May 1983, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 41-64 Producer behaviour, market structure and technology in Indian dairy industry: Some managerial implications
by Shah, Tushaar - 65-64 Primrose McConnell's the agricultural notebook : Halley, R. J. (Ed.) Butterworths. 682 pp. 1982. Price: [pound sign]17[middle dot]50
by Spedding, C. R. W. - 66-64 Feeding beef cattle : Matsushima, J. K. Advanced Series in Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 7. Co-ordinating Editor: Yaron, B., Editors Thomas, G. W., Sabey, B. R., Vaadia, Y.& van Vleck, L. D. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1979, 128 pp. Price: unknown
by Owen, E.
April 1983, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 193-211 A simulation model for a swine breeding unit producing feeder pigs
by Allen, M. A. & Stewart, T. S. - 213-244 A model for evaluating lamb production systems
by France, J. & Neal, H. D. St. C. & Probert, D. W. & Pollott, G. E. - 245-256 A body composition model for predicting beef animal growth
by Loewer, O. J. & Smith, E. M. & Taul, K. L. & Turner, L. W. & Gay, N. - 257-258 Agricultural co-operation : Malcolm Sargent. Gower, 1982. viii + 156 pp. Price: [pound sign]14[middle dot]50
by Mills, F. D.
March 1983, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 133-147 The growth curve of animals
by Aguilar, C. & Friedli, C. & Canas, R. - 149-189 A simulation model of a breeding ewe flock
by White, D. H. & Bowman, P. J. & Morley, F. H. W. & McManus, W. R. & Filan, S. J. - 191-192 Nitrogen cycling in south-east Asian wet monsoonal ecosystems : Westselaar, R., Simpson, J. R. and Rosswall, T. (Editors), Australian Academy of Science, Canberra. 1981. vii + 216 pp. Price: Au $25 (Hardcover) + Au $3 postage (overseas) Au $1[middle dot]50 inland
by Tayler, R. S. - 192-192 Smallholder farming systems with yam in the Southern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria : Diehl, Lothan. G.T.Z. Publications 126. 1981.13 + 340 pp. Price not stated
by Tayler, R. S.
February 1983, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 65-74 Economics of feeding corn silage versus corn grain to beef steers as affected by interest rates, liquidity preference and opportunity cost of capital
by Arden Pope, C. & Heady, Earl O. - 75-86 Duck egg production systems in West Java
by Petheram, R. J. & Thahar, Ashari - 87-97 Ruminant feeding systems in West Java, Indonesia
by Thahar, Ashari & Petheram, R. J. - 99-125 Identification and selection of technology for a specific agricultural region: A case study of sheep husbandry and dryland farming in the northern Negev of Israel
by Spharim, I. & Seligman, N. G. - 127-128 Small farm weed control: An annotated bibliography : Compton, J. A. F. Intermediate Technology Development Group, International Plant Protection Centre, 1982, 170 pp. Price (soft-cover): [pound sign]6[middle dot]00
by Tayler, R. S. - 128-128 Plant growth regulators: Agricultural uses : Nickell, L. G. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1981, 144 pp. Price: US$20[middle dot]20
by Tayler, R. S. - 128-130 Guide to sources for agricultural and biological research : Blanchard, J. R. and Farrell, L. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1981, 735 pp. Price (hard-cover): [pound sign]33[middle dot]25
by Jollans, J. L. - 130-131 Computers in farming--Millstone or milestone : Study No. 1, Farm Management Unit, University of Reading, 1981, 70 pp. Price: [pound sign]3[middle dot]50
by Jackson, G. H.
January 1983, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-19 Microprocessor controlled low-temperature corn drying system
by Mittal, G. S. & Otten, L. - 21-37 Post-harvest quality control strategies for fruit and vegetables
by Holt, J. E. & Schoorl, D. & Muirhead, I. F. - 39-63 A stochastic simulation model for evaluating forage machinery performance
by Russell, Noel P. & Milligan, Robert A. & LaDue, Eddy L.
