November 2011, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 391-407 Exploring a local council's change to an outcome measurement regime
by Chia Yie Tan & Beverley R. Lord & Russell Craig & Amanda Ball
September 2011, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 212-236 How do controllers and managers interpret budget targets?
by Lili‐Anne Kihn - 237-258 Reforms and accounting system changes
by Inger Johanne Pettersen & Kari Nyland - 259-277 What determines ABC success in mature sites?
by Suzanne Byrne - 278-305 Creating a global network of shared service centres for accounting
by Jan Lindvall & Einar Iveroth
June 2011, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 108-131 Trait‐based conformity in reporting of selling, general and administrative expenses
by Walter Aerts & Tom Van Caneghem - 132-157 The effects of perceived business uncertainty, external consultants and risk management on organisational outcomes
by Nava Subramaniam & Paul Collier & Michelle Phang & Gary Burke - 158-189 The use of graphics in promoting management ideas
by Clinton Free & Sandy Q. Qu - 190-198 The Australian National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act and its implications for accounting practice and research
by Sumit Lodhia
March 2011, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 5-32 Organizational change: in search of the golden mean
by Jesse Dillard & Rodney Rogers & Kristi Yuthas - 33-56 Managing performance at the top: a balanced scorecard for boards of directors
by Deryl Northcott & Janine Smith - 57-95 Effect of reorganization actions on the financial performance of small entrepreneurial distressed firms
by Erkki K. Laitinen
November 2010, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 404-435 Organizational and accounting change within the context of the environmental agenda
by Sónia Maria da Silva Monteiro & Beatriz Aibar‐Guzmán - 436-459 Managing and measuring employee health and wellbeing: a review and critique
by Mikael Holmgren Caicedo & Maria Mårtensson & Robin Roslender - 460-476 Organisational change and innovation in small accounting practices: evidence from the field
by Manzurul Alam & Ruvendra Nandan - 477-504 Towards a better understanding of capital investment decisions
by Clive Emmanuel & Elaine Harris & Samuel Komakech
September 2010, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 300-329 A reflective analysis of the “new audit” and the public interest
by Timothy J. Fogarty & John T. Rigsby - 330-358 Strategic performance measurement systems and managers' understanding of the strategy
by Carmen Aranda & Javier Arellano - 359-388 Environmentally sensitive disclosures and financial performance in a European setting
by Voicu D. Dragomir
June 2010, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 180-199 Comparative research
by Catriona Paisey & Nicholas J. Paisey - 200-227 Collective action in the implementation of a “greener” performance measurement system
by Aapo Länsiluoto & Marko Järvenpää - 228-259 Strategic management accounting and business strategy: a loose coupling?
by Lino Cinquini & Andrea Tenucci - 260-280 Resisting compliance with IFRS goodwill accounting and reporting disclosures
by Tyrone M. Carlin & Nigel Finch
March 2010, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-8 Introduction to management controls and new organisational forms
by Mathew Tsamenyi & John Cullen - 9-26 An exploration of the use of interfirm cooperation and the financial manager's governance roles
by Rong Ding & Henri C. Dekker & Tom L.C.M. Groot - 27-51 Partner selection, partner behavior, and business network performance
by Klaus Moeller - 52-71 Outsourcing relationships: a case of accounting surveillance
by Bill Ryan & Alejandra Delgado‐Sanchez - 72-95 Exploring the involvement of management accounting in strategic decisions and control
by Michael Brandau & Andreas H. Hoffjan - 96-122 Management accounting as the inter‐organisational boundary
by Morten Jakobsen - 123-148 Management accounting in a learning environment
by Stefan Schiller - 149-169 Management controls and inter‐firm relationships: a review
by Juliana Meira & Nikos D. Kartalis & Mathew Tsamenyi & John Cullen
October 2009, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 444-471 The institutional pillars of management accounting function
by Marko Järvenpää - 472-489 Voluntarism versus regulation
by Even Fallan & Lars Fallan - 490-513 Exploring Russian central government accounting in its context
by Konstantin Timoshenko & Pawan Adhikari - 514-526 The role of internal auditors in ERP‐based organizations
