March 2014, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 473-494 Public procurement of innovation policy: Competition regulation, market structure and dominant design
by Ruyi Wan - 495-537 Exploring legitimacy in major public procurement projects
by Colette Russell & Joanne Meehan - 538-566 Public procurement mechanisms for public-private partnerships
by Dmitri Vinogradov & Elena Shadrina & Larissa Kokareva - 567-583 Increased cooperation through immediate post contractual negotiation
by Stephan J. Meijers & André G. Dorée & Hans Boes
March 2014, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 304-327 Market orientation and smesʼ activity in public sector procurement participation
by Timo Tammi & Jani Saastamoinen & Helen Reijonen - 328-360 Small and medium-sized enterprises policies in public procurement: Time for a rethink?1
by Caroline Nicholas & Michael Fruhmann - 361-394 Examining the relationship between the barriers and current practices of sustainable procurement: A survey of un organizations
by Jacob Hasselbalch & Nives Costa & Alexander Blecken - 395-445 What are the challenges to sustainable procurement in commercial semi-state bodies in ireland?
by Joey Gormly
March 2014, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 139-180 Theory in public procurement research
by Anthony Flynn & Paul Davis - 181-214 Public procurement in the european union: The case for national threshold values
by Per Molander - 215-251 Leveraging strategic sourcing and knowledge management to improve the acquisition of knowledgebased services
by Timothy G. Hawkins & Mark E. Nissen & Rene G. Rendon - 252-282 Auditing procurement contracts for defense material in Spain: In the footsteps of the U.S. model
by José Aguado-Romero & Antonio M. López-Hernández & Simón Vera-Ríos
March 2014, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-32 An exploration of knowledge-based factors affecting procurement compliance
by Timothy G. Hawkins & William A. Muir - 33-61 The politics of bounded procurement: Purists, brokers and the politics-procurement dichotomy
by Alexandru V. Roman - 62-95 The 2010 “agreement on mutual enforcement of debarment decisions” and its impact for the fight against fraud and corruption in public procurement
by Lorenzo Nesti - 96-122 Political connections of the boards of directors and department of defense contractorsʼ excessive profits
by Chong Wang
March 2013, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 409-446 Determining ‘the most economically advantageous tender’ based on capability and fee-percentage criteria
by Pertti Lahdenperä - 447-475 The politics of bounded procurement: Purists, brokers and the politics-procurement dichotomy
by Alexandru V. Roman - 476-515 Developing a public value healthcare procurement framework
by Alan Turrell - 516-538 Impact of political-economy variables on cost growth in military weapon system contracts
by Jonathan D. Ritschel
March 2013, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 293-311 The logic of estimation: Describing the budgetary work of program managers
by Osbin L. Ervin
March 2013, Volume 13, Issue 03
- 289-314 Dispelling fear and loathing in government acquisition: A proposal for cultivational governance in dod source selections
by Steve M. Maser & Fred Thompson - 315-336 Design and build procurements in the polish public sector
by Agnieszka Leśniak & Krzysztof Zima - 337-363 Public policy and financial management through eprocurement: A practice oriented normative model for maximizing transformative impacts
by Alexandru V. Roman - 364-397 An appraisal of the use of social criteria in public procurement in Nigeria
by Temidayo O. Akenroye
March 2013, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 149-175 “Best value for money” in procurement
by Nicola Dimitri - 176-214 Unwritten ground rules (UGRS) in public procurement in developing countries
by Shahadat Khan - 215-242 A model to measure e-procurement impacts on organizational performance
by Francesco Gardenal - 243-273 An empirical analysis of coercive means of enforcing compliance in public procurement
by Frederick A. Mwakibinga & Arnt Buvik
March 2013, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-38 Size and structure in the purchasing function: Evidence from German municipalities
by Christoph H. Glock & Michael G. Broens - 39-71 U.S. and E.U. sme subcontracting policy and practice trends: Towards a transatlantic accountability consensus
by Max V. Kidalov - 72-102 Liberalised public procurement of ict services for schools: An empirical case from finland
by Pekka Leviäkangas & Raine Hautala & Virpi Britschgi & Risto Öörni - 103-132 Characterizing the accuracy of dod operating and support cost estimates
by Erin T. Ryan & David R. Jacques & Jonathan D. Ritschel & Christine M. Schubert
March 2012, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 435-470 Outsourced contracts, buyer-supplier trust, supplier opportunistic behavior and supplier performance in ugandan public procuring and disposing entities (PDEs)
by Arthur Ahimbisibwe & Moses Muhwezi & Sudi Nangoli - 472-504 Innovation procurement as projects
by Jillian Yeow & Jakob Edler - 528-546 Measuring the efficient management of public works contracts: A non-parametric approach
