August 1994, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 249-263 Ecological and economic effects of forest landscape structure and rotation length: simulation studies using ECOLECON
by Liu, Jianguo & Cubbage, Fred W. & Ronald Pulliam, H. - 265-266 Society and the environment: A Swedish research perspective : Uno Svedin and Britt Hagerhall Aniansson. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 1992, 336 pp., ISBN 0 7923 1796 3, [UK pound]67.00
by Nowotny, Helga - 266-267 Environmentalism and Political Theory: Toward an ecocentric approach : Robyn Eckersley. UCL Press, Oxford, 1992, 272 pp., ISBN 1 85728 019 9 (HB) [UK pound]32.00, ISBN 1 85728 020 2 (PB) [UK pound]11.95
by Norton, Bryan - 267-268 The politics of nature: Explorations in green political theory : Andrew Dobson and Paul Lucardie (Editors). 1993, Routledge, London, 240 pp., ISBN 0-415-08593-4
by Costanza, Robert - 269-270 Valuing natural assets, the economics of natural resource damage assessment : Raymond J. Kopp and V. Kerry Smith (Editors). Resources for the Future, Washington, DC, 1993, 358 pp., $75, ISBN 0-915707-66-7 (cloth), 0-915707-67-5 (paper)
by H. Cumberland, John
July 1994, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 89-90 Are efficiency, equity, and scale independent?
by Prakash, Aseem & Gupta, Anil K. - 90-91 Reply
by Daly, Herman E. - 97-112 Qualitative multicriteria evaluation for environmental management
by Munda, G. & Nijkamp, P. & Rietveld, P. - 113-123 Maxims for the third resource conservation act appraisal
by Shogren, Jason F. & Johnson, Stanley R. - 125-142 The role of thermodynamics in the study of economic and ecological systems
by Amir, Shmuel - 143-155 Antarctic minerals and conservation
by Cullen, Ross - 157-174 Sense of place: geographic discounting by people, animals and plants
by Hannon, Bruce - 175-176 Hand's end: technology and the limits of nature : David Rothenberg. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1993, 256 pp., ISBN 0-520-08054-8
by Glasser, Harold - 176-177 Energy and the ecological economics of sustainability : John Peet. Island Press, Covello, CA, 1992, 309 pp., ISBN 1 55963 161 9 (cloth), ISBN 1 55963 160 0 (paper)
by Craig, Paul P. - 177-178 Ishmael : Daniel Quinn. 1992, Bantam/Turner, New York, 266 pp., ISBN 0-553-07875-5
by Costanza, Robert - 178-179 Integrated environmental and economic accounting : United Nations publication ST/ESA/STAT/SEER.F/ 61, 1993, United Nations, New York, NY, 182 pp., ISBN 92-1-161359-0
by Costanza, Robert - 179-180 From Catastrophe to Chaos: a general theory of economic discontinuities : J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. 1991, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 402 pp., ISBN 0-7923-9157-8
by Costanza, Robert
May 1994, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-13 The environment and interdisciplinarity ecological and neoclassical economical approaches to the use of natural resources
by Vedeld, Paul O. - 15-20 A range of predictions for the future
by Goodwin, Neva - 21-26 The natural interest rate of the forest: Macroeconomic requirements for sustainable development
by Ackerman, Frank - 27-36 Double CO2 and beyond: benefits, costs and compensation
