January 2009, Volume 83, Issue 4
- 863-864 Capitalizing on Change: A Social History of American Business. By Stanley Buder. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009. xi + 541 pp. Notes, index. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN: 978-0-807-83231-8
by Lipartito, Kenneth - 865-867 Corrupt Circles: A History of Unbound Graft in Peru. By Alfonso W. Quiroz. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center, 2008. xxii + 514 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $65.00; paper, $30.00. ISBN: cloth, 978-0-801-89076-5; paper, 978-0-801-89218-1
by Conaghan, Catherine - 867-869 Healing Traditions: African Medicine, Cultural Exchange, and Competition in South Africa, 1820–1948. By Karen E. Flint. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2008. xiv + 274 pp. Illustrations, glossary, bibliography, notes, index. Paper, $26.95. ISBN: 978-0-821-41850-5
by Bakshi, Preston - 870-872 East Meets West—Banking, Commerce and Investment in the Ottoman Empire. Edited by Philip L. Cottrell, Ian L. Fraser, and Monika Pohle Fraser. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2008. xx + 193 pp. Tables, figures, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $99.95. ISBN: 978-O-7546-6443-7
by Roberts, Priscilla - 872-875 History of Insolvency and Bankruptcy from an International Perspective. Edited by Karl Gratzer and Dieter Stiefel. Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2008. 334 pp. Tables, figures, references, notes. Paper, kr300. ISBN: 978-918-931594-5
by Bishara, Fahad A. - 875-877 Historical Perspectives on Corporate Governance. Edited by Susanna Fellman, Antti Kuustera, and Eero Vaara. Helsinki: Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, 2008. 280 pp. Tables, figures, notes. Paper, €25.00. ISBN: 978-9-516-53365-3
by Hirschman, Dan - 877-879 Corporate Ownership and Control: British Business Transformed. By Brian R. Cheffins. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. xviii + 423 pp. Figures, notes, index. Cloth, £60.00. ISBN: 978-0-199-23697-8
by Hannah, Leslie - 879-882 The Web of Empire: English Cosmopolitans in an Age of Expansion, 1560–1660. By Alison Games. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. ix + 381 pp. Illustrations, maps, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-195-33554-5
by McDonald, Michelle Craig - 882-884 Guilty Money: The City of London in Victorian and Edwardian Culture, 1815–1914. By Ranald C. Michie. London: Pickering and Chatto, 2009. x + 278 pp. Bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $99.00. ISBN: 978-1-851-96892-3
by Popp, Andrew - 885-887 Please Please Me: Sixties British Pop Inside Out. By Gordon Thompson. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. viii + 340 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, index. Paper, $24.95. ISBN: 978-0-195-33325-1
by Coopey, Richard - 887-889 Decline to Fall: The Making of British Macro-economic Policy and the 1976 IMF Crisis. By Douglas Wass. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. xxv + 374 pp. Tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $110.00. ISBN: 978-0-199-53474-6
by Rollings, Neil - 889-891 Ferranti: A History—Volume 2: From Family Firm to Multinational, 1974–1987. By John F. Wilson. Lancaster: Crucible, 2007. xviii + 445 pp. Illustrations, tables, figures, maps, appendix, notes, index. £24.00. ISBN: 978-1-905-47201-7
by Slinn, Judy
October 2009, Volume 83, Issue 3
- 443-474 Is Berle and Means Really a Myth?
by Cheffins, Brian & Bank, Steven - 475-503 Pharmaceutical Research in Wilhelmine Germany: The Case of E. Merck
by Burhop, Carsten - 505-537 Patterns of International Investment in Spain, 1850–2005
by Puig, Núria & Castro, Rafael - 539-562 Financing Manufacturing Innovation in Argentina, 1890–1930
by Pineda, Yovanna - 563-589 Financing Growth: New Issues by Australian Firms, 1920–1939
by Merrett, David T. & Ville, Simon - 599-603 Industrial Genius: The Working Life of Charles Michael Schwab. By Kenneth Warren. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007. xiv + 285 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 0-822-94326-6
by Wilson, Mark R. - 605-607 Trucking Country: The Road to America's Wal-Mart Economy. By Shane Hamilton. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008. x + 305 pp. Illustrations, tables, appendix, notes, index. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-691-13582-3
by Eisler, Matthew N. - 607-609 Britain's Railways, 1997–2005: Labour's Strategic Experiment. By Terry Gourvish. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. xix + 309. Figures, tables, illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, £30.00. ISBN 978-0-199-23660-2
by Wrigley, Chris - 610-612 Defying Empire: Trading with the Enemy in Colonial New York. By Thomas M. Truxes. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008. xv + 288 pp. Maps, glossary, notes, index. Cloth, $30.00. ISBN: 978-0-300-11840-7
by Rao, Gautham - 612-614 Artisan Workers in the Upper South: Petersburg, Virginia, 1820–1865. By L. Diane Barnes. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2008. xi + 253 pp. Illustrations, maps, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $37.50. ISBN: 978-0-807-13313-2
by West, Stephen A. - 615-617 Building the Borderlands: A Transnational History of Irrigated Cotton along the Mexico-Texas Border. By Casey Walsh. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2008. ix + 234 pp. Illustrations, maps, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $47.50. ISBN: 978-1-603-44013-4
by Cadava, Geraldo - 617-619 Shaping the Shoreline: Fisheries and Tourism on the Monterey Coast. By Connie Y. Chiang. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2008. xviii + 282 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-295-98831-3
by Blackford, Mansel G. - 620-621 Horses at Work: Harnessing Power in Industrial America. By Ann Norton Greene. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2008. xiv + 322 pp. Illustrations, appendix, notes, index. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-674-03129-6
