1976, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 31-38 Methode d'etude numerique des champs physiques. Application a la determination de l'effet hall dans des plaques rectangulaires
by Robert, Jean & Robichaud, L.P.A - 39-50 Ultra-fast hybrid analog-digital computation with convenient simulation-language software
by Korn, Granino A. & Palusinski, Olgierd A. - 51-61 Separate and/or simultaneous generations of non-linear functions inherent in non-ohmic resistivities
by Kobayashi∗, Yasuhiro & Ohkita, Masaaki & Inoue, Michio & Nakamura, Masao - 63-64 A design study for an integer order bessel function of the first kind function generator for an analogue computer
by Overington, William J.G.
1975, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 233-243 Applicability of hybrid simulation
by Dekker, L. - 245-252 Languages for hybrid/digital simulation
by Elzas, M.S. & Kettenis, D. - 260-269 Simulation language implementation on minicomputers
by Hay, J.L. & Pearce, J.G. & Narotam, M.D. - 270-276 DMSL — A descriptive macro simulation language
by Heppner, Dierk - 277-282 Procal in the service of control engineering
by Vajk, I. & Keviczky, L. & Bányász, Cs. - 283-293 A continuous system simulation language for an advanced hybrid computing system (Ahcssl)
by Mawson, J.B. - 294-299 Program generation system for modern hybrid computers
by Landauer, J. Paul - 300-302 A user — oriented synchronisation system for a hybrid problem
by Bourdeau, Ch & Courtiat, JP - 303-306 Interaction in continuous-system simulation languages
by Crosbie, R.E.
1975, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 153-156 Etudes Des Problemes De Valeurs Propres Avec Des Calculateurs A Reseaux Electriques Emploi D'Elements Pathologiques
by Mesnard, Guy & Hien, Vo-hoang - 157-162 Scaling problems in dynamic system simulation
by Znamirowski, L. & Palusinski, O.A. - 163-170 A design study for a chebyshev polynomial unit for an analogue computer
by J.G. Overington, William - 171-177 Implicit simulation method for distributed parameter
by Ruppel, W. & Zeitz, M. - 179-185 A frequency analysis of finite difference and finite element methods for initial value problems
by Vichnevetsky, R. & De Schutter, F. - 186-191 The development of a computer package for solving a class of partial differential equations by iterative methods
by Kincaid, David R. & Young, David M. - 192-194 Comparison of some fourth order difference schemes for hyperbolic problems
by Gary, John - 195-202 The forsim system for automated solution of sets of implicitly coupled partial differential equations
by Carver, M.B. - 203-210 A hybrid computer approach to the solution of water quality in an estuary
by O'Brien, Joseph F. & Edge, Billy L. - 211-214 Transfer function can be controlled and generated by means of stabilized feedback multiplier
by Bracho, S. & Buron, A.
1975, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 61-65 Introduction des conditions aux limites dans les calculateurs a reseau electrique a l'aide d'elements pathologiques
by Hien, Vo-hoang & Mesnard, Guy - 66-68 Calculateurs a reseaux de resistances fonctionnant en regime alternatif
by Mesnard, Guy & Hien, Vo-Hoang - 69-78 Analog simulation of an isothermal semibatch bubble-column slurry reactor
by Govindarao, V.M.H. - 79-85 Minimization of lattice polynomials on piecewise linear functions (Part I)
by Tarela, J.M. & Perez, J.M. & Aleixandre, V. - 88-94 Numerical solution of hydrodynamic problems
by Birkhoff, Garrett & Dougalis, Vassilios A. - 95-97 Comparing certain classes of difference and finite element methods for a hyperbolic problem
by Swartz, Blair - 98-103 Development, evaluation and selection of methods for elliptic partial differential equations
by Houstis, E.N. & Lynch, R.E. & Papatheodorou, T.S. & Rice, J.R. - 104-109 A differential-difference technique for the hybrid computer solution of parabolic partial differential equations
by Petrov, Andrey A. - 110-115 Hybrid simulation of a control problem for a distributed parameter system
by Humeau, J.P. & Grolleau, M. - 116-120 Seepage flow problems in layered soils solved by the finite element method
by Shaug, James C. & Bruch, John C. - 121-127 Minimization of lattice polynomials on piecewise linear functions (Part II)
by Tarela, J.M. & Bailon, L.A. & Sanz G., E. - 128-136 Un calculateur hybride a reseau d'impedances
by Bernard, Caussade & Guy, Renard & César, Zarcone & Jean, Bourrel - 137-141 Sur une methode de simulation des fonctions retardees
by Kerneuzet, A. & Genin, R.
