October 1981, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 183-203 A social accounting matrix for Egypt, 1976
by Eckaus, Richard S. & McCarthy, F. Desmond & Mohie-Eldin, Amr - 205-228 The structure of income inequality in Puerto Rico
by Weisskoff, Richard & Wolff, Edward N. - 229-250 The oil price increase and the alleviation of poverty : Income distribution in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1966 and 1975
by Musgrove, Philip - 251-271 Energy intake and productivity of Guatemalan sugarcane cutters : An empirical test of the efficiency wage hypothesis part I
by Immink, Maarten D. C. & Viteri, Fernando E. - 273-287 Energy intake and productivity of Guatemalan sugarcane cutters : An empirical test of the efficiency wage hypothesis part II
by Immink, Maarten D. C. & Viteri, Fernando E.
August 1981, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-30 Dual labor market hypothesis and long-run income distribution
by Ishikawa, Tsuneo - 31-41 On the optimal choice of capital intensity in LDCs with migration
by Stark, Oded - 43-64 The measurement and sources of technical inefficiency in the Indonesian weaving industry
by Pitt, Mark M. & Lee, Lung-Fei - 65-87 Modeling structural change using early Soviet data
by Hunter, Holland & Bresnahan, Timothy F. & Rutan, Everett III - 89-119 Primary commodity price fluctuations and developing countries : An econometric model of copper and Zambia
by Nziramasanga, Mudziviri T. & Obidegwu, Chukwuma - 121-130 Growth and export expansion in developing countries : Some empirical evidence
by Tyler, William G. - 131-147 Trade, growth and income redistribution : A case study of India
by Mohammad, Sharif
June 1981, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 269-284 Food supply and inflation
by Cardoso, Eliana A. - 285-302 Real product, real factor input, and productivity in the Republic of Korea, 1960-1973
by Christensen, Laurits R. & Cummings, Dianne - 303-323 Statistical analysis of under- and overinvoicing of imports
by De Wulf, Luc - 325-337 The elasticity of substitution in India's manufacturing sector
by Laumas, Prem S. & Williams, Martin - 339-345 Protection by international transport charges : Analysis by stage of fabrication
by Clark, Don P. - 347-366 A critique of traditional agricultural credit projects and policies
by Adams, Dale W. & Graham, Douglas H. - 367-370 Famine in South Asia: Political economy of mass starvation : Mohiuddin Alamgir, (Oelgeschlager, Gunn and Hain, Cambridge, MA, 1980) pp. xviii +420, $27.50
by Taylor, Lance - 371-374 Korea: Policy issues for long-term development : Parvez Hasan and D.C. Rao, (Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MD, 1979) pp. xx+538
by Cole, David C. - 374-377 Short-term macroeconomic policy in Latin America : Jere Behrman and James A. Hanson, The National Bureau of Economic Research, Other Conference Series no. 14 (Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, MA, 1979) pp. xxi+370
by Mallon, Richard D.
April 1981, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 149-161 Trade, accumulation, and uneven development
by Krugman, Paul - 163-192 Terms of trade and domestic distribution : Export-led growth with abundant labour
by Chichilnisky, Graciela - 193-204 The use of linear difference equations in manpower planning : A criticism
by Doran, Howard E. & Deen, Rozany R. - 205-226 An analysis of income transfers in a developing country : The case of Kenya
by Knowles, James C. & Anker, Richard - 227-239 Rural credit : A micro synthesis of the Salvadorean experience
by Errunza, Vihang R. & Calantone, Roger J. & Renforth, William R. & Strachan, Harry W. - 241-247 Do more jobs in the modern sector increase urban unemployment?
by Arellano, Jose-Paulo - 249-258 Social and political components of economic performance for the 1960s : A note on Adelman and Morris' society, politics and economic development
by Tekiner, Ahmet C. - 259-262 Applicability of the permanent income hypothesis to underdeveloped economies : A comment
by Ram, Rati - 263-268 The permanent income hypothesis in underdeveloped countries : Mea culpa
by Fry, Maxwell J.
