March 2004, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 49-51 Seeking God (in the details)
by Joseph E. Levangie - 53-56 A classic book‐revisited
by Peter Maresco
March 2003, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 7-10 From corporate to entrepreneurial life: Risks and challenges along the way
by Gene O’Neill & Liz Ellington - 11-13 Documentaries: Both informing and entertaining new zealanders
by William De Friez & Veronica McCarthy - 15-18 The bay house café: Against all odds
by Dudley-Anne Thomson - 19-21 Turning a hobby into millions
by Philip King - 23-24 Jade software: Getting ready to tackle america
by Sir Gilbert Simpson - 25-36 The region and the smaller enterprise: A discussion of appropriate investigative methodologies
by Ian Pownall - 37-51 Collective entrepreneurship in family firms: The influence of leader attitudes and behaviors
by Jun Yan & Ritch L. Sorenson - 53-64 Propensity to trust, purchase experience, and trusting beliefs of unfamiliar e-commerce ventures
by Gregory B. Murphy - 65-76 Musings of a serial entrepreneur‐ reconciling theory with practice
by Joseph E. Levangie
March 2003, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 7-10 Responding to God’s Guidance
by Craig Hoekenga - 11-14 The value and impact of seminary training
by R. Stephen Shuart - 15-24 Marketing orientation in SMEs: Effects of the internal environment
by Richard C. Becherer & Diane Halstead & Paula Haynes - 25-34 Collaboration among smes as a mechanism for innovation: An empirical study
by Mário José Batista Franco - 35-45 Supplier selection and development: The relationship between small manufacturing enterprises and mass merchandisers
by Stephen C. Jones & Tami L. Knotts & Gerald G. Udell - 47-55 Applying entrepreneurship to health care organizations
by Kristina L. Guo - 57-63 From intrapreneurship to entrepreneurship: Is technical expertise sufficient?‐ A case study
by John E. Woodilla - 65-66 International Franchising in Emerging Markets
by Nadia Ballard
March 2002, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 3-3 From the Editors
by Laurence Weinstein & Shawn Blau & Christopher Sheehan & Joshua Shuart - 5-7 From Eggs to the Stars
by Jane Pollak - 9-12 Bouncing Back
by Allan F. Lichter - 13-20 Entrepreneurial Women and Life Expectancy
by Jeannette Oppedisano & Sandra Lueder - 21-33 Someone old or someone new? The effects of ceo change on corporate entrepreneurship
by J. L. Morrow - 35-46 Ethnic entrepreneurship: Do values matter?
by Michael Morris & Minet Schindehutte & Jack Lesser - 47-56 Using Social Cognitive Career Theory to Predict Self-Employment Goals
by Gerry Segal & Dan Borgia & Jerry Schoenfeld - 57-64 Encouraging technology-based ventures: Entrepreneurship education and engineering graduates
by Teresa V. Menzies & Joseph C. Paradi
March 2002, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 9-13 Reading the tea leaves
by Cindi Bigelow & Tea Bigelow - 15-26 Entrepreneurial Strategies in Transitional Industries from a Resource Perspective: A Case Study Analysis of the Business Models of German Soccer Clubs
by Christian Lechner & Tobias Schmidt - 27-38 A Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Emerging v. Nonemerging Industry Initial Public Offerings
by Todd A. Finkle & Reinhold P. Lamb - 39-50 The status of women's entrepeneurship: Pathways to future entrepreneurship development and education
by Lisa K. Gundry & Miriam Ben-Yoseph & Margaret Posig - 51-66 An exploratory examination of propensity and performance in new venture internationalization
by Jay Hyuk Rhee - 67-68 Peak Performance: Business Lessons from the World's Top Sports Organizations
by Shawn Blau
March 2001, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 5-8 A force in men's fashion
by Joseph Abboud - 9-11 Entrepreneurs at sea
by Tom Foley & Anne Foley - 13-31 The financing of small firms: Different continents, the same problems?