December 1982, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 239-253 The traditional system of oil palm wine production in Igbo Eze local government area of Anambra state of Nigeria
by Okereke, O. - 255-266 Changes in the technology of harvesting timber in the United States: Some implications for labour
by Stier, Jeffrey C. - 267-279 Using a programmable calculator for rationing pregnant ewes
by France, J. & Neal, H. D. St C. & Pollott, G. E. - 281-300 Modelling seasonal grain sorghum yields in subtropical Australia
by Heslehurst, M. R. - 301-324 A mathematical model for the joint metabolism of nitrogen and energy in cattle
by Koong, L. J. & Falter, K. H. & Lucas, H. L. - 325-328 Plant science: An introduction to world crops : By J. Janick, R. W. Schery, F. W. Woods and V. W. Ruttan (3rd ed.). W. H. Freeman & Co., viii+868 pp. 1981. Price: [pound sign]15[middle dot]60
by Roberts, E. H.
November 1982, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 161-179 A yield prediction model for Florida sugarcane
by Alvarez, Jose & Crane, Donald R. & Spreen, Thomas H. & Kidder, Gerald - 181-197 A test of a maize growth and development model, CORNF
by Wright, A. D. & Keener, M. E. - 199-225 A model of the life cycle of sheep nematodes and the epidemiology of nematodiasis in sheep
by Callinan, A. P. L. & Morley, F. H. W. & Arundel, J. H. & White, D. H. - 227-236 An analysis of the efficiency of the UK food system
by Fallows, Stephen J. & Verner Wheelock, J. - 237-239 Linking research to crop production : Staples, R. C. and Kuhr, R. J. (Editors), Plenum Press, New York, 1980. 235 pp. Price: US$ 29[middle dot]50
by Peel, Lynnette J.
September 1982, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 81-82 Editorial
by Spedding, C. R. W. - 83-95 Modelling the determinants of grassland stocking rates on dairy farms in England and Wales
by Doyle, C. J. - 97-112 Evaluation of new technology on farms: Methodology and some results from two crop programmes at CIAT
by Sanders, J. H. & Lynam, J. K. - 113-126 Graphical analysis of annual crop response to fertiliser application
by van Keulen, H. - 127-142 Optimising aquaculture management of a single-species fish population
by Talpaz, Hovav & Tsur, Yacov - 143-154 A comparative study of the energy budget of hill agro-ecosystems with emphasis on the slash and burn system (JHUM) at lower elevations of North-Eastern India
by Toky, O. P. & Ramakrishnan, P. S. - 156-157 Terrestial Nitrogen cycles: Processes, ecosystems strategies and management impacts : Clark, E. E. and Rosswall, T. (Editors). Proceedings of an International Workshop. Ecological Bulletins No. 33, 1980
by Tayler, R. S. - 157-158 Biological efficiency in agriculture : Spedding, C. R. W., Walsingham, J. M. and Hoxey, A. M. Academic Press, London. 1981. 383 pp. Price: [pound sign]12[middle dot]80 (UK only) (US$31[middle dot]00)
by Holmes, W. - 158-159 Research digest 1980 : Report on the Institute for Land and Water Management Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands. ICW. vi+229 pp 28 Tables, 118 Figs
by Radford, P. J. - 159-160 Soil erosion and reservoir sedimentation in Lesotho : Chakela, Qalabane K., Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Uppsala (UNGI Rapport 54). 1981
by Nortcliff, Stephen
July 1982, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-13 Food production and consumption in a Fijian village and an Indian settlement in the Sigatoka Valley, Fiji
by Chandra, S. - 15-27 A location-allocation model for the Nigerian oil palm industry assuming an infinite location space
by Ademosun, O. C. & Noble, David H. - 29-34 The costs and benefits of pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cows: A simulation model
by Boneschanscher, Joyce & James, A. D. & Stephens, A. J. & Esslemont, R. J. - 35-41 Statistical estimates of optimal protein for beef feeding rations
by Epplin, Francis M. & Heady, Earl O. - 43-55 Technical and economic criteria in agricultural production: A case for a systems approach to farm decision-making in the Pakistan Punjab
by Rehman, Tahir - 57-72 Energy flow through a village ecosystem with slash and burn agriculture in North-eastern India
by Mishra, B. K. & Ramakrishnan, P. S. - 73-74 Environmental protection and biological forms of control of pest organisms : Lundholm, B. and Stackerud, M. (Editors). Ecological Bulletin No. 31. Swedish Natural Science Research Council, Stockholm, Sweden. 1980. Price: Skr 110 (US$25.00)
by van Emden, H. F. - 74-75 Simulation of assimilation, respiration and transpiration of crops : de Wit, C. T. et al. Pudoc, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 1978. 141 pp. price: Dfl. 22[middle dot]50
by Elston, J. - 75-77 Animal agriculture: Research to meet human needs in the 21st century : Pond, W. G., Markel, R. A., McGilliard, L. D. and Rhodes, V. J. (Editors). Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1980. Price: US$20[middle dot]00
by Bowman, J. C. - 77-77 The world food book. An A-Z atlas and statistical source book : Crabbe, David and Lawson, Simon. Kogan Page Ltd, 120 Pentonville Road, London N1 9JN, Great Britain, 1981. 240 pp. Price: [pound sign]14[middle dot]50
by Jones, J. G. W. - 78-79 Monitoring systems for agricultural and rural development projects : Clayton, E. and Petry, F. (Editors). Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Rome. 1981. Price: US$10[middle dot]80
by Jollans, J. L.
