July 1988, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 314-321 The principle of genuine link and the 1986 UN convention on the registration of ships
by Egiyan, G. S.
April 1988, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 82-95 Ocean disposal of nuclear wastes
by Van Dyke, Jon M. - 96-104 Ocean dumping , : Information and policy development in the USA
by Burroughs, R. H. - 105-111 Hot pursuit and constructive presence in Canadian law enforcement , : A case note
by Gilmore, William C. - 112-121 Adaptive management of developing fisheries
by Hilborn, Ray & Sibert, John - 122-142 The Norwegian aquaculture industry : Industrial structure and cost of production
by Bjørndal, Trond - 143-152 Maritime terror in Europe and the Mediterranean
by Menefee, Samuel Pyeatt - 153-159 Peaceful uses of the seas : Principles and complexities
by Tsarev, V. F. - 160-161 Policy note : Twenty or twenty-four miles?
by Alfred Hu, Nien-Tsu - 161-164 Passenger ships in the coastwise trade: US public policy since 1789
by Aspinwall, Mark D. - 165-165 Artisanal fisheries management
by Lawson, Rowena - 173-174 The world shipping industry : by Ernst Gabriel Frankel Croom Helm, New York, 1987, 261 pp. £35.00
by Sturmey, S. G. - 174-175 The maritime laws of the Arabian Gulf Cooperation Council States : Volume II, edited by Richard Price Graham & Trotman, London, 1986: Vol II, 850 pp, £288.50
by Marston, Geoffrey - 174-175 The maritime laws of the Arabian Gulf Cooperation Council States : Volume I, written and edited by Richard Price; Graham & Trotman, London, 1986: Volume I, 267 pp. £73.50
by Marston, Geoffrey
January 1988, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 2-8 Offshore lands of the USA : The US exclusive economic zone, continental shelf and outer continental shelf
by Holser, Alexander F. - 9-21 Protecting marine environmental quality from land-based pollutants : The strategic role of ecotoxicology
by Wells, P. G. & Côté, R. P. - 22-30 The proposed 1988 review conference on the code of conduct for liner conferences
by A. Georgandopoulos, El. - 31-39 Is international management of tuna necessary?
by Hilborn, Ray & Sibert, John - 40-48 Traditional marine tenure : A basis for artisanal fisheries management
by Dahl, Christopher - 67-70 The fifth session of the preparatory commission : Kingston, Jamaica, 30 March-6 April 1987 and New York, USA, 27 July-21 August 1987
by Kimball, Lee A. - 70-73 Rights to oceanic resources: Deciding and drawing maritime boundaries : Athens, GA, USA, 1-2 May 1987
by Alexander, Lewis M. - 73-74 1st Penataran on The Law of The Sea and International Ecomomic Law : Bandung, Indonesia, 13 July-1 August 1987
by Kwiatkowska, Barbara - 74-75 Navigational restrictions within the new los context. Geographical implications for the United States : by Lewis M. Alexander offshore consultants, Peace Dale, RI, USA, 1987, 398 pp, $60.00
by Hatlem, O. B. - 75-77 Maritime boundaries and ocean resources : edited by Gerald Blake Croom Helm, London and Sydney, 256 pp, £27.50
by Beazley, P. B. - 77-78 The whale war : by David Day Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 168 pp, £10.95
by Gulland, J. A.
