Ken Gregson - 25-26 Negotiate to Win
by Anna Baines
November 1994, Volume 43, Issue 7
- 5-6 Workflow Software – Support for BPR?
by Anna Baines - 7-7 The Hot Desk Shuffle
by Shirley Daniels - 8-13 Conducting an Effective Selection Interview
by Michael Hackney & Brian H. Kleiner - 14-15 Paperless Publishing
by Andrew Clemmet - 16-17 Alcohol and Employment Problems
by John Muir - 18-20 Total Productive Maintenance and Its Link to Total Quality Management
by Robert S. Jostes & Marilyn M. Helms - 21-25 The Clinton Health Plan and Equity Theory: Pay‐Work Disequilibrium
by R. Eugene Hughes & Joseph M. Tomkiewicz
August 1994, Volume 43, Issue 5
- 5-9 Dust, Sweep and Clean – A Case History
by Edwin Wilde - 10-12 Nepotism
by Linda C. Wong & Brian H. Kleiner - 13-14 Dealing with Sickness Absence
by John Muir - 15-22 MTM Core Data Validation
by Alan Brown - 23-24 Videoconferencing
by John Lynch - 25-26 The Creative Use of Microcomputer Software
by Anna Baines
May 1994, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 5-8 “Methodology”: An Analysis of Its Meaning and Use
by B.A. Lehaney & Gerald Vinten - 9-9 Shoeshine Boys and Girls
by E. Arthur Jennings - 14-18 Managerial Incentives – A Case Study
by Edwin Wilde - 19-25 Performance Measurement, Organizational Technology and Organizational Design
by Arie Halachmi & Geert Bouckaert - 26-26 We Present..
by Anna Baines
March 1994, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 5-8 Empowering the Supervisory Role
by Christopher Orpen - 9-12 New Quality System Adds 400 QA Staff to Payroll
by Bryan Wall - 13-16 New Developments in Employee Training
by Christianne Derouen & Brian H. Kleiner - 17-19 Measuring Work Accurately
by Ken Gregson - 22-23 Personal Digital Assistants
by Shirley Daniels - 24-27 Future Manufacturing Development in Taiwan
by J.E.L. Simmons - 28-28 A Bright New World
by E. Arthur Jennings
February 1994, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 14-17 Successful Downsizing
by Sandy Didonato & Brian H. Kleiner - 18-19 The Sun also Sets
by Dave Robson - 22-23 The Outdoors
by Wendy Yeadon - 24-25 Agents for Change
by Shirley Daniels
July 1993, Volume 42, Issue 7
- 5-7 New approaches to managing performance appraisals
by Robert Tinkham & Brian H Kleiner - 8-10 Computer staff incentives – a case study
by Edwin Wilde - 11-12 Local area networking
by Mike Clemmet - 13-19 Comparing Chinese and American manufacturing
by Gyula Vastag & D. Clay Whybark - 22-23 See me, see you
by E. Arthur Jennings - 24-24 The employee’s equation
by Y.S. Jawandhiya
June 1993, Volume 42, Issue 6
- 5-9 New developments in TQM
by Russell Johnson & Brian H. Kleiner - 12-12 Lame ducks and prodigals
by E. Arthur Jennings - 13-14 Revisiting scientific management
by R.P. Mohanty - 13-18 Office productivity
by Barrie Daniels - 19-20 Mentoring
by Ken Gregson - 23-24 Desktop conferencing
by Anna Baines
May 1993, Volume 42, Issue 5
- 5-8 Developing flexible personnel schedules using a microcomputer
by Michael J. Brusco & Larry W. Jacobs - 9-12 New developments in health and safety programmes
by Stephen C. Gillings & Brian H. Kleiner - 13-14 The importance of accountability in managing productivity
by R.P. Mohanty - 15-17 Managing human resources strategically
by Christopher Orpen - 18-20 Do we still need work measurement?
by Ken Gregson - 23-25 Flexible manufacturing systems
by Shirley Daniels
March 1993, Volume 42, Issue 3/4
- 7-10 Effective coaching of organizational employees
by Thomas J. Case & Brian H. Kleiner - 11-14 Shared cost of health care benefits: some cautionary thoughts from equity theory
by R. Eugene Hughes & Joseph M. Tomkiewicz - 15-16 The impact of technology on teaching
by Shirley Daniels - 17-24 Putting the O into O&M
by Ken Gregson
February 1993, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 6-9 Micro‐level organization
by Anna Baines - 10-15 Automation dynamics: a small business dilemma
by Beverly E. Rio & Richard Cardinali - 16-19 Effective leadership in a turbulent environment
by Concetta R. Nalore‐Winter & Brian H. Kleiner - 22-24 An agro‐industry case study
by Edwin Wilde - 25-25 Incentive schemes in quality culture
by Helga Drummond
January 1993, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 6-7 Autonomous work groups
by Anna Baines - 8-9 Productivity management: a soft systems approach
by R.P. Mohanty - 10-11 Factor analysis
by Ken Gregson - 10-11 Customer care programs
by Shirley Daniels - 14-15 Looking after the pennies: efficiency and the small solicitor′s firm
by Helga Drummond & Elizabeth Chell - 16-19 New developments in service operations management
by Mary A. Tinkham & Brian H. Kleiner - 22-24 Back to the future: innovation through re‐engineering and process technology
by Robert Janson
July 1992, Volume 41, Issue 7
- 6-7 Competitiveness versus industrial discipline – an end to time based control?