by Calogero Guccio & Giacomo Pignataro & Ilde Rizzo - 547-592 State-Business relations and participation of firms in public procurement in russia: An empirical study
by Olga Demidova & Andrei Yakovlev
March 2012, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 295-322 Public contract writing systems: A house divided
by Robert E. Lloyd - 333-355 An exploration of management competencies in public sector procurement
by David McKevitt & Paul Davis & Roelf Woldring & Kay Smith & Anthony Flynn & Emma McEvoy - 356-385 After katrina: Comparisons of post-disaster public procurement approaches and outcomes in the new orleans area
by Christopher L. Atkinson & Alka K. Sapat - 386-406 The excessive profits of defense contractors: Evidence and determinants
by Chong Wang & Joseph San Miguel - 407-422 Different design - different cost: An empirical analysis of combinatorial public procurement bidding of road maintenance
by Anders Lunander & Sofia Lundberg
March 2012, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 151-188 Public procurement through performance-based logistics: Conceptual underpinnings and empirical insights
by Florian C. Kleemann & Andreas Glas & Michael Essig - 189-220 A model of trade restrictiveness index: Its application and implications in public procurement
by Demelash Demessie - 221-248 E-Procurement: Myth or Reality
by Clifford McCue & Alexandru V. Roman - 249-275 Case studies of bid-rigging and procurement reform assessment in fuel oil supply in Japan and Korea
by Koki Arai
March 2012, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 4-42 Early contractor involvement in dutch infrastructure development: Initial experiences with parallel procedures for planning and procurement
by Sander Lenferink & Jos Arts & Taede Tillema & Marcelle van Valkenburg & Roel Nijsten - 43-80 Environmental impacts and the most economically advantageous tender in public procurement
by Katriina Parikka-Alhola & Ari Nissinen - 81-108 Combinatorial auctions in public procurement: Experiences from sweden
by Anders Lunander & Sofia Lundberg - 109-141 Supply management concepts in local government: Four case studies
by Gerasimos Gianakis & Clifford McCue
March 2011, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 451-481 Reconciling incongruous policy objectives and benchmarking kenyaʼs public procurement law: a review of the selex case1
by Muthomi Thiankolu - 482-508 Risks associated with performance specifications in highway infrastructure procurement
by Shekhar S. Patil & Keith R. Molenaar - 509-537 Matching supply-side costs with demand-side value in procurement auctions
by Jeremy Chen - 538-562 Services supply chain in the united states navy: an empirical study of current management practices
by Aruna Apte & Uday M. Apte & Rene G. Rendon
March 2011, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 301-322 Risk management in humanitarian procurement and supply chain
by Jacqueline Pontré & Volker Welter & Joao N. Veiga Malta & Ibrahim Faria & Anna Chernyshova - 323-333 Anti-corruption in public procurement in nigeria: challenges and competency strategies
by Joseph K. Achua - 354-387 The development of a relational orientation to consultants amongst project managers
by Branco Ponomariov & Gordon Kingsley - 388-402 Small manufacturing businesses: their interest in securing contracts from public agencies
by John J. Withey - 403-427 Using fuzzy decision making for supplier selection in public procurement
by Nicola Costantino & Mariagrazia Dotoli & Marco Falagario & Maria Pia Fanti
March 2011, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 171-189 The root causes of contract administration problems
by Richard J. Sebastian & Bill Davison - 190-205 Estimating the final cost of a DoD acquisition contract
by Steven P. Tracy & Edward D. White - 206-239 Lean thinking and its implications for public procurement: moving forward with assessment and implementation
by Joseph J. Schiele & Clifford P. McCue - 240-274 Do the baby and the bathwater deserve the same fate? An exploratory study of collaborative pricing in the U.S. department of defense
by Timothy G. Hawkins & Jeffrey R. Cuskey
March 2011, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-32 Psychological climate, catharsis, organizational anomie, psychological wellness and ethical procurement behaviour in ugandaʼs public sector
by Joseph Mpeera Ntayi & Augustine Ahiauzu & Sarah Eyaa - 33-60 Economic and political determinants of public procurement corruption in developing countries: An empirical study from uganda
by Benon C. Basheka - 61-94 Recent reforms to promote social responsibility procurement in east asian states: a comparative analysis
by David Seth Jones - 95-107 Examining the merits of municipal police contracting
by Richard W. Schwester - 108-226 A detailed analysis of the relationship between contract administration problems and contract types
by Bill Davison & Richard J. Sebastian
March 2010, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 479-511 Supplier delivery performance in ugandan public procurement contracts
by Joseph M. Ntayi & Irene Namugenyi & Sarah Eyaa - 512-540 The value of certification in public procurement: The birth of a profession?