February 1981, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 3-19 Malnutrition : Some measurement and policy issues
by Srinivasan, T. N. - 21-45 Welfare measures : An international comparison
by Kakwani, Nanak - 47-75 Foreign ownership, market structure and industrial performance : Brazil's electrical industry
by Newfarmer, Richard S. & Marsh, Lawrence C. - 77-92 The optimal producer price of cocoa in Ghana
by Franco, G. Robert - 93-109 Total factor productivity, non-neutral technical change and economic growth : A parametric study of a developing economy
by Levy, Victor - 111-131 The optimal ability-education mix and the misallocation of resources within education magnitude for developing countries
by Pinera, Sebastian & Selowsky, Marcelo - 134-141 Macro models for developing countries : Lance Taylor, (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979) pp. xii+271
by Behrman, Jere R. - 141-145 Chinese economic planning, translations from Chihua Ching-chi : Nicholas R. Lardy, ed., translated by K.K. Fung (M.E. Sharpe, White Plains, NY, 1978) pp. xii+268, $20.00
by Riskin, Carl - 141-145 Economic growth and distribution in China : Nicholas R. Lardy, (Cambridge University Press, New York and London, 1978) pp. x+244, $18.95
by Riskin, Carl - 145-147 Rural and urban income inequalities in Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, Tanzania and Tunisia : Wouter van Ginneken (International Labour Office, Geneva, 1976) pp. vii+67, 15 Swiss francs
by Hart, Gillian
December 1980, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 435-451 Basic needs fulfillment and economic growth : A simultaneous model
by Wheeler, David - 453-465 Minidevaluations and indexed wages : The Brazilian experience in the seventies
by Cardoso, Eliana A. - 467-488 The economics of hyperstagflation : Stabilization policy in post 1973 Chile
by Ramos, Joseph R. - 489-504 Grain imports and food security in an unstable international market
by Sarris, Alexander H. - 505-519 Basic goods, the effects of commodity transfers and the international economic order
by Chichilnisky, Graciela - 521-539 On factor proportions as a guide to the future composition of developing country exports
by Tuong, Ho Dac & Yeats, Alexander - 541-566 Investment and employment with unlimited labor : The role of aggregate demand
by Lysy, Frank J. - 567-577 Industrial employment expansion under alternative trade strategies: : Case of India and Taiwan: 1950-1970
by Banerji, Ranadev & Riedel, James - 580-580 The political economy of peru 1956-1978: Economic development and the restructuring of capital : E.V.K. Fitzgerald
by Roemer, Michael - 580-584 Industrialization, industrialists and the nation-state in Peru: A comparative/sociological analysis : Frits Wils (University of California Press, Berkeley, 1979) 273 pp., $5.95
by Roemer, Michael - 584-587 Who benefits from government expenditures? A case study of colombia : Marcelo Selowsky (Oxford University Press, New York, 1979) pp. xv + 186, cloth $12.50 paperback $4.98
by Jenkins, Glenn P. - 587-591 Financing and risk in developing countries : Stephan H. Goodman, ed., (Praeger Publishers, New York, 1978) pp. xv + 103
by Lessard, Donald R. - 591-591 Fertility and education: What do we really know? : Susan Hill Cochrane (Published for the World Bank, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1979) pp. xii + 175, $6.95
by Martin, Linca G. - 591-595 Economic equality and fertility in developing countries : Robert C. Repetto (Published for Resources for the Future, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1979) pp. xv + 186, $14.50
by Martin, Linca G. - 596-600 Yugoslavia: Self-management socialism and the challenges of development, report of a mission sent to Yugoslavia by the World Bank : Martin Schrenk, Cyrus Ardalan, Nawal A.E. Tatawy, (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1979) pp. xvii + 392, Glossary, Index. Hard cover $25.00, paperback $9.50
by Milenkovitch, Deborah Duff
September 1980, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 307-329 Industrial investment in an export economy: : The Brazilian experience before 1914
by Versiani, Flavio Rabelo - 331-344 Diligence and laziness in chinese agricultural production teams
by Chinn, Dennis L. - 345-357 Money, income and prices in Latin America : An empirical note
by Sheehey, Edmund J. - 359-395 Financial reform and stabilization policy in a developing economy
by Mathieson, Donald J. - 397-407 Does income drive saving? : Exogeneity testing applied to East Asian Data
by Ortmeyer, David L. - 409-425 Monetary co-operation as a source of development finance: the asean case
by Dodsworth, J. R. & Diamond, J. - 427-429 Global malnutrition and cereal fortification : James E. Austin (editor) (Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 1979) pp. xx + 307, $20
by Sarris, Alexander H. - 430-432 Financing mining projects in developing countries : Marian Radetski and Stephen Zorn (Mining Journal Books Limited, London, 1979) pp. x + 189
by Van Duyne, Carl - 433-434 Caribbean dependence on the United States economy : Ransford Palmer (Praeger, New York, 1979) pp. 173, $17.95
by Mans, Darius H.