by Kinney, Thomas A. - 622-624 Chicago Made: Factory Networks in the Industrial Metropolis. By Robert Lewis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008. xii + 351 pp. Illustrations, maps, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $40.00. ISBN: 978-0-226-47701-5
by Rubenstein, James M. - 624-626 The 1933 World's Fair: A Century of Progress. By Cheryl R. Ganz. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 2008. xi + 206 pp. Photographs, figures, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 978-0-252-03357-5
by Spears, Timothy B. - 626-629 Upbuilding Black Durham: Gender, Class and Black Community Development in the Jim Crow South. By Leslie Brown. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2008. xiii + 451 pp. Illustrations, maps, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $34.95; paper, $24.95. ISBN: cloth, 978-0-807-83138-0; paper, 978-0-807-85835-6
by Adams, Luther - 629-631 The Liability Century: Insurance and Tort Law from the Progressive Era to 9/11. By Kenneth S. Abraham. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press2008. ix + 274 pp. Notes, index. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN: 978-0-674-02768-8
by Baker, Tom - 631-633 The Rise of Mutual Funds: An Insider's View. By Matthew P. Fink. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. 308 pp. Bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $34.95. ISBN: 978-0-195-33645-0
by Perkins, Edwin J. - 633-635 Who Owns the Sky? The Struggle to Control Airspace from the Wright Brothers On. By Stuart Banner. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2008. 353 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-674-03082-4
by Crouch, Tom D. - 635-638 Mass Motorization + Mass Transit: An American History and Policy Analysis. By David W. Jones. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008. xiii + 268 pp. Tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 978-0-253-35152-4
by Hood, Clifton - 638-640 Internet Alley: High Technology in Tysons Corner, 1945–2005. By Paul Ceruzzi. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2008. ix + 242 pp. Illustrations, maps, notes, index. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-262-03374-9
by Ensmenger, Nathan - 640-642 The Internet and American Business. Edited by William Aspray and Paul E. Ceruzzi. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2008. viii + 596 pp. Figures, notes, index. Cloth, $50.00. ISBN: 978-0-262-01240-9
by November, Joseph - 643-644 Creating Player Appeal: Management of Technological Innovation and Changing Patterns of Industrial Leadership in the U.S. Gaming Machine Manufacturing Industry, 1965–2005. By Mirko Ernkvist. Göteborg, Sweden: University of Gothenburg, 2009. 317 pp. Figures, tables, bibliography, notes. Paper. ISBN: 978-91-86217-01-3
by Akera, Atsushi - 645-647 Pathbreakers: Small European Countries Responding to Globalisation and Deglobalisation. Edited by Margrit Müller and Timo Myllyntaus. Bern: Peter Lang, 2008. 544 pp. Tables, fi gures, notes. Paper, $93.95. ISBN: 978-3-039-11214-2
by Iversen, Martin Jes - 647-649 The United States and the Malaysian Economy. By Shakila Yacob. New York: Routledge, 2008. xxii + 245 pp. Figures, tables, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $150.00. ISBN: 978-0-415-43118-7
by Lees, Lynn Hollen - 649-651 Institutions and Economic Performance. Edited by Helpman Elhanan. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2008. ISBN: vii + 611 pp. Tables, figures, references, index. Cloth, $55.00. ISBN: 978-0-674-03077-0
by Libecap, Gary D. - 652-654 The Atlantic World, 1450–2000. Edited by Toyin Falola and Kevin D. Roberts. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008. xv + 385 pp. Tables, maps, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $65.00; paper, $24.95. ISBN: cloth, 978-0-253-34970-5; paper, 978-0-253-21943-5
by Candido, Mariana P. - 654-657 The Industrious Revolution: Consumer Behavior and the Household Economy, 1650 to the Present. By Jan de Vries. New York: Cambridge University Press: 2008. 327 + xii pp. Figures, tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $80.00; paper, $22.99. ISBN: cloth, 978-0-521-89502-6; paper, 978-0-521-71925-4
by Cheney, Paul - 657-659 Genres of the Credit Economy: Mediating Value in Eighteenth-and Nineteenth-Century Britain. By Mary Poovey. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008. x + 511 pp. Bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $59.00; paper, $24.00. ISBN: cloth, 978-0-226-67532-9; paper, 978-0-226-67533-6
by Froide, Amy - 660-661 Good Money: Birmingham Button Makers, the Royal Mint, and the Beginnings of Modern Coinage, 1775–1821. By George Selgin. Ann Arbor: Independent Institute, 2008. xvii + 345 pp. Maps, illustrations, tables, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $40.00. ISBN: 978-0-472-11631-7
by Michie, Ranald - 662-663 Heroes of Invention: Technology, Liberalism and British Identity, 1750–1914. By Christine MacLeod. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. xv + 458 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $105.00. ISBN: 978-0-521-87370-3
by Hudson, Pat - 664-666 William Crookes (1832–1919) and the Commercialization of Science. By William H. Brock. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2008. viii + 556 pp. Illustrations, appendix, bibliography, notes. Cloth, $124.95. ISBN: 978-0-754-66322-5
by Gooday, Graeme J. N. - 667-669 The British Empire: Themes and Perspectives. Edited by Sarah Stockwell. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2008. xxi + 355 pp. Bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $94.95; paper, $34.95. ISBN: cloth, 978-1-405-12534-5; paper, 978-1-405-12535-2. - Competing Visions of World Order: Global Moments and Movements, 1880s–1930s. Edited by Sebastian Conrad and Dominic Sachsenmaier. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. x + 266 pp. Notes, index. Cloth, $69.95. ISBN: 978-1-403-97988-9
by Ashmore, Paul - 669-672 La France du marché noir (1940–1949) [The Black Market in France 1940–1949)]. By Fabrice Grenard. Paris: Payot, 2008. 352 pp. Illustrations, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Paper, €23.00. ISBN: 978-2-228-90284-7