by Eric Prier & Cliff McCue & Ravi Behara - 541-563 Integrating gender equality in public procurement: The spanish case
by Teresa Medina-Arnáiz - 564-598 Government obligations in public-private partnership contracts
by Sandeep Verma - 599-622 Operating performance and corporate governance of supplier companies to governmental agencies
by Thanh Ngo
March 2010, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 301-334 Regulating public procurement law at supranational level: The example of eu agreements on public procurement
by ohannes Siegfried Schnitzer - 335-367 Korean free trade agreement negotiations in government procurement: results and policy suggestions
by Junsok Yang - 368-404 Public procurement as an industrial policy tool: An option for developing countries?
by Rainer Kattel & Veiko Lember - 405-427 N exploratory study on the mature level evaluation of e-procurement systems
by Mi Jung Lee
March 2010, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 149-186 Horizontal policies in public procurement: a taxonomy
by Sue Arrowsmith - 187-210 An evaluation of the performance information procurement system (PiPS)
by Joop van Duren & André Dorée - 211-246 Emerging Electronic Procurement In Russia’S Regional Governments
by William K. McHenry & Denis Pryamonosov - 247-274 Mandatory contractor codes of ethics and defense procurement integrity
by Robert N. Roberts
March 2010, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-30 Optimizing the size of public-private partnership contracts in the water sector: implications from an estimated cost function of private operators
by Atsushi Iimi - 31-67 Construction procurement strategies of national health service in the UK: A critical review
by Ahmed Doko Ibrahim & Andrew Price & Malik M. A. Khalfan & Andrew Dainty - 68-92 Social cohesion, groupthink and ethical behavior of public procurement officers
by Joseph Mpeera Ntayi & Warren Byabashaija & Sarah Eyaa & Muhammed Ngoma & Alex Muliira - 93-120 The economics of procurement contract awarding: problems and solutions in theory and practice
by Pier Angelo Mori & Nicola Doni
March 2009, Volume 9, Issue 3/4
- 326-370 The implications of a muddled definition of public procurement
by Eric Prier & Clifford P. McCue - 371-410 State and local procurement preferences: A survey
by Yuhua Qiao & Khi V. Thai & Glenn Cummings - 411-418 Ethics in public procurement: buying public trust
by Kelly Hunsaker
March 2009, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 151-195 Contributions of public purchasing departments to competitive acquisition processes for consulting services
by Joseph J. Schiele - 197-221 Oral communication capabilities of governmental purchasers in the USA
by Rudolf O. Large & Cristina Giménez & Donna McCarthy - 222-247 Public vs. private sector perspectives on supply chain management
by Paul D. Larson - 248-261 A decision analysis framework for vendor selection in construction projects in greece
by Odysseus Manoliadis & Ioannis E. Tsolas - 261-285 The relationship between contract administration problems and contract type
by Bill Davison & Richard J. Sebastian
March 2009, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-16 Improving procurement through regression analysis: A case study of predicting argentine jet fuel prices
by Juan A. Salaverry & Edward D. White III - 58-78 Does e-procurement save the state money?
by Marcos Singer & Garo Konstantinidis & Eduardo Roubik & Eduardo Beffermann - 79-108 Bridging the divide - commercial procurement and supply chain management: are there lessons for health care commissioning in england?
by Barbara Ann Allen & Elizabeth Wade & Helen Dickinson - 109-131 The purchase of technology in health organisations: an analysis of its impact on performance
by Alessandro Ancarani & Carmela Di Mauro & M. Daniela Giammanco
March 2008, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 17-56 Public procurement and innovation: towards a taxonomy
by Leif Hommen & Max Rolfstam - 289-301 Financing infrastructure: fixed price vs. price index contracts
by Robert J. Eger III & Hai (David) Guo - 310-333 Public procurement policy: implications for theory and practice
by Keith F. Snider & Rene G. Rendon - 334-355 An asymmetric learning in complex public-private projects
by Jurong Zheng & Nigel Caldwell - 379-406 Procurement planning and accountability of local government procurement systems in developing countries: evidence from uganda
by Benon C. Basheka - 407-430 An economic approach to public procurement
by Tsong Ho Chen
March 2008, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 149-173 Leasing as a strategic financing option: the navy’s maritime prepositioned ships experience
by Joseph G. San Miguel & John K. Shank & Donald E. Summers - 174-199 A brief history and review of purchasing card use by the U.S. government: 1990-2005
by Mahendra Gupta & Richard J. Palmer - 200-214 Procurement process maturity: key to performance measurement
by Rene G. Rendon - 269-274 Contracting officers: turn off the time and material default switch
by Bernard Piper
March 2008, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-35 Using agency theory to model cooperative public purchasing
by Cliff McCue & Eric Prier - 36-69 Size, competition and quality in the italian market for consulting services
by Raffaello Cervigni & Oriana Cuccu & Raffaele Miniaci - 70-97 choice in government software procurement: A winning strategy
by McLean Sieverding - 98-129 Cookies for the real world: assessing the potential of rfid for contractor monitoring
by Nicholas Dew
March 2007, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 301-332 Performance-based contracting: Are we following the mandate?
