January 2002, Volume 76, Issue 4
- 803-837 Graceful Exits and Missed Opportunities: Xerox's Management of its Technology Spin-off Organizations
by Chesbrough, Henry - 847-849 Inventing the Electronic Century: The Epic Story of the Consumer Electronics and Computer Industries. ByAlfred D. Chandler Jr New York: Free Press, 2001. xiv + 322 pp. Tables, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN 0–743–21567–2
by Campbell-Kelly, Martin - 850-852 The Political Economy of American Industrialization, 1877–1900. ByRichard Franklin Bensel. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. xxiii + 549 pp. Index, notes, figures, maps, tables. Cloth, $70.00; paper $25.00. ISBN: cloth 0–521–77233–8; paper 0–521–77604-X
by Einhorn, Robin L. - 852-855 From the Puritans to the Projects: Public Housing and Public Neighborhoods. ByLawrence J. Vale. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2000. vii + 460 pp. Index, notes, illustrations, maps, photographs. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN 0–674–00286–5
by Blackmar, Elizabeth - 855-858 Concrete and Clay: Reworking Nature in New York City. ByMatthew Gandy. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002. 344 pp. Index, notes, maps, illustrations, photographs. Cloth, $34.95. ISBN 0–262–07224–6
by Longstreth, Richard - 858-860 Steel and Steelworkers: Race and Class Struggle in Twentieth-Century Pittsburgh. ByJohn Hinshaw. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002. xvii + 348 pp. Index, notes, tables. Cloth, $75.00; paper, $25.95. ISBN: cloth 0–791–45225–5; paper 0–791–45226–3
by Misa, Thomas J. - 860-863 Writing the Wrongs: Eva Valesh and the Rise of Labor Journalism. ByElizabeth Faue. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2002. xii + 249 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, photographs. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN 0–801–43461–0
by Orleck, Annelise - 863-865 Hungering for America: Italian, Irish, and Jewish Foodways in the Age of Migration. ByHasia R. Diner. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2001. xvii + 292 pp. Index, notes, illustrations. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 0–674–00605–4
by Anbinder, Tyler - 866-868 City Lights: Illuminating the American Night. ByJohn Jakle. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. x + 292 pp. Index, notes, illustrations, tables. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN 0–801–86593-X
by Wollner, Craig - 868-871 Driven Wild: How the Fight Against Automobiles Launched the Modern Wilderness Movement. ByPaul S. Sutter. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2002. xvi + 343 pp. Photographs, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN 0–295–98219–5
by Rossi, John Paul - 871-873 Scientists, Business, and the State, 1890–1960. ByPatrick J. McGrath. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002. x + 248 pp. Index, notes, bibliography. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 0–807–82655–3
by Kohler, Robert E. - 873-876 America's Airports: Airfield Development, 1918–1947. ByJanet R. Daly Bednarek. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2001. viii + 226 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, photographs. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 1–585–44130–9
by Bakewell, Peter - 876-878 Making Connections: The Long-Distance Bus Industry in the USA. ByMargaret Walsh, xvii + 245 pp. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate, 2000. Index, notes, bibliography, illustrations, tables. Cloth, $74.95. ISBN 0–754–60207–9
by Gutfreund, Owen D. - 879-881 The Second Wave: Southern Industrialization from the 1940s to the 1970s. Edited byPhilip Scranton. Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press, 2001. xiv + 310 pp. Index, notes, figures, tables. Cloth, $50.00. ISBN 0–820–32218–0
by Pascoe, Craig S. - 881-883 Wright Patman: Populism, Liberalism, & the American Dream. ByNancy Beck Young. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 2000. xix + 428 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, illustrations, photographs. Cloth, $34.95. ISBN 0–870–74453–4
by Ferrell, Robert H. - 883-885 Taking Trade to the Streets: The Lost History of Public Efforts to Shape Globalization. BySusan Ariel Aaronson. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001. 248 pp. Tables, index. Cloth, $29.95; paper, $19.95. ISBN: cloth 0–472–11212–0; paper 0–472–08867-X
by Rugman, Alan M. - 885-888 Barnett: The Story of “Florida's Bank.”ByDavid Ginzl. Tampa: University of Tampa Press, 2001. xix + 441 pp. Index, notes, illustrations, photos, tables. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN 1–879–85272–1
by Doti, Lynne Pierson - 888-890 Fixin' to Git: One Fan's Love Affair with NASCAR's Winston Cup. ByJim Wright. Durham: Duke University Press, 2002. 305 pp. Index, notes, figures, photographs, tables. Cloth, $26.95. ISBN 0–822–32926–3
by Hall, Randal L. - 890-893 Hollyworld: Space, Power and Fantasy in the American Economy. ByAida Hovic. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2002. 256 pp. Photographs. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN 0–801–43926–4
by May, Lary - 893-896 Corporate Governance and Sustainable Prosperity. Edited byWilliam Lazonick and Mary O'Sullivan. Basingstoke, U.K.: Palgrave, 2002. Index, figures, references. Cloth, $72.00. ISBN 03–33777–573
by Merrett, David - 896-898 Straining at the Anchor: The Argentine Currency Board and the Search for Macroeconomic Stability, 1880–1935. ByGerardo della Paolera and Alan M. Taylor. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002. xviii + 275 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, figures, illustrations, tables. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN 0–226–64556–8
by Veigel, Klaus - 898-901 Missionary Capitalist: Nelson Rockefeller in Venezuela. ByDarlene Rivas. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002. 290 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, illustrations, maps, photographs. Cloth, $49.95. ISBN 0–807–82684–7
by O'Brien, Thomas F. - 901-903 Consumption Intensified: The Politics of Middle-Class Daily Life in Brazil. ByMaureen O'Dougherty. Durham: Duke University Press, 2002. xv + 262 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, figures, photographs, maps. Cloth, $59.95; paper, $19.95. ISBN: cloth 0–8223–2879–8; paper 0–8223–2894–1