by Grahame Boocock & Ismail A Wahab - 33-40 Economic Value Added (EVA) and the Valuation of Small Businesses
by Michel F. Spivey & Jeffrey J. McMillan - 43-56 New venture planning using advanced information systems support
by Dorothy G. Dologite & Robert J. Mockler & Marc E. Gartenfeld - 59-70 Corporate entrepreneurship: A strategic and structural perspective
by Joao Ferreira - 73-78 Marketing and economic aspects of entrepreneurship: Raising cane in the low desert—a case study
by Carol Ann Dorn & Nancy Scannell - 81-82 Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
by Shawn Blau
March 2001, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-8 Out on a limb - and thriving
by Robert Seliger - 9-14 Revisiting Shapero: A taxonomy of entrepreneurial typologies
by Truls Erikson - 15-29 Cultural and Socioeconomic Determinants of Invention: A Multicountry, Multiperiod Analysis
by Moshin Habib & Joseph Coombs - 31-39 Export planning and performance: An organizational culture perspective on small firms
by Philip D. Olson> & Newell Gough - 41-49 On the logic of business plan composition
by Jeff Trailer & Chester Wolford - 51-58 Human Resource Management Issues as a Small Business Grows
by Jack L. Howard - 65-65 Who Moved My Cheese?
by Matthew H. Roy
March 2000, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 9-19 Foreign Franchiser Entry into Developing Countries
by Gary J. Castrogiovanni & George S. Vozikis - 21-33 Antecedents of small business performance
by Matthew W. Rutherford & Sharon L. Oswald - 45-46 Why entrepreneurs establish firms: Competition, protection costs, and rise of the firm
by Radoslav P. Kotorov - 47-59 Examining the role of social network size and structural holes
by Robert P. Singh & Ralph C. Hybel & Gerald E. Hill - 61-62 Lessons from the Sandbox
by Ed Chung
March 2000, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 5-8 Good Stuff Cheap
by Jerry Ellis - 9-13 New Product Development
by Steve Kaye - 15-21 Transforming the Entrepreneurial Landscape: Emergent Innovative Behaviors in Internet Firms
by Jill Kickul & Lisa K. Gundry - 15-21 The Digital Economy: A Golden Opportunity for Entrepreneurs?
by Maheshkumar Joshi & Ira Yermish - 33-45 New and Small E-Commerce Ventures: The Importance of Legitimacy and Trust
by Gregory B. Murphy & Dennis Smart - 47-56 A Strategic Model of the Franchise Form of Business Organization
by James B. Bronson & James W. Faircloth - 57-66 Bed and Breakfast Homes: A Life of Leisure or a Stressful Encounter
by Angela K. Miles & Darla J. Domke-Damonte - 67-68 eBrands: Building an Internet Business at Breakneck Speed
by John Callister
March 1999, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 5-8 Is European Entrepreneurship on Life Support? NEJE interview with Micael Becker
by Michael Becker - 9-20 The Roots of Entrepreneurial Research
by Hans Landström - 21-30 Playing in the Giant's Field: Strategies for Effectively Competing in the Global Marketplace
by Carolan McLarney - 31-38 Entrepreneurial Marketing by Networking
by Audrey Gilmore & David Carson - 39-46 Work-Family Conflicts of Indian Women Entrepreneurs: A Preliminary Report
by Mallika Das - 47-56 Succession and Governance Across Generations: A Comparative Study of the United States and Italy
by Alberto Zanzi & Colette Dumas - 57-63 Motivations for Self-Employment: The Case of Maori in New Zealand
by Mark Fox - 65-80 Learning How to Learn: Nurturing Professional Growth Through Cognitive Mapping
by Robert J. Mockler & Dorothy G. Dologite - 81-82 The New Pioneers: The Men and Women Who Are Transforming the Workplace and Marketplace
by Gina Vega
March 1998, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 6-13 The Entrepreneur
by Stanley I. Mason - 14-22 Franchising and Entrepreneurship: High Reward or High Risk?
by Gad J. Selig - 23-29 Customer Service and Satisfaction: Competitive Advantage and Beyond
by Stanley Bazan - 30-40 Redefining Loyalty: Motivational Strategies and Employee Loyalty in an Era of Downsizing
by Sandra Obilade - 41-52 Value Creation in New Firms: Evidence from the Biotechnology Industry
by Joseph E. Coombs & David L. Leeds - 53-54 Paint-Your-Own Pottery Case Study
by Lisa Morin