October 1987, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 259-272 The management of North Sea fisheries , : Looking towards the 21 st century
by Gulland, J. A. - 273-284 Access agreements in the South Pacific : Kiribati and the distant water fishing nations 1979-1986
by Teiwaki, Roniti - 285-298 In quest of an Arctic legal regime : Marine regionalism -- a concept of international law evaluated
by Harders, J. Enno - 299-312 The politics of PrepCom : Australia's role
by Bergin, Anthony - 313-315 The North Sea: problems of de-commissioning
by Bentham, Richard - 315-319 Expansion of China's fleet
by Lee, M. & Pearson, R. - 319-320 Variability in the lengths of Dover sole (Solea solea) after death
by Lavety, Jack - 320-321 Maritime affairs -- A world handbook : edited by Henry W. Dagenhardt Longman's Group, London, 1986, 412 pp, £55.00
by Watt, Donald Cameron - 321-323 Exclusive economic zone claims: An analysis and primary documents : by Robert W. Smith Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-Lancaster, 1986, 501 pp, £112.25
by Kwiatkowska, Barbara - 323-324 The future for ocean technology : by Glyn Ford, Chris Niblett and Lindsay Walker Frances Pinter, London and New Hampshire, 1987, xii + 139 pp, £17.50
by Lennard, Don - 324-325 Advances in underwater technology, ocean science and underwater engineering, volume 8 exclusive economic zones, resource opportunities and the legal regime : Society for underwater technology Graham and Trotman, London, 1986, 187 pp, £30.00
by Watt, Donald Cameron - 326-327 Closing the British seas: a comment
by Young, Elizabeth
July 1987, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 163-183 Piracy : Past, present and future
by Birnie, P. W. - 184-195 Vessels in distress : 'Safe havens' for crippled tankers
by Kasoulides, George C. - 196-204 The impact of seals on fisheries
by Gulland, J. A. - 205-216 Increasing problems for Thailand's fisheries , : Malaysia's new fisheries law
by McDorman, Ted L. & Tasneeyanond, Panat - 217-228 Government subsidies in Norwegian fisheries , : Regional development or political favouritism?
by Jentoft, Svein & Mikalsen, Knut H. - 229-239 Tilling the sea : Prospects for Norwegian aquaculture
by Dale, Eivind & Owens, Jonathan & Stenseth, Åsmund - 240-240 Falklands fishing
by Gulland, John A. - 241-242 United nations convention on the law of the sea 1982: A commentary volume 1 : edited by Myron H. Nordquist Center for Ocean Law and Policy, University of Virginia, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, 1985, Ixv + 467 pp, $100
by Van Dyke, Jon M. - 242-244 Ordering the oceans the making of the law of the sea : by Clyde Sanger Zed Books Ltd, London, 1986, 272 pp, £18.95 hardback, £6.95 paperback
by Watt, Donald Cameron - 244-245 The new order of the ocean the advent of a managed environment : edited by Giulio Pontecorvo Columbia University Press, New York, 1986, xv + 277 pp, US$30
by Watt, Donald Cameron - 245-246 Oil pollution control : by Sonia Zaide Pritchard Croom Helm, London, 1987, x + 231 pp, £25.00
by Watt, Donald Cameron - 246-246 The carriage of dangerous goods by sea : by Cleopatra Elmira Henry Frances Pinter, London, 1985, 181 pp, £25.00
by Gold, Edgar - 246-247 Australia's offshore maritime interests : edited by W.S.G. Bateman and M.W. Ward Occasional Papers in Maritime Affairs: 3, Australian Centre for Maritime Studies, Canberra, 1985, 122 pp
by Humphrey, G. F. - 250-252 Rejoinder
by Lowe, A. V.
April 1987, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 90-96 Closing the British seas
by Cable, James - 97-104 Cargo-sharing through a policy of bilateralism : Effects on US containerized foreign trade
by Marti, Bruce E. - 105-124 Analysis of the issues related to sea dumping of radioactive wastes,
by Bewers, J. M. & Garrett, C. J. R. - 125-132 New Soviet fishery regulations concerning the EEZ : An appraisal
by Franckx, Erik - 133-142 The Sino-Argentine 'Squid War' of 1986 , : Its implications for fisheries policy making
by Alfred Hu, Nien-Tsu - 143-145 Price formation in fisheries
by Loannides, Chris & Whitmarsh, David - 145-147 Oil and gas resources offshore Newfoundland
by Gilmore, William C. - 147-148 Seals and the public
by Gulland, John - 152-153 The Strait of Dover volume 8 international straits of the world : by Luc Cuyvers Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, 150 pp, £31.95
by Young, Elizabeth - 153-154 Oil pollution from ships: International, United Kingdom and United States Law and Practice, 2 ed : by David W. Abecassis and Richard L. Jarashow Stevens, London, 1985, 619 pp. £75.00
by Gold, Edgar - 154-155 South East Asian seas: Oil under troubled waters : by Mark J. Valencia Oxford University Press, Singapore, 155 pp, £17.00
by Spagni, Daniel A.