by Spash, Clive L. - 37-46 Integration of environmental concerns into economic analyses of projects and policies in an operational context
by Lutz, Ernst & Munasinghe, Mohan - 47-60 Actors, ideology, markets. Neoclassical and institutional perspectives on environmental policy
by Soderbaum, Peter - 61-68 Alternative property rights to wetland externalities
by Kohn, Robert E. - 69-81 A generic method for the identification of options for cleaner products
by Heijungs, Reinout - 83-84 Taming the future: A revolutionary breakthrough in scientific forecasting : Kenneth E.F. Watt. The Contextured Web Press, Davis, CA, 1992, 232 pp., ISBN 1 880014 04 1, US$40.00
by Russell, Clifford S. - 84-86 Population, technology and lifestyle: The transition to sustainability : R. Goodland, H. Daly and S. El Serafy (Editors). Island Press, Washington, USA, 1992, 154 pp., ISBN 1-55963-199-6
by Friend, Anthony M. - 87-87 Science and the management of protected areas : J.H.M. Willison, S. Bondrup-Nielsen, C.D. Drysdale, T.B. Herman, N.W.P. Munro and T.L. Pollock (Editors). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1992, 568 pp., ISBN 0-444- 89163-3, Dfl.345.00
by Tisdell, Clem - 87-88 Sustainability and environmental policy: Restraints and advances : Frank J. Dietz, Udo E. Simonis and Jan van der Straaten (Editors). Edition Sigma, Berlin, 1992 296 pp., ISBN 3 89404 343 1
by Common, Mick
April 1994, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 191-192 Recycling of matter : A response
by Mansson, Bengt A. - 192-193 Recyling of matter : A reply
by Bianciardi, C. & Tiezzi, E. & Ulgiati, S. - 193-194 Recycling of matter : Further
by Khalil, Elias L. - 194-196 Recycling of matter : Energy, entropy - economy, ecology
by Kummel, Reiner - 201-219 Achieving a secure energy future: environmental and economic issues
by Pimentel, David & Herdendorf, M. & Eisenfeld, S. & Olander, L. & Carroquino, M. & Corson, C. & McDade, J. & Chung, Y. & Cannon, W. & Roberts, J. - 221-228 Some notes on the misuse of classic writings in economics on the subject of common property
by Aguilera-Klink, Federico - 229-239 Environmental norms, society, and economics
by Mohr, Ernst - 241-252 Ethics and the limits of environmental economics
by Booth, Douglas E. - 253-265 A sustainability indicator for the Dutch environmental policy theme 'Diffusion': cadmium accumulation in soil
by Gilbert, Alison J. & Feenstra, Jan F. - 267-272 Innovations in the use and management of groundwater in hardrock regions in India
by Prahladachar, M. - 273-274 Earth in the balance: Ecology and the human spirit : A. Gore. 1992, Houghton Mifflin Company, New York, 408 pp., ISBN: 0-395-57821-3, US$22.95
by Mitsch, William J. - 274-275 Lessons from Nature: Learning to live sustainably on the earth : Daniel D. Chiras. Island Press, Washington, DC, 1992, 289 pp., ISBN 1-55963-106-6
by Daily, Gretchen C. - 275-276 Innovation in environmental policy, economic and legal aspects of recent developments in environment and liability: T.H. Tietenberg (Editor). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, UK, 1992, ISBN 1 85278 588 8
by Gren, Ing-Marie - 276-277 Integration of ecosystem theories: A pattern : S.E. Jorgensen. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 1992, ISBN 0 7923 1985 0, 383 pp., US$165.00
by DeAngelis, Donald L.
