April 1998, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 189-190 Italy: Economic Crime and International Cooperation
by Mario Serio - 191-195 Italy: Comment on the Money Laundering Section of the Italian Penal Code
by Carlo Zaccagnini - 195-199 New Zealand: A Current Analysis of the New Zealand Serious Fraud Office
by Shaista Shameem
March 1998, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 7-14 The Weinberger Pardon: A Blow to American Justice
by Craig A. Gillen - 15-25 Sentencing Policy and Economic Crime
by Ralph Henham - 26-35 Electronic Transfer of Funds: Smart Cards, Internet Banking and Wireless Communications
by Daniel P. Murphy - 36-44 Territoriality Versus Virtuality Versus Reality — The Dark Side of the Information Age
by Wilmer Parker - 45-49 Formulating a New Offence of Bribery — Catching the Chimera
by Tom Williams - 49-51 Intrusion Detection Systems: Threats, Taxonomy, Tuning
by Richard E. Overill - 52-53 The Information Warriors
by Lorenzo Valeri - 53-62 Management of Electronic Crime: Civil Aspects of Prevention and Containment
by Amanda Ryding - 63-66 ‘Dishonest and Corrupt’ Companies, Employees and Stigma Damages
by Michael Jefferson - 66-68 Fraudulent Arson: Operation Nero and Beyond
by Michael Clarke - 69-76 International Security in an Age of Choice
by Lawrence Freedman - 77-80 Canada: New Technological Developments to Detect Electronic Crime in the Securities Industry
by John Sliter - 81-87 North America: A Perspective on the Globalisation of Organised Crime
by Margaret E. Beare - 87-92 India: Irregularities in Securities and Banking Transactions in the Indian Financial System in 1992
by Jaspal Singh
February 1998, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 311-346 Insider Trading Regulation: A Developing State's Perspective
by Philip Summe & Kimberly A. McCoy - 347-357 Combating Criminal Transactions in Russo‐West Trade and the Need for a European Cooperation Framework
by Timur Sinuraya - 358-364 Will Corruption Ever Be Curbed in the Banking Industry?
by Yik Koon Teh - 365-373 BCCI: The Priority of Kings, or What's More Dangerous, the Cavalry or the Indians?
by Henry H. Rossbacher & Tracy W. Young - 374-381 Do the UK's Provisions for Confiscation Orders Breach the European Convention on Human Rights?
by Richard Alexander - 381-384 Recent Developments Regarding the Misappropriation Theory in Securities Fraud Actions
by Charles E. Dorkey - 384-388 Risk Management in the Private Banking Sector: Federal Reserve Bank of New York Issues New Guidelines
by Anita Ramasastry - 389-392 Botswana: A Paradigm of International Proportions
by Virginia L. Towler - 392-393 Estonia: Counterfeit Money in the Republic
by Ando Leps - 393-396 South Africa: Money Laundering
by Elizabeth Turkson - 396-405 Sweden: Fraud and Abuse of Welfare Systems
by Bo Sandberg
January 1998, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 207-222 Trafficking in Confiscated Cuban Property: Lender Liability under the Helms‐Burton Act
by Kern Alexander - 223-231 EC Criminal Law: Prospects for theCorpus Juris
by Simone White - 232-240 Corruption in Nigeria: A Cultural Phenomenon
by Taiwo Olaleye‐Oruene - 241-260 Financial Crime and Potential Investment, International Integration Futures Forecasting: Bulgaria as What Kind of Special Case?
by Richard H. Blum & Emilia Kandeva & Svetla Konstantinova & Anatoli Kosev - 261-267 Corruption and Compliance
by Charles H. Morley - 268-271 Anything Goes: The Democratisation of Corruption
by Rachel Ehrenfeld - 272-275 The Role of Chemicals Control in the Fight against Illicit Drug Production and Trafficking
by D.C. Jayasuriya - 275-282 Anti‐Corruption Laws: Is There a Model?