June 1982, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 249-272 Replacement policy in dairy herds on farms where heifers compete with cows for grassland--Part 3: A revised hypothesis
by Gartner, J. A. - 273-289 A review of bio-economic simulation models of beef production systems and suggestions for methodological development
by Chudleigh, P. D. & Cezar, I. M. - 291-308 Interactive formulation system for cattle diets
by Crabtree, J. R. - 309-310 Grazing animals : Morley, F. H. W. (Editor), World Animal Science B, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Oxford, New York. 1981, 412 pp. Price: US$97[middle dot]50
by Holmes, W. - 310-311 Cattle, economics and development : Crotty, Raymond, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Farnham Royal. 1980. 253 pp. Price: [pound sign]15[middle dot]00
by Mettrick, H. - 311-312 Simulation of ecological processes : de Wit, C. T. and Goudrian, J., (2nd edition--revised and extended), Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 1978. 175 pp. Price: Dfl. 22[middle dot]50
by Jones, J. G. W. - 312-313 Seed to civilisation: The story of food : Heiser, Jr., Charles B., (2nd edition), W. H. Freeman, Reading. 1981. 254 pp. 126 illustrations. Price: [pound sign]13[middle dot]40 (Board). [pound sign]6[middle dot]20 (Paperback)
by Williams, Watkin - 313-313 Analysis in geography : Huggett, Richard, Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1980. Price: [pound sign]4[middle dot]95 (Paperback). [pound sign]11[middle dot]00 (Cloth)
by Grigg, D. B. - 314-315 Year book of agricultural co-operation, 1980 : by The Plunkett Foundation. 1981. vi + 277 pp. Price: [pound sign]7[middle dot]00 (Paperback)
by Mills, F. D.
April 1982, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 163-191 Replacement policy in dairy herds on farms where heifers compete with cows for grassland: Part 2-Experimentation
by Gartner, J. A. - 193-207 Mechanised production system of oil palm produce in Nigeria: A preliminary study on the establishment of location-allocation models
by Ademosun, O. C. - 209-217 Small farmers' production systems and the improvement of agriculture in Central America
by Villalobos, Arturo - 219-224 Perspective for planning in agriculture
by Holt, J. E. & Schoorl, D. - 225-239 United States demand for hardwood plywood imports: A distributed lag model
by Chou, Jieh-Jen & Buongiorno, Joseph - 241-242 Opportunities for increasing crop yields : Hurd, R. G., Biscoe, P. V. and Dennis, C. (Editors). Association of Applied Biologists, Pitman Publishing Co. Ltd., London, 1980, 410 pp. Price: [pound sign]16[middle dot]00 (hard cover)
by Brockington, N. R. - 242-244 Biomonitoring air pollutants with plants : Manning, W. J. and Feder, W. A., Applied Science Publishers Ltd., London, x + 14 pp. 1980. [pound sign]12[middle dot]00
by Koziol, Michael J. - 244-245 Modeling in geography: A mathematical approach : Thomas, R. W. and Huggett, R. J., Methuen, London, 1980. 338 pp. Price: [pound sign]7[middle dot]50 (paperback)
by Hay, Alan - 245-247 Land reclamation and water management: Developments, problems and challenges : International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement, Wageningen, 1980 (ILRI Pubn. 27). Price: 30 Dutch Guilders
by Nortcliff, S. - 247-248 Grass: Its production and utilisation : Holmes, W. (Ed.), British Grassland Society and Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1980, 300 pp. Price: [pound sign]8[middle dot]50
by Tayler, R. S.
