- 26 When Have All the Graduates Gone?: Internal Cross-State Migration of Graduates in Germany 1984-2004
by Oliver Busch - 25 Das Sozio-oekonomische Panel (SOEP): Genese und Implementation
by Hans-Jürgen Krupp - 24 Keeping up with the Schmidts: An Empirical Test of Relative Deprivation Theory in the Neighbourhood Context
by Gundi Knies & Simon Burgess & Carol Propper - 23 Risk Aversion and Reservation Wages
by Markus Pannenberg - 22 Konjunkturen des Ehrenamts: Diskurse und Empirie
by Harald Künemund & Jürgen Schupp - 21 Precautionary Saving and Income Uncertainty in Germany: New Evidence from Microdata
by Nikolaus Bartzsch - 20 Women's Earning Power and the "Double Burden" of Market and Household Work
by Natalie Chen & Paola Conconi & Carlo Perroni - 19 Zur Erfassung von Einkommen und Vermögen in Haushaltssurveys: Hocheinkommensstichprobe und Vermögensbilanz im SOEP
by Joachim R. Frick & Jan Goebel & Markus M. Grabka & Olaf Groh-Sambeg & Gert G. Wagner - 18 Editing and Multiple Imputation of Item-Non-Response in the 2002 Wealth Module of the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)
by Joachim R. Frick & Markus M. Grabka & Jan Marcus - 17 Gerechtigkeitsprobleme im Wohlfahrtsstaat: Besteuerung, wohlfahrtsstaatliche Transfers und die Gerechtigkeit des eigenen Erwerbseinkommens
by Stefan Liebig & Jürgen Schupp - 16 Are Regional Differences in Utility Eliminated over Time?: Evidence from Germany
by David Maddison & Katrin Rehdanz - 15 One Germany, Two Worlds of Housework?: Examining Single and Partnered Women in the Decade after Unification
by Claudia Geist - 14 Rising Wage Inequality in Germany
by Johannes Gernandt & Friedhelm Pfeiffer - 13 Educational Expansion and Its Heterogeneous Returns for Wage Workers
by Michael Gebel & Friedhelm Pfeiffer - 12 Would You Marry Me?: The Effects of Marriage on German Couples' Allocation of Time
by Abdel-Rahmen El Lahga & Nicolas Moreau - 11 Sinkende Bildungsrenditen durch Bildungsreformen?: Evidenz aus Mikrozensus und SOEP
by Kathrin Göggel - 10 Die Dauer vorschulischer Betreuungs- und Bildungserfahrungen: Ergebnisse auf der Basis von Paneldaten
by Charlotte Büchner & C. Katharina Spieß - 9 Pauschalprämienmodelle zur Finanzierung des Gesundheitswesens: Strukturparameter - Gestaltungsoptionen - Simulationen
by Klaus-Dirk Henke & Hanfried H. Andersen & Markus M. Grabka - 8 Health Insurance Status and Physician-Induced Demand for Medical Services in Germany: New Evidence from Combined District and Individual Level Data
by Hendrik Jürges - 7 The Impact of Child and Maternal Health Indicators on Female Labor Force Participation after Childbirth: Evidence from Germany
by Annalena Dunkelberg & C. Katharina Spieß - 6 Die SOEP-Version des SF 12 als Instrument gesundheitsökonomischer Analysen
by Hanfried H. Andersen & Axel Mühlbacher & Matthias Nübling - 5 Individual Well-Being in a Dynamic Perspective
by Conchita D'Ambrosio & Joachim R. Frick - 4 Armut in Deutschland: Bevölkerungsgruppen unterhalb der Alg II-Grenze
by Irene Becker - 3 Representative Wealth Data for Germany from the German SOEP: The Impact of Methodological Decisions around Imputation and the Choice of the Aggregation Unit
by Joachim R. Frick & Markus M. Grabka & Eva M. Sierminska - 2 Assessing the Distributional Impact of "Imputed Rent" and "Non-cash Employee Income" in Microdata: Case Studies Based on EU-SILC (2004) and SOEP (2002)
by Joachim R. Frick & Jan Goebel & Markus M. Grabka - 1 The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP): Scope, Evolution and Enhancements
by Gert G. Wagner & Joachim R. Frick & Jürgen Schupp