by Gordon, Bertram M. - 672-674 CFAO (1887–2007): La réinvention permanente du commerce outre-mer [CFAO (1887–2007): The Permanent Reinvention of Overseas Commerce]. By Hubert Bonin. Paris, Édition de la SFHOM, 2008. 765 pp. Illustrations, tables, notes, index. Paper, €50.00. ISBN: 2-859-70038-2
by Godelier, Eric
July 2009, Volume 83, Issue 2
- 233-238 Introduction
by Hamilton, Shane - 239-266 Fishers, Fishing, and Overfishing: American Experiences in Global Perspective, 1976–2006
by Blackford, Mansel G. - 267-290 Democratizing Luxury and the Contentious “Invention of the Technological Chicken” in Britain
by Godley, Andrew & Williams, Bridget - 291-315 Twentieth-Century Product Innovations in the German Food Industry
by Spiekermann, Uwe - 317-348 Bottles for Beer: The Business of Technological Innovation in Mexico, 1890–1920
by Beatty, Edward - 349-367 Innovation as Adaptation: The Digital Challenge in the Norwegian Fishing Industry, 1970–1985
by Sogner, Knut - 375-378 Review Essay - Food Chains: From Farmyard to Shopping Cart. Edited by Warren Belasco and Roger Horowitz. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009. 296 pp. Figures, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $55.00. ISBN: 978-0-812-24128-0
by Lopes, Teresa da Silva - 379-381 Swindled: The Dark History of Food Fraud, from Poisoned Candy to Counterfeit Coffee. By Bee Wilson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008. xiv + 384 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $26.95. ISBN: 978-0-691-13820-6
by Mihm, Stephen - 381-384 Brewing Battles: A History of American Beer. By Amy Mittelman. New York: Algora Publishing, 2008. 229 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $34.95; paper, $22.95. ISBN: cloth, 978-0-87586-573-7; paper, 978-0-87586-572-0
by Stanger, Howard R. - 384-386 International Business and National War Interests: Unilever between Reich and Empire, 1939–45. By Ben Wubs. New York: Routledge, 2008. xiv + 256 pp. Figures, tables, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $130.00. ISBN: 978-0-415-41667-2
by Scherner, Jonas - 386-388 Buying into the World of Goods: Early Consumers in Backcountry Virginia. By Ann Smart Martin. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. xiv + 260 pp. Illustrations, maps, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $55.00. ISBN: 978-0-801-88727-7
by McDonald, Michelle Craig - 389-391 Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution. By Woody Holton. New York: Hill and Wang, 2007. xii + 370 pp. Index, notes. Cloth, $27.00. ISBN: 978-0-809-08061-8
by Crothers, A. Glenn - 391-394 One Nation, Under Debt: Hamilton, Jefferson, and the History of What We Owe. By Robert E. Wright. New York: McGraw Hill, 2008. ix + 419 pp. Appendix, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $27.95. ISBN: 978-0-071-54393-4
by Carruthers, Bruce G. - 394-396 Troubled Waters: Steamboat Disasters, River Improvements, and American Public Policy, 1821–1860. By Paul Paskoff. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2007. xvii + 324 pp. Illustrations, figures, tables, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $48.00. ISBN: 978-0-807-13268-5
by Marrs, Aaron W. - 396-398 Citizen Employers: Business Communities and Labor in Cincinnati and San Francisco, 1870–1916. By Jeffrey Haydu. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2008. x + 268 pp. Bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 978-0-801-44641-2
by Brunsvold, Daniel - 399-400 The Skyscraper and the City: The Woolworth Building and the Making of Modern New York. By Gail Fenske. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008, xii + 399 pp. Illustrations, photographs, notes, index. Cloth, $65.00. ISBN: 978-0-226-24141-8
by Eisenstadt, Peter - 400-402 A Power among Them: Bessie Abramowitz Hillman and the Making of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. By Karen Pastorello. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2008. xxii + 273 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $42.00. ISBN: 978-0-252-03230-1
by Soyer, Daniel - 403-405 Hollywood in the Neighborhood: Historical Case Studies of Local Moviegoing. Edited by Kathryn H. Fuller-Seeley. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008. 267 pp. Bibliography, notes, index. Paper, $24.95. ISBN: 978-0-520-24973-8
by Bender, Pennee - 405-407 Cultivating Science, Harvesting Power: Science and Industrial Agriculture in California. By Christopher R. Henke. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2008. xi + 226 pp. Illustrations, maps, figures, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $32.00. ISBN: 978-0-262-08373-7
by Castaneda, Christopher J. - 407-410 Nuclear Implosions: The Rise and Fall of the Washington Public Power Supply System. By Daniel Pope. New York: Cambridge University Press: 2008. xviii + 282 pp. Tables, maps, notes, index. Cloth, $85.00. ISBN: 978-0-521-40253-8
by Rosen, Christine Meisner - 410-411 Raising Cain in the ’Glades: The Global Sugar Trade and the Transformation of Florida. By Gail M. Hollander. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008, xviii + 348 pp. Illustrations, maps, bibliography, appendices, notes, index. Cloth $45.00. ISBN 978-0-226-34950-3
by Grant, H. Roger - 411-414 Blue Skies: A History of Cable Television. By Patrick R. Parsons. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2008. ix + 804 pp. Notes, index. Cloth, $59.95. ISBN: 978-1-592-13287-4
by Eisenmann, Thomas R. - 414-416 Financial Reporting and Global Capital Markets: A History of the International Accounting Standards Committee, 1973–2000. By Kees Camfferman and Stephen A. Zeff. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. xxviii + 676 pp. Bibliography, index, notes, photographs, tables. Cloth, $175.00. ISBN: 978-0-199-29629-3
by Miranti, Paul J. - 417-419 Defending the Indefensible: The Global Asbestos Industry and Its Fight for Survival. By Jock McCulloch and Geoffrey Tweedale. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. xii + 325 pp. Figures, tables, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $49.95. ISBN: 978-0-199-53485-2