January 1987, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 3-15 Arctic shipping, marine safety and environmental protection
by Lamson, Cynthia - 16-28 Licensing distant-water tuna fleets in Papua New Guinea
by Doulman, David J. - 29-44 Market segmentation , : Nova Scotia fish processing and the US market
by Mazany, R. L. & Barrett, L. G. & Apostle, R. A. - 45-57 Peru and the law of the sea convention
by Costa, Eduardo Ferrero - 58-68 Outer limits of continental shelf , : A legal analysis of Chilean and Ecuadorian island claims and US response
by Ramakrishna, Kilaparti & Bowen, Robert E. & Archer, Jack H. - 79-80 The maritime political boundaries of the world : J.R.V. Prescott Methuen, London and New York, 1985, 377 pp, £30
by Birnie, Patricia - 80-81 The economics of fisheries management (revised edition) : L.G. Anderson Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1986, 296 pp, £24.40
by Gulland, John A. - 81-82 The weidenfeld atlas of maritime history : Richard Natkiel and Antony Preston Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 256pp, £16.95
by Watt, Donald Cameron - 82-83 Law, force and diplomacy at sea : Ken Booth George Allen and Unwin, London, 1985, 231 pp, £18.50 hb, £7.95 pb
by Watt, Donald Cameron - 82-83 Diplomacy at sea : James Cable Macmillan, London, 1985, 191 pp, £25.00
by Watt, Donald Cameron - 82-83 Maritime strategy for medium powers : Rear Admiral J.R. Hill RN (Ret) Croome Helm, London, 1986, 247 pp, £19.95
by Watt, Donald Cameron - 83-85 The implementation of the new law of the sea in West Africa -- prospects for the development and management of marine resources : Dalhousie Ocean Studies Programme, Dalhousie University, 1985, 132 pp
by Moore, Gerald K.
October 1986, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 243-257 In the wake of the Polar Sea , : Canadian jurisdiction and the northwest passage
by McDorman, Ted L. - 258-270 Control of marine pollution generated by offshore oil and gas exploration and exploitation : The Scotian shelf
by Evans, Shelley M. - 271-278 Extended fisheries jurisdiction in the USA , : An economic appraisal
by Crutchfield, Stephen R. - 279-293 Fishery resources and policies in the Maldives : Trends and issues for an island developing country
by Sathiendrakumar, R. & Tisdell, C. - 294-309 Fishing fleet replacement , : The French policy from 1945 to 1983
by Meuriot, Eric - 310-314 A further note to making sense of the dollars: income distribution among Atlantic Canadian fishermen and public policy
by Thiessen, Victor & Davis, Anthony - 315-316 Managing the ocean: Resources, research, law : edited by Jacques G. Richardson Lomond Publications, Mt Airy, Maryland, 1985, xv + 407 pp
by Glassner, Martin Ira - 316-317 Enforcement of maritime claims : D. C. Jackson Lloyd's of London Press Ltd, London, 1985, Ixi and 376 pp, plus 93 pp appendices and 14 pp index, £39.50
by Rose, F. D. - 317-318 Maritime boundary : S. P. Jagota Publications on Ocean Development Vol 9, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, 1985, xx + 388 pp, £48.50
by Blake, G. H.