February 1982, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 77-86 Planning for change in horticulture--A case study in packing shed design
by Schoorl, D. & Holt, J. E. - 87-104 Agriculture, population, environment and balanced regional development: A modelling project in Poland
by Owsinski, Jan W. - 105-114 Computer simulation of mechanical harvesting and transporting of sugarcane in Thailand
by Singh, Gajendra & Abeygoonawardana, K. A. R. - 115-127 Modelling soil-water-plant relationships in the Cerrado soils of Brazil: The case of maize (Zea mays L.)
by Goodwin, Joseph B. & Garagorry, Fernando L. & Espinosa, Waldo & Sans, Luis Marcelo & Youngdahl, Leif J. - 129-142 A dairy herd cash flow model
by France, J. & Neal, H. D. St C. & Marsden, S. & Frost, B. - 143-155 Road-vehicle-load interactions for transport of fruit and vegetables
by Schoorl, D. & Holt, J. E. - 155-157 Applied soil physics : Hanks, R. J. and Ashcroft, G. L., Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1980. Price (cloth): DM 39,50 approx., US$22[middle dot]50
by Payne, D. - 155-158 Perspectives in grassland ecology. Results and applications of the US/IBP grassland biome study : French, N. R. (Editor). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin-New York. 60 Figs., 47 Tables, xi + 204 pp. 1979. Price (cloth): DM 54., US$29[middle dot]70
by Brockington, N. R. - 155-158 Ecological studies. Analysis and synthesis : Billings, W. D., Golley, F., Lange, O. L. and Olson, J. S. (Editors). Vol. 32
by Brockington, N. R. - 159-155 Tropical pasture science : Whiteman, P. C. (With contributions by Waring, S. A., Wallis, E. S. and Bruce, R. C.) Oxford University Press, 392pp., 1980. Price (hard-cover): [pound sign]20[middle dot]00
by Brockington, N. R. - 160-161 Small farm development. Understanding and improving farming systems in the humid tropics : Harwood, Richard R. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado. xiv + 160 pp. 233 x 155 mm, line drawings and half-tone plates. 1979. Price: US$16[middle dot]50
by Upton, Martin
January 1982, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-161 Obituary
by Van Dyne, George M. - 3-15 The climatic potential for beef cattle production in tropical Australia: Part IV-- variation in seasonal and annual productivity
by McCown, R. L. - 17-39 Linear programming for repeated use in the analysis of agricultural systems
by McCarl, B. A. & Nuthall, P. - 41-53 Bioeconomic firm-level model of beef, forage and grain farms in Western Canada: Structure and operation
by Klein, Kurt K. & Sonntag, Bernard H. - 55-71 Using simulation to assess the risks and returns from pasture improvement for beef production in agriculturally underdeveloped regions
by Beck, A. C. & Harrison, I. & Johnston, J. H. - 73-74 Rice in the tropics: A guide to the development of national programs : Chandler, Robert F. Praeger, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 1979. 256 pp. Price: US$18[middle dot]50
by Simmonds, N. W. - 74-75 Environmental instrumentation : Fritscher, Leo J. and Gay, Lloyd W. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1980. 66 Figs, 216 pp. Price: US$23[middle dot]60
by Sheehy, J. E. - 75-76 Animals, feed, food and people. An analysis of the role of animals in food production : Baldwin, R. L. (Editor). Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, USA. 1980. Price: US$15[middle dot]00
by Bowman, J. C.
December 1981, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 245-265 Simulation of production systems in East Africa by use of interfaced forage and cattle models
by Sullivan, G. M. & Cartwright, T. C. & Farris, D. E. - 267-288 Smallholder cropping system of southeastern Nigeria: A `diagnostic' study
by Nweke, Felix I. - 289-318 Replacement policy in dairy herds on farms where heifers compete with the cows for Grassland--part 1: Model construction and validation
by Gartner, J. A. - 319-320 Computer modelling in agriculture : Brockington, N. R., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1979, x + 156 pp. Price: [pound sign]8[middle dot]95
by Goudriaan, J. - 320-322 Agricultural ecology : Cox, G. W. & Atkins, M. D., W. H. Freeman & Co., 1979, 731 pp. Price: [pound sign]13[middle dot]50
by Spedding, C. R. W.
