October 2006, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 231-248 Capacity utilization of the Kazakhstani firms and the Russian financial crisis: A panel data analysis
by Kalyuzhnova, Yelena & Vagliasindi, Maria - 249-263 Black market exchange rate, currency substitution and the demand for money in LDCs
by Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen & Tanku, Altin - 264-281 Macroeconomic policies and participation in IMF programs
by Evrensel, Ayse Y. & Kim, Jong Sung - 282-305 Exchange rate management in Ukraine: Is there a case for more flexibility?
by van Aarle, Bas & de Jong, Eelke & Sosoian, Robert
June 2006, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 121-140 Foreign exchange interventions and interest rate policy in the Czech Republic: Hand in glove?
by Egert, Balazs & Komarek, Lubos - 141-156 The exchange rate system and macroeconomic fluctuations in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Sissoko, Yaya & Dibooglu, Sel - 157-169 Does Turkey have a special trade relation with the EU?: A gravity model approach
by Antonucci, Daniele & Manzocchi, Stefano - 170-183 Bilateral trade flows and exchange rate sensitivity: Evidence from likelihood-based panel cointegration
by Irandoust, Manuchehr & Ekblad, Kristin & Parmler, Johan - 184-199 Household wealth in the Czech Republic: A comparative perspective
by Ganelli, Giovanni - 200-202 J. Jackson, J. Klich and K. Poznanska, The Political Economy of Poland's Transition: New Firms and Reform Governments, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2005) (xvi+277 pp., [UK pound]45/$80, ISBN 0-521-83895-9)
by Mickiewicz, Tomasz Marek - 202-204 J. Chen and D. Sapsford, Editors, Global Development and Poverty Reduction. The Challenge for International Institutions, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, US (2005) (352 pp., Price: [UK pound]62.96, ISBN 1-84542-248-1)
by Evrensel, Ayse Y.
March 2006, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-23 Contract enforcement in the early transition of an unstable economy
by Koford, Kenneth & Miller, Jeffrey B. - 24-40 The paradox of China's growing under-urbanization
by Chang, Gene Hsin & Brada, Josef C. - 41-55 Fiscal decentralization and centralization under a majority rule: A normative analysis
by Akai, Nobuo & Mikami, Kazuhiko - 56-78 Testing for predictability in equity returns for European transition markets
by Cajueiro, Daniel O. & Tabak, Benjamin M. - 79-97 The impact of major global events on volatility shifts: Evidence from the Asian crisis and 9/11
by Fernandez, Viviana - 98-110 Privatization in transition economies: Privatization scale and country size
by Goel, Rajeev K. & Budak, Jelena - 111-114 D. Gros and A. Steinherr, Economic Transition in Central and Eastern Europe: Planting the Seeds, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2004) (xii + 360 pp., [UK pound]23.99/[UK pound]65, ISBN 0-521-82638-1 (Hardback), 0-521-53379-1 (Paperback)).M. Dabrowski, B. Slay and J. Neneman, Editors, Beyond Transition: Development Perspectives and Dilemmas, Ashgate, Aldershot (2004) (xxiv + 283 pp., US$ 99.95, ISBN 0-7546-3970-3)
by Bonker, Frank - 114-118 G. Ofer and R. Pomfret, Editors, The Economic Prospects of the CIS: Sources of Long Term Growth, Elgar, Cheltenham, UK/Northampton, USA (2004) (320 pp., [UK pound]69.95, ISBN 1-84376-615-9)
by Fidrmuc, Jan - 119-119 Erratum to "Helping countries develop: the role of fiscal policy" [J. Econ. Syst. 29 (2005) 276-279]
by Gupta, S. & Kolodko, G.W.