February 1994, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 99-105 Needed: examples of applying ecological economics
by Herendeen, Robert - 107-120 Models of sustainable development and forest resource management in Costa Rica
by Gottfried, Robert R. & Brockett, Charles D. & Davis, William C. - 121-133 Farm level trade-offs of intensifying tropical milk production
by Griffith, Katherine & Zepeda, Lydia - 135-143 Conservation organizations and the option value to preserve: an application to debt-for-nature swaps
by Chambers, Catherine M. & Chambers, Paul E. & Whitehead, John C. - 145-152 The relative unimportance of a nonmarket willingness to pay for timber harvesting
by Lockwood, Michael & Loomis, John & De Lacy, Terry - 153-165 The complementarity between environmental and economic risk: an empirical analysis
by Templet, Paul H. & Farber, Stephen - 167-177 A bioeconomic model of heather moorland management and conservation
by White, B. & Wadsworth, R. - 179-180 Green delusions: An environmentalist critique of radical environmentalism : Martin W. Lewis. Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 1992, 288 pp
by Daly, Herman - 180-181 Changing Course: A global business perspective on development and environment : Stephan Schmidheiny with the Business Council for Sustainable Development. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, Boston, MA, 1992, ISBN 0-262-19318-3
by van den Belt, Marjan - 181-182 Common property economics: a general theory and land use applications : Glenn G. Stevenson. Cambridge University Press, 1991. ISBN 0 521 38441 9
by Hanna, Susan - 183-183 Commons without tragedy: Protecting the environment from overpopulation -- A new approach : Robert V. Andelson (Editor). Centre for Incentive Taxation Ltd., Shepheard-Walwyn, London, 1991, ISBN 0 85683 126 3
by Hanna, Susan
January 1994, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-12 Trade, environment and development: the issues in perspective
by Ekins, Paul & Folke, Carl & Costanza, Robert - 13-22 Trade, development and sustainability -- a critical assessment of the "free trade dogma"
by R[empty]pke, Inge - 23-42 Reconciling trade and environment: towards a comparative advantage for long-term policy goals
by Steininger, Karl - 43-51 Ecologically-accelerated trade liberalisation: a set of disciplines for environment and trade agreements
by Young, Michael D. - 53-71 The North American Free Trade Agreement: An ecological-economic synthesis for the United States and Mexico
by DeBellevue, Edward B. & Hitzel, Eric & Cline, Kenneth & Benitez, Jorge A. & Ramos-Miranda, Julia & Segura, Olman - 73-92 An ecological-economic assessment of deregulation of international commerce under GATT
by Daly, Herman & Goodland, Robert
December 1993, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 189-207 Cowboys, cornucopians and long-run sustainability
by Ayres, Robert U. - 209-233 From microscopic to macroscopic theories: entropic aspects of ecological and economic processes
by Binswanger, Mathias - 235-252 The demographic transition revisited: lessons for foreign aid and U.S. immigration policy
by Abernethy, Virginia - 253-268 A physical view of sustainability
by Hannon, Bruce & Ruth, Matthias & Delucia, Evan - 269-288 'Limits to growth' and 'sustainable development': grappling with ecological realities
by Ekins, Paul - 289-305 Private and social returns from wetland preservation versus those from wetland conversion to agriculture
by van Vuuren, W. & Roy, P. - 307-308 Costs of not achieving climate stabilization
by Epstein, P. R. - 309-310 Letter to the editor
by Abeles, Tom P. - 310-312 Letter to the editor
by Bergstrom, Soren - 313-314 In the servitude of power: Energy and civilization through the ages : Jean-Claude Debeir, Jean-Paul Deleage and Daniel Hemery. Zed Books, London, UK, 1991, [UK pound]12.95, ISBN 086232943
by Kaufmann, Robert - 314-317 Darwin on trial : Philip E. Johnson. Regnery Gateway, Washington, DC, 1991, 195 pp., US$19.95, ISBN 0-89526-535-4
by Lutz, Ernst - 317-319 Darwin on trial : Phillip E. Johnson. Regnery Gateway, Washington, DC, 1991, 195 pp., US$19.95, ISBN 0-89526-535-4
by Roughgarden, Jonathan
October 1993, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 85-101 Why Northern income growth is not the solution to Southern poverty
by Goodland, Robert & Daly, Herman - 103-108 Capital theory and the measurement of sustainable development: an indicator of "weak" sustainability
by Pearce, David W. & Atkinson, Giles D. - 109-133 Limits to environmental bonds
by Shogren, Jason F. & Herriges, Joseph A. & Govindasamy, Ramu - 135-155 The impact of corporate pollution on market valuation: some empirical evidence
by Cormier, Denis & Magnan, Michel & Morard, Bernard - 157-175 From ecology to economics: the case against CO2 fertilization
by Erickson, Jon D. - 181-183 Privatization as a conservation policy: A market solution to the mass extinction crisis : Joseph Henry Vogel. CIRCIT, Melbourne, Australia, 1992. 170 pp. ISBN 0-646-12315-7
by Costanza, Robert - 183-185 Policies for a small planet: From the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) : Johan Holmberg (editor). Earthscan, London, 1992, 352 pp., ISBN 1-85383-132-8
by Jack Ruitenbeek, H. - 185-187 Ecological economics: The science and management of sustainability : Robert Costanza (editor), Columbia University Press, New York, 1991, 525 pp. ISBN 0 231 075262 6 (hbk), 1992 (pbk)
by O'Riordan, Timothy - 187-188 Real-life economics: understanding wealth creation : P. Ekins and M. Max-Neef (Editors). Routledge, London, 1992, xxi + 460 pp., ISBN 0-415-07977-2
by Howarth, Richard B.
