July 1996, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 159-189 On Life, Death, and Abortion
by Haslett, D. W. - 191-204 Which Beings Deserve Ethical Consideration? – From the Sentience Criterion to the Life Criterion1
by Nagaoka, Shigeo - 205-221 Desert and Wages
by McLeod, Owen - 223-234 Bentham on the Identification of Interests
by Schofield, Philip - 235-248 Neutral versus Relative: A Reply to Broome, and McNaughton and Rawling
by Skorupski, John - 249-252 Alan Haworth, Anti-Libertarianism, Markets, Philosophy and Myth, London, Routledge, 1994, pp. 154
by Allison, Lincoln - 252-254 Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap and Yanis Varoufakis, Game Theory: A Critical Introduction, London, Routledge, 1995, pp. 296
by Dowding, Keith - 254-256 Paul Anand, Foundations of Rational Choice Under Risk, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1993, pp. xi + 161
by Sugden, Robert - 256-258 Ian R. Christie, The Benthams in Russia 1780–1791, Oxford, Berg, 1993, pp. xiii + 264
by Butler, W. E. - 258-260 Lynn Zastoupil, John Stuart Mill and India, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1994, pp. 280
by Majeed, J.
March 1996, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-4 John M. Robson 1927–1995: A Tribute
by Burns, J. H. - 5-14 The Greek Origins of J. S. Mill's Happiness
by Williams, Geraint - 15-37 The Development of Platonic Studies in Britain and the Role of the Utilitarians
by Demetriou, Kyriacos - 39-71 J. S. Mill's Liberal Utilitarian Assessment of Capitalism Versus Socialism
by Riley, Jonathan - 73-87 J. S. Mill on Oriental Despotism, including its British Variant
by Kurfirst, Robert - 89-108 Utilitarian Premises and the Evolutionary Framework of Marshall's Economics
by Raffaelli, Tiziano - 109-126 The Principle of Utility and the Principle of Righteousness: Yen Fu and Utilitarianism in Modern China
by Li, Qiang - 127-130 David Lyons, Rights, Welfare, and Mill's Moral Theory, New York, Oxford University Press, 1994, pp. 224; - Necip Fikri Alican, Mill's Principle of Utility: a Defense of John Stuart Mill's Notorious Proof, Amsterdam, Rodopi B.V. Editions, 1994, pp. xv + 240
by Smith, G. W. - 130-131 J. Howard Sobel, Taking Chances, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. x + 376
by Vallentyne, Peter - 131-134 James Tully, ed., Philosophy in an Age of Pluralism: the Philosophy of Charles Taylor in Question, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. xvi + 273
by Graham, Gordon - 134-137 Mark Francis and John Morrow, A History of English Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century London, Duckworth, 1994, pp. viii + 336
by Kenny, Michael
January 1996, Volume 8, Issue 1
November 1995, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 189-206 Justice, Desert, and the Repugnant Conclusion
by Feldman, Fred - 207-216 Taking Justice Too Seriously
by Vallentyne, Peter - 217-236 Nihilism and Scepticism About Moral Obligations
by Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter - 237-246 Justification, Scepticism, and Nihilism
by Blackburn, Simon - 247-271 Unknowable Obligations
by Sorensen, Roy - 273-279 Sorensen on Unknowable Obligations
by Sider, Theodore - 281-288 Monkeying with Motives: Agent-Basing Virtue Ethics
by Driver, Julia - 289-299 Moral Character and the Iteration Problem
by Cullity, Garrett - 301-314 The Importance of Being Important: Euthanasia and Critical Interests in Dworkin's Life's Dominion
by Mitchell, David - 315-317 Skorupski on Agent-Neutrality
by Broome, John - 319-325 Agent-Relativity and Terminological Inexactitudes