December 2005, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 363-365 Editorial introduction: Is the World Bank lending effective in developing countries?
by Evrensel, Ayse Y. & Kutan, Ali M. - 366-383 Impact of World Bank lending in an adjustment-led growth model
by Mallick, Sushanta & Moore, Tomoe - 384-407 World Bank lending and regulation
by Kilby, Christopher - 408-421 Demand for World Bank lending
by Ratha, Dilip - 422-432 Does the World Bank have any impact on human development of the poorest countries? Some preliminary evidence from Africa
by Bhaumik, Sumon Kumar - 433-454 Multilateral development aid for Africa
by Abegaz, Berhanu - 455-466 Outsourcing with labor management
by Rossini, Gianpaolo - 467-468 B. Bortolotti and D. Siniscalco, Editors, The Challenges of Privatization: An International Analysis, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2004) 170 pages, [UK pound]30.00/US$ 55.00, ISBN 0-19-924934-2
by Megginson, William L. - 468-471 F.L. Pryor, Editor, Economic Systems of Foraging, Agricultural and Industrial Societies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2005) 332 pages, [UK pound]40 (Hardback), [UK pound]17.99 (Paperback), ISBN 0-521-84904-7 (Hardback), 0-521-61347-7 (Paperback)
by Dallago, Bruno
September 2005, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 283-293 Openness, size, and the saving-investment relationship
by Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen & Chakrabarti, Avik - 294-306 Russia's European economic integration: Escapism and realities
by Hamilton, Carl B. - 307-324 Beware of breaks in exchange rates: Evidence from European transition countries
by Kocenda, Evzen - 325-343 Wage determination in urban Russia: Underpayment and the gender differential
by Ogloblin, Constantin & Brock, Gregory - 344-362 Financial contagion vulnerability and resistance: A comparison of European stock markets
by Serwa, Dobromil & Bohl, Martin T.
June 2005, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 123-129 Exchange-rate economics in transition countries
by Egert, Balazs & Kutan, Ali M. - 130-143 Pitfalls in estimating equilibrium exchange rates for transition economies
by Maeso-Fernandez, Francisco & Osbat, Chiara & Schnatz, Bernd - 144-162 Equilibrium exchange rates in transition countries: Evidence from dynamic heterogeneous panel models
by Kim, Byung-Yeon & Korhonen, Iikka - 163-186 Exchange rates in the new EU accession countries: What have we learned from the forerunners?
by Bulir, Ales & Smidkova, Katerina - 187-204 Maintaining competitiveness under equilibrium real appreciation: The case of Slovakia
by Oomes, Nienke - 205-241 Equilibrium exchange rates in South Eastern Europe, Russia, Ukraine and Turkey: Healthy or (Dutch) diseased?
by Egert, Balazs - 242-255 Explaining the real exchange rate in Kazakhstan, 1996-2003: Is Kazakhstan vulnerable to the Dutch disease?
by Kutan, Ali M. & Wyzan, Michael L. - 256-275 De facto and official exchange rate regimes in transition economies
by von Hagen, Jurgen & Zhou, Jizhong - 276-279 S. Gupta, B. Clements and G. Inchauste, Editors, Helping Countries Develop: The Role of Fiscal Policy, IMF, Washington, DC (2004) 540 pp., US$ 40, ISBN 1-58906-318-X
by Kolodko, G.W. - 279-282 D.A. Dyker, Catching Up and Falling Behind: Post-Communist Transformation in Historical Perspective, Imperial College Press, London (2004) 379 pp., [UK pound]50, ISBN 1-86094-434-5
by Andreff, Wladimir
March 2005, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-5 Europe and Central Asia after the May 2004 EU enlargement: A brief synthesis
by Bonin, John P. - 6-31 Central Asia's transport cost burden and its impact on trade
by Raballand, Gael & Kunth, Antoine & Auty, Richard - 32-58 Trade policies in Central Asia after EU enlargement and before Russian WTO accession: Regionalism and integration into the world economy
by Pomfret, Richard - 59-76 The EU and the Caspian Sea region: An energy partnership?