November 1981, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 163-178 The climatic potential for beef cattle production in tropical Australia: Part III--Variation in the commencement, cessation and duration of the green season
by McCown, R. L. - 179-188 Stochastic variation of system component variables in a network analysis
by Bingner, R. L. & Bridges, T. C. & Wells, L. G. & Miyake, Y. & Duncan, G. A. - 189-197 The simulation of growth rate in grazing sheep--A comparison of the NRC and ARC feeding standards
by Dryden, G. McL. - 199-208 Performance of broiler chickens fed least-cost diets formulated to model predicted amino acid requirements
by Fisher, Mary Lou & Leeson, S. & Schaefer, K. & Summers, J. D. - 209-218 Fruit packaging and handling distribution systems: An evaluation method
by Holt, J. E. & Schoorl, D. - 219-233 A timothy-beef production model for Atlantic Canada
by Lovering, J. & McIsaac, J. A. - 235-237 A model of energy and nitrogen utilisation by cattle
by Graham, M. McC. - 239-240 Effluents from livestock : Gasser, J. K. R. (Editor), Applied Science Publishers Ltd, London, 1980, 712 pp. Price: [pound sign]32.00
by Gibb, J. A. C. - 241-242 Rural work science : Preston, T. A. (Editor), Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau Annotated Bibliography No. CAB/96. September, 1978. University of Alberta, Canada, 1979, 106 pp. Price: [pound sign]10 (UK), [pound sign]12 (Overseas)
by Lloyd, D. H.
September 1981, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 83-93 Simulation of beef cattle production systems in the Llanos of Colombia: Part 2--Results of the modelling
by Levine, Joel M. & Hohenboken, William - 95-103 The location specificity problem in farming systems research
by Menz, K. M. & Knioscheer, H. C. - 105-111 Bioenergetic and energy constraints in increasing cereal productivity
by Bhatia, C. R. & Mitra, R. & Rabson, R. - 113-135 Forestry sector development planning: A model for Indonesia
by Buongiorno, J. & Svanqvist, N. H. H. & Wiroatmodjo, P. - 137-156 The farming system in the pyrenees: A model of the constitution and utilisation of hay stocks
by Duru, M. & Charpenteau, J. L. - 157-161 Small farmers--credit constraints: A paradigm
by Gupta, Anil K.
July 1981, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-10 The climatic potential for beef cattle production in tropical Australia: Part II-- liveweight change in relation to agroclimatic variables
by McCown, R. L. & Gillard, P. & Winks, L. & Williams, W. T. - 11-20 Agricultural development effort in Nigeria-- an economic appraisal of the Western State settlement scheme
by Andreou, P. - 21-36 Simulation modelling for orchard management
by Davis, J. & Thiele, G. F. - 37-48 Simulation of beef cattle production systems in the Llanos of Colombia--part I. Methodology: An alternative technology for the tropics
by Levine, J. M. & Hohenboken, W. & Gene Nelson, A. - 49-77 A computer simulation model of ovine fascioliasis
by Meek, A. H. & Morris, R. S. - 79-80 Agricultural energetics : Fluck, R.C. and Baird C.D. AVI Pub. Co., Westport, Conn., USA, 1980, 199 pp. Price: US and Canada, $19[middle dot]00; other countries, $21[middle dot]00
by Spedding, C. R. W. - 80-80 Toxic constituents of plant foodstuffs : Liener, I.E., Ed., Second Edition, Academic Press, New York and London, 1980, 502 pp. Price: $39[middle dot]50
by Hudson, B. J. F. - 81-80 Annual cropping systems in the tropics : Norman M.J.T., University Presses of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 1980, hardcovers, 276 pp. Price: $20
by Brockington, N. R.