by McNaughton, David & Rawling, Piers - 327-329 Thomas Hurka, Perfectionism, New York, Oxford University Press, 1993, pp. xi + 222
by Thomas, D. A. Lloyd - 329-331 Peter Singer, ed., A Companion to Ethics, Oxford, Blackwell, 1993, first edn. 1991, paperback edn. with corrections 1993, pp. xxii + 565. - Peter Singer, ed., Ethics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994, pp. x + 415
by Marshall, S. E. - 332-333 David Papineau, Philosophical Naturalism, Oxford, Blackwell, 1993, pp. xii + 219
by Dent, N. J. H. - 334-337 Jules L. Coleman and Allen Buchanan, eds., In Harm's Way: Essays in Honor of Joel Feinberg, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. x + 359
by Knowles, Dudley - 337-340 Richard Norman, Ethics, Killing and War, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1995, pp. x + 256
by Linklater, Andrew - 340-343 Nicholas Rescher, Pluralism: Against the Demand for Consensus, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1993, pp. viii + 208
by O'Neill, S. - 343-345 Ross Harrison, Democracy, Routledge, London, 1993, pp. 304
by Arblaster, Anthony
May 1995, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-29 Killing and Equality
by McMahan, Jeff - 31-47 Value and Agent-Relative Reasons
by McNaughton, David & Rawling, Piers - 49-54 Agent-Neutrality, Consequentialism, Utilitarianism … A Terminological Note
by Skorupski, John - 55-66 Peter Singer on Why Persons are Irreplaceable
by Persson, Ingmar - 67-86 William Godwin and the Defence of Impartialist Ethics1
by Singer, Peter & Cannold, Leslie & Kuhse, Helga - 87-96 Voluntarism and the Origins of Utilitarianism
by Schneewind, J. B. - 97-119 Time, Revolution, and Prescriptive Right in Hume's Theory of Government
by Whelan, Frederick G. - 121-144 Was T. H. Green a Utilitarian?
by Simhony, Avital - 145-156 Obligation, Human Frailty, and Utilitarianism1
by Qizilbash, Mozaffar - 157-163 Hart's Legal Philosophy
by Martin, Rex - 165-166 John Stuart Mill, Indexes to the Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, ed. Jean O'Grady with John M. Robson (The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, vol. xxxiii), Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1991, pp. xxx + 690
by Schofield, Philip - 167-169 Jules L. Coleman, Risks and Wrongs, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp. xvii + 508
by Baker, Brenda M. - 169-172 Eric Rakowski, Equal Justice, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1993, pp. xii + 385
by Caney, Simon - 172-175 Simon Blackburn, Essays in Quasi-Realism, New York, Oxford University Press, 1993, pp. 262
by Price, A. W. - 175-178 R. P. George, Making Men Moral: Civil Liberties and Public Morality, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1993, pp. xvi + 241
by Mason, Andrew - 178-181 Jon Elster, Political Psychology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp. viii + 204
by Bradbury, Jonathan - 181-184 Keith M. Dowding, Rational Choice and Political Power, Aldershot, Edward Elgar, 1991, pp. 208
by Morriss, Peter - 184-186 A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy, edited by Robert E. Goodin and Philip Pettit, Oxford and Cambridge MA, Blackwell, 1993, pp. viii + 679
by Swift, Adam - 186-187 Christian Laval, Jeremy Bentham: Le pouvoir des fictions, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1994, pp. 124
by Drolet, Michael
November 1994, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 171-176 Repugnant Desires and the Two-Tier Conception of Utility
by Powers, Madison - 177-182 The Distinction Between Criterion and Decision Procedure: A Reply to Madison Powers
by Griffin, James - 183-192 The Problem of Endless Joy: Is Infinite Utility Too Much for Utilitarianism?