1975, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 3-7 A new approach to the simulation of static converter drives
by Bellini, Armando & Cerri, Claudio & De Carli, Alessandro - 8-22 The use of hybrid computers for system-parameter estimation
by Piceni, Hans A.L. & Eykhoff, Pieter - 23-36 Parameter estimation applied to physiological systems
by Rideout, V.C. & Beneken, J.E.W. - 37-43 Simulation of phase-controlled induction motors
by Bellini, Armando & De Carli, Alessandro
1974, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 1-9 Optimization of quadrature formulas for a modular digital differential analyzer
by Cennamo, Felice & Rocca, Pier Luigi - 10-13 A man-model interactive computer system for analysis of complex societal problems
by Burnett, Robert A. & Dionne, Paul J. & Eschbach, Eugene A. & Reardon, William A. & Miller, L. Charles & Summers, David A. - 14-23 Automatized programming of nonlinear differential systems in a hybrid computer. Hybrid simulation of a world model
by Dekker, L. & Kerckhoffs, E.H.J. - 24-34 Fundamental approach to the selection of implementation parameters in the hybrid serial solution of partial differential equations
by Bosgra, Okko H. & Buis, J. Paul - 35-38 Modal simulation method modifications and implementations
by Köhne, M. & Zeitz, M. - 39-40 Simulation of a period measurer for low frequencies
by Barczak, C.L. - 41-43 Digital potentiometer for the hybrid computer EAI 680 - PDP 8/I
by Højberg, K. Søe & Olsen, Jens V.
1974, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 2-8 Parameter identification in models of hydrologic systems using the digital simulation language PDEL
by Tam, Wing Cheung & Karplus, Walter J. - 9-14 An application of the hybrid alternating direction implicit procedure to the simulation of an unconfined aquifer
by Bishop, Kenneth A. - 15-30 Simulation of the optimal combination of waste treatment and spatially distributed discharge of effluent using Pontryagin's minimum principle
by Davidson, Burton & Mendiratta, A.K. - 31-34 Implementation of the modal technique to diffusion processes
by Vansteenkiste, G.C. & De Schutter, F. - 35-45 Analog study of the draw down of the groundwater table
by Renard, G. & Aucouturier, M. & Yaher, J.P. - 47-58 Analysis of hybrid computer interface errors on the solution of partial differential equations
by Ung, Man T. & Bekey, George A. & Merritt, Michael J.
1974, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 2-11 Recent computer system developments and continuous system simulation
by Korn, Granino A. - 12-19 Higher order incremental integrators for DDA type computer structures
by Dixon Hughes, J.R. & Sastry, V.R. & Wong, D.G. - 20-25 Computer algorithm for hyperbolic equations
by Vichnevetsky, R. & Tomalesky, A.W. - 26-37 Hybrid reconstructors — Interpolators
by Preucil, M. - 38-45 Electrical analogue for a partial differential equation
by Barker, Derek C. - 46-51 On the simulation of dynamic systems and their graphic display by hybrid computer
by Galletti, Carlo & Lucifredi, Aleramo & Rossi, Aldo
1974, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 3-16 Physical criteria in computer methods for partial differential equations
by Vichnevetsky, Robert - 17-25 Continuous-system simulation languages: A state-of-the-art survey
by Nilsen, Ragnar N. & Karplus, Walter J. - 26-34 Computer simulation study of the cardiovascular and related physiological systems
by Rideout, Vincent C. & Snyder, Maurice F. - 35-39 Digital control of an analog marcketting model
by Clemence, C.R. - 40-43 A model for the Purkinje fibers action potential, using a Hybrid Computer
by Costanti, F.J. & Santos, J.A.R.