August 1993, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-5 Complete recycling of matter in the frameworks of physics, biology and ecological economics
by Bianciardi, C. & Tiezzi, E. & Ulgiati, S. - 7-10 On the relationship between the economic process, the Carnot cycle and the entropy law
by Bianciardi, C. & Donati, A. & Ulgiati, S. - 11-16 Bioeconomics and post Keynesian economics: a search for common ground
by Mathieu, Karl-Heinz - 17-44 Natural resource rents, economic dynamics and structural change: a capital theoretic approach
by Faber, Malte & Proops, John L. R. - 45-69 The decision to conserve or harvest old-growth forest
by Reed, William J. - 73-74 Conservation of biodiversity for sustainable development: Odd Terje Sandlund, Kjetil Hindar and Anthony H.D. Brown (editors). Scandinavian University Press, Oslo, Norway, 1992. 342 pp. ISBN 82-00-21508-3
by Rosenberg, Risa H. - 74-75 Introduction to environmental management. Developments in environmental modelling 18: P.E. Hansen and S.E. Jorgensen. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 1991. 403 pp. ISBN 0-444-88532-3 (paper back)
by Gren, Ing-Marie - 76-77 General energetics: Vaclav Smil. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1991. 369 pp
by Cleveland, Cutler J. - 77-79 Sustainable investment and resource use: Equity, environmental integrity and economic efficiency: Michael D. Young. MAB/Unesco and the Parthenon Publishing Group, Paris, France, 1992. 176 pp. ISBN 92-3-102748-4
by Hughan, Ross - 79-80 Forests: Market and intervention failures: S. Wibe and T. Jones (editors). Earthscan Publications Ltd., London, 1992. 204 pp. ISBN 1-85383-101-8
by Batabyal, Amitrajeet A.
June 1993, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 183-202 Human economics: A non-human perspective
by Sterrer, Wolfgang - 203-222 Sustainable development: An institutional approach
by Opschoor, Hans & van der Straaten, Jan - 223-238 Effects of different descriptions of the ecological good on willingness to pay values
by Hoevenagel, R. & van der Linden, J. W. - 239-254 Dynamic inconsistency in valuing environmental goods
by Crocker, Thomas D. & Shogren, Jason F. - 255-256 Alternative economic indicators : Victor Anderson. Routledge, London, 1991. 106 pp. ISBN 0-415-04164-3
by Norgaard, Richard B. - 256-257 Alternative economic indicators : Victor Anderson. Routledge, London, 1991. 106 pp. ISBN 0-415-04164-3
by Zsolnai, Laszlo - 257-258 International banks and the environment: From growth to sustainability, an unfinished agenda : Raymond F. Mikesell and Larry Williams. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, CA, 1992. $30. ISBN 0-87156-640-0
by Costanza, Robert - 258-259 Beyond oil: The threat to food and fuel in the coming decades : John Gever, Robert Kaufmann, David Skole and Charles Vorosmarty. University Press of Colorado, Niwot, CO, 1991 (3rd edition)
by Cobb, Clifford - 259-260 Dynamics of complex interconnected biological systems : Thomas L. Vincent, Alistair I. Mees, and Leslie S. Jennings (editors). Birkhauser, Boston, 1990, ISBN 0-8176-3504-1
by Costanza, Robert & Maxwell, Thomas - 260-262 Community and the economy: The theory of public co-operation : Jonathan S. Boswell. Routledge, London, 1990, 240 pp., [UK pound]30.00, ISBN 0 415 05556 3
by Clark, Mary E. - 262-263 IMAGE: An integrated model to assess the greenhouse effect : Jan Rotmans, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 1990, 289 pp., ISBN 0 7923 0957 X
by Braat, Leon
April 1993, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 93-121 Sustainable rural development in Latin America: building from the bottom-up
by Altieri, Miguel A. & Masera, Omar - 123-157 An exploration of alternative measures of natural resource scarcity: the case of petroleum resources in the U.S
by Cleveland, Cutler J. - 159-172 Alternative nitrogen reduction policies in the Malar region, Sweden
by Gren, Ing-Marie - 173-176 Free market environmentalism : Terry L. Anderson and Donald R. Leal. Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy and Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1991