July 1986, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 171-184 Some legal problems arising from the use of the seas for military purposes
by Lowe, A. V. - 185-191 Legal aspects of the transportation of dangerous goods at sea
by Gold, Edgar - 192-200 The new law of the sea, and the access to surplus fish resources , : Bioeconomic reality and scientific collaboration
by Garcia, S. & Gulland, J. A. & Miles, E. - 201-214 Making sense of the dollars : Income distribution among Atlantic Canadian fishermen and public policy
by Davis, Anthony & Thiessen, Victor - 215-229 Local-level management and the commons problem , : A comparative study of Turkish coastal fisheries
by Berkes, Fikret - 230-231 Ocean shipping: unpromising outlook for 1986 -- better prospects for the longer term
by Böhme, Hans - 232-233 Piracy today: robbery and violence at sea since 1980 : by Roger Villar Conway Maritime Press Ltd, London, Uk, 1985, £12.50
by Pontecorvo, Giulio - 233-234 Fishery development experiences : by W.H.L Allsopp Fishing News Books, Farnham, Surrey, 160 pp, £12.50
by Lawson, Rowena - 234-236 Marine mammals and fisheries : edited by J.R. Beddington, R.J.H. Beverton and D.M. Lavigne George Men and Unwin, London 1985, 354pp, £40
by Gulland, John A. - 236-238 The law of the sea and international shipping: Anglo-Soviet post-unclos perspectives : edited by W.E. Butler Oceana, Dobbs Ferry, New York, 1985, 411 pp. $45.00
by Plant, Glen
April 1986, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 90-100 Formulation of national marine policy , : The case of Belgium
by Volckaert, Filip - 101-110 Some reflections on aid to fisheries in West Africa
by Robinson, M. A. & Lawson, Rowena - 111-118 The survival of small capital , : State policy and the dragger fleet in north-west Newfoundland
by Sinclair, Peter R. - 119-131 An end to radioactive waste disposal 'at sea'?
by Boehmer-Christiansen, Sonja - 132-154 Delimitation arrangements in Arctic seas : Cases of precedence or securing of strategic/economic interests?
by Østreng, Willy - 155-158 Australian ocean policy -- the need for review
by Bergin, Anthony - 158-159 Antarctic politics and marine resources: Critical choices for the 1980s : edited by L.M. Alexander and L.C. Hanson Center for Ocean Management Studies, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, 1985, 268 pp
by Auburn, Francis - 159-160 Atlantic fisheries and coastal communities: Fisheries decision-making case studies : edited by Cynthia Lamson and Arthur J. Hanson Institute for resource and environmental studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, 1984, 262 pp, $18.50
by Munro, Gordon R. - 160-161 L'acces des etrangers a l'exploitation des ressources biologiques de la zone economique exclusive : Antonio Tavares de Pinho Thesis for the Doctorate in Law, university of Nice, December 1983, pp 574
by Moore, Gerald - 161-162 Shipping nationalism and the future of the united states liner industry: The unctad code and bilateralism; proceedings of a workshop organised by the center for ocean management studies, University of Rhode Island, USA, november, 1983 : Times Press, 1984, pp 164 + viii
by Sturmey, S. G.
January 1986, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 3-18 Maritime delimitation : The equiratio method -- a new approach
by Langeraar, Wijnand - 19-28 Control strategies for the protection of the marine environment
by Hirvonen, H. & Côté, R. P. - 29-41 The South Pacific states, the USA and sovereignty over highly migratory species
by Tsamenyi, B. Martin - 42-50 Towards improving fishery management systems
by Lieberman, Warren H. - 51-56 US-Soviet fishing agreement : Treaty authorizing Soviet fishing in US waters
by Bilger, Cameron Crone - 57-60 Satellite oceanography: a new tool for marine policy makers
by Cornillon, Peter - 60-62 Preparatory commission for the international seabed authority (ISA)/ international tribunal on the law of the sea (ITLOS) : Geneva, Switzerland, 12 August-4 September 1985
by Kimball, Lee - 62-66 Thirty-Seventh Meeting of the International Whaling Commission : Bournemouth, UK, 15-19 July 1985
by Birnie, Patricia - 66-68 The hybrid emergency: multiple risk and hazard in marine transportation : The Greenwich forum, Royal United Services Institution, London, 7 June 1985