1973, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 145-158 Simulation sur calculateur analogique du fonctionnement mecanique du systeme cardiovasculaire
by Demoment, Guy & Peronneau, Pierre & Duperdu, Raymond & Hinglais, Jacques - 159-167 Simulation of an asynchronized synchronous machine
by Hogg, B.W. & Williams, D. - 168-174 Systems analysis applied to a hybrid computer simulation of a missile reentering the atmosphere
by Ricci, Ferdinand J.
1973, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 89-91 Contribution to the estimation of the speech message from the corrupted signal with noise
by Gyergyek, L. & Babic, R. - 92-96 Stabilite des calculateurs a reseaux comportant des resistances negatives
by Mesnard, Guy & Hien, Vo Hoang & Vidal, Jean - 97-103 Procedures de stabilisation des reseaux comportant des resistances negatives
by Hien, Vo Hoang & Mesnard, Guy & Heitz, Lionel - 104-114 Etude analogique des equations
by Genin, J. & Genin, R. - 115-119 Procedure De Calcul Des Coefficients Des Series De Froebenius Solutions Des Equations Fuchsiennes
by Bastin, Henri & Delchambre, Monique
1973, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 49-53 Hybrid computer solution of queueing systems
by Khalil, T.M. & Valisalo, P.E. & Copsey, A. - 54-61 Réalisation des Modèles électriques pour des Systèmes thermiques basée sur le Théorème de Thévenin
by Różański, Lech - 62-64 Principes d'un calculateur hybride associant un calculateur numerique a un reseau de resistances
by Caussade, B. & Piquemal, J. & Zarcone, C. - 65-71 Stabilité des Montages à Amplificateur opérationnel Application aux résistances négatives
by Hien, Vo Hoang & Mesnard, Guy
1973, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 3-7 Resolution de certaines equations integrales et integro-differentialles sur calculateur hybride
by Coeurdeuil, M.M. Gilles & Mezencev, Romane - 8-15 The measurement of the impedance by automatic adjustment of a physical model
by van de Ven, H.H. & Gisling, A.P. & Eykhoff, P. - 16-18 Simulation des etats electroniques dans les solides au moyen d'un calculateur analogique a reseau de resistances
by Churassy, Serge & Mesnard, Guy - 19-24 Solution de l'equation algebrique par une methode analogique. Application aux equations algebriques a coefficients parametriques
by Sharafedin, Ahmad
1972, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 183-190 Utilisation du calcul analogique repetitif a la resolution de l'equation de Schrodinger dans le cas d'un puits de potentiel quelconque
by Forestier, Christian & Mesnard, Guy - 191-195 Processus iteratif pour l'imposition des conditions aux limites en calcul hybride par reseaux
by Renard, Guy & Teil, Daniel & Zarka, Joseph - 196-206 Une methode analogique de simulation des champs thermiques stationnaires non lineaires en presence de sources internes de chaleur
by Jaroslaw, Pakleza & Wojciech, Lobodzinski & Angel, Osorio - 207-209 Generateur de sequence programmarle
by Roux, P.
1972, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 114-126 Utilisation du calcul hybride a la determination de la fonction de partition et des fonctions thermodynamiques d'une particule mobile dans un puits de potentiel
by Forestier, Christian & Mesnard, Guy - 127-129 Resolution de l'equation de Schrodinger a une dimension a l'aide d'un reseau de resistances
by Hien, Vo Hoang & Mesnard, Guy - 130-135 Stabilite dynamique d'une boucle analogique et precision de la resolution
by Bonnemay, Alain - 136-144 Dynamic simulation of an aircraft under the effect of vortex wake turbulence
by Iveraen, J.D. & Bernstein, S. - 145-148 Simulation of a mechanical pendulum and representation of the corresponding cylindrical phase surface
by Cocquyt, G. & Vloemans, G. - 149-151 Etude du champ magnetique dans des toles ferromagnetiques au moyen d'un calculateur analogique
by Ana Necula, Maria & Spinei, Fänicä
1972, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 55-62 A general formulation of analogue computer programming and scaling
by Pettersen, Odd & Vetter, William J. - 63-64 Pattern recognition using a hybrid computer
by van der Mast, C.A.P.G. - 65-69 La representation analogique des champs harmoniques tridimensionnels indefinis et son application au champ electrique cardiaque
by Malavard, L. & Renard, G. & Rohner, J.J. - 71-80 Hybrid simulation of the transient heat-transfer in a fixed bed with axial conductivity
by Buis, J.P.