April 1980, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 137-157 The Boserup theory of agricultural growth : A model for anthropological economics
by Darity, William Jr. - 159-173 The effects of progressive wealth redistribution on an economy's development performance
by Vogt, Michael G. - 175-189 The employment effects of an income redistribution : A test for aggregation bias in the Indian sugar processing industry
by James, Jeffrey - 191-210 Multinational corporations and economic growth : A cross-national test of the decapitalization thesis
by Bornschier, Volker - 211-229 Interactions between internal migration, employment growth, and regional income differences in Spain
by Garcia-Ferrer, Antonio - 231-246 A simultaneous equations model of internal migration with dynamic policy simulations and forecasting : Italy, 1952-1976
by Salvatore, Dominick - 247-262 Income tax incidence in a developing country : The case of Greece
by Provopoulos, George A. - 263-272 The economic viability of the railways of tropical Africa
by Due, John F. - 273-282 On testing the stability of input-output relationships in the Indian economy
by Gaiha, Raghav - 283-294 Limited factor substitutability, economic dualism, and non-saving constraints on growth
by Schiavo-Campo, Salvatore - 295-298 Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Colombia : Carlos F. Diaz Alejandro, (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1976) pp. XXIV+281
by Montoya, Miguel Urrutia - 298-300 Bangladesh-Equitable growth? : Joseph F. Stepanek, (Pergamon Press, New York. 1979) pp. xvi x 191, $18.50
by Bose, Swadesh R. - 300-305 El Ingenio: Complejo economico-social Cubano del azucar : Manuel Moreno Fraginals, 2nd edition (Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, La Habana, 1978) 3 vols., pp. 350, 245, 270, $3.60
by Ocampo, Jose Antonio
February 1980, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 3-21 LDC participation in international financial markets : Debt and reserves
by Eaton, Jonathan & Gersovitz, Mark - 23-47 Analyzing the resource pull effects of devaluation under exchange control
by Dervis, Kemal - 49-69 Income instability, terms of trade, and the choice of exchange rate regime
by Branson, William H. & Katseli-Papaefstratiou, Louka T. - 71-83 Tariff change, foreign capital and immiserization : A theoretical analysis
by Bhagwati, Jagdish N. & Tironi, Ernesto - 85-98 Spatial differences in poverty : The case of Peru
by Thomas, Vinod - 99-115 Export instability, expansion and market concentration : A methodological interpretation
by Lam, N. V. - 117-122 Components of effective devaluation and the domestic rate of inflation : The case of Israel
by Blejer, Mario I. & Halevi, Nadav - 123-126 Some evidence of Keynes' finance motive
by Laumas, Prem. S. - 128-128 Export promotion: The case of Brazil : Jose Augusto A. Savasini (Praeger, New York, 1978) pp. xi+141, $18.95
by Morley, Samuel A. - 128-131 Manufacturing export expansion and industrialization in Brazil : William G. Tyler (J.C.B. Mohn (Paul Siebeck), Tubingen, 1976) pp. xxiii+373
by Morley, Samuel A. - 131-131 Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Israel : Michael Michaely (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York, 1975) pp. xv +219
by Razin, Assaf - 131-134 Trade policies and industrialization in a small country: The case of Israel : Richard W.T. Pomfret, (J.C.B. Mohr, Tubingen, 1976) pp. xvi+204
by Razin, Assaf - 134-136 Rural electrification and development: Social and economic impact in Costa Rica and Colombia : John Saunders, J. Michael Davis, Golen C. Moses and James E. Ross, (Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1978) $17.00
by Anderson, Dennis
November 1979, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 459-462 An introduction
by Diaz Alejandro, Carlos F. - 463-481 Notes on the Brazilian experience with minidevaluations, 1968-1976
by Bacha, Edmar L. - 483-514 Exchange-rate flexibility, inflation, and structural change : Israel Under Alternative Regimes