by Stern, Marc J. - 420-421 Producing Fashion: Commerce, Culture, and Consumers. Edited by Regina Lee Blaszczyk. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008. vii + 363 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $55.00. ISBN: 978-0-812-24037-5
by Coopey, Richard - 422-423 Estates, Enterprise, and Investment at the Dawn of the Industrial Revolution: Estate Management and Accounting in the North-East of England, c.1700–1780. By David Oldroyd. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2007. xi + 217 pp. Figures, glossary, bibliography, index. Cloth, $99.95. ISBN: 978-0-754-63455-3
by Cookson, Gillian - 423-425 A Floating Commonwealth: Politics, Culture, and Technology on Britain's Atlantic Coast, 1860–1930. By Christopher Harvie. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. xv + 319 pp. Illustrations, maps, appendix, notes, index. Cloth, $110.00. ISBN: 978-0-198-22783-0
by Miller, Michael - 426-428 Before the Deluge: Public Debt, Inequality, and the Intellectual Origins of the French Revolution. By Michael Sonenscher. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007. x + 415 pp. Bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 978-0-691-12499-5
by Kessler, Amalia D. - 428-431 La fabrique réactionnaire: Antisémitisme, spoliations et corporatisme dans le cuir (1930–1950) [The Reactionary Factory: Antisemitism, Plunder, and Corporatism in the Leather-Goods Industry (1930–1950)]. By Florent Le Bot. Paris: Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 2007. 399 pp. Paper, €24.00. ISBN: 978-2-724-61046-8
by Mouré, Kenneth - 431-433 The Power of Entrepreneurs: Politics and Economy in Contemporary Spain. By Mercedes Cabrera and Fernando del Rey. New York: Berghahn Books, 2007. xii + 207 pp. Bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $75-00. ISBN: 978-1-84545-185-1
by Miranda, José Antonio - 433-435 Building a Global Bank: The Transformation of Banco Santander. By Mauro F. Guillén and Adrian Tschoegl. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008. x + 266 pp. Figures, tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-691-13125-2
by Valdaliso, Jesús M. - 435-438 Banking on Global Markets: Deutsche Bank and the United States, 1870 to the Present. By Christopher Kobrak. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. xx + 484 pp. Illustrations, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN: 978-0-521-86325-4
by Leaman, Jeremy - 438-440 Slavery and the Birth of an African City: Lagos, 1760–1900. By Kristin Mann. Bloomington: Indiana University Press2007. xii + 473 pp. Maps, tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $55.00. ISBN: 978-0-253-34884-5
by Bersselaar, Dmitri van den - 440-442 China Upside Down: Currency, Society, and Ideologies, 1808–1856. By Man-Houng Lin. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Asia Center, 2006. xxix + 362 pp. Illustrations, maps, figures, tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $49.95. ISBN: 0-674-02268-8
by Köll, Elisabeth
April 2009, Volume 83, Issue 1
- 1-7 Introduction
by Hansen, Per H. - 9-34 Scylla or Charybdis? Historical Reflections on Two Basic Problems of Corporate Governance
by Lamoreaux, Naomi R. - 35-60 Business Failure and Civil Scandal in Early Modern Europe
by Safley, Thomas Max - 61-86 Alexander Hamilton, Central Banker: Crisis Management during the U.S. Financial Panic of 1792
by Sylla, Richard & Wright, Robert E & Cowen, David J - 87-112 Rogue Finance: The Life and Fire Insurance Company and the Panic of 1826
by Hilt, Eric - 113-160 Private Cops on the Fraud Beat: The Limits of American Business Self-Regulation, 1895-1932
by Balleisen, Edward J. - 173-177 Review Essays - Innovation Corrupted: The Origins and Legacy of Enron's Collapse. By Malcolm S. Salter. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2008. viii + 525 pp. Tables, appendix, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-674-02825-8
by Kobrak, Christopher - 177-181 Review Essays - The Microsoft Case: Antitrust, High Technology, and Consumer Welfare. By William H. Page and John E. Lopatka. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. xiv + 347 pp. Notes, index. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN: 978-0-226-64463-9
by Freyer, Tony A - 183-185 The New Spirit of Capitalism. By Luc Boltanski and Eve Chiapello, translated from the French by Gregory Elliott. New York: Verso, 2005. xlvii + 601 pp. Appendix, notes, index. Cloth, $93.99; paper, $39.95. ISBN: cloth, 1-859-84554-1; paper, 978-1-844-67165-6
by McTavish, Duncan - 185-187 The Mantra of Efficiency: From Waterwheel to Social Control. By Jennifer Karns Alexander. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. xvii + 233 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $49.95. ISBN: 978-0-801-88693-5
by Rohde, Joy - 188-190 Biracial Unions on Galveston's Waterfront, 1865–1925. By Clifford Farrington. Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 2007. ix + 253 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-876-11217-5
by Arnesen, Eric - 190-193 Modernizing Main Street: Architecture and Consumer Culture in the New Deal. By Gabrielle Esperdy.Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008. x + 307 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 0-226-21800-7
by Mennel, Timothy - 193-195 Inventing the “American Way”: The Politics of Consensus from the New Deal to the Civil Rights Movement. By Wendy L. Wall. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. xi + 378 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-195-32910-0
by Phillips-Fein, Kim - 195-197 Calculating a Natural World: Scientists, Engineers, and Computers during the Rise of U.S. Cold War Research. By Atsushi Akera. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2007. ix + 427 pp. Photographs, figures, references, notes, index. Cloth, $40.00. ISBN: 978-0-262-01231-7
by Johnson, Ann - 198-199 The Fishermen's Frontier: People and Salmon in Southeast Alaska. By David F. Arnold. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2008. xvii + 267 pp. Maps, photographs, figures, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-295-98788-0