by Kalyuzhnova, Yelena - 77-86 Conclusion: A new learning curve and new economic relations
by Watson, Max - 87-97 The Hungarian exchange rate and inflation over the transition
by Barlow, David - 98-119 Privatisation, corporate control and employment growth: Evidence from a panel of large Polish firms, 1996-2002
by Mickiewicz, Tomasz & Gerry, Christopher J. & Bishop, Kate - 120-121 A. Aslund, Building Capitalism: The Transformation of the Former Soviet Bloc, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2002) 508 pp., [UK pound] 65/22.99, ISBN 0-521-80139-7 (hardback), 0-521-80525-2 (paperback)
by Jones, Garett
December 2004, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 337-352 Foreign exchange market volatility in EU accession countries in the run-up to Euro adoption: weathering uncharted waters
by Kobor, Adam & Szekely, Istvan P. - 353-367 Volatility and contagion: evidence from the Istanbul stock exchange
by Alper, C. Emre & Yilmaz, Kamil - 369-381 Commercial versus open source software: the role of product heterogeneity in competition
by Bitzer, Jurgen - 383-403 What is behind the real appreciation of the accession countries' currencies?: An investigation of the PPI-based real exchange rate
by Lommatzsch, Kirsten & Tober, Silke - 405-409 In: N.F. Campos and F.J. Fidrmuc, Editors, Political Economy of Transition and Development: Institutions, Politics and Policies, Kluwer, Boston/Dordrecht/London (2003) ISBN 1-4020-7550-2 224, pp., [euro]125
by Gedeon, Peter
September 2004, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 235-256 Lending to developing countries revisited: changing nature of lenders and payment problems
by Evrensel, Ayse Y. - 257-279 The underground economy and underdevelopment
by Carillo, Maria Rosaria & Pugno, Maurizio - 281-300 A panel analysis of bilateral FDI flows to emerging economies
by Frenkel, Michael & Funke, Katja & Stadtmann, Georg - 301-317 Current account constraint as a barrier to international trade: the evidence from the European enlargement process?
by Maurel, Mathilde - 319-327 Long-run nature of the relationship between the black market and the official exchange rates
by Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen & Goswami, Gour Gobinda - 329-332 Das Zustandekommen von Technologie-Spillovers durch auslandische Direktinvestitionen: Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der ungarischen Industrie
by Bitzer, Jurgen - 333-336 R. Holzmann, M. Orenstein, M. Rutkowski (Eds.), Pension Reform in Europe: Process and Progress, World Bank, Washington, DC, 2003, 202 pp., US$ 25.00, paper, ISBN 0-8213-5385-6.K. Muller, Privatising Old-age Security: Latin America and Eastern Europe Compared, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2003, 175 pp., US$ 65.00, hardcover, ISBN 1-84376-324-9
by Weyland, Kurt
June 2004, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 109-110 Emerging financial systems in Central and Eastern Europe: financial institutions and asset pricing
by Bohl, Martin T. & Wagener, Hans-Jurgen - 111-123 Secrets to the successful Hungarian bank privatization: the benefits of foreign ownership through strategic partnerships
by Abel, Istvan & Siklos, Pierre L. - 125-140 Consolidation of the Polish banking sector: consequences for the banking institutions and the public
by Havrylchyk, Olena - 141-153 Banking in the Balkans: the structure of banking sectors in Southeast Europe
by Bonin, John P. - 155-176 The individual micro-lending contract: is it a better design than joint-liability?: Evidence from Georgia
by Vigenina, Denotes & Kritikos, Alexander S. - 177-191 Czech experience with market maker trading system
by Hanousek, Jan & Podpiera, Richard - 193-208 Institutional investors and the information content of earnings announcements: the case of Poland