by Bruno, Michael & Sussman, Zvi - 515-548 Financial structure and exchange rate experience : Mexico 1954-1977
by Ortiz, Guillermo & Solis, Leopoldo - 549-555 On structural stagflation
by Olivera, J. H. G. - 557-571 Intersectoral capital flows : Evidence from Kenya
by Sharpley, Jennifer - 573-589 Factor market structure and technology choice in the Colombian brick industry
by Baily, Mary Ann - 592-594 Economic development in the Third World: An introduction to problems and policies in a global perspective : Michael P. Todaro, (Longman, London, 1977)
by Ranis, Gustav - 594-596 Foreign investment and development in the Southwest Pacific: with special reference to Australia and Indonesia : David William Carr, (Praeger, New York, 1978) pp. xii + 197
by Wells, Louis T.
August 1979, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 299-341 Growth and poverty in developing countries
by Ahluwalia, Montek S. & Carter, Nicholas G. & Chenery, Hollis B. - 343-362 Why do Koreans save so little?
by Williamson, Jeffrey G. - 363-390 An analysis of price and output behavior in the Indian economy: 1951-1973
by Ahluwalia, Isher J. - 391-406 Intrafirm trade and the developing countries : An assessment of the data
by Helleiner, G. K. - 407-429 Development and income distribution in a dual economy : A dynamic simulation model for Zambia
by Blitzer, Charles R. - 431-446 A model of inflation and expectations in Latin America
by Nugent, Jeffrey B. & Glezakos, Constantine - 447-447 Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Anatomy and consequences of exchange control regimes : Jagdish N. Bhagwati National Bureau of Economic Research (Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, MA, 1978) pp. xix + 232
by Dervis, Kemal - 447-451 Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Liberalization attempts and consequences : Anne O. Krueger National Bureau of Economic Research (Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, MA, 1978) pp. xxi + 310
by Dervis, Kemal - 452-455 Agricultural change in tropical Africa : Kenneth R.M. Anthony, Bruce F. Johnston, William O. Jones and Victor C. Uchendu (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1979) pp. 326, $25.00
by Cohen, John M. - 455-458 Development, reform, and malnutrition in Chile : Peter Hakim and Giorgio Solimano (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, and London, England) pp. 91, $10.00
by Wells, John
April 1979, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 163-202 Resource-based industrialization in the developing countries : A survey
by Roemer, Michael - 203-235 Malnutrition, child morbidity and the family decision process
by Heller, Peter S. & Drake, William D. - 237-260 A multi-sectoral model with endogenous terminal conditions
by Inman, Richard & Norton, Roger & Kim, Yoon Hyung - 261-286 Evidence on the internal labor market during a process of rapid economic growth
by Morley, Samuel A. & Barbosa, Milton & de Souza, Maria Christina C. - 287-290 The politics of agricultural mechanization in China : Benedict Stavis, (Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1978) pp. 288, $17.50
by Nickum, James E. - 291-293 Development economics in action: A study of economic policies in Ghana : Tony Killick, (Heinemann Educational Books Limited, London, 1978) pp. xiii + 392, [UK pound]9.60 cased and [UK pound]3.90 paper
by Clark Leith, J. - 294-297 Macroeconomic policy in a developing country: The Chilean experience : Jere R. Behrman, (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977) pp. xviii + 340, $30.75
by Reichmann, Thomas
February 1979, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 3-10 Income distribution and the neoclassical paradigm : Introduction to a symposium
by Bruno, Michael - 11-29 Vanishing income redistributions : Keynesian clues about model surprises in the short run
by Taylor, Lance & Lysy, Frank J. - 31-45 Models of employment and income distribution
by Lluch, Constantino - 47-72 The behaviour of a dual economy under different closing rules
by Bell, Clive - 73-78 Perverse responses by factor users to factor cost changes : Need policy advisors worry?