by Garcia, J. L. A. & Nelson, M. T. - 193-199 Infinite Utility and Temporal Neutrality
by Vallentyne, Peter - 201-216 Consequentialism, Moral Responsibility, and the Intention/ Foresight Distinction1
by Oakley, Justin & Cocking, Dean - 217-218 The Multiplication of Utility
by Nathan, N. M. L. - 219-231 Epicurus as a Forerunner of Utilitarianism
by Scarre, Geoffrey - 233-242 Obedience to Rules and Berkeley's Theological Utilitarianism
by Häyry, Matti & Häyry, Heta - 243-266 Malthus on Colonization and Economic Development: A Comparison with Adam Smith
by Pullen, J. M. - 267-285 Conflicting Principles or Completing Counterparts? J. S. Mill on Political Economy and the Equality of Women
by Green, Michele - 287-299 John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor on Women and Marriage
by Mendus, Susan - 301-309 The Coherence of Two-Level Utilitarianism: Hare vs. Williams
by Levy, Sanford S. - 311-313 Jeremy Bentham, Official Aptitude Maximized; Expense Minimized, ed. Philip Schofield, (The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham), Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993, pp. li + 504
by Hampsher-Monk, Iain - 313-317 David Lyons, Moral Aspects of Legal Theory: Essays on Law, Justice, and Political Responsibility, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp. 217
by Ten, C. L. - 317-319 David Gauthier and Robert Sugden, eds., Rationality, Justice and the Social Contract: Themes from ‘Morals by Agreement’, London, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993, pp. xii + 201
by Boucher, David - 319-324 Philip Pettit, The Common Mind: An Essay on Psychology, Society, and Politics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1993, pp. xiv + 365
by Vincent, Andrew - 324-326 James S. Fishkin, The Dialogue of Justice: Towards a Self-Reflective Society, Yale University Press, 1992, pp. vi + 243
by Mendus, Susan - 326-328 Peter Johnson, Frames of Deceit: a Study of the Loss and Recovery of Public and Private Trust, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993, pp. 256
by McGuinness, Barbara - 328-332 Stephen Guest, Ronald Dworkin, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1992, pp. ix + 320
by Postema, Gerald J. - 332-334 David Allan Virtue, Learning and the Scottish Enlightenment: Ideals of Scholarship in Early Modern History, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1993, pp. viii + 276
by Berry, Christopher J. - 334-335 Javed Majeed Ungoverned Imaginings: James Mill's ‘The History of British India’ and Orientalism, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992, pp. 225
by Carson, Penelope - 336-339 Joyce Youings ed., Sir John Bowring, 1792-1872: Aspects of his Life and Career, Plymouth, Latimer Trend and Company Ltd., for The Devonshire Association, 1993, pp. viii + 109
by Webb, R. K. - 339-341 Spencer, Political Writings, ed. John Offer, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. xxxviii + 186. - Hobhouse, Liberalism and Other Writings, ed. James Meadowcroft, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. xl + 201
by Taylor, Michael W.
May 1994, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-7 Maurice Cranston (1920–1993)
by Raphael, D. D. - 9-24 The Groundlessness of Natural Rights
by Persson, Ingmar - 25-42 Equality and Priority
by Mckerlie, Dennis - 43-53 Act Utilitarianism and Decision Procedures
by Frazier, Robert L. - 55-63 J. S. Mill's Proof of the Principle of Utility
by Raphael, D. D. - 65-80 Rethinking Institutions in Late Georgian England
by Porter, Roy - 81-96 Jeremy Bentham on the Relief of Indigence: An Exercise in Applied Philosophy
by Quinn, Michael - 97-116 Rethinking the Debates on the Poor Law in Early Nineteenth-Century England
