2007, Issue 1(1)
- 85-94 Fundamentals of Business Incubator Development
by Gabriela MARCHIS - 95-107 The Macroeconomic Context - A Favourable Factor to Continuous Change and Extending Banking Risks
by Elena Chirulescu-Ciucasu - 108-118 The Impact of the Protectionist Politics over the Increase of Foreign Commerce
by Chiru Gheorghe - 119-132 The Cost of Bank Credit Financing
by Mihaela Cosmina Petre (Nita) - 121-134 Monetary Integration – Factor of Economic Cohesion and Solidarity among EU Member States
by Tatiana Adina Coman - 145-156 Integration of the Romanian Industry into the European One
by Codruta Ligia Butucescu
2006, Issue 17
- 5-10 Managerial Decision Within The Context Of Application The Financial-Accounting Information
by Neculina CHEBAC & Carmen Mihaela CRETU - 11-15 Theoretical Considerations About The Financial Control
by Constantin CUCOSEL - 16-20 The Impact Of European Union Budget
by Romeo Victor IONESCU & Gabriela MARCHIS - 21-28 The Evolution Of The Romanian Foreign Commerce Within The Context Of Adherence To The European Union
by Rodica PRIPOAIE & Carmen Gabriela SIRBU - 29-34 Ecotourism In The Biosphere Reservation Of Danube Delta
by Anca TURTUREANU - 35-42 Banking Risks And Their Management
by Cornelia TUREAC - 43-48 The Impact Of The European Integration Upon Banking Intermediaries Within Romania
by Mariana TRANDAFIR - 49-58 American Conceptual Frame Regarding Intellectualy Property,Part Of Intangible Assets
by Ecaterina NECSULESCU
2006, Issue 1(1)
- 7-10 The Costs of European Integration
by Victor Ionescu - 11-76 Degenerate Foliations in Semi-Riemannian Manifolds
by Catalin Angelo Ioan - 77-87 Demographic Change – New Challenge for European Policies on Social Cohesion Programs
by Doinita Ariton - 88-97 Romania’s economic contribution to making a Long World War II shorter
by Stefan Gheorghe - 103-122 The Contribution of Rural Tourism to the Sustainable Development of the Rural Areas
by Anca Gabriela Turtureanu - 123-127 Research in Public Relations
by Coriolan Paunescu - 128-148 Public Budgetary Policy Associated with the Requirements of the European Union Integration
by Georgeta DRAGOMIR - 149-152 Le Risque de Taux d’Intérêt
by Rodica Pripoaie - 153-160 General Considerations on the Influence of Prices on Business
by Cornelia Elena TUREAC - 161-178 Combined Deep and Shallow Knowledge in a Unified Model for Diagnosis by Abduction
by Viorel Ariton & Florin Postolache - 179-186 The Speech Act Theory between Linguistics and Language Philosophy
by Livu MArinescu
2005, Issue 1(1)
- 9-14 The Environment - A Crucial Component of Long-Lived Upsurge in the European Union
by Victor Ionescu - 15-18 Free Movement of Assets in the Context of European Union Adherer
by Georgeta DRAGOMIR & Stefan DRAGOMIR - 19-32 Qualification Strategies in ICT for Europe and Romania
by Viorel Ariton - 33-40 Degenerate Foliations in Sasakian Semi-Riemannian Manifolds
by Catalin Angelo Ioan - 41-54 A General Type of Almost Contact Manifolds
by Catalin Angelo Ioan - 55-61 Legal and Accounting Aspects of the Winding-Up Reorganisation
by Neculina CHEBAC & Carmen CRETU - 62-76 The Quality Resources
by Anca Gabriela Turtureanu - 77-91 The Components of the Organizational Culture
by Cornelia Elena TUREAC - 92-104 How to Improve Artificial Intelligence through Web
by Adrian Lupasc - 105-108 Le Risque Politique
by Rodica Pripoaie - 109-117 Convention between Romania and the Great Powers on the 12th of September 1944
by Stefan Gheorghe - 118-128 From Sentence to Text
by Livu MArinescu - 129-140 Economic Impact of Tourism
by Gabriela PADURE & Ion Adrian TURTUREANU - 141-157 Tourism Products Characteristics and Forms
by Anca Gabriela Turtureanu - 169-172 Transformations of European Financial Instruments in the Context of European Enlargement Process
by Gabriela MARCHIS - 173-176 The Quality Costs
by Arsenie Constantin PAULICA