by Lipton, Michael - 79-102 An econometric application of the theory of the farm-household
by Barnum, Howard N. & Squire, Lyn - 103-117 Indian export incentives
by Lal, Deepak - 119-139 The use of DRCs to evaluate indigenization programs : The case of the ivory coast
by Monson, Terry D. & Pursell, Garry G. - 141-143 Exports and growth : A reply
by Michaely, Michael - 146-148 Foreign investment, transnationals and developing countries : Sanjaya Lall and Paul Streeten (Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1977) pp. xi+280, /s$25.00
by Wells, Louis Jr. - 148-151 The international monetary system and the developing nations : Danny M. Leipziger, ed., (Agency for International Development, Washington, DC, 1976, pp. vi+210)
by Krueger, Anne O. - 151-154 The financing of economic development : W.T. Newlyn, ed., (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1977) pp. vi. +374, $24
by Long, Millard F. - 154-156 Inflation and the use of indexing in developing countries : Gustav Donald Jud, (Praeger, New York, 1978) pp. xiii+223
by Macedo, Roberto B. M. - 156-160 Economic development as an adaptive process; The green revolution in the Indian Punjab : Richard H. Day and Inderjit Singh, (Cambridge University Press, New York, 1977) pp. x+326, $24.95
by Bhatia, Ramesh - 160-162 The economics of world grain trade : Thomas Grennes, Paul R. Johnson and Marie Thursby, (Praeger, New York, 1978) pp. xii+129, $16.95
by Abbott, Philip C.
December 1978, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 319-330 An interpretation of unequal exchange from Prebisch-Singer to Emmanuel
by Bacha, Edmar L. - 331-362 Productivity, wages and nutrition : Part I: the theory
by Bliss, Christopher & Stern, Nicholas - 363-398 Productivity, wages and nutrition : Part II: Some observations
by Bliss, Christopher & Stern, Nicholas - 399-402 The permanent income hypothesis in underdeveloped economies: : Additional evidence
by Fry, Maxwell J. - 405-405 Appropriate technologies for developing countries : Richard S. Eckaus (National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC) pp. xii+140
by Taylor, Lance - 405-405 Technology and underdevelopment : Frances Stewart, (Macmillan, London) pp. xiv+303,[UK pound]12.00
by Taylor, Lance - 405-412 The choice of technology countries: Some cautionary tales : C. Peter Timmer, John W. thomas, Louis T. Wells and David Morawetz, (Harvard University Center for International Affairs, Cambridge, MA) pp. vii +144
by Taylor, Lance - 412-414 The new international economic order: The north-south debate : Jagdish N. Bhagwati, ed. (MIT Press, Cambridge, 1977) pp. xiv+390, $9.95
by Vernon, Raymond - 414-416 Rich and poor nations in the world economy : Albert Fishlow, Carlos Diaz-Alejandro, Richard R. Fagan and Roger D. Hansen, (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1978) pp. xii+264, $6.95
by Vernon, Raymond - 417-419 La transition socialiste; La politique economique de gauche : Serge-Christophe Kolm (Editions du Cerf, Paris, 1977), Fr. 45.00
by Bitar, Sergio - 419-419 Foreign trade regimes and economic development: Egypt 1939-1973: Policy & performance : Bent Hansen and Karim Nashashibi (National Bureau of Economic Research, Columbia University Press, New York, 1975) pp. xxx+358
by Moore, Frederick T. - 419-421 The industrialization of Egypt : Roberto Mabro and Samir Radwan, 1939-1973: Policy & Performance(Clarendon Press, Oxford,1976) pp. xi+279, [UK pound]6.75
by Moore, Frederick T. - 422-424 Development paths in Africa and China : Ukandi G. Damachi, Guy Roth and Abdel E. Ali Taha, eds. (Westview Press, 1976) xv+251, $24.75
by Kofi, Tetteh A.