by Eastwood, David - 117-133 External Preferences and Liberal Equality
by O'Connor, P. M. - 135-138 Janet Semple, Bentham's Prison: A Study of the Panopticon Penitentiary, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1993, pp. 344
by Tumim, Judge Stephen - 138-140 Allison Dube, The Theme of Acquisitiveness in Bentham's Political Thought, New York and London, Garland Publishing, Inc., 1991, ix + 368 pp
by Crimmins, James E. - 140-143 Bruce L. Kinzer, Ann P. Robson and John M. Robson, A Moralist In and Out of Parliament: John Stuart Mill at Westminster, 1865–1868, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1992. pp. viii + 317
by Ashcraft, Richard - 143-145 Horacio Spector, Autonomy and Rights: The Moral Foundations of Liberalism, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992, pp. 196
by Weinstein, D. - 145-147 Lincoln Allison, Ecology and Utility: The Philosophical Dilemmas of Planetary Management, Leicester University Press, 1991, pp. 185
by Holbrook, Daniel - 147-149 Michael Quinn, Justice and Egalitarianism, Formal and Substantive Equality in Some Recent Theories of Justice, New York and London, Garland Publishing, Inc., 1991, pp. 354
by Johnson, Peter - 149-151 Bradley W. Bateman and John B. Davis, eds., Keynes and Philosophy: Essays on the Origin of Keynes's Thought, Aldershot, Edward Elgar, 1991, pp. vii + 146. - Bill Gerrard and John Hillard, eds., The Philosophy and Economics of J. M. Keynes, Aldershot, Edward Elgar, 1992, pp. xiii + 253
by Moggridge, D. E. - 151-155 Hans Kelsen, Introduction to the Problems of Legal Theory, trans. Bonnie and Stanley Paulson, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992, pp. 125
by Wilson, Alida R. - 155-157 Peter Jones and Andrew S. Skinner, eds., Adam Smith Reviewed, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1992. pp. xii + 251. - John J. Jenkins, Understanding Hume, ed. Peter Lewis and Geoffrey Madell, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1992, pp. 215
by Berry, Christopher J. - 157-160 Michael J. Lacey and Knud Haakonssen, eds., A Culture of Rights: The Bill of Rights in Philosophy, Politics, and Law—1791 and 1991, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. viii + 474
by Dagger, Richard - 160-162 Mark Philp, ed., The French Revolution and British Popular Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. 238
by Schofield, Philip - 162-164 George Armstrong Kelly, The Humane Comedy: Constant, Tocqueville, and French Liberalism, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. xiii + 262
by Philp, Mark - 164-166 Biancamaria Fontana, Benjamin Constant and the Post-Revolutionary Mind, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1991, pp. vi + 165
by Bellamy, Richard - 166-168 Stefan Collini, Public Moralists: Political Thought and Intellectual Life in Britain 1850–1930, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991, pp. 383
by Nicholson, Peter - 168-169 R. W. Davis and R. J. Helmstadter, eds., Religion and Irreligion in Victorian Society. Essays in Honor of R. K. Webb, New York and London, Routledge, 1992, pp. x + 205
by Harris, Jonathan
November 1993, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 157-184 Maximin Justice, Sacrifice, and the Reciprocity Argument: A Pragmatic Reassessment of the Rawls/Nozick Debate
by Ball, Stephen W. - 185-207 Classical Republicanism and the History of Ethics
by Schneewind, J. B. - 209-219 Nature and Natural Authority in Bentham
by Burns, J. H. - 221-237 The Role of America in the ‘Debate on France’ 1791–5: Thomas Paine's Insertion
by Philp, Mark - 239-253 Robert Malthus: Christian Moral Scientist, Arch-Demoralizer or Implicit Secular Utilitarian?