by Hanley, Anne - 903-906 Protestantism and Capitalism: The Mechanisms of Influence. ByJere Cohen. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 2002. vii +296 pp. Index, notes, bibliography. Cloth, $53.95; paper, $26.95. ISBN: cloth 0–202–30671–2; paper 0–202–30672–0
by Lessnoff, Michael - 906-908 Barclays: The Business of Banking, 1690–1996. ByMargaret Ackrill and Leslie Hannah. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2001. xxi + 480 pp. Index, notes, appendices, figures, photographs, tables. Cloth, $59.95. ISBN 0–521–79035–2
by Lockard, Paul - 908-912 Business Structure, Business Culture and the Industrial District: The Potteries, c.1850–1914. ByAndrew Popp. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2001. viii + 288 pp. Bibliography, tables, index. Cloth, $79.95. ISBN 0–754–60176–5
by Stern, Marc J. - 912-914 Food for War: Agriculture and Rearmament in Britain before the Second World War. ByAlan F. Wilt. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. vi + 262 pp. Index, notes, bibliography. Cloth, $65.00. ISBN 0–198–20871–5
by Grant, Wyn - 914-916 The Bouchayers of Grenoble and French Industrial Enterprise, 1850–1970. ByRobert J. Smith. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. xiv + 247 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, maps, photographs, tables. Cloth, $42.50. ISBN 0–801–86683–9
by Smith, Michael S. - 917-919 Stavisky: A Confidence Man in the Republic of Virtue. ByPaul F. Jankowski. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2002. xiv + 326 pp. Index, notes, illustrations. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN 0–801–43959–0
by Reid, Donald - 919-921 Marketing Michelin: Advertising and Cultural Identity in Twentieth-Century France. BySteven Harp. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 2001. xiii + 356 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, illustrations, maps. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 0–801–86651–0
by Schwartz, Vanessa R. - 922-924 Die rheinischen Sparkasse: Entwicklung und Bedeutung fuer Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft von den Anfaengen bis 1990 [The Rhenish Savings Banks: Their Development and Economic and Social Significance, from the Beginnings to 1990]. ByHans Pohl. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2001. 319 pp. Notes, bibliography, tables, appendix. Cloth, € 45. ISBN 3–515–07846–0
by Guinnane, Timothy W. - 924-926 European Banks and the American Challenge: Competition and Cooperation in International Banking under Bretton Woods. Edited byStefano Battilossi and Youssef Cassis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. vi + 228 pp. Tables, figures, notes, index. Cloth, $75.00. ISBN 0–19–925027–8
by Officer, Lawrence H. - 926-929 The History of Anglo-Japanese Relations, 1600–2000. Volume 4: Economic and Business Relations. Edited byJanet Hunter and S. Sugiyama. New York: Palgrave, 2002. xiii + 355 pp. Index, notes, photographs, figures, tables. Cloth, $78.00. ISBN 0–333–79197–5
by Yuzawa, Takeshi - 929-931 Unmaking the Japanese Miracle: Macroeconomic Politics, 1985–2000. ByWilliam W. Grimes. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2001. xix + 254 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, figures, tables. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN 0–801–43849–7
by Fletcher, W. Miles - 931-934 Crony Capitalism: Corruption and Development in South Korea and the Philippines. By David C. Kang. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Index, notes, figures, tables. Cloth, $60.00. ISBN 0–521–80817–0
by McNamara, Dennis - 934-936 Korean Workers: The Culture and Politics of Class Formation. By Hagen Koo. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001. xii + 240 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, illustrations, photographs, tables. Cloth, $45.00; paper, $17.95. ISBN: cloth 0–801–43835–7; paper 0–801–48696–3
by Larsen, Kirk W. - 937-939 The Making of the Chinese Industrial Workplace: State, Revolution, and Labor Management. By Mark W. Frazier. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. xvii + 286 pp. Index, notes, tables, bibliography. Cloth, $60.00. ISBN 0–521–80021–8
by Richardson, Philip
October 2002, Volume 76, Issue 3
- 435-478 Control, Performance, and Knowledge Transfers in Large Multinationals: Unilever in the United States, 1945–1980
by Jones, Geoffrey - 435-478 Control, Performance, and Knowledge Transfers in Large Multinationals: Unilever in the United States, 1945–1980
by Jones, Geoffrey - 479-514 The Failure of the Foreign Bondholders Protective Council Experiment, 1934–1940
by Adamson, Michael R. - 515-551 The Institution of Residential Investment in Seventeenth-Century London
by Baer, William C. - 561-564 John Maynard Keynes. Volume 3: Fighting for Freedom, 1937–1946. By Robert Skidelsky. London: Viking-Penguin, 2001. xxv + 580 pp. Index, illustrations, photographs, tables, references. Cloth, $34.95. ISBN 0-670-03022-8
by High, Jack - 565-567 A Ghost's Memoir: The Making of Alfred P. Sloan's My Years with General Motors. By John McDonald. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2002. 220 pp. Cloth, $24.95. ISBN 0-262-13410-1
by Nelson, Daniel - 567-569 Hearst Over Hollywood: Power, Passion, and Propaganda in the Movies. By Louis Pizzitola. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002. 540 pp. Cloth, $34.95. ISBN 0-231-11646-2
by Bender, Pennee - 569-572 State of the Union: A Century of American Labor. By Nelson Lichtenstein. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002. 298 pp. Photographs, notes, index. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN 0-691-05768-0
by Boyle, Kevin - 572-574 Living It Up: Our Love Affair with Luxury. By James B. Twitchell. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002. 448 pp. Illustrations. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN 0-231-12496-1
by Kammen, Michael - 574-577 Railroads and American Law. By James W. ElyJr Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 2001. ix + 365 pp. Notes, bibliography, illustrations, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 0-700-61144-4