by Peter Maynard - 283-286 Australia: The Privilege against Self‐Incrimination: Recent Developments
by John Cotton - 286-290 China: The Strategy of Prevention against Organised Corruption
by Zhou Mi - 291-300 India: Control and Prevention of Corruption in the Financial Markets
by B.V. Kumar
April 1997, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 111-129 All Fundsand International Seizure Cooperation of the USA and the UK
by Fletcher N. Baldwin - 130-137 USA: Private Prosecution of Criminal Conduct
by David S. Friedman - 138-151 Downloads, Logs and Captures: Evidence from Cyberspace
by Peter Sommer - 152-159 The Search for Supra‐National Solutions: Investigating Fraud against the European Budget
by W.A. Tupman - 161-164 More Sounds of Silence:Cobra Golf Ltd v Rata
by Sandeep Savla - 164-173 Money Laundering
by Alan Lambert - 174-182 Production Orders and Search Warrants
by Alan Lambert - 182-189 The Ban on Self Incrimination after the Saunders Judgment
by Morten Eriksen & Tarjei Thorkildsen - 190-199 Singapore: Barings Revisited — Auditors and the Detection of Corporate Fraud
by Benny S. Tabalujan
March 1997, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 7-11 Counterfeit Medicines: Strategies to Deal with a Commercial Crime
by D.C. Jayasuriya - 12-29 Corruption: A General Review with an Emphasis on the Role of the World Bank
by Ibrahim F.I. Shihata - 30-38 Corruption in Small States: Case Studies in Compromise
by Mark Findlay - 39-44 Art Theft And Its Control
by Constance Lowenthal - 44-50 Tracing Money through Art Transactions
by Mona Vaswani - 50-55 Investigation of Corrupt Practices: Government Inquiries and Investigations
by Richard Harwood - 55-58 When Private Interests Consume the Public Good: The OJ Simpson Case
by Frank A. Bellis - 58-65 The Future Fraud and Corruption Scenario in Developing and Developed Countries
by Yik Koon Teh - 65-71 Information Security in Banks
by B. Shrinath - 73-75 France: Cost of Tax Evasion and White‐Collar Crime
by David Peacock - 75-83 USA: Corruption in the Financial Markets: Recent Developments
by G. Philip Rutledge - 83-96 Nigeria: Developments in the Criminal Law — Economic and Business Crimes
by G.N.K. Vukor‐Quarshie - 97-101 Canada: Struggling with Computer‐related Crime in the Next Millennium
by Michael Duncan
February 1997, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 287-308 Defining Fraud: An Argument in Favour of a General Offence of Fraud
by Flora Page - 309-327 Controlling Insider Dealing — The ‘Civil’ Approach in New Zealand
by Peter Fitzsimons - 329-332 Recovery of Unlawfully Exported Cultural Property: The European Union Approach
by Richard Harwood - 332-336 Tax Relief For Victims of Fraud
by Dominic Gibbs - 336-342 Should Greed Be the Goad for Good?
by Terry Morehead Dworkin - 342-345 Spies, Traitors and Good Faith
by Eugene T.S. Fung - 345-348 Deceiving a Company:R v Rozeik
by Joanna Gray - 349-351 Right to Privacy Denied by the House of Lords:R v Khan
by John Breslin - 351-354 Company Informants and Disclosure of Journalistic Sources:Goodwin v United Kingdom
by Sandeep Savla - 354-356 Trafficking in Expropriated Property: Civil Liability under Helms‐Burton
by Kern Alexander - 359-360 France: Fraudulent Misuse of a Document Signed in Blank
by David Peacock - 360-364 Singapore: Recent Developments in Futures Trading
by Ravi Chandran - 364-372 South Africa: Derailing the Gravy Train — Controlling Corruption
by Lala Camerer - 373-374 Japan: Japan to Launch Harmonisation on Organised Crime Provisions — Too Late and Too Little?
by Hiroshi Goto - 374-378 Hong Kong: Beyond 1997 — The Importance of International Cooperation in the Fight against Corruption
by Mike Bishop
January 1997, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 207-214 The Michael Lawrence Sacking — A Confirmation of the Regulatory Traditions of the Stock Exchange and the City of London?