by Winch, Donald - 255-273 The ‘Multicultural’ Mill
by Lockhart, Charles & Wildavsky, Aaron - 275-289 Helvétius and the Problems of Utilitarianism
by Smith, D. W. - 291-300 On Quantities and Qualities of Pleasure
by Riley, Jonathan - 301-310 The Utilitarian Ethics of R. B. Brandt1
by Moore, Andrew - 311-316 Liberal Egalitarianism, Utility, and Social Justice
by Quinn, Michael - 317-318 John Stuart Mill, Additional Letters, ed. Marion Filipiuk, Michael Laine, and John M. Robson, (The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, vol. xxxii), Toronto, University of Toronto Press; London, Routledge, 1991, pp. xlii + 325
by Cranston, Maurice - 318-321 Michael Laine, ed., A Cultivated Mind: Essays on J. S. Mill Presented to John M. Robson, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1991, pp. 192
by Williams, Geraint - 321-323 S. L. Hurley, Natural Reasons: Personality and Polity, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1989, pp. xii + 462
by Charvet, John - 323-325 Wendy Donner, The Liberal Self: John Stuart Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy, Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 1991, pp. 229
by West, Henry R. - 325-328 James Mill, Political Writings, ed. T. Ball, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. xxxvii + 317
by Fenn, Robert A. - 328-332 Paul Langford, Public Life and the Propertied Englishman, 1689–1798, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991, pp. xiv, 608
by Gunn, J. A. W. - 332-333 Thomas Horne, Property Rights and Poverty: Political Argument in Britain, 1605–1834, Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press, 1990, pp.x + 296
by Arneil, Barbara - 333-335 J. R. Dinwiddy, Radicalism and Reform in Britain, 1780 to 1850, London, The Hambledon Press, 1992. pp. xxi + 452
by Marshall, P. J. - 335-337 Jenifer Hart, Proportional Representation: Critics of the British Electoral System, 1820–1945, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992, pp. 320
by Robson, Ann - 337-340 D. Berman, A History of Atheism in Britain, from Hobbes to Russell, London and New York, Routledge, 1990, pp. x + 253
by Crimmins, James E.
May 1993, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-16 Could Kant Have been A Utilitarian?
by Hare, R. M. - 17-33 ‘Opinion in Eighteenth-Century Thought: What did the Concept Purport to Explain?’
by Gunn, J. A. W. - 35-48 Adam Smith and David Hume: with Sympathy
by Van Holthoon, F. L. - 49-67 John Stuart Mill and the Catholic Question in 1825
by Kinzer, Bruce L. - 69-86 Egoism, Obligation, and Herbert Spencer
by Wilkinson, Martin - 87-90 Hume, Bentham, and the Social Contract
by Wolff, Jonathan - 91-107 Devlin, Hart, and the Proper Limits of Legal Coercion
by Nattrass, Mark S. - 109-120 Moral Conflict and Political Commitment
by Horton, John - 121-122 John Stuart Mill, Miscellaneous Writings, ed. John M. Robson (The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, vol. xxxi), Toronto, University of Toronto Press; London, Routledge, 1989, pp. 1 + 462
by Rosen, F. - 122-124 Conrad D. Johnson, Moral Legislation: A Legal-Political Model for Indirect Consequentialist Reasoning, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. 232
by Sumner, L. W. - 124-126 Max Black, Perplexities: Rational Choice, the Prisoner's Dilemma, Metaphor, Poetic Ambiguity, and Other Puzzles, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1990, pp. ix + 201
by Sugden, Robert - 126-128 Stephen Macedo, Liberal Virtues: Citizenship, Virtue, and Community in Liberal Constitutionalism, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990, pp. 306
by Moore, Margaret - 128-131 Edward F. McLennen, Rationality and Dynamic Choice: Foundational Explorations, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. xiv + 311
by Cubitt, Robin P. - 131-133 Keekok Lee, The Legal-Rational State: A Comparison of Hobbes, Bentham and Kelsen, Aldershot, Avebury, 1990. pp. ix and 254
by Duxbury, Neil - 133-136 Nicholas Capaldi and Donald W. Livingston, eds., Liberty in Hume's History of England, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990, pp. xii + 226
by Whelan, Frederick G. - 136-137 Alison Adburgham, A Radical Aristocrat: The Rt Hon. Sir William Molesworth, Bart., PC, MP of Pencarrow and his wife Andalusia, Padstow, Tabb House, 1990, pp. xviii + 222
by Martin, D. E. - 139-139 Peter P. Nicholson, The Political Philosophy of the British Idealists, Selected Studies, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. 359
by Anonymous - 139-140 Diderot, Political Writings, ed. John Hope Mason and Robert Wokler, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. xli + 225. - Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, ed Donald Winch, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. xxxiii + 392. - Price, Political Writings, ed. D. O. Thomas, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. xxiv + 199
by Anonymous - 140-141 Josep M. Colomer ed., Bentham, Antología, trans. Gonzalo Hernández Ortega and Montserrat Vancells, Barcelona, Ediciones Península, 1991, pp. 275
by Anonymous - 141-141 John Yolton, Roy Porter, Pat Rogers, and Barbara Maria Stafford, eds., The Blackwell Companion to the Enlightenment, Oxford, Blackwell, 1991, pp. 581
by Rosen, F.