September 1978, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 215-231 Capital-intensity biases in developing country technology choice
by Hawrylyshyn, Oli - 233-258 Taxation and income distribution: The Colombian tax reform of 1974
by Gillis, Malcolm & McLure, Charles Jr. - 259-281 The role of sources of income and investment opportunities in rural savings
by Bhalla, Surjit S. - 283-306 Demographic effects on tax ratios in developing countries
by Bolnick, Bruce R. - 307-310 Fear in the countryside: The control of agricultural resources in the poor countries by nonpeasant elites : E.G. Vallianatos (Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1976) pp. xvii+180, $15.00
by Gotsch, Carl H. - 310-313 Changes in rice farming in selected areas of Asia : International Rice Research Institute (Manila, 1975) pp. 377
by Evenson, Robert E. - 313-315 Land tenure and the rural exodus in Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, and Peru : R. Paul Shaw (University Presses of Florida, Gainesville, 1976) pp. 180, $11.50
by Herrick, Bruce - 315-317 Agricultural policy and performance in Zambia: History prospects, and proposals for change : Doris J. Dodge (Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1977) pp. xiii+285, $4.95
by McPherson, Malcolm
June 1978, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 107-123 The political economy of Armageddon: Chile, 1970-1973
by Lehmann, David - 125-138 Input-output pricing in a Keynesian model as applied to Portugal
by Abel, Andrew B. & Beleza, Luis Miguel C. P. - 139-153 Determinants of capacity utilization by firms in less developed countries
by Lecraw, Donald J. - 155-166 Average size of plants in manufacturing and capital intensity : A cross-country analysis by industry
by Banerji, Ranadev - 167-180 Monopoly power, barriers to competition and the pattern of price differentials in international trade
by Yeats, Alexander J. - 181-189 Exports and economic growth : Further evidence
by Balassa, Bela - 191-193 Exports and growth : An empirical re-investigation
by Heller, Peter S. & Porter, Richard C. - 195-202 A stochastic learning model of migration
by Cross, John G. - 203-206 Women in rural development: A survey of the roles of women in Ghana, Lesotho, Kenya, Nigeria, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru : Donald R. Mickelwait, Mary Ann Riegelman and Charles F. Sweet, (Westview Press) pp. 224
by Boserup, Ester - 207-209 Women and world development : Irene Tinker and Michele Bo Bramsen, eds., (overseas development council, prepared under the auspices of the American association for the advancement of science) pp. 228
by Boserup, Ester - 209-211 Women and world development: An annotated bibliography : Mayra Buvinic, (overseas development council, prepared under the auspices of the American association for the advancement of science) pp. 162
by Boserup, Ester - 212-214 U.S. power and the multinational corporation: The political economy of foreign direct investment : Robert Gilpin, (Basic Books, New York, 1975) pp. xii+291, $10.95
by Helleiner, G. K. - 214-214 China's economic revolution : Alexander Eckstein, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1977) pp. xii+340, $19.95, paperback $6.95
by Perkins, Dwight - 214-214 India's exports and export policies in the 1960s : Deepak Nayyar, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1976) pp. xviii+392, [UK pound]12.50
by Staelin, Charles P.
March 1978, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 3-18 Urban job creation and unemployment in LDCs : Todaro vs. Harris and Todaro
by Blomqvist, A. G. - 19-53 Towards a change in the economic paradigm through the experience of developing countries
by Diamand, Marcelo - 55-71 Occupational migration out of agriculture in Japan
by Mundlak, Yair & Strauss, John - 73-86 Trade, structure and linkages in Costa Rica : An input-output approach
by Bulmer-Thomas, Victor - 88-97 RIO (reshaping the international order) : Jan Tinbergen, Coordinator, (E.P. Dutton, New York, 1976)
by Streeten, Paul P. - 98-101 Credit for small farmers in developing economies : Gordon Donal, (Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1976) pp. xi+286, $20.00
by McKinnon, Ronald - 101-103 Internal migration in developing countries: A review of theory, evidence, methodology and research priorities : Michael P. Todaro (International Labor Office, Geneva, 1976) pp. vi+106, SwF 20.00
by Lucas, R. E. B. - 103-105 Econometric models of world agricultural commodity markets: Cocoa, coffee, tea, wool, cotton, sugar, wheat, rice : F. Gerard Adams and Jere R. Behnman (Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 1976)
by Sarris, Alexander H.