by Blackford, Mansel G. - 199-201 Closed Captioning: Subtitling, Stenography, and the Digital Convergence of Text with Television. By Greg J. Downey. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. ix + 387 pp. Illustrations, figures, maps, notes, index. Cloth, $52.00. ISBN: 978-0-801-88710-9
by Silberstein-Loeb, Jonathan - 202-204 The Upper Country: French Enterprise in the Colonial Great Lakes. By Claiborne A. Skinner. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. xiv + 202 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $50.00; paper, $25.00. ISBN: cloth, 978-0-801-88837-3; paper, 978-0-801- 88838-0
by Choquette, Leslie - 204-207 Craft Capitalism: Craftworkers and Early Industrialization in Hamilton, Ontario, 1840–1872. By Robert B. Kristofferson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. x + 326 pp. Table, notes, index. Cloth, $70.00; paper, $29.95. ISBN: cloth, 978-0-802-09172-7; paper, 978-0-802-09408-7
by Weaver, John - 207-208 Global Electrification: Multinational Enterprise and International Finance in the History of Light and Power, 1878–2007. By William J. Hausman, Peter Hertner, and Mira Wilkins. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2008. xxiv + 487 pp. Tables, maps, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $80.00. ISBN: 978-0-521-88035-0
by Hughes, Tom - 208-210 Global Brands: The Evolution of Multinationals in Alcoholic Beverages. By Teresa da Silva Lopes. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. xxii + 303 pp. Illustrations, tables, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $50.00. ISBN: 978-0-521-83397-4
by Decker, Stephanie - 211-213 The Middle Sort of People in Provincial England, 1600–1750. By H. R. French. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. xii + 305 pp. Tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $110.00. ISBN: 978-0-199-29638-5
by Barker, Hannah - 213-215 Cultures of Selling: Perspectives on Consumption and Society since 1700. Edited by John Benson and Laura Ugolini. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006. xiv + 297 pp. Illustrations, figures, notes, index. Cloth, $99.00. ISBN: 0-754-65046-4
by Popp, Andrew - 215-218 Travailler dans les entreprises sous l'Occupation [Working in Businesses under the Occupation]. Edited by Christian Chevandier and Jean-Claude Dalmas. Besançon: Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2007. 523 pp. Tables, notes. Paper, €15.00. ISBN: 978-2-848-67211-3
by Reid, Donald - 218-220 The Company That Changed Itself: R&D and the Transformations of DSM. By Arjan van Rooij. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2007. 279 pp. Figures, tables, appendix, notes, bibliography. Paper, $34.95. ISBN: 90-526-0138-0
by Boersma, Kees - 220-223 The Dachser Logistics Company: Global Competition and the Strength of the Family Business. By Paul Erker. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, 2008. 324 pp. Illustrations, maps, figures, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, €24.90. ISBN: 978-3-593-38542-6
by Herrigel, Gary - 223-224 GN Store Nord: A Company in Transition, 1939–1988. By Martin J. Iversen. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, 2005. 216 pp. Figures, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $32.00. ISBN: 87-630-0133-0
by Hochfelder, David - 225-227 China during the Great Depression: Market, State, and the World Economy, 1929–1937. By Tomoko Shiroyama. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2008. xvii + 325 pp. Figures, tables, maps, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN: 978-0-674-02831-9
by Wright, Tim - 227-229 Managing Women: Disciplining Labor in Modern Japan. By Elyssa Faison. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007. xiv + 227 pp. Illustrations, tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 978-0-520-25296-7
by Hinz, Christienne L. - 229-232 Domesticating the World: African Consumerism and the Genealogies of Globalization. By Jeremy Prestholdt. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008. xiv + 273 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $60.00; paper, $24.95. ISBN: cloth, 978-0-520-25424-4; paper, 978-0-520-25423-7
by Murillo, Bianca A.
January 2008, Volume 82, Issue 4
- 671-699 Selling the American Way: The Singer Sales System in Japan, 1900–1938
by Gordon, Andrew - 701-733 Inventing the U.S. Stove Industry, c.1815–1875: Making and Selling the First Universal Consumer Durable
by Harris, Howell J. - 735-759 Suchard and the Emergence of Traveling Salesmen in Switzerland, 1860–1920
by Rossfeld, Roman - 761-788 Managing Door-to-Door Sales of Vacuum Cleaners in Interwar Britain
by Scott, Peter - 789-814 “Ambassadors of Commerce“: The Commercial Traveler in British Culture, 1800–1939
by French, Michael & Popp, Andrew - 815-821 Abstracts from Articles in International Business History Journals
by Anonymous - 827-838 Milestones in Marketing
by Quelch, John A. & Jocz, Katherine E. - 839-843 A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World. By Gregory Clark. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007. xii + 420. Index, notes, bibliography, figures, tables. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN: 978–0–691–12135–2
by Sylla, Richard - 843-847 The Dismal Science: How Thinking Like an Economist Undermines Community. By Stephen A. Marglin. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2008. xvi + 359 pp. Appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-674-02654-4
by Bernstein, Michael A. - 849-851 A Culture of Improvement: Technology and the Western Millennium. By Robert Friedel. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2007. x + 588 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 978–0–262–06262–6
by Usselman, Steven W. - 851-853 Baring Brothers and the Birth of Modern Finance. By Peter F. Austin. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2007. xiii + 265 pp. Illustrations, figures, tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $99.00. ISBN: 978–1–851–96922–7