by Young, Elizabeth - 68-69 Scientific basis for the role of the oceans as a waste disposal option : North Atlantic Treaty Organization Advanced Research Workshop, Vilamoura, April 1985
by Peterson, Susan & Teal, John - 69-74 The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Impact and implementation, : Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Law of the Sea Institute: Cardiff, 24-27 July 1985
by Birnie, Patricia - 74-75 Ocean yearbook 4
by Ginsburg, Norton - 75-77 International wildlife law: An analysis of international treaties concerned with the conservation of wildlife : by Simon Lyster Grotius Publications Ltd, Cambridge, UK, 1985, 470 + xxiii pp, £12 paperback, £25 hardback
by Bimie, Patricia - 77-78 Consensus and confrontation: The United States and the law of the sea convention : edited by Jon M. Van Dyke Law of the Sea Institute, Honolulu, 1985, 576pp, $29.50
by Kimball, Lee - 78-79 Northwest passage: Arctic straits : by Donat Pharand, in association with Leonard H. Legault Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1984, xxii + 199pp. Dfl 120
by McRae, Donald M. - 79-80 The future of British sea power : edited by Geoffrey Till Macmillan's Press, London, 1984, 278 pp
by Watt, D. Cameron - 80-81 Sea-bed energy and mineral resources and the law of the sea volume I: The areas within national jurisdiction : by E.D. Brown Graham and Trotman, London, 1984, £38.00/US $61.00
by Gilmore, William C. - 81-82 United Kingdom marine pollution law : by John H. Bates Lloyds of London Press, London, 1985, 461 + xxxiipp, £35.00
by Walder, C. A. - 82-84 Ocean yearbook 5 : edited by Elisabeth Mann Borgese and Norton Ginsburg University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1985, 544 pp, $49.00
by Watt, Donald Cameron
October 1985, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 258-259 Cultivating new technologies
by Ford, Glyn - 261-268 Conflict at sea
by Cable, James - 269-279 New trends in compensation for oil pollution damage , : Amoco Cadiz legal proceedings and the 1984 diplomatic conference on liability and compensation
by Kbaier, Rouchdy & Sebek, Viktor - 280-291 French marine technology policy : Industrializing ocean depths
by Spagni, Daniel & Georghiou, Luke & Gibbons, Michael - 292-309 Thailand and the 1982 law of the sea convention
by McDorman, Ted L. - 310-321 Surveillance and enforcement operations in the Costa Rican tuna fishery
by Lepiz, Luis Guillermo & Sutinen, Jon G. - 322-331 Models of fishery development , : The cooperative approach
by Jentoft, Svein - 332-333 Update : Traffic separation schemes in the EEZ
by Plant, G. - 333-336 Ocean policy and R&D in Japan
by Nakahara, Hiroyuki - 337-338 Ocean shipping: more cargoes but rate levels still low
by Böhme, Hans - 338-338 FAO world fisheries conference -- a reply
by Madeley, John - 338-338 International conference of fishworkers
by Ciaireaux, Henri - 343-344 The Greenwich forum IX: Britain and the sea : Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, 1984 -- Proceedings
by Barston, R. P. - 345-345 Fisheries management theoretical developments and contemporary applications : by Geoffrey Waugh Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1984, xxiii + 247 pp. £18.75
by Copes, Parzival - 345-346 Fisheries economics: An introduction : by Stephen Cunningham, Michael R. Dunn and David Whitmarsh Mansell Publishing Ltd, London and St Martin's Press, New York, 1985, pp 372, £19.85
by Lawson, Rowena - 346-348 The north sea: Sea use management and planning : H.D. Smith and C.S. Lalwani North Sea Research Unit, Centre for Marine Law and Policy, University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology, Cardiff, UK, 1984, 363 pp, bibliography, no index
by Young, Elizabeth - 348-349 Federal fisheries management: A guidebook to the magnuson fishery conservation and management act : edited by John Jacobson, Daniel Conner and Robert Tozer Ocean and Coastal Law Center, University of Oregon Law School, 1985, £5.00 (Copies of this guidebook (ORESU-H-85-001) are available from: Ocean and Coastal Law Center, University of Oregon Law School, Eugene, Oregon 97403, USA
by Cicin-Sain, Biliana - 349-350 Restoration of habitats impacted by oil spills : edited by John Cairns and Arthur Buikema 1984, 182 pp
by Vandermeulen, J. H.