November 1977, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 315-342 Determinants of wage and price changes in less developed countries : An intertemporal cross-country analysis
by Glytsos, Nicholas P. - 343-363 Nutrition and the fertility of younger women in Kinshasa, Zaire
by Anderson, Barbara A. & McCabe, James L. - 365-385 Production, distribution and economic organization : Income distribution and resource allocation at the team level in rural China
by Macrae, John - 387-400 The international operations of national firms: A study of direct foreign investment : Stephen H. Hymer, (M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1976) pp. xxii + 253, $12.50
by Desai, Padma & Diaz Alejandro, Carlos F. & Bhagwati, Jagdish N. & Horst, Thomas & Rowthorn, Robert
September 1977, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 205-237 A micro, econometric investigation of choice of technology
by Rhee, Yung W. & Westphal, Larry E. - 239-264 The attraction of cities : A review of the migration literature
by Yap, Lorene Y. L. - 265-278 The utilization of capital and the growth of output in a developing economy : The case of South Korean manufacturing
by Kim, Young Chin & Kwon, Jene K. - 279-297 Export instability and concentration in the less developed countries : A cross-sectional analysis
by Soutar, Geoffrey N. - 299-299 Economic development--Concept and strategy : Theodore Morgan, (Harper and Row, New York, 1975) pp. xii+429
by Enos, J. L. - 299-302 Economics of development--Empirical investigations : Pan A. Yotopoulos and Jeffrey B. Nugent (Harper and Row, New York, 1975) pp. xxii+478
by Enos, J. L. - 302-306 Foreign trade regimes and economic development: India : Jagdish N. Bhagwati and T.N. Srinivasan (NBER, Columbia University Press, New York and London, 1975) pp. xxii+261
by Lal, Deepak - 306-308 Economic policymaking in a conflict society: The Argentine case : R.D. Mallon and J.V. Sourrouille (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1975) pp. ii+264, $16.00
by de Pablo, Juan Carlos - 309-313 Poverty and income distribution in India : T.N. Srinivasan and P.K. Bardhan (Statistical Publishing Society, Calcutta, 1974), pp. vi+553
by Papanek, Gustav F.
June 1977, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 93-103 Heirs to colonial trade
by Kleiman, Ephraim - 105-118 Variations in forms of tenancy in a peasant economy
by Bardhan, Pranab K. - 119-148 The economics of tax incentives to encourage investment in less developed countries
by Usher, Dan - 149-172 Modelling the effects of protection in a dynamic framework
by De Melo, Jaime A. P. & Dervis, Kemal - 173-190 Staple food control and industrial development in postwar Japan, 1950-1957 : The role of the black market
by Chinn, Dennis L. - 192-194 Economy-wide models and development planning : C.R. Blitzer, P.B. Clark and L. Taylor, eds., (Oxford University Press, London, 1975)pp.xiii+369
by Johansen, Leif - 194-198 The brain drain and taxation, II: Theory and empirical analysis : J.N. Bhagwati, ed., (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1976) pp. xii+292, $29.50, paper $23.25
by Schultz, T. Paul - 198-200 Rice and risk: Decision making among low-income farmers : James A. Roumasset (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1976) pp. xxi+251, $34.75
by Behrman, Jere R. - 200-202 Value and price in the labour-surplus economy : Stephen A. Marglin, (Oxford University Press, London, 1976) pp. 252, $17.25
by Stern, Nicholas - 202-204 Exports of manufacturers from India: An appraisal of the emerging pattern : Ranadev Banerji (J.C.B. Mohr, Tubingen, 1975) pp. xvii+347
by Panchamukhi, V. R.
February 1977, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 3-24 Technological change and factor mix over the product cycle : A model of dynamic comparative advantage
by Nelson, Richard R. & Norman, Victor D.