by Horn, Martin - 854-856 Building the Bay Colony: Local Economy and Culture in Early Massachusetts. By James E. McWilliams. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2007. xi + 201 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978–0–813–9–2636–0
by Clark, Christopher - 856-858 The Sunshine Economy: An Economic History of Florida since the Civil War. By William B. Stronge. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2008. xxi + 334 pp. Figures, maps, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth $34–95. ISBN: 978–0–813–03201–6
by Grant, H.Roger - 858-860 The Great Strikes of 1877. Edited by David O. Stowell. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2008. ix + 197 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $65.00; paper, $20.00. ISBN: cloth, 978–0; paper, 978–0–252–07477–6
by Boyle, Kevin - 860-862 Origins of American Health Insurance: A History of Industrial Sickness Funds. By John E. Murray. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007. xiv + 313 pp. Tables, figures, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $40.00 ISBN: 978–0–300–12091–2
by Opdycke, Sandra - 863-865 Radio's America: The Great Depression and the Rise of Modern Mass Culture. By Bruce Lenthall. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. xi + 261 pp. Notes, index. Cloth, $50.00; paper, $20.00. ISBN: cloth, 978–0–226–47191–4; paper, 978–0–226–47192–1
by Napoli, Philip M. - 865-867 Motoring: The Highway Experience in America. By John A. Jakle and Keith A. Sculle. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2008. xiii + 274 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $34.95. ISBN: 978–0–820–33028–0
by Stanger, Howard R. - 868-870 Motorized Obsessions: Life, Liberty, and the Small-Bore Engine. By Paul R. Josephson. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007. xv + 258 pp. Notes, appendix, index. Cloth, $22.00. ISBN: 978–0–801–88641–6
by Kehoe, Terence - 870-872 The Selling Sound: The Rise of the Country Music Industry. By Diane Pecknold. Durham: Duke University Press, 2007. x + 294 pp. Photographs, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $79.95; paper, $22.95. ISBN: cloth, 978–0–8223–4059–1; paper, 978–0–8223–4080–5
by Hamilton, Shane - 873-875 Creative Capital: Georges Doriot and the Birth of Venture Capital. BySpencer E. Ante. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2008. xix + 299 pp. Photographs, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978–1–422–10122–3
by Berlin, Leslie - 875-877 Telecommunications and Empire. By Jill Hills. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2007. xii + 291 pp. Bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN: 978–0–252–03258–5
by Headrick, Daniel R. - 878-880 The Ecology of Oil: Environment, Labor, and the Mexican Revolution, 1900–1938. By Myrna I. Santiago. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. xiv + 411 pp. Figures, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $85.00. ISBN: 978–0–521–86324–7
by Bucheli, Marcelo - 880-882 Anton Rupert: A Biography. By Ebbe Dommisse in cooperation with Willie Esterhuyse; translated byLinde Dietrich. Cape Town: Tafelberg, 2005. 463 pp. Figures, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, R269.00. ISBN: 0–624–04150–6
by Goldstein, Andrea - 883-885 The English Wool Market, c.1230–1327. By Adrian R. Bell, Chris Brooks, and Paul R. Dryburgh. Cambridge University Press, 2007. viii + 205 pp. Photographs, tables, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $99.00. ISBN: 978–0–521–85941–7
by Rigby, S. H. - 885-887 The Wealth of Wives: Women, Law, and Economy in Late Medieval London. By Barbara A. Hanawalt. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. xiv + 317 pp. Illustrations, glossary, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $74.00. ISBN: 978–0–195–31175–4
by Beattie, Cordelia - 887-890 Men and Menswear: Sartorial Consumption in Britain, 1880–1939. By Laura Ugolini. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2007. xiii + 292 pp. Illustrations, figures, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $99.95. ISBN: 978–0–7546–0384–9
by Shannon, Brent - 890-891 British Business in the Formative Years of European Integration, 1945–1972. By Neil Rollings. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. xvi + 278 pp. Tables, notes, index. Cloth, $85.00. ISBN: 978–0–521–88811–0
by Schröter, Harm G. - 891-894 Tulipmania: Money, Honor, and Knowledge in the Dutch Golden Age. By Anne Goldgar. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. xx + 425 pp. Illustrations, figures, notes, index. Cloth, $30.00. ISBN: 978–0–226–30125
by McCloskey, Deirdre - 894-896 The Origins of the Welfare State: Women, Work, and the French Revolution. By Lisa DiCaprio. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2007. xiii + 259 pp. Maps, illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $40.00. ISBN: 978–0–252–032021–5
by Guy, Kolleen M. - 896-899 L'oeuvre d'Ernest Labrousse: Genèse d'un modèle d'histoire économique [The Work of Ernest Labrousse: Genesis of a Model of Economic History]. By Maria Novella Borghetti. Paris: Éditions de l'EHESS, 2005. 299 pp. Bibliography, notes. Paper, €25.00. ISBN: 2–713–22019-X
by Hautcoeur, Pierre-Cyrille - 899-900 Von der Friedens- zur Kriegswirtschaft: Unternehmensstrategien derdeutschen Eisen- und Stahlindustrie vom Kaiserreich bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs [From the Peacetime to the Wartime Economy: Business Strategies of the German Iron and Steel Industries from the Empire to the End of the First World War]. By Stefanie van de Kerkhof. Essen: Klartext, 2006. 480 pp. Figures, maps, tables, notes, bibliography. Paper, €33.00. ISBN: 3–89861–516–2
by Köster, Roman - 901-903 Cars for Comrades: The Life of the Soviet Automobile. By Lewis H. Siegelbaum. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2008. xi + 309 pp. Illustrations, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 978–0–801–44638–2
by Owen, Thomas C. - 903-905 State or Merchant? Political Economy and Political Process in 1740s China. By Helen Dunstan. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2006. xv + 523 pp. Figures, maps, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $54.95. ISBN: 978–0–674–02262–1