by George P. Gilligan - 215-221 Second African CIDOEC Regional Conference on Economic Crime
by Chizu Nakajima - 223-231 Serious Fraud Office Powers under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 and Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
by Sandeep Savla - 232-234 Serious Fraud Office Report
by Michael Chan - 234-235 The Criminal Procedure and Investigations Bill: For Better or for Worse?
by Sheilagh Davies - 236-241 Recent Initiatives in the Prevention and Detection of Insurance Fraud
by Michael I. Dixon - 242-244 Internet Fraud
by Jim Drinkhall - 245-246 Emergency Reform: Export Licensing after the Scott Report
by Richard Harwood - 247-250 Businesses and the Prevention of Terrorism (Additional Powers) Act 1996
by Kiron Reid - 250-252 Swaps Litigation:Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale v Islington LBC
by Karen Houston - 253-254 Possfund v Diamond: A Reassessment of the Common Law Duty Owed to Subsequent Purchasers Who Rely on a Company Prospectus
by Jennifer Payne - 261-263 Kuwait: The Evasion of Liabilities — A Limited Liability Subsidiary Controlled by a Holding Company
by Ahmed Al‐Melhem - 263-264 Panama: New Law Offers a Liechtenstein‐Style Foundation
by Conrad Oberg - 265-268 Canada: Money Laundering Update
by Lionel Smith - 269-271 Case Law on Corruption and Bribery in the Bahamas
by Peter D. Maynard - 271-277 Appraisal of Nigerian Advance Fee Fraud Legislation 1995
by Uche Osimiri
April 1996, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 103-104 The Work of the Serious Fraud Office in Assisting Overseas Serious Fraud Investigations
by George Staple - 105-116 Implementation of the Insider Dealing Directive in the United Kingdom and Germany
by Iliana Duderstadt - 116-128 Corruption Legislation and Socio‐Economic Change in the People's Republic of China
by Michael Levi & Fangmin Ruan - 129-155 Confiscation
by Alan Lambert - 156-160 Cyberpayments: Internet and Electronic Money Laundering: Countdown to the Year 2000
by Kern Alexander & Robert Munro - 161-168 Tax Evasion — A Crime in Itself: The Relationship with Money Laundering
by Martyn Bridges - 168-172 Corruption: The EC Fraud Dimension
by Simone White - 172-173 Criminal Misconduct in a Public Office
by Richard Harwood - 173-176 Corporate Criminal Liability: Sanctions and Remedial Action
by Michael Jefferson - 176-179 ESI and The Stock Exchange
by Lisa Linklater - 179-182 Whistleblowers — A Legitimate Role in Corporate Life?
by Gary Bastin & Peter Townsend - 182-184 The Sumitomo Scandal: Another Embarrassment for UK Regulatory Authorities?
by Inga Nasi - 187-188 Middle East: The Crime of Drawing Worthless Cheques
by A.A. Al‐Melhem - 189-194 France: The Regulation of Market Manipulation
by Pascal A. Rayer - 194-198 Norway: Penetrating the Secrecy of Financial Institutions — A Norwegian Perspective
by Tarjei Thorkildsen
March 1996, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 7-16 Deviant Legitimacy — A Theory of Financial Crime
by Rowan Bosworth‐Davies - 17-31 Political Intelligence Agencies Acting Against Organised Internatioinal Economic Crime: Potentials, Problems, Forecasts
by Richard H. Blum & Michael Ricks - 33-36 Fraud and Bills of Lading
by John Bassindale - 36-38 Testing Times for Lloyd's Auditors: Expert Accountants Step in
by George Sim - 38-46 Wrongful Trading: An Impotent Remedy?