November 1992, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 199-223 Welfare, Happiness, and Pleasure
by Sumner, L. W. - 225-245 Jeremy Bentham and the Real Property Commission of 1828
by Sokol, Mary - 247-278 J. S. Mill's Language of Pleasures
by Hoag, Robert W. - 279-297 Mill's Higher Pleasures and the Choice of Character
by Long, Roderick T. - 299-316 Bentham, Bacon and the Movement for the Reform of English Law Reporting
by Munday, Roderick - 317-321 Hardin's Utilitarianism
by Bedau, H. A. - 323-328 Bentham, Utilitarianism, and Distribution
by Lyons, David - 329-331 W. R. Cornish and G. de N. Clark, Law and Society in England 1750–1950, London, Sweet and Maxwell, 1989, pp. xii + 690
by Schofield, Philip - 331-333 Thomas Reid, Practical Ethics: Being Lectures and Papers on Natural Religion, Self-Government, Natural Jurisprudence, and the Law of Nations, ed. Knud Haakonssen, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1990, pp. xiv + 556
by Berry, Christopher J. - 333-335 James E. Crimmins, ed., Religion, Secularization and Political Thought, Thomas Hobbes to J. S. Mill, London, Routledge, 1990, pp. 202
by Claeys, Gregory - 335-338 Alan Carter, The Philosophical Foundations of Property Rights, Hemel Hampstead, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989, pp. ix + 150
by Reeve, Andrew - 338-340 David Garland, Punishment in Modern Society, A Study in Social Theory, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990, pp. 312
by Semple, Janet - 340-342 Judith Shklar, The Faces of Injustice, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1990, pp. 144
by Mendus, Susan - 343-344 John Belchem, Industrialization and the Working Class: The English Experience, 1750–1900, Aldershot, Scolar Press, 1990, pp. 287
by Arblaster, Anthony
May 1992, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-26 Well-Being and Value
by Goldsworthy, Jeffrey - 27-42 Utilitarianism and Self-Respect
by Scarre, Geoffrey - 43-79 John Bowring and Unitarianism
by Webb, R. K. - 81-104 ‘The very culture of the feelings’: Poetry and Poets in Mill's Moral Philosophy
by Burnstone, Daniel - 105-120 Foucault and Bentham: A Defence of Panopticism
by Semple, Janet - 121-132 Bentham on Spanish Protectionism
by Schwartz, Pedro & Braun, Carlos Rodriguez - 133-143 Conservatism: A Reply to Ted Honderich
by O'Sullivan, Noel - 145-153 Conservatism Not Much Reconsidered
by Honderich, Ted - 154-157 John Stuart Mill, Writings on India, ed. John M. Robson, Martin Moir, and Zawahir Moir (The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, vol. xxx), Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1990, pp. lviv + 336
by Ambirajan, S. - 157-160 Geoffrey Scarre, Logic and Reality in the Philosophy of John Stuart Mill, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989, pp. vi + 242. - John Skorupski, John Stuart Mill, London, Routledge, 1989, pp. xvi + 432
by Harrison, Ross - 160-162 John Dinwiddy, Bentham, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1989, pp. viii + 132
by Lieberman, David - 162-165 Annamaria Loche, Jeremy Bentham e la ricerca del buongoverno, Milano, Angeli, 1991, pp. 260
by Guidi, Marco - 165-167 Roger Bartlett and Janet M. Hartley, ed., Russia in the Age of the Enlightenment. Essays for Isabel de Madariaga, Basingstoke and London, Macmillan in association with the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, 1990, pp. x + 253