1972, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 2-5 Die Hybride Darstellung Von Grőssen In Differentialgleichungen
by Feilmeier, M. - 6-9 Automatisation D'un Processus Iteratif Convergent De Resolution De Systems Lineaires Homogenes Et Parametriques Par Un Calculateur Hybride
by Soldat, Georges & Mesnard, Guy - 10-16 Dynamo-electric amplifiers with matric computor feedback control
by Honnell, Pierre M. & Borgwald, Kenneth J. - 17-31 An analog computer in hybrid loops
by Kogan, B.Ya. & Rybashov, M.V. & Babushkin, F.M.
1971, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 150-155 Dare II: Fast on-line digital simulation on a small computer
by Liebert, Thomas A. - 156-159 High gain integrated amplifiers stabilize function generators
by Rodriguez-Izquierdo, G. & Civit, A. - 160-164 Le depouillement des valeurs caracteristiques du mouvement des vehicules sur calculatrice analogique
by Suske, Arnost
1971, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 111-115 Hybrid data reduction for inflight analysis of a missile's warhead adaption kit and fuze
by Engle, Ingrid A. - 116-123 Computer simulation and parameter optimization of phase-locked loops (PLL)
by Ricci, Fred - 124-130 Planar librations of gravity-oriented satellites using analog simulation
by Tschann, C. & Modi, V.J. & Soudack, A.
1971, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 55-59 Un dispositif de derivation par echantilonnage pour signaux de tres basses frequences
by Barugola, A. & Gay, J.Y. - 60-75 Simulation of a brushless synchronous machine with an analog computer
by Lauw, H.K. - 76-81 Computer simulation of cybernetic systems
by Ricci, Fred J. - 82-84 An incremental field plotting method for analogue computers
by Midgley, Denis
1971, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 2-5 Simulation exacte d'un retardateur pour fonctions polynomiales
by Miron, C. & Peteanu, Lelia - 6-10 A simulated non-linear self-inductance
by Baert, D. - 11-17 Analog unit for the performance of ∫t0f(t) dg(t)
by Garcia, B. & Civit, A. - 18-24 Analog computer for non-linear optimal control
by Sahni, R.N.
1970, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 172-181 Linear functional entries for the Matric Computor
by Honnell, P.M. & Borgwald, K.J. & Mulholland, R.J. - 182-191 Contribution to the problem of initial conditions of linear dynamical systems at a discontinuous driving function
by Kremen, Jaromir & Demel, Petr - 192-203 Simulation of a flight instrument that indicates and reports true altitude of an aircraft
by Jehly, Lynn C. & Alton, Everett D.
1970, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 118-121 A programme for on-line process identification
by Madden, Barry G. & Mason, Dennis A. - 122-129 On a direct method of optimization
by Humo, Emir A. - 130-137 Turbulent diffusion in the lower atmosphere : A hybrid simulation study
by Shih, Chau & Karplus, W.J. - 138-148 An optimization study on a hybrid computer
by Gonzalez, Robert S.
1970, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 64-74 Optimale Skalierung Gewisser Auf Dem Analogrechner Zu Lösender Differentialgleichungssysteme Durch Lineare Optimierung
by Behringer, Fred Alois - 75-80 A proposal for a hybrid computer with programmed parameter setting - APAC
by Paker, Y. - 81-90 A Monte Carlo technique using a fast repetitive analog computer for determining lowest eigenvalues of partial differential equations for various boundaries, with applications
by D'Aquanni, Richard T.
1970, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 2-8 A computing method for the simulation of non-steady state burning of solid propellants
by Vichnevetsky, R. - 9-20 Eine problemorientierte Darstellung von hybriden Rechenprozessen
by Mannshardt, Reinhold - 21-26 Un calculateur analogique d'integrales doubles et ses applications a la mecanique des fluides
by Brun-Gabriel, J.M. - 27-32 An improved method for analog computer scaling
by Hall, C.R. & Kahne, S.J. - 33-38 Performance testing of analog computers
by Holst, Per A.