May 1981, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 249-260 Simulation of production alternatives in ranching systems in Togo
by Sere, C. & Doppler, W. - 261-268 Prediction of the fractional rate of outflow of water from the rumen of sheep
by Faichney, G. J. & Beever, D. E. & Black, J. L. - 269-283 Determining superior cropping patterns for small farms in a dryland rice environment: Test of a methodology
by Garrity, Dennis P. & Harwood, Richard R. & Zandstra, Hubert G. & Price, Edwin C. - 285-302 Rainfall persistence: Detection, modelling, costs and value of probability information
by Harrison, S. R. - 303-317 The climatic potential for beef cattle production in tropical Australia: Part I--Simulating the annual cycle of liveweight change
by McCown, R. L. - 319-320 Vegetation of the earth and ecological systems of the geobiosphere : Walter, Heinrich, (Translated from the third German edition by Joy Wieser, Springer-Verlag, New York Inc., 1979. Paperback, 274 pp. Price: US$15[middle dot]40 (approx.)
by Brockington, N. R. - 320-321 Grasslands, systems analysis and man : Bereymeyer, A. I. and Van Dyne, G. M. (Eds.), IBP Vol. 19, Cambridge University Press, 1980, 950 pp. Price: [pound sign]65
by Spedding, C. R. W.
February 1981, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 159-193 Simulation of water use and herbage growth in arid regions--A re-evaluation and further development of the model `arid crop'
by van Keulen, H. & Seligman, N. G. & Benjamin, R. W. - 195-219 Simulation of the effects of rumen function on the flow of nutrients from the stomach of sheep: Part 1--Description of a computer program
by Black, J. L. & Beever, D. E. & Faichney, G. J. & Howarth, B. R. & Graham, N. McC. - 221-241 Simulation of the effects of rumen function of the flow of nutrients from the stomach of sheep: Part 2--Assessment of computer predictions
by Beever, D. E. & Black, J. L. & Faichney, G. J. - 243-241 Letters to the editor
by Fitzgerald, Pat & Rickard, D. S. - 244-245 Letters to the editor
by Fick, Gary W. - 247-245 Tropical grazing land ecosystems : A `state-of-knowledge' report prepared by UNESCO/UNEP/FAO, UNESCO, 1979
by Spedding, C. R. W. - 247-248 Methods of studying root systems (Ecological studies volume 33) : Bohm, W., Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1979, xii + 188 pp. with 69 text-figures, Price [pound sign]17[middle dot]85
by Ellis, F. B.
December 1980, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 81-91 A regret function for agricultural production systems
by Amir, Ilan & Shamir, Uri & Broughton, Robert S. - 93-120 Machinery selection method for farms in North India
by Singh, Gajendra & Gupta, Madan Lal - 121-129 Energy minimised v. cost minimised alternatives for the US beef production system
by Yorks, T. P. & Miller, W. C. & Combs, J. J. & Ward, G. M. - 131-154 Modelling systems of disease and yield loss in cereals
by Teng, P. S. & Gaunt, R. E. - 155-156 Fundamentals of measurement and representation of natural systems : Rosen, Robert, Elsevier North-Holland, The Netherlands, 1978, 221 pp. Price not given
by Nutbrown, D. A. - 156-157 Rural settlement and land use: An essay in location : Chisholm, M., (3rd edition), Hutchinson, London. Price: [pound sign]6[middle dot]50 (cased), [pound sign]3[middle dot]25 (Paper)
by Duckham, A. N.
November 1980, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-157 Editorial
by Spedding, C. R. W. - 3-22 Dynamics of plant and animal production of a subterranean clover pasture grazed by sheep: Part 1--Field measurements for model calibration
by Biddiscombe, E. F. & Arnold, G. W. & Galbrath, K. A. & Briegel, D. J. - 23-43 Dynamics of plant and animal production of a subterranean clover pasture grazed by sheep: Part 2--structure and validation of the pasture growth model
by Galbraith, K. A. & Arnold, G. W. & Carbon, B. A. - 45-51 Unit farms and farming systems research: The IITA experience
by Menz, K. M. - 53-66 Economic and political influences on international trade of tropical logs
by Buongiorno, Joseph & Tenny, Pieter A. & Gilless, James K. - 67-75 Spatial aspects of weed control
by Menz, K. M. & Coote, B. G. & Auld, B. A. - 77-78 Energy, economic, and ecological relationships for Gotland, Sweden. A regional systems study : Jansson, A. M. and Zucchetto, J Ecological Bulletins Vol. 28. Swedish Natural Research Council, Stockholm, Sweden. 1978. Price: Swedish Kr. 70 (US $ 16)
by Mayon-White, W. M. - 78-80 Grassland ecosystems of the world : Coupland, R. T. (Editor). IBP Vol. 18, Cambridge University Press, 1979, 401pp. Price: [pound sign]25[middle dot]00
by Spedding, C. R. W.