by Haider H. Madani
September 2009, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 321-343 Reforming the Dutch water chain: how radical ambitions turned into a moderate pace of change
by Daniela Argento & G. Jan van Helden - 344-361 Does corporate disclosure policy change financial analysts' behaviour? Evidence from France
by Faten Lakhal - 362-389 Rationality, institutionalism and accounting change
by Wendy James - 390-416 Board of directors' governance challenges and earnings management
by Ruth W. Epps & Tariq H. Ismail - 417-424 No accounting for corporate governance: proxy voting with securities lending
by Susanne Trimbath
June 2009, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 133-138 GAOC 2008 conference issue: accounting's role in organizational change
by Jan Bell & Zahirul Hoque - 139-167 Five easy pieces: a case study of cost management as organizational change
by Shahid Ansari & Jan Bell - 168-196 Performance management, budgeting, and legitimacy‐based change in educational organisations
by Carolyn Fowler - 197-227 Making development accountable
by Robert Ochoki Nyamori - 228-242 From physical to accounting control: a study of accounting change resistance
by Imam Wahyudi - 243-276 A case study of the performance management system in a Malaysian government linked company
by M.A. Norhayati & A.K. Siti‐Nabiha - 277-293 Sydney water sector change and industrial water management
by Matthew Egan - 294-312 Structural limits of capacity and implications for visibility
by Ted Watts & C.J. McNair & Vicki Baard & Lidija Polutnik
March 2009, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 7-34 Value systems as a mechanism for organizational change
by David Marginson - 35-61 Same reform – different practices?
by Kari Nyland & Inger Johanne Pettersen & Katarina Östergren - 62-80 An investigation of stakeholder prioritization and engagement: who or what really counts
by Giacomo Boesso & Kamalesh Kumar - 81-107 Management accounting information in micro enterprises in Gaza
by Jalal M. Alattar & Reza Kouhy & John Innes - 108-111 Financial innovation: Wall Street's false utopia
by Susanne Trimbath
September 2008, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 217-221 Special issue on public sector reform and accounting change: guest editorial note
by Howard Mellett & Christine Ryan - 222-242 Assessing English hospitals: contradiction and conflict
by Dila Agrizzi - 243-269 New organizational forms and accounting innovations
by Jodie Moll & Zahirul Hoque - 270-288 Distance and coupling: analyzing the pressures of accounting change in a city
by Antti Rautiainen - 289-317 Financial accounting regulations and organizational change: a Habermasian perspective
by Mostafa Kamal Hassan - 318-342 A longitudinal study of the adoption of an activity‐based planning system in the Crown Prosecution Service of England and Wales, United Kingdom
by Lana Yan Jun Liu & Falconer Mitchell & John Robinson - 343-362 Costing, funding and budgetary control in UK hospitals
by Neil Robson
June 2008, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 97-135 World class manufacturing and accountability
by Trevor Hopper & Mostafa Jazayeri & Chris Westrup - 136-161 A rationale for stakeholder‐based management in developing nations
by George Joseph - 162-181 Predicting change in bank efficiency in Jordan: a data envelopment analysis
by Jamal I. Bdour & Abeer F. Al‐khoury - 182-200 Institutional differences in EU countries and their relationship with earnings management differences
by Carmelo Reverte
March 2008, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 5-26 The risk of failure of controls and levers of change: an examination of two Italian public sectors
by Eliana Minelli & Gianfranco Rebora & Matteo Turri - 27-46 The need for transparency in financial reporting
by Gerald H. Lander & Kathleen A. Auger - 47-66 Constitutive practice and institutional change: ethics and behavior
by Louis Beaubien - 67-80 Intellectual capital disclosure by traditional US companies: a longitudinal assessment
by Blaise M. Sonnier & Kerry D. Carson & Paula Phillips Carson
September 2007, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 183-191 Introduction to management accounting in less developed countries
by Chandana Alawattage & Trevor Hopper & Danture Wickramasinghe - 192-208 Public sector performance measurement in developing countries
by Ni Putu S. & G. Jan van Helden & Sandra Tillema - 209-226 Community‐led initiatives: reforms for better accountability?