by Majewski, John - 577-580 Down and Out, on the Road: The Homeless in American History. By Kenneth L. Kusmer. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Notes, index, figures, photographs, tables. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 0-195-04778-8
by Abelson, Elaine S. - 580-582 Origins of Commercial Banking in America, 1750–1800. By Robert E. Wright. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2001. 224 pp. Cloth, $65.00; paper, $24.95. ISBN: cloth 0-7425-2086-2; paper 0-7425-2087-0
by Crothers, A. Glenn - 583-585 God and Mammon: Protestants, Money, and the Market, 1790–1860. Edited by Mark A. Noll. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. xii + 313 pp. Figures, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $45.00; paper, $21.95. ISBN: cloth 0-19-514800-2; paper 0-19-514801-0
by Wosh, Peter J. - 586-587 The Goodyear Story: An Inventor's Obsession and the Struggle for a Rubber Monopoly. By Richard Korman. San Francisco, Encounter Books, 2002. 230 pp. Cloth, $25.95. ISBN 1-893-55437-6
by French, Michael - 587-589 Otis: Giving Rise to the Modern City. By Jason Goodwin. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2001. xv + 286 pp. Illustrations, appendix, index. Cloth, $27.95. ISBN 1-56663-385-0
by Bix, Amy - 590-592 Giants of Enterprise: Seven Business Innovators and the Empires They Built. By Richard S. Tedlow. New York: HarperCollins, 2001. 528 pp. Cloth, $30.00. ISBN 0-066-62035-X
by Klein, Maury - 592-595 Debt's Dominion: A History of Bankruptcy Law in America. By David A. SkeelJr. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001. 272 pp. Tables, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN 0-691-08810-1
by Freyer, Tony A. - 595-598 The Middling Sorts: Explorations in the History of the Middle Class. Edited by Burton J. Bledstein and Robert D. Johnston. New York: Routledge, 2001. 384 pp. Cloth, $85.00; paper, $23.95. ISBN: cloth 0-415-92641-6; paper 0-415-92642-4
by Miltenberger, Scott - 598-601 The Corporation as Family: The Gendering of Corporate Welfare, 1890–1930. By Nikki Mandell. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2002. 224 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $49-95; paper, $19.95. ISBN: cloth 0-807-82685-3; paper 0-807-85351-8
by Sealander, Judith - 601-603 Wireless: From Marconi's Black Box to the Audion. By Sungook Hong. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001. 272 pp. Cloth, $34.95. ISBN 0-262-08298-5
by Hochfelder, David - 603-605 Irrigated Eden: The Making of an Agricultural Landscape in the American West. By Mark Fiege. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1998. xv + 323 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $40.00; paper, $19.95. ISBN: cloth 0-295-97757-4; paper 0-295-98013-3
by Jackson, Donald C. - 606-608 South Carolina and the New Deal. By Jack Irby HayesJr Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2000. 306 pp. Photographs. Cloth, $34.95. ISBN 1-570-03399-4
by West, Stephen - 608-610 Don't Get above Your Raisin': Country Music and the Southern Working Class Music in American Life. By Bill C. Malone. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2002. xvi + 392 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $34.95. ISBN 0-252-02678-0
by Doyle, Don H. - 610-613 Advertising to the American Woman, 1900–1999. By Daniel Delis Hill. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2002. 329 pp. Illustrations. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN 0-814-20890-8
by Loeb, Lori - 613-615 Diners, Bowling Alleys, and Trailer Parks: Chasing the American Dream in Postwar Consumer Culture. By Andrew Hurley. New York: Basic Books, 2002. 416 pp. Paper, $17.00. ISBN 0-465-03187-0
by Bailey, Beth - 615-617 Big Government and Affirmative Action: The Scandalous History of the Small Business Administration. By Jonathan J. Bean. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2001. xii + 224 pp. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN 0-8131-2187-6
by O'Reilly, Kenneth - 617-620 The Triumph of Ethernet: Technological Communities and the Battle for the LAN Standard. By Urs von Burg. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2001. xx + 300 pp. Tables, figures, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $55.00; paper, $24.95. ISBN: cloth 0-8047-4094-1; paper 0-8047-4095-X
by Downey, Greg - 620-623 Evolving Financial Markets and International Capital Flows: Britain, the Americas, and Australia, 1865–1914. By Lance E. Davis and Robert Gallman. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. vii + 986 pp. Tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $100.00. ISBN 0-521-55352-0
by Michie, Ranald C. - 623-625 Transferring Wealth and Power from the Old to the New: Monetary and Fiscal Institutions in the 17th through the 19th Centuries. Edited by Michael D. Bordo and Roberto Cortés-Conde. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. x + 442 pp. Index, figures, tables, references. Cloth, $80.00. ISBN 0-521-77305-9
by Neal, Larry - 625-627 Integral Outsiders: The American Colony in Mexico City, 1876–1911. By William SchellJr. Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 2001. xix + 274 pp. Illustrations, photos, index, notes, bibliography. Cloth, $55.00. ISBN 0-842-02838-2
by Maurer, Noel - 627-630 Institutions and Investment: The Political Basis of Industrialization in Mexico Before 1911. By Edward Beatty. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2001. 312 pp. Tables, figures, appendices. Cloth, $55.00. ISBN 0-804-74064-X
by Schell, William - 630-633 Moose Pastures and Mergers: The Ontario Securities Commission and the Regulation of Share Markets in Canada, 1940–1980. By Christopher Armstrong. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001. x + 424 pp. Photographs, appendices, notes, index. Cloth, $60.00. ISBN 0-802-03510-8
by Boothman, Barry E. C. - 633-635 Building the Trident Network: A Study of the Enrollment of People, Knowledge, and Machines. By Maggie Mort. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2002. 279 pp. Cloth, $32.95. ISBN 0-262-13397-0
by McBride, William M. - 635-638 Allianz and the German Insurance Business, 1933–1945. By Gerald D. Feldman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. xxii + 568 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, index. Cloth, $60.00. ISBN 0-521-80929-0