by Korczak, Piotr & Tavakkol, Amir - 209-228 Reexamination of the link between insider trading and price efficiency
by Wisniewski, Tomasz P. - 229-231 Postcommunist Transformation and the Social Sciences: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches: F. Bonker, K. Muller, A. Pickel (Eds), Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, 2002, 296 pp., ISBN 0-7425-1838-8 (cloth), US$ 74, ISBN 0-7425-1839-6 (paperback), US$ 34.95
by Hoen, Herman W. - 231-234 The Role of Financial Markets in the Transition Process: E. Colombo, J. Driffill (Eds.); Physica, Heidelberg/New York, 2003, 225 pp., ISBN 3-7908-004-X, 46
by Winkler, Adalbert
March 2004, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-12 Black markets and pre-reform crises in former socialist economies
by Alexeev, Michael & Sabyr, Lyaziza - 13-33 Risk and agricultural de-collectivisation, with evidence from the Czech Republic
by Bezemer, Dirk J. - 35-59 Evolution of employment structures and regional specialisation in the EU
by Marelli, Enrico - 61-78 Asymmetric information in credit markets--implications for the transition in Eastern Germany
by Neyer, Ulrike - 79-99 Empirical tests of impacts of rationing: the case of Poland in transition
by Huffman, Sonya Kostova & Johnson, Stanley R. - 101-103 Privatisation and Structural Change in Transition Economies: Y. Kalyuzhnova, W. Andreff (Eds.), Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2003, 275 pp., [UK pound]55.00
by Hare, P. G. - 103-104 Fostering sustainable growth in Ukraine: von Cramon-Taubadel, St. Akimova, I. (Eds.), Springer, Berlin/ Heidelberg, 2002, p. 326, 49.95
by Campos, Nauro F. - 105-108 Small and medium enterprises in transitional economies: R.J. McIntyre, B. Dallago (Eds.); Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2003, 261 pp, [UK pound] 50.00
by Andreff, Wladimir
December 2003, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 345-366 The structure of wages during the economic transition in Romania
by Skoufias, Emmanuel - 367-376 Inflationary bias in middle to late transition Czech Republic
by Filer, Randall K. & Hanousek, Jan - 377-390 After, before and during: returns to education in Hungary (1986-1998)
by Campos, Nauro F. & Jolliffe, Dean - 391-413 Russia's and Kazakhstan's agro-food sectors under liberalized agricultural trade: a case for national product differentiation
by Weber, Gerald - 415-418 Embedded Politics: Industrial Networks and Institutional Change in Postcommunism: McDermott, G.A., University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI, 2002, 295 pp., US$ 65 (cloth), US$ 24.95 (paper)
by Desai, Raj M. - 418-420 Markets and Politics in Central Asia: Structural Reform and Political Change: G. Gleason (Ed.), Routledge, London, New York, 2003, xi + 178 pp, [UK pound]60.00 (cloth)
by Pomfret, Richard - 420-423 Currency Crises in Emerging Markets: Dabrowski, M. (Ed.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 2003, 320 pp., [euro;]218
by Oblath, Gabor
September 2003, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 255-269 A hazard rate analysis of Russian commercial banks in the period 1994-1997
by Carree, Martin A. - 271-288 Property rights, rent-seeking and aggregate outcomes in transition economies
by Cheikbossian, Guillaume - 289-311 Political institutions and economic reforms in Central and Eastern Europe: a snowball effect
by Brezis, Elise S. & Verdier, Thierry - 313-334 Similarity of supply and demand shocks between the euro area and the CEECs
by Fidrmuc, Jarko & Korhonen, Iikka - 335-338 Dictatorship, State Planning, and Social Theory in the German Democratic Republic: P.C. Caldwell (Ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003, 230 pp., US$ 60