by Puk, Wing-kin - 905-907 Jingji Xu: The History of the Introduction of Western Economic Ideas into China, 1850–1950. By Paul Trescott. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2007. xxiv + 442 pp. Photographs, tables, glossary, references, notes, index. Cloth, $55.00. ISBN: 978–962–996242–5
by Zanasi, Margherita - 908-910 Mao and the Economic Stalinization of China, 1948–1953. By Hua-yuLi. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2006. xiii + 250 pp. Bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $75.00. ISBN: 0–742–54053–7
by Cliver, Robert
October 2008, Volume 82, Issue 3
- 439-444 Introduction
by Dávila, Carlos - 445-473 Laws versus Contracts: Shareholder Protections and Ownership Concentration in Brazil, 1890–1950
by Musacchio, Aldo - 475-502 Networks and Entrepreneurship: The Modernization of the Textile Business in Porfirian Mexico
by Gómez-Galvarriato, Aurora - 503-528 Foreign Investments in Electric Utilities: A Comparative Analysis of Belgian and American Companies in Argentina, 1890–1960
by Lanciotti, Norma S. - 529-553 Negotiating under the Monroe Doctrine: Weetman Pearson and the Origins of U.S. Control of Colombian Oil
by Bucheli, Marcelo - 555-575 Business History in Latin America: A Historiographical Perspective
by Barbero, María Inés - 585-602 Banking History and Archives in Latin America
by Marichal, Carlos - 603-605 História da Bolsa de Valores do Rio de Janeiro [History of the Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange]. By Maria Bárbara Levy. Rio de Janeiro: IBMEC, 1977
by Triner, Gail D. - 605-608 The Industrialization of São Paulo. By Warren Dean. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969. 263 pp. Cloth, $23.00. ISBN: 0-292-70004-0
by Hanley, Anne G. - 608-611 A Century of Banking in Latin America: To Commemorate the Centenary in 1962 of the Bank of London & South America Limited. By David Joslin. London: Oxford University Press, 1963
by Miller, Rory - 611-613 Bunge & Born: Crecimiento y Diversificación de un grupo económico [Bunge & Born: Growth and Diversification of an Economic Group]. By Jorge Schvarzer. Buenos Aires: CISEA-GEL, 1989. 83 pp
by Jacob, Raúl - 615-618 The Decline of Latin American Economies: Growth, Institutions, and Crises. Edited by Sebastian Edwards, Gerardo Esquivel, and Graciela Marquez. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. viii + 418 pp. Figures, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $85.00. ISBN: 978-0-226-18500-2
by Angel, Gustavo A. Del - 619-621 Chimneys in the Desert: Industrialization in Argentina during the Export Boom Years, 1870–1930. By Fernando Rocchi. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006. xviii + 394 pp. Tables, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $73.00. ISBN: 0-804-75012-2
by Marquez, Graciela - 621-623 Empresarios Colombianos del Siglo XIX [Colombian Entrepreneurs of the Nineteenth Century]. By Luis Fernando Molina Londoño. Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes, 2006. 434 pp. Tables, maps, bibliography, notes, index. ISBN: 978-958695-223-1
by Safford, Frank - 623-626 Bound in Twine: The History and Ecology of the Henequen-Wheat Complex for Mexico and the American and Canadian Plains, 1880–1950. By Sterling Evans. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2007. xxiii + 314 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, figures, tables, maps, illustrations. Cloth, $42.00. ISBN: 978-1-585-44596-7
by Jackson, Donald C. - 626-628 Fair Trade Coffee: The Prospects and Pitfalls of Market-Driven Social Justice. By Gavin Fridell. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. xix + 347 pp. Tables, figures, maps, notes, references, index. Cloth, $71.95; paper, $21.95. ISBN: cloth, 978-0-8020-9238-0; paper, 978-0-8020-9590-9
by Narváez, Guillermo E. - 628-631 Favored Flowers: Culture and Economy in a Global System. By Catherine Ziegler. Durham: Duke University Press, 2007. vii + 306 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, figures, tables, illustrations. Cloth, $79.95; paper, $22.95. ISBN: cloth, 0-822-34007-2; paper, 0-822-34026-3
by Howard, Vicki - 631-634 Linked Labor Histories: New England, Colombia, and the Making of a Global Working Class. By Aviva Chomsky. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008. xiii + 397 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $84.95; paper, $23.95. ISBN: cloth, 978-0-822-34173-4; paper, 978-0-8223-4190-1
by Bergquist, Charles - 634-636 City of American Dreams: A History of Home Ownership and Housing Reform in Chicago, 1871–1919. By Margaret Garb. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005. xv + 261 pp. Illustrations, maps, photographs, notes, index. Cloth, $40.00. ISBN: 0-226-28209-0
by Henderson, Scott - 637-639 Colored Property: State Policy and White Racial Politics in Suburban America. By David M. P. Freund. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. xii + 514 pp. Illustrations, maps, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 0-226-26275-8
by Hochschild, Jennifer L. - 639-641 Hotel: An American Story. By A. K. Sandoval-Strausz. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007. 375 pp. Illustrations, photographs, notes, index. Cloth, $37.50. ISBN: 978-0-300-10616-9
by Hillyer, Reiko - 642-644 Making Mountains: New York City and the Catskills. By David Stradling. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2008. xxvii + 311 pp. Illustrations, maps, photographs, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-295-98747-7
by Barrish, Alan - 644-646 The Averaged American: Surveys, Citizens, and the Making of a Mass Public. By Sarah E. Igo. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2007. ix + 398 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-674-02321-5
by Mihm, Stephen - 646-648 Nylon and Bombs: DuPont and the March of Modern America. By Pap A. Ndiaye. Translated from the French by Elborg Forster. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007. 289 pp. Photographs, tables, notes, historiographical essay, index. Cloth $45.00. ISBN: 0-8018-8444-6