July 1985, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 170-179 Fishery management under the Magnuson Act
by Finch, Roland - 180-191 Recent developments in Australia's Antarctic policy
by Bergin, Anthony - 192-213 Whale mining, whale saving,
by Holt, Sidney - 214-219 Coping with fish imports : Alternative policies for Canadian -- US groundfish trade
by Crutchfield, Stephen R. - 220-236 Management of the UK mackerel fisheries , : An economic perspective
by Whitmarsh, David J. & Young, James A. - 237-242 Rapid and efficient geological mapping
by Francis, T. J. G. - 243-244 Internationalizing the seabed : Roderick C. Ogley Gower, Aldershot, UK, 1984, pp 280, £16.50
by Brown, E. D. - 244-245 Fish catching methods of the world (third edition) : Von Brandt Fishing News Books Ltd, Farnham, UK
by Gulland, John - 245-246 The common fisheries policy of the European community : Mark Wise Methuen, London, 1984
by Leigh, Michael - 246-247 The times atlas of the Oceans : editad by Alastair Couper Times Books Limited, London, 1983, 272 pp
by Alexander, Lewis M. - 247-249 Protectionism and the future of international shipping : Dr Ademuni-Odeke Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague
by Gilman, Sidney - 249-250 The emerging marine economy of the Pacific : edited by Chennat Gopalakrishnan Ann Arbor Science, Boston, USA, £42.50 (Distributed in Britain by the Butterworth Group, Borough Green, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 8PH, UK)
by Ford, Glyn - 250-252 The dory and small-scale fisheries in the Third World
by Claireaux, Henri - 252-253 World Fisheries Conference
by Dada, B. F.
April 1985, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 90-107 The Gulf of Maine boundary : Dropping anchor or setting a course?
by McDorman, Ted L. & Saunders, Phillip M. & VanderZwaag, David L. - 108-119 Ship source oil pollution damage : A Canadian perspective on recoverability of economic losses and damage to the marine environment
by Silverstone, Deana - 120-125 Explaining exclusive fishery jurisdiction
by Scovazzi, Tullio - 126-133 Fishery regulation , , : Its use under the Magnuson Act and reaganomics
by Turgeon, Donna D. - 134-147 International traffic separation schemes in the new law of the sea
by Plant, G. - 148-156 The extent of the continental shelf : Factors affecting the accuracy of a continental margin boundary
by McMillan, Duncan J. - 157-158 The International Maritime Organization : edited by Samir Mankabady Croom Helm, London and Sydney, £35
by Watt, Donald Cameron - 158-159 Maritime joint ventures : A two-day conference organized jointly by the International Chamber of Commerce and Lloyd's of London Press Ltd in association with the International Chamber of Shipping and Lloyd's List, May 1984
by Sturmey, S. G. - 159-160 Maritime strategy or coalition defense? : Robert W. Komer Abt Books, Cambridge, MA, 1984, xviii + 109 pp
by Till, Geoffrey - 160-161 The International Law of the Sea, issues of implementation in Indonesia Proceedings of a seminar at Jakarta, 22-27 August 1983 : edited by E. Hey and A.W. Koers Netherlands Institute of Transport, Rijswijk, The Netherlands, 1984, 181 pp
by Kwiatkowska, Barbara - 161-163 Marine ecology: A comprehensive integrated treatise on life in oceans and coastal waters Vol 5. Part 2. Ocean Management : edited by Otto Kinne John Wiley, Chichester, UK, 1984, 576 pp, £47.50
by Hoydal, K. - 163-164 Ocean yearbook 4 : edited by Elisabeth Mann Borgese and Norton Ginsburg Chicago University Press, $49
by Watt, Donald Cameron - 164-165 The legal regime of the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution from land-based sources : by Sachiko Kuwabara National Resources and the Environment Series No 15, Tycooly International Publishing Limited, Dublin, Ireland, 1984, xix + 227 pp
by Saliba, Louis J.