by Richard Schulte - 47-51 Self‐incrimination: Recent Developments
by John Breslin - 51-54 Prosecution by Government Agencies
by Richard Harwood - 54-59 The Misguided Quest: The Clear Case against UNIDROIT
by James F. Fitzpatrick - 59-62 Dishonesty plus Breach of Fiduciary Duties can Add up to Fraud
by Joanna Gray - 63-71 Serious Fraud Office: Conceptual Basis and Rights Considerations under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987
by Sandeep Savla - 73-77 Japan: Criminal Procedure on Computer‐Related Crime
by Kiyoshi Yasutomi - 78-84 Greece: Coping with EU Fraud
by Nestor Courakis - 85-88 France: Insider Trading: The Court of Cassation's Judgment on what Qualifies as ‘Privileged Information’
by David Peacock - 88-90 France: Criminal Liability for Fraudulent Bankruptcy
by David Peacock - 90-92 Sweden: Million Pound Damages for Wrong Tax Advice
by Conrad Oberg
February 1996, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 319-333 Civil Enforcement as a Regulatory Device — An Analysis of Administrative and Civil Enforcement under the Financial Services Act 1986
by Caroline Currie - 334-348 Theoretical Perspectives on Regulatory Enforcement
by Joanna Gray & Elspeth Fennell - 349-352 The Electronic Submission of Returns and the Detection of Tax Evasion
by Simon James & Ian Wallschutzky & Paul Collier - 353-359 The Security of Smart Cards: Some Obstacles Still to be Cleared?
by James Backhouse - 359-361 ‘Unauthorised Use’ and Section 1 of the Computer Misuse Act 1990
by Stanley Lai - 362-366 A Fresh Insight into the Corporate Criminal Mind
by Simon P. Robert‐Tissot - 366-368 Barings — The Singaporean View
by Rinita Sarker - 368-369 Nick Leeson — The Implications Now He Has Been Sentenced
by Sheilagh Davies - 370-372 Periodic Bank Statements in US Cheque Fraud Litigation: The Dangers of Keeping up to Date on One's Account
by Michael S. Kim - 373-377 The Asset Tracer's Armoury
by Karen Houston - 377-381 Barings — A Culture of Greed?
by David Whitby - 381-383 In the Privy Council: Grant Adams v The Queen
by Iain Daniels - 384-388 Civil Remedies in Law Enforcement: The Planning Experience
by Richard Harwood - 389-399 Switzerland: Measures under Swiss Law to Combat Money Laundering
by Riccardo Sansonetti - 400-402 Australia: The Privilege Against Self‐incrimination in Australian Civil Proceedings — The Decision inReid v Howard
by John Cotton - 403-405 Malaysia: Sentencing White‐Collar Offenders
by Mimi Kamariah Majid - 405-407 USA: A ‘New Era’ of Preying on the Faithful?
by G. Philip Rutledge - 408-414 South Africa: Combating Economic Crime — The World is Watching
by Franso van Zyl
January 1996, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 234-253 The Practical and Legal Aspects of Interdicting the Flow of Dirty Money
by Barry A.K. Rider - 255-259 What is VAT?
by Simone White - 260-266 Computer‐related Crime: The Role of Control in its Prevention, Detection and Correction — Part II
by John Mitchell - 266-268 Pyramid Selling
by Rinita Sarker - 268-271 Tentative Information, Inside Information, Price‐sensitive Information and Materiality
by Ahal Besorai - 271-275 Some Thoughts on the Role of the Criminal Law in Deterring Environmental Pollution
by Michael G. Faure - 275-277 Corporate Criminal Responsibility — Ascription of Criminal Liability to Companies
by Michael Jefferson - 278-282 Fraud and the Taxman: the UK Inland Revenue
by Martyn J. Bridges - 283-287 How Effective is US Enforcement in Deterring Insider Trading?