by Natalia Buchanan & Donald E. Klingner - 333-361 Use of e-procurement in turkey’s public health sector
by Umit Alsac - 362-380 Predicting engineering and schedule procurement cost growth for major dod programs
by Chris J. McDaniel & Edward D. White III - 381-398 Public procurement and contracting in bangladesh: An analysys of the perceptions of civil servants
by Md. Rafiqul Islam
March 2007, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 135-172 Engagement versus disengagement: How structural and commercially-based regulatory changes have increased government risks in federal acquisitions
by Elliott Cory Yoder - 173-193 Flexible procurement approaches that facilitate relationship change and negotiation: The use of the invitation to negotiate
by Wendell C. Lawther - 194-212 Strategic procurement in uk local government: The role of elected members
by J. Gordon Murray - 213-227 Imitating private business in public procurement: Swedish ’affärsmässigt’
by Karsten Åström & Jan Bröchner
March 2007, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-33 Public procurement in southeast asia: Challenge and reform
by David S. Jones - 34-61 Hybrid organisations in the provision of local public services
by Graziella Fornengo & Elisabetta Ottoz - 62-83 Procurement issues in performance-based contracts: The world bank experience with output-based aid subsidies
by Luis Tineo - 84-103 Emergency contracting in the us federal government
by David Drabkin & Khi V. Thai
March 2006, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 193-217 Government procurement as a policy tool in south africa
by Phoebe Bolton - 218-249 Examining discriminatory procurement practices in developing countries
by Francis Ssennoga - 250-273 Interweaving planning procedures for environmental impact assessment for high level infrastructure with public procurement procedures
by M. van Valkenburg & M.C.J. Nagelkerke - 274-294 Procurement leadership: from means to ends
by Keith F. Snider
March 2006, Volume 6, Issue 1/2
- 1-26 An analytical framework for the management and reform of public procurement
by Paul R. Schapper & João N. Veiga Malta & Diane L. Gilbert - 28-45 Factors influencing E- procurement usage
by Ken Dooley & Sharon Purchase - 46-69 The implementation of an E-reverse auction system in an italian health care organization1
by Lelio Raffa & Gianluca Esposito - 70-99 Critical factors that influence e-procurement implementation success in the public sector
by Kishor Vaidya & A. S. M. Sajeev & Guy Callender - 100-129 Public procurement procedures in Turkey
by Sakire Kural & Umit Alsac
March 2005, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 291-317 How many vendors does it take to screw down a price? a primer on competition
by Jeffrey M. Keisler & William A. Buehring - 323-343 The e-procurement experience in italian universities
by Paolo Barbieri & Andrea Zanoni - 344-366 Analysis of public e-procurement web site accessibility
by Giuseppe Bruno & Emilio Esposito & Michele Mastroianni & Daniela Vellutino - 367-387 Key issues in e-procurement: Procurement implementation and operation in the public sector
by Simon R. Croom & Alistair Brandon-Jones - 388-399 Strategic procurement in the public sector: A mask for financial and administrative policy
by Darin Matthews
March 2005, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 145-163 Improving organizational effectiveness through meaningful involvement of municipal purchasing departments - case studies from ontario canada
by Joseph J. Schiele - 164-186 Measurement issues in performance-based logistics
by Kenneth Doerr & Ira Lewis & Donald R. Eaton - 187-209 A regression approach for estimating procurement cost
by Gary W. Moore & Edward D. White III - 235-242 Staff assistance visit: Bridging the gap between headquarters and the operational contracting officer
by Bernard Piper
March 2005, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-22 Overcoming demand management problems: The scope for improving reactive and proactive supply management in the uk health service
by Andrew Cox & Dan Chicksand & Paul Ireland - 23-53 Environmentally preferable purchasing: Who is doing what in the united states?