by Daly, Herman E. - 176-177 Land use changes in Europe : Floor M. Brouwer, A.J. Thomas and Michael J. Chadwick (Editors). Kluwer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 1991, 528 pp., US $149.90, ISBN 0 7923 1099 3
by Pimentel, David - 178-179 Amazon conservation in the age of development: The limits of providence : Ronald A. Foresta. The University of Florida Press, Gainesville, FL, 1991, 366 pp., [UK pound]38.50, ISBN 0 8130 1092 6
by Lugo, Ariel E. - 179-180 Steady-state economics: Second edition with new essays : Herman E. Daly. Island Press, Washington, DC, 1991, 302 pp., ISBN 1 55963 072 8
by Boulding, Kenneth E. - 180-181 Friday morning reflections at the World Bank: Essays on values and development : David Beckman, Ramgopal Agarwala, Sven Burmester and Ismail Serageldin. Seven Locks Press, Washington, DC, 1991, 80 pp., ISBN 0 932020 78 X
by Hjort (Af Ornas), Anders
February 1993, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-18 Value standards in sub-sustainable development. On limits of ecological economics
by Bergstrom, Soren - 19-42 Ecologically sustainable development and project appraisal in developing countries
by van Pelt, Michiel J. F. - 43-67 Intertemporal valuation in an unpredictable environment
by Drepper, Friedhelm R. & Mansson, Bengt A. - 69-71 The second law of thermodynamics and the economic process
by Williamson, A. G. - 73-75 The population explosion : Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich, Simon & Schuster, New York, USA, 1990. 330 pp., U$18.95. ISBN 0 671 68984 3
by Keyfitz, Nathan - 75-78 Blueprint for a green economy : David Pearce, Anil Markandya and Edward B. Barbier. Earthscan, London, Great Britain, 1989. 192 pp., [UK pound]6.95. ISBN 1 85383 066 6.: Blueprint 2: Greening the World Economy : David Pearce (Editor). Earthscan, London, Great Britain, 1991. 232 pp. [UK pound]7.95. ISBN 1 85383 076 3
by Kaufmann, Robert K. - 78-79 Natural resources, growth and development : Natural resources, growth and development: Economics, Ecology and Resource Scarcity. Clement Tisdell, Praeger, New York, 1990. 186 pp
by Pearce, David - 79-83 Man, nature & technology: Essays on the role of ideological perceptions : Erik Baark and Uno Svedin (Editors). The Macmillan Press, London, Great Britain, 1988. Hardcover 150 pp. ISBN 0 333 42812 9
by Rapport, David J.
December 1992, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 185-193 Allocation, distribution, and scale: towards an economics that is efficient, just, and sustainable
by Daly, Herman E. - 195-210 Consumption, production and technological progress: a unified entropic approach
by Dung, Tran Huu - 211-233 Ecological economics and scientific controversies. Lessons from some recent policy making in the EEC
by Hourcade, Jean-Charles & Salles, Jean-Michel & Thery, Daniel - 235-252 Land use regulation in the Lake George basin: an ecological economic perspective
by Olsen, Peg R. & Gowdy, John M. - 253-254 Towards an ecologically sustainable economy : Britt Aniansson and Uno Svedin (Editors). Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research, Report 90/6, Stockholm, Sweden, 1990. 144 pp. ISBN 91-86174-67-3
by Goodland, Robert - 254-255 Conservation for the twenty-first century : David Western and Mary C. Pearl (Editors). Oxford University Press for Wildlife Conservation International and the New York Zoological Society, Oxford, Great Britain, 1989 US$36.96. ISBN 0195054741
by Loope, Lloyd L. - 256-259 The preservation and valuation of biological resources : G.H. Orians, G.M. Brown, W.E. Kunin and J.E. Swierzbinski (Editors). University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1990. x + 301. ISBN 0-295-97029-4
by Perrings, Charles - 259-261 Linking the natural environment and the economy: Essays from the eco-eco group : Carl Folke and Tomas Kaberger (Editors). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1991
by Underwood, Daniel A.