by Deeg, Richard - 638-641 Geschichte und Zukunft der deutschen Automobilindustrie [History and Future of the German Automotive Industry]. Edited by Rudolf Boch. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2001. 290 pp. Notes, illustrations, maps, tables. Cloth, 49€. ISBN 3-515-07866-5
by Jürgens, Ulrich - 641-643 Stalin's Railroad: Turksib and the Building of Socialism. By Matthew J. Payne. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2001. 400 pp. Cloth, $37.00. ISBN 0-822-94166-X
by Grant, Jonathan A. - 643-645 Women at the Gates: Gender and Industry in Stalin's Russia. By Wendy Z. Goldman. Cambridge University Press, 2002. 320 pp. Photographs, illustrations, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $60.00; paper, $23.00. ISBN: cloth 0-521-78064-0; paper 0-521-78553-7
by Harrison, Mark - 646-648 A History of Brewing in Holland, 900–1900: Economy, Technology, and the State. By Richard W. Unger. Leiden: Brill, 2001. xxii + 428 pp. Illustrations, map, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $154.00. ISBN 9-004-12037-8
by Ceccatti, John S. - 648-651 The Growth of the Italian Economy, 1820–1960. By Jon Cohen and Giovanni Federico. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. 133 pp. Illustrations. Cloth, $40.00; paper, $13.00. ISBN: cloth 0-521-66150-1; paper 0-521-66692-9
by Piluso, Giandomenico - 651-653 Fractured Modernity: Making of a Middle Class in Colonial North India. By Sanjay Joshi. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2001. xiv + 209 pp. Bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN 0-195-64562-6
by Roy, Tirthankar - 653-655 Building in China: Henry K. Murphy's “Adaptive Architecture,” 1914–1935. By Jeffrey W. Cody. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2001. xxiv + 264 pp. Photos, drawings, bibliography, index. Cloth, $50.00. ISBN 0-295-98095-8
by Reed, Christopher A. - 656-658 Consumer Politics in Postwar Japan: The Institutional Boundaries of Citizen Activism. By Patricia Maclachlan. 270 pp. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002. Cloth, $45.00; paper, $18.50. ISBN: cloth,0-231-12346-9; paper, 0-231-12347-7
by Seraphim, Franziska
July 2002, Volume 76, Issue 2
- 233-266 Social Science and State Policy in World War II: Human Relations, Pedagogy, and Industrial Training, 1940–1945
by Breen, William J. - 267-297 Regulating Transportation of Hazardous Substances: Railroads and Reform, 1883–1930
by Aldrich, Mark - 299-335 Settling the Canadian Colonies: A Comparison of Two Nineteenth-Century Land Companies
by Browde, Anatole - 345-347 Recasting American Liberty: Gender, Race, Law, and the Railroad Revolution, 1865–1920. By Barbara Young Welke. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. 426 pp. Photographs, diagrams. Cloth, $65.00; paper, $23.00. ISBN: cloth 0–521–64020–2; paper 0–521–64966–8
by Thomas, William G. - 347-350 Coercion, Contract, and Free Labor in the Nineteenth Century. By Robert J. Steinfeld. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. xii + 330 pp. Illustrations, tables, index. Cloth, $60.00; paper, $37.00. ISBN: cloth, 0–521–77360–1; paper, 0–521–77400–4
by Sundstrom, William A. - 351-353 The Rebuke of History: The Southern Agrarians and American Conservative Thought. By Paul V. Murphy. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001. xii + 351 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $49.95; paper, $19.95. ISBN: cloth 0–807–82630–8; paper 0–807–84690-X
by Hackney, Sheldon - 353-356 Antitrust and the Formation of the Postwar World. ByWyatt Wells. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002. 240 pp. Notes, index. Cloth, $32.50. ISBN 0–231–12398–1
by Freyer, Tony A. - 356-358 Villard: The Life and Times of an American Titan. ByAlexandra Villard de Borchgrave and John Cullen. New York: Doubleday, 2001. 414 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, photo credits, index. Cloth, $30.00. ISBN 0–385–48662–6
by Carey, Ryan J. - 359-361 The Man Who Made Wall Street: Anthony J. Drexel and the Rise of Modern Finance. ByDan Rottenberg. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001. xiv + 248 pp. Appendices, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN 0–812–23626–2
by Horn, Martin - 362-364 More Than They Promised: The Studebaker Story. ByThomas E. Bonsall. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000. 496 pp. Illustrations, tables. Cloth, $49.50. ISBN 0–804–73586–7
by Critchlow, Donald T. - 365-367 Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate. ByNeil Baldwin. New York: Public Affairs, 2001. 432 pp. Illustrations, references, index. Cloth, $27.50. ISBN 1–891–62052–5
by Dinnerstein, Leonard - 367-370 The Early Modern Atlantic Economy. Edited byJohn J. McCusker and Kenneth Morgan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. 383 pp. Cloth, $60.00. ISBN 0–521–78249-X
by Koot, Christian J. - 370-373 The Invention of Comfort: Sensibilities and Design in Early Modern Britain and Early America. ByJohn E. Crowley. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. 384 pp. Illustrations. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN 0–801–86437–2
by Bushman, Richard Lyman - 373-375 Rip Van Winkle's Neighbors: The Transformation of Rural Society in the Hudson River Valley, 1720–1850. ByThomas S. Wermuth. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001. 192 pp. Tables. Cloth, $54.50; paper, $17.95. ISBN: cloth 0–791–45083-X; paper 0–791–45084–8
by Humphrey, Thomas J. - 375-377 Northern Naval Superiority and the Economics of the American Civil War. ByDavid G. Surdam. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2001. 310 pp. Maps, tables, illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $34.95. ISBN 1–570–03407–9
by Richardson, Heather Cox - 377-380 The Model Man: A Life of Edward William Bok, 1863–1930. ByHans Krabbendam. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2001. x + 278 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, index. Paper, $47.00. ISBN 9–042–01495–4
by Scanlon, Jennifer - 380-382 The Diplomacy of Involvement: American Economic Expansion Across the Pacific, 1784–1900. ByDavid M. Fletcher. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2001. xii + 380 pp. Maps, bibliography, index. Cloth, $44.95. ISBN 0–826–21315–4