1969, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 184-188 On-line tensile test data reduction using a remote analog computer
by L.Y.M., Wayne - 189-194 Determination analogique de l'observabilite et de la commandabilite des systems echantillonnes
by Nougaret, M. & Giraud, S. - 195-204 Simulation de la commande automatique de positionnement des cylindres de laminoirs
by Danthine, A. & Van Den Hove, C. - 205-211 Hybrid model of an inventer-induction motor system
by De Carli, A. & Raimondi, T. - 212-225 Le C.H.R. 10.000 calculateur hybride a reseaux a commutation electronique
by Renard, G. & Quinio, J. - 226-232 Study of the dynamic errors introduced by the delays inherent on combined analog-digital computation in hybrid systems
by Vansteenkiste, Ghislain C.
1969, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 124-130 Diffe : An on-line differential-equation-solving routine with automatically scaled display
by Trevor, A. & Wait, J.V. - 131-137 Etude de quelques regimes transitores d'une diode tunnel sur le calculateur analogique a courants porteurs ANALAC A 110
by Andre, P. & Gagnepain, J.-J. - 138-141 Un simulateur modulaire d'echanges thermiques transitoires
by Pakleza, Jaroslaw - 142-149 Simulation analogique d'equations de diffusion non lineaires en regime transitoire
by Phuoc Loc, T.A. - 150-156 Sur l'optimisation des systems en temps reel
by Efthymiatos, D. & Arndt, W.
1969, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 60-64 Time optimal control of time varying third order plants
by Yastreboff, M. - 65-74 Exemple de resolution par voie analogique de probleme d'optimalisation
by Apter, H. - 75-85 Traitement par des techniques analogiques et digitales associees d'un probleme d'aerodynamique non lineaire comportant des frontieres libres
by Maria-Sube, Roland - 86-89 Simulation of a classical detection problem: Detection of a phase-coherent rf pulse train of unknown phase in additive gaussian noise
by Belt, J.E. & Harris, Cliff A.
1969, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 4-10 The solution of heat transfer problems by automated Liebmann networks
by Missen, J.I. & Stops, D.W. - 11-20 Solving two-point boundary-value problems by a level-control method
by Dekker, Ir.L. - 21-23 Simulation et formulation des systemes multidimensionnels
by Fossard, A.J. & Eltgen, J.J.
1968, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 190-198 Analog computer gradient techniques for parameter optimization
by Smith, D.A. & Soudack, A.C. - 199-210 The use of parallel logic in teaching engineering and science
by Ung, Man T. & Klein, Gerald - 211-213 Quelques solutions originales utilisees dans la construction d'une grande calculatrice analogique
by Popov, V.M. & Tataru, N.N. & Bajenesco, T.I.
1968, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 132-134 Die Loesung Von Optimierungsaufgaben Mit Zeitabhaengigen Parametern Auf Einem Elektronischen Analogrechner
by Kuntze, Karlheinz - 135-143 Generation of angle and amplitude modulation functions on the matric computor
by Honnell, P.M. & Mulholland, R.J. - 144-150 The checking and correction of the analog and hybrid computation by the redundant variables method
by Ignatiev, M.B. - 151-154 Hybrid computing units using a pulse ratio modulator
by Kontos, John - 155-158 Relay operated memory-pair
by Pillmeier, Rudolf J. & Dial, Joseph H.
1968, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 65-71 Representation analogique des champs thermiques et de diffusion four l'etude de la condensation dans les elements de construction
by Radu, A. - 72-75 Die loesung von Optimierungsaufgaben auf einem elektronischen Analogrechner mit Hilfe der Gradientenmethode
by Kuntze, Karlheinz - 76-79 Design method for digital dead beat controllers
by Kingma, Y.J. - 80-84 Transient behaviour of non-minimum phase-shift networks
by Mosca, V. - 85-86 An immittance invertor approach to RC oscillator realization using operational amplifiers
by Keen, Arthur W. & Glover, Jacqueline L.