October 1992, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 103-118 Policy implications of Gaian theory
by Wallace, Richard R. & Norton, Bryan G. - 119-138 The human firm in the natural environment: a socio-economic analysis of its behavior
by Tomer, John F. - 139-162 Energy quality and energy surplus in the extraction of fossil fuels in the U.S
by Cleveland, Cutler J. - 163-173 Economic returns from forest conversion in the Peruvian Amazon
by Pinedo-Vasquez, Miguel & Zarin, Daniel & Jipp, Peter - 175-176 Wetlands. Market and intervention failures. Four case studies: Kerry Turner and Tom Jones (Editors). Earthscan Publications Limited, London, United Kingdom, 1M990. 202 pp., [UK pound]12.95. ISBN 1-85383-102-6
by Andreasson-Gren, Ing-Marie - 176-180 Economy and ecology: Towards sustainable development: F. Archibugi and P. Nijkamp (Editors). Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1989. 348 pp. ISBN 0-7923- 0477-2
by Turner, R. K. - 180-182 Uncertainty and quality in science for policy: S.O. Funtowicz and J.R. Ravetz. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1990. 229 pp., bibliography, index. ISBN 0 7923 0799 2
by O'Riordan, Timothy - 182-184 The global citizen : Donella H. Meadows. Island Press, Washington, DC, 1991. 300 pp., US$14.95
by Serafin, Rafal
July 1992, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-6 Pascal's wager and conomics in a hotter time
by Orr, David W. - 7-34 Towards an ecological economics of sustainability
by Common, Mick & Perrings, Charles - 35-56 A biophysical analysis of the energy/real GDP ratio: implications for substitution and technical change
by Kaufmann, Robert K. - 57-78 The rainforest supply price: a tool for evaluating rainforest conservation expenditures
by Ruitenbeek, H. Jack - 79-101 Endogenous environmental degradation and land conservation: agricultural land use in a large region
by Jones, D. W. & O'Neill, R. V.
June 1992, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 197-211 International lending and resource development in Mexico: can environmental quality be assured?
by Bojorquez-Tapia, Luis A. & Ongay-Delhumeau, Enrique - 213-234 An assessment of alternative agricultural policies to reduce nitrogen fertilizer use
by Huang, Wen-Yuan & Uri, Noel D. - 235-249 Allocating conservation expenditures: accounting for inter-species genetic distinctiveness
by Eiswerth, Mark E. & Haney, J. Christopher - 251-265 Regulation of externalities in an open economy
by Choi, E. Kwan & Johnson, Stanley R.
May 1992, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 1-1 Introduction to this special issue on the May 1990 ISEE conference
by Costanza, R. - 101-126 Economics and ecology: a comparison of experimental methodologies and philosophies
by Shogren, Jason F. & Nowell, Clifford - 127-144 Neoclassical and institutional approaches to development and the environment
by Soderbaum, Peter - 145-161 The value of a watershed as a series of linked multiproduct assets
by Gottfried, Robert R. - 163-178 Failure of irrigation projects and consequences for a different approach: a case study
by Zwahlen, Robert - 179-196 Comparison of alternative nonmarket valuation methods for an economic assessment of a public program
by John, Kun H. & Walsh, Richard G. & Moore, Chester G.