by Helga Drummond - 8-10 Productivity control – equipment and facilities
by Donald Sedgewick - 11-13 The safe use of visual display units
by Terry King - 14-16 Making work play
by Charles M. Gropper & Brian H. Kleiner - 17-18 Telecommunications today
by Anna Baines - 19-22 Managing our pluralistic organization
by R.P. Mohanty
June 1992, Volume 41, Issue 6
- 6-9 How to reduce organizational turnover and absenteeism
by James M. Levin & Brian H. Kleiner - 10-10 Selection or rejection? That is the question
by E. Arthur Jennings - 11-15 A dark side of productivity improvement techniques
by Larry D. Brandon & R. Anthony Inman - 16-18 Video‐based business support services
by John Lynch - 19-21 Establishing a productivity mission
by Ken Gregson
May 1992, Volume 41, Issue 5
- 6-9 Management forecasting
by Anna Baines - 10-12 Writing computer‐based learning packages
by Ken Gregson - 13-15 The total quality culture
by Shirley Daniels - 16-18 An organizational policy for information
by Diane Warburton - 19-21 Outputs up – profits down
by Edwin Wilde - 24-25 Electronic mail
by Anna Baines - 26-27 Structured estimating techniques
by Ken Gregson
March 1992, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 10-13 A computerized databank
by Alan D. Brown - 14-15 The impact of technology on work groups
by Riaz Ahmed Sohag - 16-16 Is there nothing without results?
by E. Arthur Jennings - 17-19 New developments in project scheduling
by Fritz P. Egger & Brian H. Kleiner - 22-24 Work performance evaluation: its effect on worker safety
by A. Raouf - 25-26 Following the Exel route
by Ralph Drew
February 1992, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 6-11 A job evaluation case history
by Edwin Wilde - 12-13 Activity‐based costing
by Anna Baines - 14-15 Ten and a half golden rules for choosing an IT system
by Tony O′Mahoney - 16-19 Incentive pay: not just for top management
by Jim Abbott & Brian H. Kleiner - 22-24 Implementing productivity management: why and how?
by R.P. Mohanty - 25-26 Job design and new technology
by John Bailey
January 1992, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-1 Measuring productivity: a how‐to guide
by Don Gaile - 6-9 Time in your hands
by Adrian Fairhurst - 10-15 Building a collaborative advantage
by David Kolbus - 18-19 Office work measurement by PADS
by Alan Brown
June 1991, Volume 40, Issue 6
- 6-9 New Developments in Innovation Diffusion
by L. Davidoff & B. H. Kleiner - 10-13 Effective Writing: Some Suggestions for Work Study Practitioners
by K.B. Hollman & R.D. Hayes & J.H. Murrey - 15-21 Office Work Study
by B. Daniels
May 1991, Volume 40, Issue 5
- 6-9 How to Increase Organisational Innovation
by J. Campbell & B.H. Kleiner - 10-13 Productivity: The Mindef Experience
by J. Man - 14-15 work Study/O&M in Service Industries
by T.L. Salmon - 22-25 Safety and Quality Go Together
by T. King
April 1991, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 6-7 Information‐sharing Service Helps Beat Bad Debt Problem
by M. Smith - 8-13 Secretarial Services Improvement
by E. Wilde - 14-15 Space: Parkinson’s Law is Alive and Well and Living in a Warehouse!
by W. Boardman - 16-19 Computer‐aided Workplace Design
by A. Rauof - 22-23 Keeping up with New Technology
by I. Moch & B.H. Kleiner
March 1991, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 6-8 Professional Standards in Management Services
by A. Brobyn - 9-11 Stress Management
by T. Foot - 12-13 Implementation of MTM Systems
by A.J. Deeley - 15-19 Dexterity and Trainability Testing
by G.G. Hitchings & M. Moore - 22-23 Overhead Productivity: the Organisational Impact of IT
by N. Develin
February 1991, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 6-7 The EC Software Directive
by J. Martin - 8-10 Appraisal‐based Pay
by A. Baines - 12-14 Productivity paradigms for the 90s
by W. Wrennall - 15-19 Staffing for the Information Workload
by G. Russell - 22-24 Managing Manufacturing Operations Effectively
by G. Hughes & B.H. Kleiner - 25-27 Technology and Productivity
by B. Daniels
January 1991, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 6-8 The Electronic Book
by D Warburton - 10-12 BS5750 Quality Accreditation – What, Why, How?
by A. Baines - 13-14 Procedure Audit
by G. Brown & P. McLoughlin - 15-17 Productivity 2000: Singapore′s Initiative to Maintain Competitiveness
by K J Kiat - 18-19 Choosing a Work Measurement System
by B. Daniels - 22-24 Mobile Communication – Opportunities in the 90s
by R. Morgan - 25-27 New Developments in Enhancing Quality Control in Organisations
by M.L. McCracken & B. H. Kleiner
June 1990, Volume 39, Issue 6
- 6-9 Quality – A Belief and Awareness
by Terry King - 10-14 Computer Work Measurement Systems
by Matt Hall - 16-19 Work Group Organisation
by Barrie Daniels - 22-23 Disintegration – The Slow Birth of a Fad
by John Ramsay - 24-25 Solid State Time Recording
by Mike Phillips
May 1990, Volume 39, Issue 5
- 6-7 Retail Technology
by George Baines - 8-11 Effective Report Presentation
by Edwin Wilde - 12-13 Computer‐aided Manufacturing in the US
by Anthony Corbo & Brian H. Kleiner - 17-19 Fax Facts
by Ken Gregson