by Wagener, Hans-Jurgen - 338-341 Das russische Steuersystem im Ubergang: Rahmenbedingungen, institutionelle Veranderungen, kulturelle Bestimmungsfaktoren: H.-H. Hohmann, J. Fruchtmann, H. Pleines (Eds.), Edition Temmen, Bremen, 2002, 344 pp., [euro;] 29, 90
by Schrooten, Mechthild - 341-344 From shock to therapy: The political economy of postsocialist transformation: G. Kolodko, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 2000, 457 pp., [euro;] 76, 21: Post-communist transition: The thorny road: G. Kolodko, University of Rochester Press, Rochester, 2000, 199 pp., [euro;] 57, 16
by Lane, David
June 2003, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 127-128 Restructuring and market liberalisation: evidence using micro-data across Central and Eastern Europe
by Walsh, Patrick Paul & Whelan, Ciara - 129-154 Job creation, job destruction and employment growth in transition countries in the 90s
by Faggio, Giulia & Konings, Jozef - 155-169 The cyclical pattern of regional unemployment flows in Poland
by Walsh, Patrick Paul - 171-187 Endogenous production organization during market liberalization: farm level evidence from Romania
by Rizov, Marian - 189-204 The role of FDI, R&D accumulation and trade in transferring technology to transition countries: evidence from firm panel data for eight transition countries
by Damijan, Joze P. & Knell, Mark & Majcen, Boris & Rojec, Matija - 205-221 Economic integration, industry location and frontier economies in transition countries
by Resmini, Laura - 223-246 Comparative study of FDI in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean
by Altomonte, Carlo & Guagliano, Claudia - 247-249 Modernizing Infrastructure in Transformation Economies. Paving the Way to European Enlargement: Christian von Hirschhausen, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002, 267 pp
by Andreff, Wladimir - 249-253 The New Russia. Transition Gone Awry: L. Klein, M. Pomer (Eds.), Stanford University Press, Stanford, NJ, 2001, 454 pp.: Russian Economic Reform as Seen by An Insider: Success or Failure?: V. Mau, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 2000, 56 pp.: Russia's Post-Communist Economy: B. Granville, P. Oppenheimer, Oxford University Press, Oxford/New York, 2001, 551 pp
by Gimpelson, Vladimir
March 2003, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-26 The effect of Soviet monetary disintegration on the collapse of trade between members of the Commonwealth of Independent States
by Schoors, Koen - 27-39 Output performance under central planning: a model of poor incentives
by Brixiova, Zuzana & Bulir, Ales - 41-62 Earnings-related unemployment benefits and unemployment
by Goerke, Laszlo & Madsen, Jakob B. - 63-82 Country risk and stock market volatility, predictability, and diversification in the Middle East and Africa
by Kabir Hassan, M. & Maroney, Neal C. & Monir El-Sady, Hassan & Telfah, Ahmad - 83-115 Commodity market reform in Africa: some recent experience
by Akiyama, Takamasa & Baffes, John & Larson, Donald F. & Varangis, Panos - 117-120 Transition economies and foreign trade: J. Winiecki; Routledge, London, New York, 2002, 150 pp
by Gacs, Janos - 121-122 Small economies' adjustment to global tendencies: Bara, Z., Csaba, L. (Eds.), Aula, Budapest, 2000, 430 pp
by Niarguinen, Dmitri - 123-125 Constructing a market economy: Diverse paths from central planning in Asia and Europe: R. Pomfret; Edward Elgar, Northampton, Brookfield, 2002, 151 pp
by Norgaard, Ole - 127-129 East European transition and EU enlargement: a quantitative approach: W.W. Charemza, K. Strzala (Eds.), Physica, Heidelberg, New York, 2002, 385 pp
by Piazolo, Daniel
December 2002, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 309-333 Is Hungary ready for inflation targeting?