by Godwin Awio & Stewart Lawrence & Deryl Northcott - 227-249 Reliance on management accounting under environmental uncertainty
by Fadi Kattan & Richard Pike & Mike Tayles - 250-269 ERP customization failure
by Ahmed O.R. Kholeif & Magdy Abdel‐Kader & Michael Sherer - 270-301 An exploratory study of financial priorities, financial planning and control practices in voluntary organisations
by Teerooven Soobaroyen & Raja Vinesh Sannassee - 302-328 Who is fooling who?
by Richard I.C. Tambulasi - 329-343 The use of costing information in Egypt: a research note
by Sander van Triest & Mohamed Fathy Elshahat
June 2007, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 88-103 The balanced scorecard equates interests in healthcare organizations
by Elin Funck - 104-125 Accounting, contracts and trust in supply relationships
by Suresh Cuganesan - 126-146 Benchmarking the incidence of strategic management accounting in Slovenia
by Simon Cadez & Chris Guilding - 147-168 Disclosure in the annual reports of Australian government departments
by Merry Herawaty & Zahirul Hoque
March 2007, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 4-28 Budgeting in New Zealand secondary schools in a changing devolved financial management environment
by Stuart Tooley & James Guthrie - 29-43 Controller involvement in management: an empirical study in large Italian corporations
by Laura Zoni & Kenneth A. Merchant - 44-67 Intra‐firm organization and profitability
by Antonios Georgopoulos & Evangelos Pet. Koumanakos - 68-77 On the determinants of board size and its composition: additional evidence from Ghana
by Anthony Kyereboah‐Coleman & Nicholas Biekpe
September 2006, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 196-228 Evaluating management accounting change according to the institutional theory approach
by Reinaldo Guerreiro & Carlos Alberto Pereira & Fábio Frezatti - 229-247 Interfunctional cooperation in progressing accounting for brands
by Robin Roslender & Susan J. Hart - 248-280 Spreadsheets and the financial planning process: a case study of resistance to change
by Douglas Howcroft - 281-303 The internet and change in corporate stakeholder engagement and communication strategies on social and environmental performance
by Carol A. Adams & Geoffrey R. Frost
May 2006, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 101-122 The impact of institutions on management accounting changes at the Hudson's Bay Company, 1670 to 2005
by Gary Spraakman - 123-143 Efficiency seeking behaviour in changing management control in interfirm transactional relationships
by Ed Vosselman & Jeltje van der Meer‐Kooistra - 144-163 The interaction amongst reform drivers in governmental accounting changes
by Marwata & Manzurul Alam - 164-180 Performance evaluation of three small firms' financing schemes in Tanzania
by Tadeo Andrew Satta
January 2006, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 4-24 Linking environmental activity and environmental disclosure in an organisational change framework
by Carol Ann Tilt - 25-41 Rethinking creativity in the accounting profession: to be professional and creative
by Abdullah Al‐Beraidi & Tudor Rickards - 42-73 Motivation for activity‐based costing implementation
by Adebayo Agbejule - 74-88 Corporate perceptions of web‐based environmental communication
by Sumit K. Lodhia
July 2005, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 125-140 Management accounting and organisational change: an institutional perspective
by Mostafa Kamal Hassan* - 141-164 Public sector reform, global trends vs. local needs: the case of a state rental organisation in Fiji
by Umesh Sharma & Stewart Lawrence* - 165-179 Australian corporate environmental reporting: a comparative analysis of disclosure practices across voluntary and mandatory disclosure systems
by Stacey Cowan & David Gadenne* - 180-198 Management accounting change and the changing roles of management accountants: a comparative analysis between dependent and independent organizations
by Hassan Yazdifar* & Mathew Tsamenyi
January 2005, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 7-25 Organisational and accounting change: theoretical and empirical reflections and thoughts on a future research agenda
by Jane Broadbent & Richard Laughlin - 27-44 Reform as regulation – accounting, governance and accountability in UK local government
by Andrew Goddard - 45-61 Managers, budgets and organisational change: unbundling some of the paradoxes
by David Marginson & Stuart Ogden - 63-77 Success in management accounting: lessons from the activity‐based costing/management experience
by Lino Cinquini & Falconer Mitchell - 79-95 Costs, incentives and changing resource allocations in health care organisations: comparing the UK and Canada
by Sue Llewellyn & Ron Eden & Colin Lay - 97-113 Beyond accounting change: design and mobilisation of management control systems
by Jan Mouritsen