by Matthews, Jeffrey J. - 382-385 Labor in Retreat: Class and Community among Men's Clothing Workers of Chicago, 1871–1929. ByYoungsoo Bae. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001. 320 pp. Maps. Cloth, $78.50; paper, $26.95. ISBN: cloth 0–791–45117–8; paper 0–791–45118–6
by Argersinger, Jo Ann E. - 385-387 A Union Against Unions: The Minneapolis Citizens Alliance and Its Fight Against Organized Labor, 1903–1947. ByWilliam Millikan. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 2001. 488 pp. Photographs, notes, appendix, index. Cloth, $34.95. ISBN 0–873–51398–3
by Davis, Colin J. - 387-389 Reinforced Concrete and the Modernization of American Building, 1900–1930. ByAmy E. Slaton. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. xiv + 254 pp. Photographs, drawings. Cloth, $42.50. ISBN 0–801–86559-X
by Rodger, Richard - 389-392 Big Steel: The First Century of the United States Steel Corporation, 1901–2001. ByKenneth Warren. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2001. xviii + 406 pp. Tables, illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $32.00. ISBN 0–822–94160–0
by Rose, James D. - 392-393 Celebrating the Family: Ethnicity, Consumer Culture, and Family Ritual. ByElizabeth H. Pleck. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2000. 352 pp. Photos. Cloth, $57.95; paper $24.00. ISBN: cloth 0–674–00230-X; paper 0–674–00279–2
by Diner, Hasia R. - 393-395 Beauty and Business: Commerce, Gender, and Culture in Modern America. Edited byPhilip Scranton. New York: Routledge, 2000. iv + 340 pp. Photos and illustrations. Paper, $22.95. ISBN 0–415–92667-X
by Rose, Janet S. - 396-397 Brush with Death: A Social History of Lead Poisoning. ByChristian Warren. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. 384 pp. Illustrations, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $49.95; paper, $22.50. ISBN: cloth 0–801–86289–2; paper 0–801–86820–3
by Gorman, Hugh S. - 398-400 Saving International Capitalism During the Early Truman Presidency: The National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems. ByKevin M. Casey. New York: Routledge, 2001. 256 pp. Cloth, $70.00. ISBN 0–815–33954–2
by Leffler, Melvyn P. - 400-402 Nixon's Civil Rights: Politics, Principle, and Policy. ByDean Kotlowski. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2002. xii + 404. Notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN 0–674–00623–2
by Bean, Jonathan J. - 402-403 The Business of America. ByJohn Steele Gordon. New York: Walker & Co., 2001. 285 pp. Cloth, $27.00; paper, $14.95. ISBN: cloth, 0–802–71383–1; paper, 0–802–77635–3
by Kerr, K. Austin - 404-405 La moneda en México, 1750–1920 [Currency in Mexico, 1750–1920]. Edited byBátiz Vázquez, José Antonio, and José Enrique Covarrubias. Mexico City: Institute Mora, 1998. 234 pp. Illustrations, map, tables. Paper, $26.00. ISBN 9–686–91486–2
by Weiland, David J. - 405-407 Labors Appropriate to their Sex: Gender, Labor, and Politics in Urban Chile, 1900–1930. ByElizabeth Quay Hutchison. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2001. xviii + 342. Photographs, tables, maps, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $64.95; paper, $21.95. ISBN: cloth 0–822–32732–5; paper 0–8223–2742–2
by Silva, J. Pablo - 407-409 The Development of Agrarian Capitalism: Land and Labour in Norfolk, 1440–1580. ByJane Whittle. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. 370 pp. Tables, figures. Cloth, $74.00. ISBN 0–198–20842–1
by Poos, L. R. - 409-412 The Politics of Trade: The Overseas Merchants in State and Society, 1660–1720. ByPerry Gauci. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. xvi + 302 pp. Tables, maps. Cloth, $65.00. ISBN 0–199–24193–7
by Jackson, Gordon - 412-414 Well Suited: A History of the Leeds Clothing Industry, 1850–1990. ByKatrina Honeyman. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2000. 350 pp. Photographs, maps, tables. Cloth, $80.00. ISBN 0–199–20237–0
by Zakim, Michael - 414-417 Fabricating Women: The Seamstresses of Old Regime France, 1675–1791. ByClare Haru Crowston. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2001. 528 pp. Photographs, graphs, tables, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $69.95; paper, $23.95. ISBN: cloth 0–822–32662–0; paper 0–822–32666–3
by Fairchilds, Cissie - 417-419 A Taste for Comfort and Status: A Bourgeois Family in Eighteenth-Century France. ByChristine Adams. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000. x + 292 pp. Appendixes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $21.95. ISBN 0–271–01956–5
by Pucci, Suzanne R. - 419-421 Créateurs et créations d'entreprises de la Révolution industrielle à nos jours [Entrepreneurs and the creation of enterprises from the Industrial Revolution to the present]. Edited byJacques Marseille. Paris: Association pour le Développement de l'Histoire Économique, 2000. 751 pp. Notes, figures, illustrations, maps, tables. Cloth, 28.97 Euros. ISBN 2–912912–01–6
by Rosenband, Leonard N. - 421-423 “La Chasse à l'hectolitre”: La Brasserie Müller à Neuchâtel, 1885–1953. [The Hectoliter Hunt: The Müller Brewery at Neuchâtel, 1885–1953]. ByHélène Pasquier. Neuchâtel: Editions Alphil, 2001. 158 pp. Photographs. Paper, 23€. ISBN 2–940235–02–3
by Spang, Rebecca - 423-426 Bimetallism: An Economic and Historical Analysis. ByAngela Redish. Cambridge, U.K. Cambridge University Press, 2000. 288 pp. Diagrams, photos, tables. Cloth, $54.95. ISBN 0–521–57091–3
by Howson, Susan - 426-428 West German Industry and the Challenge of the Nazi Past, 1945–1955. ByS. Jonathan Wiesen. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press; 2001. xviii + 330 pp. Illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 0–807–82634–0
by Steinberg, Jonathan - 428-430 !Es un motor español! Historia empresarial de Barreiros [It's a Spanish car! An entrepreneurial history of Barreiros]. ByJ. L. García Ruíz and M. Santos Redondo. Madrid: Síntesis, 2001. 368 pp. Illustrations, tables, notes, bibliography. Paper, 15.89 Euros. ISBN 8–47738–900–4
by Estapé-Triay, S. - 431-433 The Transition to a Colonial Economy: Weavers, Merchants and Kings in South India, 1720–1800. ByPrasannan Parthasarathi. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. xii + 165 pp. Figures, tables. Cloth, $55.00. ISBN 0–521–57042–5
by Hall, Kenneth R.