March 1992, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-8 A systems perspective on the interrelations between natural, human-made and cultural capital
by Berkes, Fikret & Folke, Carl - 9-14 U.N. conferences on environment and development: Retrospect on Stockholm and prospects for Rio
by Daly, Herman E. - 15-49 A pricing system for air quality management
by Welsch, Heinz - 51-72 Ecological economics of the Swedish Baltic Empire: An essay on energy and power, 1560-1720
by Sundberg, Ulf - 73-92 Gain, loss and personal responsibility: The role of motivation in resource valuation decision-making
by Harris, Charles C. & Brown, Greg
December 1991, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 175-189 Environmentalism and the right-to-know: Expanding the practice of democracy
by Sarokin, David & Schulkin, Jay - 191-213 Indicators of sustainable development: some lessons from capital theory
by Victor, Peter A. - 215-236 Government failure -- the cause of global environmental mismanagement
by Andersson, Thomas - 237-252 Intertemporal equilibria and exhaustible resources: an overlapping generations approach
by Howarth, Richard B. - 253-267 Bretton Woods: Blueprint for a greenhouse gas agreement
by Levi, Maurice D.
November 1991, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 83-91 Background to the conflict between economic and ecological ends
by Maier-Rigaud, Gerhard - 93-115 Economics of sustainability or the sustainability of economics: Different paradigms
by Klaassen, Ger A. J. & Opschoor, Johannes B. - 117-144 Energy efficiency: Assessing the interaction between humans and their environment
by GiamPietro, Mario & Pimentel, David - 145-164 Wilderness development decisions and the Krutilla-Fisher model: The case of Scotland's 'flow country'
by Hanley, Nick & Craig, Stephen - 165-168 Integrated environmental modelling: Design and tools : Floor Brouwer. Kluwer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1987, 223pp
by Zucchetto, James J. - 168-169 Environmental ecology: The impacts of pollution and other stresses on ecosystem structure and function : B. Freedman, Academic Press, London, 1989. [UK pound]29.00. ISBN 0-1226-6540-6
by Kautsky, Nils - 169-171 Uncommon property: The fishing and fish-processing industries in British Columbia : Patricia Marchak, Neil Guppy and John McMullan (Editors). Methuen, Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1987. Paperback, xvi + 424 pp., tables, figures, maps, US$21.95
by McEvoy, Arthur F. - 171-174 Energy policy in the greenhouse: From warming fate to warming limit : Vol. 1. Florentin Krause, Wilfrid Bach and Jon Koomey. Earthscan Publications Ltd, London, 1990. xii 198 pp., [UK pound]17.50
by Wiman, Bo L. B.
October 1991, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-10 Greenhouse economics: learn before you leap
by Daily, Gretchen C. & Ehrlich, Paul R. & Mooney, Harold A. & Ehrlich, Anne H. - 11-33 Operationalizing sustainable development: dynamic ecological economic models
by van den Bergh, Jeroen C. J. M. & Nijkamp, Peter - 35-56 Temporary emancipation from land: from the industrial revolution to the present time
by Mayumi, Kozo - 57-67 Economic efficiency and ecological considerations in resource development policies: a case study
by Sarkar, Amin & McKillop, William - 69-70 Changing the way we think to save our future : New world, new mind: Changing the way we think to save our future Robert Ornstein and Paul Ehrlich. Methuen, London, UK, 1990
by Tengstrom, Emin - 70-71 Environmental science and technology : Principles of environmental science and technology (2nd revised Edition). S.E. Jorgensen and I. Johnsen. Studies in environmental science, 33. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1989. 628 pp., Dfl. 225.00. ISBN 0-444-43024-5
by Lohm, Ulrik - 71-73 Coastal environments : Coastal environments: An introduction to the physical, ecological and cultural systems of coastlines. R.W.G. Carter. Academic Press, London, 1988. 617 pp. ISBN 0-12-161855-2
by Harris, Hallett J. & Keillor, Philip - 73-76 Network analysis in marine ecology : Network analysis in marine ecology: Methods and applications. Fredrik Wulff, John G. Field and Ken H. Mann (Editors). Coastal and estuarine studies, 32. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 1989. DM 88.00. ISBN 3-540-51603-4
by Hopkinson, Charles Jr - 76-78 Economic-ecological modeling : Economic-ecological modeling. Leon C. Braat and W.F.J. van Lierop (Editors). Studies in regional science and urban economics, 16. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987. xii + 330 pp., Dfl. 170.00. ISBN 0- 444-70298-9
by Kneese, Allan - 78-81 Environment and development : Environment and development: An economic approach. Jan Bojo, Karl- Goran Maler and Lena Unemo. Kluwer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1990. 165 pp., Dfl. 99.00. ISBN 0-7923-0802-6
by Cumberland, John H.