by Davids, Mila - 649-651 Selling Shaker: The Commodification of Shaker Design in the Twentieth Century. By Stephen Bowe and Peter Richmond. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2007. x + 404 pp. Photographs, bibliography, notes, index. Paper, $40.00. ISBN: 1-846-31009-1
by Hansen, Per - 651-653 The Natural Origins of Economics. By Margaret Schabas. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005. xi + 231 pp. References, index. Cloth, $40.00. ISBN: 0-226-73569-9
by Jonsson, Fredrik Albritton - 654-656 Household Gods: The British and Their Possessions. By Deborah Cohen. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006. xvii + 294 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $40.00. ISBN: 0-300-11213-0
by Kriegel, Lara - 656-659 From Physick to Pharmacology: Five Hundred Years of British Drug Retailing. Edited by Louise Hill Curth. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006. xiii + 174 pp. Figures, notes, index. Cloth, $99.95. ISBN: 0-754-63597-X
by Tansey, E. M. - 659-661 Matters of Exchange: Commerce, Medicine, and Science in the Dutch Golden Age. By Harold J. Cook. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007. xiv + 562 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978-0-300-11796-7
by Davids, Karel - 661-663 Die Dresdner Bank 1945–1957: Konsequenzen und Kontinuitäten nach dem Ende des NS-Regimes [The Dresdner Bank, 1945–1957: Consequences and Continuities from the End of the Nazi Regime]. By Ralf Ahrens. Munich: Oldenbourg, 2007. 504 pp. Photographs, tables, appendix, notes, index. Cloth, €49.80. ISBN: 978-3-486-58303-8
by Kopper, Christopher
July 2008, Volume 82, Issue 2
- 207-226 Alfred Chandler: His Vision and Achievement
by McCraw, Thomas K. - 227-240 Turner, Beard, Chandler: Progressive Historians
by John, Richard R. - 241-250 Chandler and the Sociology of Organizations
by Fligstein, Neil - 251-266 Chandler and Global Business History
by Wilkins, Mira - 267-277 Alfred Chandler, Founder of Strategy: Lost Tradition and Renewed Inspiration
by Whittington, Richard - 279-292 Measuring Chandler's Impact on European Business Studies since the 1960s
by Iversen, Martin Jes - 293-300 Chandler's Paths of Learning
by Miranti, Paul J. - 301-308 Chandler and Business History in Japan
by Anchordoguy, Marie - 309-315 Lessons from Al, Revisited
by Yeager, Mary A. - 329-358 Roundtable on Business Education
by Wilson, John F. & Locke, Robert R. & Amdam, Rolv Petter & Puig, Nuria & Nishizawa, Tamotsu - 359-366 Mellon: An American Life. By David Cannadine. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006. xvi + 784 pp. Illustrations, photographs, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 0–679–45032–7
by Smith, George - 367-369 Antitrust and Global Capitalism, 1930–2004. By Tony A. Freyer. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. xii + 437 pp. Notes, index. Cloth, $80.00. ISBN: 0–521–81788–9
by Thomas, William G. - 369-372 A Nation of Counterfeiters: Capitalists, Con Men, and the Making of the United States. By Stephen Mihm. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007. xii + 457 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN: 978–0–674–02657–5
by Balleisen, Edward - 372-374 Fraude, contrefaçon et contrebande de l'Antiquité à nos jours [Fraud, Counterfeiting, and Contraband from Antiquity to Today]. Edited byGérard Béaur, Hubert Bonin, and Claire Lemercier. Geneva: Droz, 2006. 829 pp. Figures, illustrations, notes, index. CHF80.00. ISBN: 978–2–600–1069–6
by Horn, Jeff - 374-377 Slavery and the Commerce Power: How the Struggle Against the Interstate Slave Trade Led to the Civil War. By David L. Lightner. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006. xii + 228 pp. Index, notes, illustrations. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN: 0–300–11470–2
by Green, Michael S. - 377-379 American Silk, 1830–1930: Entrepreneurs and Artifacts. By Jacqueline Field, Marjorie Seneschal, and Madelyn Shaw. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 2007. xxiv + 326 pp. Tables, glossary, illustrations, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN: 978–0–896–72589–8
by Friedman, Tami J. - 380-382 William F. Cody's Wyoming Empire: The Buffalo Bill Nobody Knows. By Robert E. Bonner. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2007. xxii + 318 pp. Illustrations, maps, photographs, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $32.95. ISBN: 978–0–806–13829–9
by Adamson, Michael R. - 382-385 Tied to the Great Packing Machine: The Midwest and Meatpacking. By Wilson J. Warren. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2007. xii + 317 pp. Illustrations, maps, tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN: 978–1–587–29536–2
by Hamilton, Shane - 385-387 Plowed Under: Agriculture and Environment on the Palouse. By Andrew P. Duffin. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2007. xv + 240 pp. Photographs, maps, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN: 978–0–295–98743–9
by Phillips, Sarah T. - 387-390 Glass Towns: Industry, Labor, and Political Economy in Appalachia, 1890s-1930s. By Ken Fones-Wolf. University of Illinois Press, 2007. xxviii + 236 pp. Illustrations, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $65.00; paper, $25.00. ISBN: cloth, 0–252–03131–1; paper, 0–252–07371–7
by Stanger, Howard R. - 391-392 Kansas in the Great Depression: Work Relief, the Dole, and Rehabilitation. By Peter Fearon. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2007. xiv + 316 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, tables. Cloth, $44.95. ISBN: 978–0–8262–1736–3
by Danbom, David - 393-395 For Jobs and Freedom: Race and Labor in America since 1865. By Robert Zieger. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 2007. x + 276 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, photographs. Cloth, $37.50. ISBN: 978-0-8131-2460-5
by Delton, Jennifer - 395-397 Auto Mechanics: Technology and Expertise in Twentieth-Century America. By Kevin L. Borg. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007. viii + 249 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $50.00. ISBN: 978–0–801–88606–5
by Norton, Peter D.