by Jerrell D. Coggburn & Dianne Rahm - 54-72 E-procurement management in state governments: Diffusion of e-procurement practices and its determinants
by M. Jae Moon - 73-85 A Tool for assessing the value contributed by public purchasing departments throughout various stages of competitive acquisition processes for consulting services
by Joseph J. Schiele - 88-93 Principles and practices of managing a global purchase card program
by Margaret A. Colaianni
March 2004, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 319-339 The world bank e-Procurement for the selection of consultants: challenges and lessons learned
by Knut Leipold & Jason Klemow & Francine Holloway & Kishor Vaidya - 340-374 Promoting economy: electronic reverse auctions under the ec directives on public procurement
by Ohad Soudry - 375-396 Assessing the management costs of delivering services under alternative institutional arrangements
by Trevor L. Brown & Matthew Potoski - 397-436 Ban-on-negotiations in tender procedures: undermining best value for money?
by Kai Krüger - 437-449 Pan-american health organization’s humanitarian supply management system: de-politicization of the humanitarian supply chain by creating accountability
by Rolando M. Tomasini & Luk N. Van Wassenhove - 450-470 The future of small businesses in the U.S. federal government marketplace
by Major Clark & Chad Moutray
March 2004, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 151-176 The growth of e-procurement in american state governments: A model and empirical evidence
by Christopher G. Reddick - 210-237 Evaluation of competitive sourcing performance work statement metrics
by Ty A. Randall & Heidi S. Brothers & Daniel T. Holt - 238-267 Evolutionary acquisition: an analysis of defense procurement and recommendations for expanded use1
by Ryan M. Novak & Trevor T. Sthultz & Timothy S. Reed & Christopher C. Wood & Jesse A. Kirstein & Jason A. Whittle
March 2004, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-21 Drivers of compensation of heads of procurement units, supervisors, and materials managers in the public sector
by Mohamad G. Alkadry - 22-42 Assessing outsourcing potential in a state dot
by Chester G. Wilmot & Donald R. Deis & Rong Xu - 43-66 A simulation approach to in-house versus contracted out cost comparisons
by Donald R. Deis & Helmut Schneider & Chester G. Wilmot & Charles H. Coates - 67-83 Is contracting out in new york city tinkering or reinventing government?
by Ronald W. Blendermann & Rita Ormsby & John Sharp & Edward A. Zimmerman - 84-115 Government/business relationships: insights into contract implementation
by Sijun Wang & Michele D. Bunn
March 2003, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 320-337 Vendor diversity in public sector purchasing: the case of the florida department of health
by Steven A. Watson & Robert G. Brooks & Thomas Arnold & Kathy Mason & Cathy McEachron - 357-369 The impact of public firms commercialisation on purchasing management
by Alessandro Ancarani - 370-388 China’S Legal Framework For Public Procurement
by Robert Rothery
March 2003, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 145-175 Assessing federal procurement reform: has the procurement pendulum stopped swinging?
by Joseph A. Pegnato - 176-191 Managing the italian healthcare system: the viewpoint of the purchasing and marketing office
by Emidia Vagnoni - 192-214 A review of state procurement and contracting
by John R. Bartle & Ronnie LaCourse Korosec - 215-249 The use of qualifications-based selection in public procurement: A survey research
by Yuhua Qiao & Glenn Cummings - 250-273 Procuring expertise: the case of local government water and sewer rate analyses
by Gerasimos A. Gianakis & XiaoHu Wang
March 2002, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 157-186 A strategy for firms facing offset obligations: The case of maryland
by Travis K. Taylor - 187-215 Choosing the open or the restricted procedure: Abigdeal or a bigdeal?
by Govert Heijboer & Jan Telgen - 216-236 The economic context of government procurement: new challenges and new opportunities
by Guy Callender & Darin Matthews - 237-251 The market’s response to contract award announcements: government versus corporate contracts
by Stephen J. Larson & Armand Picou - 252-260 County use of the RFP process to select joint venture developers of water-view property: a case study
by Darla H. Herbold - 261-268 Procurement reform in the ghana health sector
by Rob Verhage & Johan van de Gronden & Kofi Awanyo & Samuel Boateng
April 2002, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-28 Understanding the incremental nature of e-procurement implementation at the state and local levels
by Susan A. MacManus - 29-53 Procurement practices in the singapore civil service: balancing control and delegation
by David S. Jones - 73-92 Contracting for public bus transit: do techniques employed make a difference in service outcome?
by David R. Shetterly - 93-105 An analysis of private versus public sector responses to the environmental challenges of the supply chain
by Steve New & Ken Green & Barbara Morton
April 2001, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 9-50 Public procurement re-examined
by Khi V. Thai
March 2001, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 71-95 Public purchasing: who’s minding the store?
by Clifford P. McCue & Gerasimos A. Gianakis