1968, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 4-5 Results and conclusions of the fifth AICA meeting
by Cuenod, M. - 6-18 Hybrid computer solution of heat exchanger partial differential equations
by Carling, L.N. - 19-23 Modern digital control for a small iterative analog computer: The APE II digital module
by Conant, Brian K. - 27-28 Procede d'exploitation rapide des reseaux a resistances
by Doustens, A. & Piquemal, J. & Thirriot, C. - 29-31 Un multiplicateur simple a diodes
by Bajenesco, Ing. Titu
1967, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 176-181 Hybrid analog-digital sample-averaging computer for ASTRAC II
by Maybach, R.L. - 182-187 Methode generale de calcul de systems lineaires en oscillation forcee a partir de considerations energetiques
by Alais, Pierre - 188-194 A hybrid approach to automatic rescaling on general purpose analog computers
by Bingulac, S.P. & Milovanovic, M.M. & Lazarevic, B.J. & Lolic, B. - 195-197 Cylindrical thermal equations for the analog computer
by Degreef, J.F. - 197-197 Dynamic aseismic design of an elevated water tower
by Kokinopoulos, E.F.
1967, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 118-121 Nouveaux resultats obtenus a l'aide du calculateur analogique dans l'etude de l'equation du mouvement des particules d'une suspension solide entrainees par un flux courbe
by Bajenesco, T.I. - 122-130 A mathematical model for the investigation of three-dimensional fields with asymmetric boundaries
by I.P., E.S. - 131-141 Dynamic aseismic design of an elevated water tower
by Kokinopoulos, E.H. - 142-146 Optimal generation of arbitrary functions
by Vansteenkiste, Ch.J.
1967, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 68-75 An analog computer study of the dynamic behavior of stressed thin ferromagnetic films
by Borsei, A. & Estrin, G. - 76-80 Analog simulation of a ferroresonant system including analysis of hysteresis loop
by Santesmases, J.G. & Ayala, J. & Cachero, A.H. - 81-85 Analog computer solution of ship's deviation due to submarine d.c. cable
by Crosbie, R.E. & Hingorani, N.G.
1967, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 3-13 Etude sur calculateur analogique d'un champ laplacien plan a donnees de Dirichlet: ecoulement author d'un profil variable
by Mizzi, F. & Maumet, P. - 14-15 Ein elektronischer Schalter fur Analogrechner
by Weidner, Helmut - 16-23 ADAC — A programmed direct analog computer
by Paker, Yakup & Unger, Stephen H. - 24-29 The analogue computer simulation of an alloy junction transistor wide band equivalent circuit
by Freeman, E.A. & Karaksi, M.R. - 30-33 Simulation techniques for distributed parameter systems
by McCann, Michael J.
1966, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 187-188 A sequentially-switched variable-gain operational amplifier
by Lockhart, G.B. & Earls, J.C. - 189-192 Generateur de fonction exponentielle
by Aubrun, Michel & Kauffmann, Jean-Marie - 193-196 Generation of inverse functions by the method of steepest descent
by Maybach, R.L. - 197-202 A novel paper-tape function generator and multiplier
by Lovas, Laszlo T. & Soudack, Avrum C. - 203-205 Preliminary report on a new kind of curve follower
by Bozicevic, Juraj & Gospodnetic, Ratko
1966, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 124-137 Iterative methods for the analog simulation of physical systems containing flowing fluids
by Mathis, A. & Giordano, P. & Gatto, G. - 138-145 Etude et realisation d'un interrupteur a transistors pour calculateur analogique
by Keymeulen, R. - 146-154 Adjusting resistors in an electronic way
by Dekker, L.
1966, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 68-77 Transfer functions and the matric computor
by Honnell, Pierre M. & Mulholland, Robert J. - 78-84 Study of slow surface wave by analog computor
by Mukherjee, S. - 85-88 Analog computer study of a non-linear automobile suspension system
by Melton, R.D. & Soudack, A.C.
1966, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 4-12 Representation analogique de la commutation de noyaux magnetiques
by Vorst, André Vander - 13-21 A hybrid-code differential analyzer
by O'Grady, Emmett Pearse
1965, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 177-185 Resolution par reseaux resistifs de l'equation de la diffusion
by Boscher, J. - 186-189 Multiplying and integrating in a hybrid way
by Dekker, L. - 190-194 On the analog computer solution of first-order partial differential equations
by Little, W.D. & Soudack, A.C. - 195-204 Etude de la stabilite d'ecoulements entre plans paralleles en presence d'un champ magnetique a l'aide d'un calculateur analogique
by Delchamber, M.
1965, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 132-137 ASTRAC-I Study of an orthogonal-function communications system
by Conant, Brian K.