January 1985, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 2-15 Coastal states, distant-water fleets and EFJ , : Some long-run considerations
by Munro, Gordon R. - 16-38 Maritime delimitation in the Jan Mayen area
by Churchill, R. R. - 39-52 Use of sociological data in the allocation of common property resources : A comparison of practices
by Fricke, Peter - 53-61 Harmonizing North Sea policy in the Netherlands
by van Hoorn, Henk & Peet, Gerard & Wieriks, Koos - 62-68 Economic and biological data needs in fisheries research
by Frost, Hans & Johnston, Richard S. - 69-72 Cyprus fisheries
by Demetropoulos, A. - 73-77 Preparatory Commission for the Law of the Sea Convention, : Geneva, Switzerland, 13 August-5 September 1984
by Kimball, Lee - 77-78 'Fisheries Management and Development', UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Conference : Rome, 27 June-6 July 1984
by Madeley, John - 78-79 The Second International Hydrographic Technical Conference : Plymouth, 3-7 September 1984
by Beazley, P. B. - 79-80 The international law of the sea: Volume II : the late D. P. O'Connell, edited by I. A. Shearer Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1984, xxvi and 524 pp, plus 43 pp, Hardback £40
by Lowe, A. V. - 80-81 The international transport workers' federation and flag of convenience shipping : Herbert R. Northrup and Richard I. Rowan The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, PA, 1983, 251 pp
by Warner, David W. - 82-82 Economics of fisheries development : Rowena Lawson Frances Pinter, London, 1984, 283 pp. £18
by Appleyard, Philip - 82-84 The evolution of the law of the sea A study of resources and strategy with special regard to the polar areas : B.B. Johnson Theutenberg Tycooly International Publishing Ltd, Dublin, 1984, hardback £16.50, softback £8.50
by Birnie, Patricia - 84-85 Shipping conferences : Amos Herman Lloyd's of London Press Ltd, 1983, pp vii + 255, including text of the Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences, text of Code of Practice for Conferences, prepared by CENSA and ESC and selected bibliography
by Sturmey, S. G. - 85-86 The USSR, Eastern Europe and the development of the law of the sea : W.E. Butler Oceana Publications, Inc. London, Rome, New York, 1983, Looseleaf, $100
by Vukas, Budislav - 86-87 The fish feud The US and Canadian Boundary Dispute : David VanderZwaag Lexington, MA (UK: Gower, Aldershot, Hants), 1984, 112 pp, £19.50
by Watt, Donald Cameron
October 1984, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 299-310 Marine regions and regionalism in South-east Asia
by Morgan, Joseph - 311-322 Defining marine pollution : A comparison of definitions used by international conventions
by Tomczak, M. - 323-329 The Newfoundland continental shelf dispute in the Supreme Court of Canada
by Gilmore, William C. - 330-336 Marine fisheries extension services : A training and visit system for southern Asia
by Tietze, U. - 337-346 Organizations : INMARSAT: improving maritime communications
by Lundberg, Olof - 347-350 World shipping: a time for redefinition?
by Shah, M. J. - 350-353 Fisheries policy and the EEC: the democratic influence
by Steel, David I. A. - 353-356 After UNCLOS: the future of international marine research
by Tambs-Lyche, Hans - 356-358 Sole ownership of fisheries: a comment
by Dow, Nik - 359-359 How much of the world's fisheries lies within EEZs?
by Gulland, John - 363-366 Preparatory commission for the law of the sea convention : Kingston, Jamaica, 19 March-13 April 1984
by Kimball, Lee - 366-368 The UNCTAD liner code United States maritime policy at the crossroads : Lawrence Juda Bowker, Epping, Essex, UK, 1983, 234 pp, £17.50
by Pappus, Florence A. - 368-369 A future for Namibia: Volume 5: Fishing : Richard Moorsom Catholic Institute for International Relations, 22 Coleman Fields, London N1 7AF, 1984, 123 pp, £2.95
by Lawson, Rowena - 369-372 Marine resource development in Belize
by Shusterich, Kurt M.
July 1984, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 203-216 Administering the code of conduct
by Sturmey, S. G.