by Siklos, Pierre L. & Abel, Istvan - 335-352 The impact of uncertainty on firm investment: evidence from machinery industry in Liaoning province of China
by Bo, Hong & Zhang, Zhihai - 353-366 Liberalization, entry and product quality in transition economies
by Bose, Pinaki & Kemme, David M. - 367-369 Seventh EACES Conference: Globalisation and Economic Governance, Forli, 6-8 June 2002: A selection of summaries
by Andreff, Wladimir - 371-379 The new multinational corporations from transition countries
by Andreff, Wladimir - 381-386 Currency boards, credibility and crises
by Mulino, Marcella - 387-394 Restructuring through FDI in Romanian manufacturing
by Hunya, Gabor - 395-399 East European prospective members of the European Union under globalisation pressure
by Lissowska, Maria - 401-407 The economic system as an end or as a means, the socialization of consumption, and the future of socialism and capitalism
by Chilosi, Alberto - 409-411 Russia's virtual economy: C. Gaddy, B. Ickes, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, DC, 2002, 306 pp
by de Kort, Joop - 412-414 Toward a Comparative Institutional Analysis: M. Aoki, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2001, 467 pp
by Eggertsson, Thrainn
September 2002, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 199-201 Mixed ownership: introduction
by Bennett, John - 203-229 Institutional investors, corporate governance and the performance of the corporate sector
by Davis, E. Philip - 231-247 Mixed ownership of industrial firms in Japan: debt financing, banks and vertical keiretsu groups
by Nakamura, Masao - 249-269 Fading out of local government ownership: recent ownership reform in China's township and village enterprises
by Sun, Laixiang - 271-282 Partial privatization in transition economies
by Maw, James - 283-301 Public-private partnerships: lessons from the British approach
by Spackman, Michael - 303-306 Democratic and Capitalist Transitions in Eastern Europe: Lessons for the Social Sciences: Dobry, Michel (Ed.); Kluwer, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 2000, xii + 274 pp.: A Decade of Transition: Achievements and Challenges: Havrylyshyn, Oleh, Saleh M. Nsouli (Eds.), IMF, Washington, DC, 2001, x + 272 pp.: Transition and Growth in Post-Communist Countries: The Ten-year Experience: Orlowski, Lucjan T. (Ed.), Elgar, Cheltenham/Northampton, 2001, xviii + 316 pp.: Completing Transition: The Main Challenges: Tumpel-Gugerell, Gertrude, Lindsay Wolfe, Peter Mooslechner (Eds.), Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2002, xii + 290 pp
by Bonker, Frank - 306-308 Rewriting the Rules: An Interview with Ivan Miklos on Slovakia's Economic Reform: Hrib, S., Zitnansky, R. (Eds.), Kalligram Publishing House, Bratislava, 2001, 127 pp
by Horvath, Julius
June 2002, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 83-98 Company performance in Ukraine: is this a market economy?
by Schnytzer, Adi & Andreyeva, Tatiana - 99-126 Relative wage and unemployment changes in Poland: microeconometric evidence
by Puhani, Patrick A. - 127-144 The effects of wage compression on unemployment and on the intersectoral distribution of employment: a dynamic model
by Bonatti, Luigi - 145-147 Land privatization in Russia: the intersection of economic and political problems
by Cech, Roman - 149-151 Privatization of land in Russia
by Lerman, Zvi - 153-157 The changing farming structure in Russia: status and potential solutions
by Csaki, Csaba - 159-162 Land reform in Russia: constraints and policy implications
by Swinnen, Johan F. M. - 163-167 Russian land reform
by Rolfes, Leonard Jr. - 169-173 Land privatization in rural Russia
by O'Brien, David J. - 175-178 Rural land privatization in Russia
by Wegren, Stephen K. - 179-183 Land reform in Russia
by von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan - 185-190 Land privatization in Russia
by Epstein, David - 191-193 The Eastern Enlargement of the EU: M. Dabrowski, J. Rostowski (Eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000, 256 pp
by Horvath, Julius - 193-196 State Capacity in East Asia: Japan, Taiwan, China and Vietnam: K.E. Brodsgaard, S. Young (Eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000, ix + 310 pp.: The Political Economy of East Asia: Post-crisis Debates: I. Islam, A. Chowdhury, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000, x + 278 pp.: The East Asian Development Model: Economic Growth, Institutional Failure and the Aftermath of the Crisis: F.-J. Richter (Ed.), Macmillan, London and Basingstoke, 2000, xii + 349 pp