September 1991, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 181-191 Holistic resource management: a conceptual framework for ecologially sound economic modelling
by Savory, Allan - 193-213 Environmental management in development: the evolution of paradigms
by Colby, Michael E. - 215-229 Distributed costs of environmental contamination
by Clites, Anne H. & Fontaine, Thomas D. & Wells, Judith R. - 231-245 Regulatory schemes and self-protective environmental risk control: a comparison of insurance, liability, and deposit/refund systems
by Farber, Stephen - 247-256 Valuing environmental resources under alternative management regimes
by Freeman, A. III - 257-258 Environmental problems: Nature, economy and state : R.J. Johnston. Belhaven Press, London, UK, 1989. 211 pp. ISBN 1-85293-000-4
by Soderbaum, Peter - 258-260 Climate and energy: The feasibility of controlling CO2 emissions : P.A. Okken, R.J. Swart and S. Swerver. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 1989. 267 pp., US$77.00. ISBN 0-7923-0519-1
by Cornell, Joseph D. - 261-262 The economics of dryland management : John A. Dixon, David E. James and Paul B. Sherman. Earthscan, London, UK, 1989. 302 pp., [UK pound]14.95. ISBN 1-85383-052-6
by Farber, Stephen - 263-265 Economics of natural resources and the environment. : David W. Pearce and R. Kerry Turner. Harvester Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, UK, 1990. 378 pp. ISBN 0-7450-0202-1/0-7450-0225-0 (paperback)
by Proops, John L. R. - 265-267 Common property resources: Ecology and community-based sustainable development : Fikret Berkes (Editor). Belhaven Press, UK, 302 pp. ISBN 1-85293-080-2
by Pell, David - 267-269 Economics, natural-resource scarcity and development: Conventional and alternative views : Edward B. Barbier. Earthscan, London, UK, 1989. 223 pp. ISBN 1-85383-024-0/1990 ISBN 1-85383-072-0 (paperback)
by Underwood, Daniel A.
July 1991, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 95-122 Entropy, structure, and organisational change
by O'Connor, Martin - 123-137 Life-support value of ecosystems: a case study of the Baltic Sea Region
by Folke, Carl & Hammer, Monica & Jansson, Ann-Mari - 139-156 Heat equivalents of noxious substances: a pollution indicator for environmental accounting
by Kummel, Reiner & Schussler, Uwe - 157-160 A defense of Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen's paradigm
by Lozada, Gabriel A. - 161-163 Entropy law and Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen's paradigm: A reply
by Khalil, Elias L. - 165-168 Ecological engineering: An introdufction to Ecotechnology : William J. Mitsch and Sven Erick Jorgensen. (Editors). Wiley, New York, 1989, 472 pp. ISBN 0-471-62559-0
by Guterstam, Bjorn - 168-169 Applied mathematical ecology : Simon A. Levin, Thomas G. Hallam and Louis J. Gross (Editors). Biomathematics, Vol. 18. Springer, Berlin, 1989, 491 pp. ISBN 3-540-19465-7
by Cohen, Joel E. - 169-170 Estuarine ecology : John W. Day, Jr., Charles A.S. Hall, W. Michael Kemp and Alejandro Yanez-Arancibia. Wiley, New York, 558 pp. ISBN 0-471- 06263-4
by Guterstam, Bjorn - 170-172 After the green revolution: Sustainable agriculture for development : Gordon R. Convay and Edward B. Barbier. Earthscan Publications, London, 1990, 205 pp. ISBN 1-85383-035-6
by Crosson, Pierre - 172-175 Ecological economics: Economics, environment and society : Juan Martinez-Alier Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1987, 286 pp. ISBN 0-631-15739-5 (paper ISBN 0-631-17146-0, 1990)
by Christensen, Paul