by Jed S. Rakoff & Joanne C. Eaton - 288-290 Turning the Tide of Plastic Card Fraud
by Lorna Harris - 291-295 Between a Cop and a Customer
by Simon P. Robert‐Tissott - 297-299 Ireland: Delinquent Directors and Others — The Irish Approach
by Howard Linnane - 299-303 Japan: Separation of Banking and Securities Business and Conflicts of Interest
by Chizu Nakajima - 303-306 Colombia: The Cali Connection
by Rinita Sarker - 306-307 Australia: Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)
by Paul Latimer - 307-310 Singapore: Financial Assistance and Directors' Duties
by Hans Tjio
March 1995, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 128-130 The Price of Contempt
by Saul Froomkin QC - 131-147 The Impact of Recent Money Laundering Legislation on Financial Intermediaries
by Nicholas Clark - 149-152 Art and Cultural Heritage Loss: A Worthy Priority for International Prevention and Enforcement
by Richard H. Blum - 152-156 Current Developments in the BCCI Affair
by Shiraz Mahmood - 156-159 A Case Note: Universal Import Export GmbH v Bank of Scotland
by George Walker - 159-162 ‘The Old Lady and the Alchemist’ or ‘The Collapse of Barings’
by Rinita Sarker - 163-168 Network and Communications Security
by Rob Melville - 168-169 Insurance Fraud
by Mike Dixon - 170-172 Illegitimate Last Voyage Orders:The Gregos
by Gerhard Oberholzer & Partha Pal - 172-174 The Cost of Laundry!
by Chizu Nakajima - 174-175 Alpine Investments BV v Minister van Financiēn
by Vanessa Edwards - 176-185 The Right to Silence, Section 2 and Recent Case Law
by Sandeep Savla - 185-186 Blowing the Whistle on Fraud
by Rinita Sarker - 186-189 Shifting the Evidential Goalposts
by Rinita Sarker - 189-191 Transparency in UK Equity Markets
by Rinita Sarker - 192-195 Does the Fiduciary Bell Toll?
by Kit Jarvis - 197-203 Tracing into an Overdrawn Bank Account — When does Money Cease to Exist?
by John Breslin - 203-204 Third Party Liability for Dishonesty Extended
by Richard Harwood - 204-208 Spotlight on ‘Underground Banking’
by Alan Lambert - 209-211 The Caribbean: Trouble in Paradise — The Paradox of Anti Money Laundering Initiatives
by John S. Jeremie - 211-213 Ireland: Money Laundering Provisions Come into Effect
by John A. Moran
February 1995, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 7-9 Art Fraud: Raiders of the Lost Past
by Colin Renfrew - 11-33 Civilising the Law — The Use of Civil and Administrative Proceedings to Enforce Financial Services Law
by Barry A.K. Rider - 35-38 Banking Fraud — The Euro‐Regulatory Response
by George Walker - 38-41 A Re‐examination of Banking Supervision in the United Kingdom
by Shiraz Mahmood - 41-43 BCCI — Four Years On
by David Whitby - 44-46 Tax Spinning in the Brent Spot Market
by Emmanuel Tem - 46-48 The Relevance of White Collar Criminology to Financial Services Regulation
by George Gilligan - 48-53 Trick or Treat!
by Barry Delaney - 53-56 Derivatives Market Manipulation by ‘Wash Sales’ in Violation of the US Commodity Exchange Act
by Edward Swan - 56-59 Getting the Adjustment Right: Controls and Computer Security
by James Backhouse - 59-61 Illicit Payments Abroad
by Mads Andenas - 61-63 Recovery from the Corrupt
by Simon Robert‐Tissot - 64-65 Injunctive and Restitutory Remedies of the Securities and Investments Board
by Richard Harwood - 65-68 Equitable Security Interests: Their Creation and Priority
by Richard Nolan - 68-70 Putting It About: Information in the Market
by Richard Lines - 71-74 The Role of the Regulators in the Collapse of Barings
by Shiraz Mahmood - 75-79 The Dependability of Computer Evidence
by Ross Anderson - 79-82 International Financial Crime and Documentary Credits
by Kern Alexander - 82-84 SIB Seeks to Adopt a More Influential Role
by Karen Houston - 84-86 Disclosure to Regulators
by Mads Andenas - 86-88 The Trials and Errors of the Guinness Four
by Rinita Sarker