by Dore, Ronald - 196-198 Marktwirtschaftliche Transformation in Kroatien: P. Dobias, A. Mehic, A. Rohmann (Eds.), Marktwirtschaftliche Transformation in Kroatien, Duncker & Humbolt, Berlin, 2000, 205 pp.; S. Kusic, Privatisierung im Transformations prozess: Das Beispiel der Republik Kroatien, Devtscher Universitats-Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2001, xxi + 282 pp.: Privatisierung im Transformationsprozess: Das Beispiel der Republik Kroatien: S. Kusic (Eds.), Deutscher Universitats-Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2001, xxi + 282 pp
by Sivric-Pesa, Sanela
April 2002, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-16 Estimating the impact of the Balassa-Samuelson effect on inflation and the real exchange rate during the transition
by Egert, Balazs - 17-30 A Tajik story: the labour market following war and transition
by Johnes, Geraint - 31-54 Disparities in Chinese economic development: approaches on different levels of aggregation
by Herrmann-Pillath, Carsten & Kirchert, Daniel & Pan, Jiancheng - 55-72 The new currency boards and discretion: empirical evidence from Bulgaria
by Nenovsky, Nikolay & Hristov, Kalin - 73-76 Institutional Economics in France and Germany: German Ordoliberalism versus the French Regulation School: A. Labrousse, J.-D. Weisz (Eds.), Springer, Berlin, 2001, 396 pp
by Schefold, Bertram - 77-81 Successful Transitions: Political Factors of Socio-Economic Progress in Postsocialist Countries: J. Beyer, J. Wielgohs, H. Wiesenthal (Eds.), Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2001, 245 pp.: Gelegenheit und Entscheidung: Policies und Politics erfolgreicher Transformationssteuerung: H. Wiesenthal (Ed.), Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2001, 261 pp
by Gissendanner, Scott
December 2001, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 287-304 The gender pay gap in the transition from communism: some empirical evidence
by Newell, Andrew & Reilly, Barry - 305-321 Foreign direct investment and productivity spillovers in the Chinese manufacturing sector
by Li, Xiaoying & Liu, Xiaming & Parker, David - 323-344 Growth empirics with institutional measures for transition countries
by Grogan, Louise & Moers, Luc - 345-364 On the speed and boundaries of structural adjustment when fiscal policy is tight
by Schroder, Philipp J. H. - 365-379 Political exchange in mass party regimes and the transition from socialism
by Ferrero, Mario - 381-399 Central bank independence and economic performance in eastern Europe
by Neyapti, Bilin - 401-403 Economic Institutions and Democratic Reform: A Comparative Analysis of Post-Communist Countries: Ole Norgaard, Edward Elgar (Eds.), Cheltenham, Northampton, 2000, xvi + 251 pp
by Beyer, Jurgen - 403-404 Governance, decentralization and reform in China, India and Russia: Dethier, J.-J. (Ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 2000, viii + 459 pp
by Friebel, G. - 405-408 Institutions, Social Norms and Economic Development: Platteau, J.-P. (Ed.), Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, 2000, 361 pp
by Raiser, Martin - 408-414 The Legacy of Friedrich Von Hayek: Boettke, P.J. (Ed.), 3 Volumes; Elgar, Cheltenham, Northampton, 2000, 672, 493 and 450 pages: Hayek Revisited: Bouckaert, B., Godart-van der Kroon, A. (Eds.), Elgar, Cheltenham, Northampton, 2000, 178 pp.: Friedrich August von Hayek: Die Tradition der Freiheit: Hennecke, H.J. (Ed.), Verlag Wirtschaft und Finanzen, Dusseldorf, 2000, 440 pp.: Die Verfassung des Marktes: Friedrich August von Hayeks Lehre von Staat und Markt im Spiegel grundgesetzlicher Staats- und Verfassungsrechtslehre: Klaver, M. (Ed.), Lucius and Lucius, Stuttgart, 2000, 325 pp
by Voigt, Stefan
September 2001, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 175-181 Some perspectives on currency relations between EMU and Central and East European EU accession countries
by Frensch, Richard - 183-214 Capital and trade flows in Europe and the impact of enlargement
by Buch, Claudia M. & Piazolo, Daniel - 215-231 The convergence of monetary policy between candidate countries and the European Union
by Brada, Josef C. & Kutan, Ali M. - 233-251 From inflation targeting to the euro-peg: A model of monetary convergence for transition economies
by Orlowski, Lucjan T. - 253-274 Is there a third way to EMU for the EU accession countries?