August 1980, Volume 5, Issue 4
- 239-250 Dynamic simulation: A positive feedback mechanism for experimental research in the biological sciences
by McKinion, James M. - 251-266 Support energy and green crop fractionation in the United Kingdom
by McDougall, V. D. - 267-278 Feed conversion efficiency and the efficiency of the UK food chain
by Morris, R. M. - 279-294 Simulation-aided development of the Hawaii swine research programme
by Singh, Devindar & Hugh, Williams I. & Liang, Tung - 295-307 A mathematical model of the United States beef production system
by Miller, W. C. & Ward, G. M. & Yorks, T. P. & Rossiter, D. L. & Combs, J. J. - 309-318 Simulated comparisons of breeding plans for beef production: Part 3--systems for producing feeder-calves involving intensive culling and additional breeds of sire,
by Congleton, William R. & Goodwill, R. E. - 319-320 Systems analysis and operations research: A tool for policy and program planning for developing countries : The National Research Council, Washington DC, USA. 1976. Price: US$5[middle dot]50
by Upton, M. - 320-321 Agricultural systems, theory and application : Dent, J. B. and Murty, V. V. N. (Editors). College of Agricultural Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University. 166 pp
by Morley, F. H. W. - 321-322 Modelling nitrogen from farm wastes : Gasser, J. K. R. (Ed.), Applied Science Publishers Ltd, London. 1979. Price: [pound sign]10[middle dot]00
by Gibb, J. A. C. - 322-323 An introduction to agricultural systems : Spedding, C. R. W., Applied Science Publishers Ltd, London, 1979, ix + 169 pp. Price: [pound sign]4[middle dot]00
by Spitters, C. J. Th.
July 1980, Volume 5, Issue 3
- 165-180 Brucellosis eradication planning: An application of simulation modelling
by Beck, A. C. & Dillon, John L. - 181-191 The agricultural marketing system in Zinder, Niger
by Stewart, Bonnie Ann & Gerald Matlock, W. - 193-205 Modelling reproduction in a herd of dairy cattle
by Oltenacu, P. A. & Milligan, R. A. & Rounsaville, T. R. & Foote, R. H. - 207-219 Simulated comparisons of breeding plans for beef production--Part 1: A dynamic model to evaluate the effect of mating plan on herd age structure and productivity
by Congleton, W. R. & Goodwill, R. E. - 221-232 Simulated comparisons of breeding plans for beef production--Part 2: Hereford, angus and Charolais sires bred to Hereford, Angus and Hereford-Angus dams to produce feeder calves
by Congleton, W. R. & Goodwill, R. E. - 233-235 Soil organisms as components of ecosystems : Lohm, U. and Persson, T. (Editors), Proc. VI. International Soil Zoology Colloquium, Uppsala, June 1976. Ecological Bulletins Vol. 25, 614 pp. 1977. Price: 140 SwCr (ca. [pound sign]20[middle dot]00 incl. air mail postage)
by MacFadyen, Amyan - 235-238 Interdependence in planning: Multilevel programming studies of the Ivory Coast : Goureux, Louis M., Published for the World Bank by The Johns Hopkins University Press, London, 1978. Price: Cloth [pound sign]15[middle dot]75, Paper [pound sign]4[middle dot]00
by Upton, Martin - 235-238 Ivory coast: The challenge of success : den Tuinder, Bastiaan A., Published for the World Bank by The Johns Hopkins University Press, London, 1978. Price: Cloth [pound sign]17[middle dot]50, Paper [pound sign]5[middle dot]50
by Upton, Martin
1980, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 85-103 Simulation of the barley leaf rust epidemic: Structure and validation of BARSIM--I
by Teng, P. S. & Blackie, M. J. & Close, R. C. - 105-117 The analysis of agricultural distribution systems
by Foxall, Gordon R. - 119-135 The cultivation-cattle complex in Western Darfur
by Wilson, R. T. & Bailey, Liz & Hales, J. & Moles, D. & Watkins, A. E. - 137-161 A pasture production model for use in a whole farm simulator
by Fick, Gary W. - 163-161 Elements of system-dynamics simulation. A textbook with exercises : Ferrari, Th. J. PUDOC, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1978. 89 pp. Price not stated
by Bruckington, N. R. - 163-164 Simulation of grazing systems : Christian, K. R., Freer, M., Donelly, J. R., Davidson, J. L. and Armstrong, J. S. PUDOC, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1978 115 pp. Price: Dfl. 18
by Brockington, N. R.
