2004, Volume 3, Issue 11
- 275-318 Fertility Decisions in the FRG and GDR: An Analysis with Data from the German Fertility and Family Survey
by Michaela Kreyenfeld
2004, Volume 3, Issue 10
- 245-274 Education and Entry into Motherhood: The Czech Republic during State Socialism and the Transition Period (1970-1997)
by Vladimíra Kantorová
2004, Volume 3, Issue 9
- 213-244 Becoming a Mother in Hungary and Poland during State Socialism
by Livia Sz. Oláh & Ewa Frątczak
2004, Volume 3, Issue 8
- 177-212 Women’s Labor Force Attachment and Childbearing in Finland
by Andres Vikat
2004, Volume 3, Issue 7
- 155-176 Childbearing Developments in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden from the 1970s to the 1990s: A Comparison
by Gunnar Andersson
2004, Volume 3, Issue 6
- 135-154 An Illustration of the Problems Caused by Incomplete Education Histories in Fertility Analyses
by Øystein Kravdal
2004, Volume 3, Issue 5
- 117-134 Step-families and Childbearing Desires in Europe
by Elizabeth Thomson
2004, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 87-116 Reproduction at the Margins: Migration and Legitimacy in the New Europe
by Caroline H. Bledsoe
2004, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 45-86 Value Orientations and the Second Demographic Transition (SDT) in Northern, Western and Southern Europe: An Update
by Johan Surkyn & Ron Lesthaeghe
2004, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 15-44 Becoming an Adult in Europe: A Macro(/Micro)-Demographic Perspective
by Francesco Billari
2004, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-14 Contemporary Research on European Fertility: Introduction
by Gerda Neyer & Gunnar Andersson
2004, Volume 2, Issue 14
2004, Volume 2, Issue 13
- 331-354 Socio-economic inequalities in mortality and health in the developing world
by Alberto Minujin & Enrique Delamonica
2004, Volume 2, Issue 12
- 305-330 Increasing excess mortality among non-married elderly people in developed countries
by Tapani Valkonen & Pekka Martikainen & Jenni Blomgren
2004, Volume 2, Issue 11
- 277-304 Occupational and educational differentials in mortality in French elderly people
by Emmanuelle Cambois
2004, Volume 2, Issue 10
- 255-276 Cause-specific contributions to black-white differences in male mortality from 1960 to 1995
by Irma T. Elo & Greg L. Drevenstedt
2004, Volume 2, Issue 9
- 229-254 Monitoring of trends in socioeconomic inequalities in mortality
by Anton E. Kunst & Vivian Bos & Johan P. Mackenbach & Otto Andersen & Mario Cardano & Giuseppe Costa & Seeromanie Harding & Örjan Hemström & Richard Layte & Enrique Regidor & Alison Reid & Paula Santana & Tapani Valkonen
2004, Volume 2, Issue 8
- 183-228 US regional and national cause-specific mortality and trends in income inequality: descriptive findings
by John Lynch & Sam Harper & George Davey Smith & Nancy Ross & Michael Wolfson & Jim Dunn
2004, Volume 2, Issue 7
- 163-182 Health sector reforms in Central and Eastern Europe
by Martin McKee & Ellen Nolte
2004, Volume 2, Issue 6
- 139-162 Progress in health care, progress in health?
by Ellen Nolte & Rembrandt D. Scholz & Martin McKee
2004, Volume 2, Issue 5
- 105-138 The case of the Czech Republic
by Jitka Rychtarikova
2004, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 71-104 Russian mortality beyond vital statistics
by Vladimir Shkolnikov & Martin McKee & Valeriy V. Chervyakov & David A. Leon
2004, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 45-70 Mortality in Central and Eastern Europe
by France Meslé
2004, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 11-44 Convergences and divergences in mortality
by Jacques Vallin & France Meslé
2004, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-10 Introduction to the Special Collection of papers on "Determinants of diverging trends in mortality"
by Vladimir Shkolnikov
2003, Volume 1, Issue 13
- 397-438 Talking about AIDS
by Christoph Bühler & Hans-Peter Kohler
2003, Volume 1, Issue 12
- 373-396 Change and instability
by Alexander A. Weinreb
2003, Volume 1, Issue 11
- 349-372 My Girlfriends Could Fill A Yanu-Yanu Bus
by Amy Kaler
2003, Volume 1, Issue 10
- 319-348 Concern Regarding the HIV/AIDS epidemic and Individual Childbearing
by Claire Marie Noël-Miller
2003, Volume 1, Issue 9
- 279-318 Why are they worried? Concern about AIDS in rural Malawi
by Kirsten P. Smith
2003, Volume 1, Issue 8
- 247-278 Spousal communication about the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS in rural Malawi
by Eliya Msiyaphazi Zulu & Gloria Chepngeno
2003, Volume 1, Issue 7
- 207-246 "Moving" and Marrying
by Michael Bracher & Susan Watkins & Gigi Santow
2003, Volume 1, Issue 6
- 175-206 Divorce and Remarriage in Rural Malawi
by Georges Reniers
2003, Volume 1, Issue 5
- 143-174 Comparing, Contextualizing, and Conceptualizing
by Enid Schatz
2003, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 109-142 How do we know we need to control for selectivity?
by Susan Watkins & Ina Warriner
2003, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 77-108 Are we measuring what we want to measure?
by Simona Bignami
2003, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 31-76 An Assessment of the KDICP and MDICP Data Quality
by Simona Bignami & Georges Reniers & Alexander A. Weinreb
2003, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-30 Introduction to "Research on Demographic Aspects of HIV/AIDS in Rural Africa"
by Susan Watkins & Hans-Peter Kohler & Jere Behrman & Eliya Msiyaphazi Zulu