April 2002, Volume 76, Issue 1
- 1-35 Moral Hazard and the Assessment of Insurance Risk in Eighteenth-and Early-Nineteenth-Century Britain
by Pearson, Robin - 37-74 Competition and Business Strategy in Historical Perspective
by Ghemawat, Pankaj - 75-110 Visions of Transportation: The EVC and the Transition from Service- to Product-Based Mobility
by Kirsch, David A. & Mom, Gijs P. A. - 123-132 Notes for a Panel on Entrepreneurship in Business History
by Cuff, Robert D. - 137-139 Married to the Mouse: Walt Disney World and Orlando. ByRichard Foglesong. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001. 288 pp. Illustrations. Cloth, $27.95. ISBN 0-300-08707-1
by Davis, Susan G. - 139-141 Advertising Progress: American Business and the Rise of Consumer Marketing. ByPamela Walker Laird. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998. xiv + 479 pp. Illustrations, appendix, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $42.50; paper, $19.95. ISBN: cloth 0-801-85841-0; paper 0-801-86645-6
by Bird, William L. - 141-144 Brand New: How Entrepreneurs Earned Consumers' Trust from Wedgwood to Dell. ByNancy F. Koehn. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2001. 470 pp. Notes, index, illustrations, figures, tables. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 1-578-51221-2
by Smith, George David - 144-146 The Monied Metropolis: New York City and the Consolidation of the American Bourgeoisie, 1850–1896. BySven Beckert. Cambridge University Press, 2001. 512 pp. Photographs, 4 maps, graphs, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN 0-521-79039-5
by Nasaw, David - 147-149 The Conquest of Labor: Daniel Pratt and Southern Industrialization. ByCurtis J. Evans. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2001. 360 pp. Photos, maps, chart. Cloth, $49.95. ISBN 0-807-12695-0
by Delfino, Susanna - 149-151 The Death of Reconstruction: Race, Labor, and Politics in the Post-Civil War North, 1865–1901. ByHeather Cox Richardson. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001. 336 pp. Index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 0-674-00637-2
by Green, Michael S. - 152-153 Wealth, Waste, and Alienation: Growth and Decline in the Connellsville Coke Industry. ByKenneth Warren. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2001. 270 pp. Maps, photographs, tables. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN 0-822-94132-5
by Meyer, David R. - 154-155 Contesting the New South Order: The 1914–1915 Strike at Atlanta's Fulton Mills. ByClifford M. Kuhn. University of North Carolina Press, 2001. 320 pp. Illustrations, maps, bibliography, index. Cloth, $49.95; paper, $19.95. ISBN: cloth 0-807-82644-8; paper 0-807-84973-1
by Beatty, Bess - 156-158 The Path to a Modern South: Northeast Texas Between Reconstruction and the Great Depression. ByWalter L. Buenger. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001. xxvi + 342 pp. Maps, photos, tables, notes, index. Cloth, $55.00; paper, $27.50. ISBN: cloth 0-292-70887-4; paper 0-292-70888-2
by Feldman, Glenn - 158-161 Industrial Cowboys: Miller & Lux and the Transformation of the Far West, 1850–1920. ByDavid Igler. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001. xiv + 268 pp. Photographs, maps. Cloth, $37.50. ISBN 0-520-22658-5
by Mitchell, Don - 161-163 Seeking El Dorado: African Americans in California. Edited byLawrence B. DeGraaf, Kevin Mulroy, andQuintard Taylor. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2001. 550 pp. Index. Cloth $45.00; paper, $22.95. ISBN: cloth 0-295-98082-6; paper 0-295-98083-4
by Ingham, John - 164-166 The Brotherhoods of Color: Black Railroad Workers and the Struggle for Equality. ByEric Arnesen. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2001. 332 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 0-674-00319-5
by Wilson, Francille Rusan - 166-168 Merging Lines: American Railroads, 1900–1970. ByRichard Sounders Jr. DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press, 2001. xix + 492 pp. Maps, tables, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $49.95. ISBN 0-875-80265-6
by Hood, Clifton - 168-170 The Bulldozer in the Countryside: Suburban Sprawl and the Rise of American Environmentalism. ByAdam Rome. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. 299 pp. Illustrations, bibliography, index. Cloth, $54.95; paper, $19.95. ISBN: cloth 0-521-80059-5; paper 0-521-80490-6
by Burgess, Patricia - 170-173 Much More Than a Game: Players, Owners, and American Baseball Since 1921. ByRobert Fredrick Burk. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001. 384 pp. Illustrations, charts, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $45.00; paper, $19.95. ISBN: cloth 0-807-82592-1; paper 0-807-84908-1
by Riess, Steven A. - 173-176 Sematech: Saving the U.S. Semiconductor Industry. ByLarry D. Browning andJudy C. Shetler. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2000. 320 pp. Table, bibliography, index. Cloth, $44.95. ISBN 0-890-96937-X
by Davies, Andrew - 176-178 Three Strikes: Labor's Heartland Losses and What They Mean for Working Americans. ByStephen Franklin. New York: Guilford Press, 2001. 308 + xii pp. Notes, index. Cloth, $23.95. ISBN 1-572-30477-4
by Boyle, Kevin - 178-181 Goods, Power, History: Latin America's Material Culture. ByArnold J. Bauer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. xx + 245 pp. Illustrations, maps, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $59.95. ISBN 0-521-77208-7
by Francois, Marie - 181-184 Indians, Merchants, and Markets: A Reinterpretation of the Repartimiento and Spanish-Indian Economic Relations in Colonial Oaxaca, 1750–1821. ByJeremy Baskes. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000. 326 pp. Notes, bibliography, maps, tables, graphs. Cloth, $60.00. ISBN 0-804-73512-3
by Radding, Cynthia - 184-186 Kinship and Capitalism: Marriage, Family and Business in the Englishspeaking World, 1580–1740. ByRichard Grassby. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. xx + 506 pp. Tables, appendix, notes, index. Cloth, $64.95. ISBN 0-521-78203-1
by Smail, John - 186-188 Urban Achievement in Early Modern Europe: Golden Ages in Antwerp, Amsterdam and London. Edited byPatrick O'Brien, Derek Keene, Marjolein 't Hart, andHerman Van Der Wee. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. 376 pp. Photographs, tables, graphs. Cloth, $64.95. ISBN 0-521-59408-1
by Klooster, Wim - 188-192 Time and Work in England, 1750–1830. ByHans-Joachim Voth. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000. viii + 312 pp. Figures. Cloth, $65.00 ISBN 0-199-24194-5
by Corfield, Penelope J. - 192-194 Jewish Immigrant Entrepreneurship in New York and London, 1880–1914: Enterprise and Culture. ByAndrew Godley. New York: Palgrave, 2001. xii + 187 pp. Tables, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $60.00 ISBN O-333-96045-9
