April 1991, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 103-111 Remarks on trade and investment friction between Japan and the US
by Stockman, David - 113-116 Japanese investment in the US and US-Japan trade problems : Keynote address
by Morita, Akio
December 1990, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 297-299 Convocation address
by Kaifu, T. - 301-326 Local presence and international manufacturing configurations in technology-intensive industries
by Flaherty, M. Therese & Raubitschek, Ruth S. - 327-363 The effects of Japanese social security retirement benefits on personal saving and elderly labor force behavior
by Yamada, Tetsuji - 365-386 Why are there so many retail stores in Japan?
by Flath, David - 387-395 Increasing the financial integration of U.S. and Japanese markets
by Suzuki, Yoshio
September 1990, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 199-209 Studies of von Thunen in Japan
by Negishi, Takashi - 211-238 Prospective changes in Japan's trade pattern
by Noland, Marcus - 239-248 Economic sanctions and the success of foreign policy goals : A critical evaluation
by Lam, San Ling - 249-262 Electricity price shocks and international trade
by Navarro, Peter - 263-282 The international price-earnings ratio phenomenon : A partial explanation
by Bildersee, John S. & Cheh, John J. & Lee, Changwoo - 283-293 Japan's adjustment miracle and its implications for the yen
by Sargen, Nicholas & Schoenholtz, Kermit L.
June 1990, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 107-139 A characteristics analysis of regulatory changes in UK financial markets
by Heffernan, Shelagh A. - 141-154 Foreign penetration and national welfare under oligopoly
by Ono, Yoshiyasu - 155-168 An intersystemic comparison of instability in foreign trade : The Japanese experience
by Kacapyr, Elia & Mieczkowski, Bogdan - 169-179 Foreign lobbying and the political economy of protection
by Das, Satya P. - 181-187 'Dumping', 'unfair' competition and multinational corporations
by Penrose, Edith - 189-198 Strategic decision making
by Chino, Tetsuo
March 1990, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-21 Achieving success in Japanese consumer markets
by Douglas, Susan P. & Craig, C. Samuel - 23-45 Capital cost of business investment in Japan and the United States under tax reform : The case of an open economy
by Iwata, Kazumasa & Yoshida, Atsushi - 47-70 A century plus of Yen exchange rate behavior
by Lothian, James R. - 71-89 Korean financial liberalization : Lessons from the Japanese experience
by Cargill, Thomas - 91-106 Japanese mergers and acquisitions in America : The deals and the dealmakers
by Peterson, Peter G.
November 1989, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 331-339 Market structure and innovation revisited
by Kamien, Morton I. - 341-370 Market microstructure and price discovery on the Tokyo Stock Exchange
by Amihud, Yakov & Mendelson, Haim - 371-389 The effects of tariffs in duopoly with endogenous quality
by Tanaka, Yasuhito - 391-401 Expectational data and Japanese stock prices
by Elton, Edwin J. & Gruber, Martin J. - 403-413 The unimportance of intergenerational transfers in Japan
by Dekle, Robert - 415-423 Perspective on the 21st century : Practical lessons from my management experience
by Kobayashi, Koji
July 1989, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 229-242 Rebuilding the Japan-U.S. economic relationship
by Kosai, Yutaka - 243-253 Fiscal policies and the Japan-U.S. bilateral current account
by Noland, Marcus - 255-278 Informational properties of the Japanese financial system
by Horiuchi, Akiyoshi - 279-301 Real interest rates and the cost of capital : A comparison of the United States and Japan
by Kester, W. Carl & Luehrman, Timothy A. - 303-330 Stock index futures arbitrage in the Japanese markets
by Brenner, Menachem & Subrahmanyam, Marti G. & Uno, Jun
March 1989, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 113-143 Japanese flexible manufacturing systems : Impact on the United States
by Jaikumar, Ramchandran - 145-162 Savings and portfolio behavior of Japanese households : Effects of purchasing housing and preparation for retirement
by Maki, Atsushi - 163-186 Analyzing risks, returns and potential interest in the U.S. high yield corporate debt market for Japanese investors
by Altman, Edward I. & Minowa, Yoshiki - 187-203 Vertical restraints in Japan
by Flath, David - 205-215 The 1980s A decade of stagnation?
by Tobin, James - 217-228 The 1980s A decade of uneven growth
by Okita, Saburo
October 1988, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-2 Japan and the world economy
by Dato, Ryuzo - 3-19 The Keynes-Hansen-Samuelson multiplier-accelerator model of secular stagnation
by Samuelson, Paul A. - 21-44 A multi-index risk model of the Japanese stock market
by Elton, Edwin J. & Gruber, Martin J. - 45-61 An empirical examination of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory : Using Japanese data
by Hamao, Yasushi - 63-87 Exchange rates and international adjustment
by Krugman, Paul - 89-99 Optimal tariffs and financial assets
by Varian, Hal R. - 101-111 The Japanese economy in transition : Optimistic about the short term, pessimistic about the long term
by Amaya, Naohiro