by Christie, Ian R. - 167-169 Lawrence Goldman, ed., The Blind Victorian: Henry Fawcett and British Liberalism, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989, pp. 224
by Thomas, William - 169-172 Thomas Baldwin, G. E. Moore, London, Routledge, 1990, pp. 337
by Crisp, Roger - 173-176 Neil MacCormick and Zenon Bankowski, ed., Enlightenment, Rights and Revolution: Essays in Legal and Social Philosophy, Aberdeen, Aberdeen University Press, 1989, pp. 396
by Jones, Peter - 176-178 J. Christman, ed., The Inner Citadel: Essays on Individual Autonomy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1990, pp. x + 267
by Charvet, John - 178-181 Timothy Fuller, ed., The Voice of Liberal Learning, Michael Oakeshott on Education, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1989, pp. 169. - Paul Franco, The Political Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1990, pp. 277
by Johnson, Peter - 181-183 Lincoln Allison, ed., The Utilitarian Response, London, Sage Publications, 1990, pp. 256
by Holbrook, Daniel - 183-185 W. L. Twining, Rethinking Evidence, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1990, pp. vii + 407
by Jackson, J. D. - 186-186 J. Glover, ed., Utilitarianism and Its Critics, London, Collier Macmillan, 1990, pp. ix + 255
by Kelly, P. J. - 186-187 S. I. Benn, A Theory of Freedom, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988, pp. xiv + 338
by Kelly, P. J. - 187-187 M. Freeden, Rights, Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 1991, pp. ix + 134
by Kelly, P. J. - 188-188 Z. Bauman, Freedom, Milton Keynes; Open University Press, 1988, pp. 106
by Kelly, P. J. - 188-189 N. P. Barry, Welfare, Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 1990, pp. ix + 114
by Kelly, P. J. - 189-189 A. Morellet, Traité de la propriété e il carteggio con Bentham e Dumont, ed. Eugenio Di Rienzo and Lea Campos Boralevi, Florence, Centro Editoriale Toscano, 1990, pp. cxiv + 158
by Cranston, Maurice - 190-190 Knud Haakonssen, ed., Traditions of Liberalism: Essays on John Locke, Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill, Sidney, Centre for Independent Studies, 1988, pp. xxi + 201
by Rosen, F. - 190-191 Michael Palmer, Moral Problems, A Coursebook for Schools and Colleges, Cambridge, The Lutterworth Press, 1991, pp. 161
by Rosen, F. - 191-191 David Lyons, In the Interest of the Governed: A Study in Bentham's Philosophy of Utility and Law, Revised Edition, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991, pp. xxii + 153
by Rosen, F.
November 1991, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 165-177 The Greatest Happiness Principle and Other Early German Anticipations of Utilitarian Theory
by Hruschka, Joachim - 179-197 James Mill on Peace and War
by Yasukawa, Ryuji - 199-216 Nineteenth-Century Perceptions of John Austin: Utilitarianism and the Reviews of The Province of Jurisprudence Determined
by Rumble, Wilfrid E. - 217-244 Individuality, Custom and Progress
by Riley, Jonathan - 245-262 The Discourse of Freedom, Rights and Good in Nineteenth-Century English Liberalism
by Weinstein, D. - 263-273 Brink, Kagan, Utilitarianism and Self-Sacrifice
by Hooker, Brad - 275-288 Benthamites and Lancasterians—The Relationship between the followers of Bentham and the British and Foreign School Society during the early years of Popular Education
by Bartle, George F. - 289-302 Frightening the ‘Landed Fogies’: Parliamentary Politics and The Coal Question
by White, Michael V. - 303-310 New Editions of Malthus
by Hollander, Samuel