by French, Michael - 194-196 Gentrification and the Enterprise Culture: Britain 1780–1980. ByF. M. L. Thompson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. x + 200 pp. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 0-199-24330-1
by Marsh, Peter T. - 196-199 An Irish Working Class: Explorations in Political Economy and Hegemony, 1800–1950. ByMarilyn Silverman. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002. x + 566 pp. Maps, tables, index. Cloth, $85.00. ISBN 0-802-03531-0
by Emmons, David M. - 199-201 Capitalists in Spite of Themselves: Elite Conflict and Economic Transitions in Early Modern Europe. ByRichard Lachmann. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. 328 pp. Figures, notes, bibliography. Cloth, $49.95. ISBN 0-195-07568-4
by Rubinstein, William D. - 201-203 When Information Came of Age: Technologies of Knowledge in the Age of Reason and Revolution, 1700–1850. ByDaniel Headrick. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. 256 pp. Maps, figures, bibliography, index. Cloth, $35.00; paper, $19.95. ISBN: cloth 0-195-13597-0; paper 0-195-15373-1
by Lavenir, Catherine Bertho - 203-207 Gold for the Sultan: Western Bankers and Ottoman Finance, 1856–1881. ByChristopher Clay. London: I. B. Tauris, 2001. xx + 698 pp. Tables, glossary, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $65.00. ISBN 1-860-64476-7
by Roberts, Priscilla - 208-213 L'Occupation, l'État français et les enterprises [The Occupation, the French State, and Business]. Edited byOlivier Dard, Jean-Claude Daumas, and François Marcot. Paris: Association pour le Développement de l'Histoire Économique, 2000. 487 pp. Notes, bibliography, tables, index. Fr 180. ISBN 2-912912-06-7
by Reid, Donald - 213-216 Statistics and the German State, 1900–1945: The Making of Modern Economic Knowledge. ByJ. Adam Tooze. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. xviii + 314 pp. Figures, diagrams, tables, graphs. Cloth, $59.95. ISBN 0-521-80318-7
by James, Harold - 216-218 Recovery and Restoration: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Politics of Reconstruction of West Germany's Shipbuilding Industry, 1945–1955. ByHenry Burke Wend. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Publishing, 2001. xxxii + 255 pp. Bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $70.00. ISBN 0-275-96990-8
by Stokes, Raymond G. - 218-220 The Multinational Traders. Edited byGeoffrey Jones. London: Routledge, 1998. xiv + 236 pp. Figures, tables, notes bibliographies, index. Cloth, $110.00 ISBN 0-415-18002-3
by Barrell, Ray - 220-223 Prosperity, Region, and Institutions in Maritime China: The South Fukien Pattern, 946–1368. ByBilly K. L. So. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2001. 496 pp. Maps, drawings. Cloth, $52.00. ISBN 0-674-00371-3
by Schottenhammer, Angela - 223-226 The Economic History of India, 1857–1947. ByTirthankar Roy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. 336 pp. Tables, maps, bibliography, index. Cloth, $24.95. ISBN 0-195-65154-5
by Wolcott, Susan - 226-228 From Silicon Valley to Singapore: Location and Competitive Advantage in the Hard Disk Drive Industry. ByDavid G. McKendrick, Richard F. Doner, andStephan Haggard. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2000. 366 pp. Figures, tables, notes, references, index. Cloth, $49.95; paper, $22.95. ISBN: cloth 0-804-74152-2; paper 0-804-74183-2
by Usselman, Steven W. - 228-230 Peasant Cotton Revolution in West Africa: Cote d'Ivoire, 1880–1995. ByThomas J. Bassett. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. 266 pp. Tables, graphs, maps. Cloth, $64.95. ISBN 0-521-78313-5
by Tignor, Robert L. - 230-232 Wheels and Deals: The Automobile Industry in Twentieth Century Australia. ByRobert Conlon andJohn Perkins. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate, 2001. 190 pp. Bibliography, index. Cloth, $79.95. ISBN 0-754-60405-5
by Merrett, David T.
January 2001, Volume 75, Issue 4
- 701-738 State Regulators and Pragmatic Federalism in the United States, 1889–1945
by Childs, William R. - 739-773 Chambers of Commerce and Business Elites in Great Britain and Brazil in the Nineteenth Century: Some Comparisons
by Ridings, Eugene - 775-805 The National Association of Manufacturers and the Militarization of American Conservatism
by Soffer, Jonathan - 807-812 Tea Processing in China, circa 1885—A Photographic Essay
by Gardella, Robert - 819-822 Edison: A Life of Invention. ByPaul Israel. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998. 480 pp. Photos, illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $30.00; paper, $18.95. ISBN: Cloth 0-471-52942-7; paper 0-471-36270-0
by Servos, John W. - 822-824 Making Houses, Crafting Capitalism: Builders in Philadelphia, 1790–1850. ByDonna J. Rilling. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000. 280 pp. Photos, maps, illustrations, index, and notes. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN 0-812-23580-0
by Schultz, Ronald - 825-827 Navigating Failure: Bankruptcy and Commercial Society in Antebellum AmericaByEdward J. Balleisen. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001. 344 pp. Index, notes, bibliography, maps, illustrations. Cloth, $55.00; paper, $19.95. ISBN: Cloth, 0-807-82600-6; paper, 0-807-84916-2
by Haulman, Clyde A. - 827-830 Ties that Bind: Economic and Political Dilemmas of Urban Utility Networks, 1800–1990. ByCharles David Jacobson. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2001. 202 pp. Photos, illustrations, notes, index, bibliography. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN 0-822-94133-3
by Hausman, William J. - 830-832 Covering Iowa: The History of the Des Moines Register and Tribune Company, 1849–1985. ByWilliam B. Friedericks. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 2000. 318 pp. Photos, notes, index. Cloth, $49.95. ISBN 0-813-82620-9
by Kielbowicz, Richard B. - 832-835 Sowing the American Dream: How Consumer Culture Took Root in the Rural Midwest. ByDavid Blanke. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2000. 282 pp. Tables, notes, index. Cloth, $59.95; paper, $21.95. ISBN: Cloth 0-821-41347-3; paper 0-8214-1348-1
by Woods, Thomas A. - 835-837 Women in Labor: Mothers, Medicine, and Occupational Health in the United States, 1890–1980. ByAllison L. Hepler. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2000. xii + 177 pp. Photos, illustrations, index, notes, bibliography. Cloth, $47.50; paper, $18.95. ISBN: Cloth 0-814-20850-9; paper 0-814-25055-6
by Igra, Anna R. - 838-840 Permanent Waves: The Making of the American Beauty Shop. ByJulie A. Willett. New York: New York University Press, 2000. 240 pp. Photos, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $55.00; paper, $18.50. ISBN: Cloth 0-814-79357-6; paper 0-814-79358-4
by Engelman, Elysa - 840-843 On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C. J. Walker. ByA'Lelia Bundles. New York: Scribner, 2001. 400 pp. Photos, index, notes, bibliography. Cloth, $30.00. ISBN 0-684-82582-1