by Bofinger, Peter & Wollmershauser, Timo - 275-277 Ukraine at the Crossroads: Economic Reforms in International Perspective: Siedenberg, A., Hoffmann, L. (Eds.); Physica, Heidelberg, 1999, xvi + 437 pp
by Banaian, King - 277-279 The Soft Budget Constraint: The Emergence, Persistence and Logic of an Institution: Gun E. Skoog, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London, 2000, 416 pp
by Turley, Gerard - 280-283 Challenging Neighbours: Rethinking German and Dutch Economic Institutions: CPB, The Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, Springer, Heidelberg, 1997, x + 592 pp.: The German and Dutch Economies. Who Follows Whom?: Delsen, L., de Jong, E. (Eds.), Physica, Heidelberg, 1998, xi + 189 pp
by Krug, Barbara - 283-285 Kazakstan 1993-2000: Independent Advisers and the IMF; Hoffmann, L., Bofinger, P., Flassbeck, H., Steinherr, A.; Heidelberg/New York: Physica, 2001, 290 pages
by Pomfret, Richard
June 2001, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 85-112 Firm performance and the political economy of corporate governance: survey evidence for Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia
by Walsh, Patrick Paul & Whelan, Ciara - 113-125 Technical efficiency during economic reform in Nicaragua: evidence from farm household survey data
by Abdulai, Awudu & Eberlin, Richard - 127-148 Internal and external transmissions of monetary and fiscal policies in the EMU
by van Aarle, Bas & Garretsen, Harry & van Moorsel, Cornelie - 149-159 International trade and hedging in economies in transition
by Broll, Udo & Mallick, Rajiv & Wong, Kit Pong - 161-166 EU Enlargement and Its Macroeconomic Effects in Eastern Europe. Currencies, Prices, Investment and Competitiveness: Gabrisch, H., Pohl, R. (Eds.), Macmillan, Basingstoke and London, UK, 1999, xxiv + 227 pp
by Rosati, Dariusz - 166-169 Die Aktiengesellschaft in Gro[ss]britannien im Wandel der Wirtschaftspolitik: Ein Beitrag zur Pfadabhangigkeit der Unternehmensordnung: Rebecca Stratling, Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart, Germany, 2000, xiii + 258 pp
by Pistor, Katharina - 170-171 Geld, Banken und Staat in Sozialismus und transformation. Vom Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion zur Finanzkrise in der Russischen Foderation: Mechthild Schrooten, Duncker and Humblot, Berlin, Germany, 2000, 201 pp
by Sutela, Pekka - 171-173 Privatization and Economic Performance in Central and Eastern Europe: Lessons to be Learnt from Western Europe: Major Ivan (Ed.), Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, UK, Northampton, MA, USA, 1999, xiv + 398 pp.: Privatization, Corporate Governance, and the Emergence of Markets: Rosenbaum, Eckehard, Bonker, Frank, Wagener, Hans-Jurgen (Eds.), Macmillan, London, UK, St. Martin's Press, New York, USA, 2000, xv + 284 pp
by Bornstein, Morris
March 2001, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Frensch, Richard & Ickes, Barry W. - 3-32 The bail-in problem: systematic goals, ad hoc means
by Eichengreen, Barry & Ruhl, Christof - 33-50 Inflation and stabilization in Latvia: 1918-1922
by Wolf, Holger C. - 51-64 Growth patterns under imitation in the investment decision
by Besancenot, Damien & Huynh, Kim V. & Vranceanu, Radu - 65-77 Privatization and economic performance: evidence from Chinese provinces
by Tian, Xiaowen