1980, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-17 Models and techniques for scheduling farm operations: A comparison
by van Elderen, E. - 19-27 A general computer program for land grading using linear programming
by Biswal, R. N. & Singh, Gajendra - 29-38 Agricultural systems in Ethiopia-- A review article
by Sisaye, Seleshi - 39-50 Agro-climates and agricultural systems in Ethiopia
by Getahun, Amare - 51-70 Energy usage in British agriculture--A review of future prospects
by Wilson, P. N. & Brigstocke, T. D. A. - 71-83 Economic comparison of open and closed nucleus breeding schemes for wool production
by Jones, L. P. & Napier, K. M.
October 1979, Volume 4, Issue 4
- 237-238 Editorial
by Clark, K. W. - 239-278 Producing an adequate national diet in India: Issues relating to conversion efficiency and dairying
by Halse, Michael - 279-287 The efficient use of labour, land and energy in agriculture
by de Wit, C. T. - 289-309 A general cattle production systems model. Part 2--Procedures used for simulating animal performance
by Sanders, J. O. & Cartwright, T. C. - 311-312 Aquaculture for the developing countries: A feasibility study : Bell, F. W. and Canterbury, E. R., Ballinger Publishing Company, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, xvii+267 pp. 1976. Price: [pound sign]12[middle dot]70
by Jones, J. G. W. - 312-313 Food production systems T273 : (ISBN 0 335 06370 5; 06371 3; 06372 1; 06373 X; 06374 8; 06377 2; 06376 4), Open University Press, 1979
by Spedding, C. R. W. - 313-314 Agricultural sector planning: A general system simulation approach : Rossmiller, G. E. (Ed.), Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University. Price $US8 (paperback) $15 (hardback)
by Mettrick, Hal - 315-314 Agricultural wastes (Quarterly) : Hobson, Peter and Taiganides, E. Paul (Eds.). Applied Science Publishers Ltd, London. Price: [pound sign]28[middle dot]00
by Gibb, J. A. C.
July 1979, Volume 4, Issue 3
- 159-160 Guest editorial
by Jones, J. G. W. - 161-188 Integration of forestry and agriculture--A model
by Maxwell, T. J. & Sibbald, A. R. & Eadie, J. - 189-215 A preliminary model to investigate culling and replacement policy in dairy herds
by Gartner, J. A. & Herbert, W. A. - 217-227 A general cattle production systems model. I: Structure of the model
by Sanders, J. O. & Cartwright, T. C. - 229-230 Systems theory applications to agricultural modelling: A proceedings : Levis, A. H. and Quance, C. L. (Eds). Economics, Statistics and Co-operatives Service, USDA
by Morris, R. M. - 230-232 Greenhouse management : Hanan, J. J., Holley, W. D. and Goldsberry, K. L., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg and New York, 1978, 530 pp. Price: US$47[middle dot]00
by Canham, A. E. - 232-233 Proceedings of the Third International Biodegradation Symposium: General biodeterioration and deterioration of organic wastes : Sharpley, J. M. and Kaplan, A. M., Applied Science Publishers Ltd, London. Price: [pound sign]4[middle dot]00
by Baines, S. - 233-234 Ecological studies: Analysis and synthesis : Billings, W. D., Golley, F., Lange, O. L. and Olson, J. S. (Eds)
by Brockington, N. R. - 233-234 Vol. 26: Grassland simulation model : Innis, G. S., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 87 Figs. XXVI x 298 pp. 1978. Price: Cloth DM49[middle dot]60; US$24[middle dot]80
by Brockington, N. R. - 234-235 Environmental role of nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae and asymbiotic bacteria : U. Granhill (Ed.) Ecological Bulletins/NFR 26. Stockholm, Sweden, 391 pp., 1978. Price: Sw.Cr. 100
by Spedding, C. R. W.
April 1979, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 79-100 Simulation of energy utilisation of bovine animals
by Keener, H. M. - 101-114 Beef production systems and sales strategies in an extensive ranching region in South Africa
by Louw, A. & Grosskopf, J. F. W. & Groenewald, J. A.