by Henderson, Alexa Benson - 843-845 The African-American Experience in the Civilian Conservation Corps. ByOlen ColeJr. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1999. 192 pp. Figures, tables, notes, appendixes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $49.50. ISBN 0-813-01660-6
by Higbee, Mark D. - 845-848 Mother Jones: The Most Dangerous Woman in America. ByElliott J. Gorn. New York: Hill and Wang, 2001. xiii + 408 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $27.00. ISBN 0-809-07093-6
by Phelan, Craig - 848-850 Class Struggle in Hollywood, 1930–1950: Moguls, Mobsters, Stars, Reds, and Trade Unionists. ByGerald Home. 335 pp. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001. Photos, notes, index. Paper, $22.95. ISBN 0-292-73138-8
by Lorence, James J. - 850-853 The Social Consequences of Economic Restructuring in the Textile Industry: Change in a Southern Mill Village. ByCynthia D. Anderson. New York: Garland Publishing, 2000. xii + 169 pp. Index, appendix, bibliography, and references. Cloth, $60.00. ISBN 0-815-33622-5
by Patton, Randall L. - 853-855 Mexican American Odyssey: Felix Tijerina, Entrepreneur & Civic Leader, 1905–1965. ByThomas H. Kreneck. College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 2001. 432 pp. Photographs, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 0-890-96936-1
by Carlson, Paul H. - 855-858 Dancing in the Street: Motown and the Cultural Politics of Detroit. BySusanne E. Smith. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2000. 336 pp. Illustrations, map, notes, index, Cloth, $26.50; paper, $15.95. ISBN: Cloth 0-674-00063-3; paper 0-674-00546-5
by Newman, Kathy M. - 858-860 Organizing Immigrants: The Challenge for Unions in Contemporary California. Edited byRuth Milkman. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2000. 272 pp. Figures, tables, references, index. Cloth, $42.50; paper, $18.95. ISBN: Cloth 0-801-43697-4; paper 0-801-48617-3
by Vargas, Zaragosa - 860-862 Fragile Paradise: The Impact of Tourism on Maui, 1959–2000. ByMansel Blackford. University Press of Kansas, 2001. 296 pp. Maps, illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $35.00. ISBN 0-700-61086-3
by Newman, Harvey K. - 862-865 Corning and the Craft of Innovation. ByMargaret B. W. Graham and Alec T. Shuldiner. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. xvi + 505 pp. Index, notes, and photographs. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN 0-19-514097-4
by Tucci, Christopher L. - 865-866 Wings of Power: Boeing and the Politics of Growth in the Northwest. ByT. M. Sell. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2001. xxx + 162 pp. Index, notes, bibliography. Cloth, $24.95. ISBN 0-295-98049-4
by Lee, David D. - 866-869 Systems, Experts, and Computers: The Systems Approach in Management and Engineering, World War II and After. Edited byAgatha C. Hughes and Thomas P. Hughes. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000. 513 pp. Index, notes, and figures. Cloth, $50.00. ISBN 0-262-08285-3
by Waring, Stephen P. - 869-872 Telecom Nation: Telecommunications, Computers, and Governments in Canada. ByLaurence B. Mussio. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2001. x + 308 pp. Photos, illustrations, index, notes, bibliography. Cloth, $49.95. ISBN 0-7735–21755
by Janisch, Hudson - 873-875 The Ride to Modernity: The Bicycle in Canada, 1869–1900. ByGlen Norcliffe. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001. Photos, maps, illustrations. Cloth, $60.00; paper, $24.95. ISBN: Cloth 0-802-04398-4; paper 0-802-08205-X
by Harris, Colin - 875-877 Manufacturing Montreal: The Making of an Industrial Landscape, 1850–1930. ByRobert Lewis. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. xvii + 336 pp. Illustrations, maps, photographs, index, notes. Cloth, $45.00. ISBN 0-801-86349-X
by Huberman, Michael - 877-880 Ontario's Cattle Kingdom: Purebred Breeders and Their World, 1870–1920. ByMargaret Derry. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001. xx + 221 pp. Sketches, tables, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $50.00. ISBN 0-802-04866-8
by Lester, Connie L. - 880-883 Un siglo de deuda pública en México [A century of public debt in Mexico]. ByLeonor Ludlow and Carlos Marichal, eds. Mexico: Instituto Mora, 1998. 269 pp. Notes, figures, bibliography. Paper, $19.00. ISBN 9-686-91490-0
by Beatty, Edward - 883-885 Gales: A Study in Brewing, Business and Family History. ByBarry Stapleton and James H. Thomas. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate, 2000. xvi + 192 pp. Illustrations, tables, bibliography, index. Cloth, $89.95. ISBN 0-754-60146-3
by Clark, Christine - 885-888 The Coventry Motor Industry: Birth to Renaissance. ByDavid Thoms and Tom Donnelly. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate, 2000. Index, notes, bibliography, tables, photos. Cloth, $79.95. ISBN 0-75460-108-0
by Whisler, Timothy R. - 888-890 The Business of Medicine: A History of Glaxo. ByEdgar Jones. Profile Books Limited, 2001. xxiii + 520 pp. Tables, photos, illustrations, index, notes, and bibliography. Cloth, $49.95. ISBN 1-861-97340-3
by Adams, Stephen B. - 891-893 The Great Breakthrough and Its Cause. ByJulian L. Simon (Timur Kuran, editor). Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2001. 240 pp. Tables, graphs, notes, bibliography. Cloth, $39.50. ISBN 0-472-11097-7
by Floud, Roderick - 893-895 The Cash Nexus: Money and Power in the Modern World, 1700–2000. ByNiall Ferguson. New York: Basic Books. 2001. xix + 552 pp. Tables, figures, illustrations, notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $30.00; paper, $17.00. ISBN: Cloth 0-465-02325-8; paper 0-465-02326-6
by Teichgraeber, Richard F. - 896-899 Money and Politics: European Monetary Unification and the International Gold Standard (1865–1873). ByLuca Einaudi. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2001. xix + 241 pp. Maps, tables, notes, bibliography, and index. Cloth, $72.00. ISBN 0-19-924366-2
by Officer, Lawrence H. - 899-902 Papermaking in Eighteenth-Century France: Management, Labor, and Revolution at the Montgolfier Mill, 1761–1805. ByLeonard N. Rosenband. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. 240 pp. Graphs, tables, illustrations, notes, index. Cloth, $39.95. ISBN 0-801-86392-9
by Johnson, Christopher H. - 903-905 Naissance d'une industrie touristique: Les Anglais et la Suisse au XIXe siècle [Birth of a tourist industry: The English and the Swiss in the nineteenth century]. ByLaurent Tissot. Lausanne: Editions Payot, 2000. Paper, F149; €22.71. ISBN 2-601-03257-X
by Harp, Stephen L. - 906-909 Das “Stahltrusf”-Projekt: Die Gründung der Vereinigte Stahlwerke A.G. und ihre Unternehmensentwicklung, 1926–1933/34 [The “steeltrust” project: The founding of the United Steel Works AG and its business development, 1926–1933/34]. ByAlfred Reckendrees. Munich: C.H. Beck, 2000. 639 pp. Cloth, DM 138; C70.56. ISBN 3-406-45819-X
by Fear, Jeffrey