June 1979, Volume 73, Issue 2
- 430-441 Scale Fitting in the Psychometric Model of Judicial Decision Making
by Gow, David John - 442-458 Religious vs. Linguistic vs. Class Voting: The “Crucial Experiment” of Comparing Belgium, Canada, South Africa, and Switzerland
by Lijphart, Arend - 459-477 The Roots of Interprovincial Inequality in Education and Health Services in China
by Lampton, David M. - 478-493 Coalitional Behavior among the Chinese Military Elite: A Nonrecursive, Simultaneous Equations, and Multiplicative Causal Model
by Ting, William Pang-yu - 494-504 Intergovernmental Organizations and Foreign Policy Behavior: Some Empirical Findings
by McCormick, James M. & Kihl, Young W. - 505-520 A Swedish Road to Socialism: Ernst Wigforss and the Ideological Foundations of Swedish Social Democracy
by Tilton, Timothy A. - 521-538 Social Theory and Revolutionary Activity in Marx
by Gilbert, Alan - 539-542 Comment on Rosenstone and Wolfinger (Vol. 72, March 1978, pp. 22–45)
by Sterling, Carleton W. - 542-543 Reply
by Rosenstone, Steven J. & Wolfinger, Raymond E. - 543-545 Comment on Kernell (Vol. 72, June 1978, pp. 506–22)
by Darcy, R. & Schramm, Sarah Slavin - 545-546 Reply
by Kernell, Samuel - 547-549 Comment on LeLoup (Vol. 72, June 1978, pp. 616–21)
by Nice, Davin & Cohen, Jeffrey - 549-550 Comment on Butler (Vol 72, March 1978, pp. 135–50)
by Ball, Terence - 550-551 Reply
by Butler, Melissa A. - 551-552 Comment on Brams and Fishburn (Vol. 72, September 1978, pp. 831–47) and Balinski and Young (Vol. 72, September, 1978, pp. 848–58)
by Tullock, Gordon - 552-553 Replies
by Brams, Steven J. & Fishburn, Peter C. & Balinski, M. L. & Young, H. P. - 553-553 Erratum
by Anonymous - 554-555 Forecasting: An Appraisal for Policy-Makers and Planners. By William Ascher. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978. Pp. xiii + 239. $15.00, paper.)
by Gillespie, John V. - 555-556 Workplace Democratization: Its Internal Dynamics. By Paul Bernstein. (Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1977. Pp. 127. $12.50.)
by Garson, G. David - 556-557 Game Theory and Politics. By Steven J. Brams. (New York: Free Press, 1975. Pp. xix + 312. Price not given.) - Paradoxes in Politics: An Introduction to the Nonobvious in Political Science. By Steven J. Brams. (New York: Free Press, 1976. Pp. xvii + 231. Price not given.)
by Casstevens, Thomas W. - 557-558 The New Liberalism: An Ideology of Social Reform. By Michael Freeden. (Oxford, England and New York: Clarendon Press, 1978. Pp. xii + 291. $24.00.)
by Kann, Mark E. - 558-558 Law and Society: An Introduction. By Lawrence M. Friedman. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1977. Pp. xiii + 177. $7.95, cloth; $3.95, paper.)
by Eisenstein, James - 559-560 Philosophers of Peace and War: Kant, Clausewitz, Marx, Engels and Tolstoy. By W. B. Gallie. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978. Pp. x + 147. £5.95, cloth.)
by Chapman, John W. - 560-561 Law, Morality, and Society: Essays in Honour of H. L. A. Hart. Edited by P. M. S. Hacker and J. Raz. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977. Pp. vii + 312. $16.50.)
by Dais, Eugene E. - 561-562 Socialism and Bureaucracy. By Andras Hegedus. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1976. Pp. 193. $14.95.) - The Structure of Socialist Society. By Andras Hegedus. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1977. Pp. 229. $9.95.) - The Humanization of Socialism: Writings of the Budapest School. By Andras Hegedus, Agnes Heller, Maria Markus, and Mihaly Vajda. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1976. Pp. 177. $14.95.)
by Vardys, V. Stanley - 562-563 The Social Thought of Bernard Mandeville: Virtue and Commerce in Early Eighteenth-Century England. Thomas A. Horne. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1978. Pp. xii + 123. $12.50.)
by Kramnick, Isaac - 563-564 The Marxian Legacy. By Dick Howard. (New York: Urizen Books, 1978. Pp. xv + 340. $15.00, cloth; $6.95, paper.)
by McBride, William Leon - 564-565 Political Society: A Macrosociology of Politics. By Edward W. Lehman. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1977. Pp. xi + 247. $15.00.)
by Dye, Thomas R. - 565-565 Political Identity. By W. J. M. Mackenzie. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978. Pp. 185. $13.95.)
by Edelman, Murray - 566-567 The Structure of Marx's World-View. By John McMurtry. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1978. Pp. xii + 269. $15.00, cloth; $3.95, paper.)
by Thomas, Paul - 567-568 The Old Religion in the Brave New World: Reflections on the Relation Between Christendom and the Republic. By Sidney E. Mead. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977. Pp. xii + 189. $10.00.)
by Franco, Ronald - 568-569 Escape from Predicament: Neo-Confucianism and China's Evolving Political Culture. By Thomas A. Metzger. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1977. Pp. x + 303. $15.00.)
by Hansen, Chad - 569-570 Marxism and Politics. By Ralph Miliband. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977. Pp. 198. $10.00, cloth; $2.95, paper.)
by Ollman, Bertell - 570-571 Anarchism: Nomos XIX. By J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman, eds. (New York: New York University Press, 1978. Pp. xxxix + 375. $17.50.)
by Fowler, Robert Booth - 571-572 Max Weber Bibliographie: Eine Dokumentation der Sekundaerliteratur. By Constans Seyfarth and Gert Schmidt. (Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1977. Pp. xxvii + 208. DM 28.)
by Cahnman, Werner J. - 572-573 Nature and Civilization: Some Implications for Politics. Mulford Q. Sibley. (Itasca, Ill.: F. E. Peacock Publishers, 1977. Pp. xiii + 319. $10.50.)
by Embry, Charles R. - 573-574 The Politics of Social Knowledge. By Larry D. Spence. (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1978. Pp. vii + 374. $15.00.)
by Gunnell, John G. - 575-575 Anamnesis. By Eric Voegelin. Translated and edited by Gerhart Niemeyer. (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1978. Pp. xxii + 217. $11.95.)
by Payne, Thomas F. - 576-577 Politics and the Professors: The Great Society in Perspective. By Henry J. Aaron. (Washington: The Brookings Institution, 1978. Pp. 185. $9.95, cloth; $3.95, paper.)
by Thomas, Norman C. - 577-578 Political Corruption in America. By George C. S. Benson, with Steven A. Maaranen and Alan Heslop. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, 1978. Pp. xviii + 339. $21.95.)
by Johnston, Michael - 578-579 Small Cities in Transition: The Dynamics of Growth and Decline. Edited by Herrington J. Bryce. (Cambridge: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1977. Pp. xxv + 418. $22.40.)
by Miller, Gary J. - 579-580 When Farmers Voted Red, The Gospel of Socialism in the Oklahoma Countryside, 1910–1924. By Garin Burbank. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1976. Pp. xvi + 224. $13.95, cloth.)
by Calvert, Jerry W. - 580-581 The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business. By Alfred D. ChandlerJr., (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1977. Pp. xvi + 608. $18.50.)
by Reagan, Michael D. - 581-582 Class and Community: The Industrial Revolution in Lynn. By Alan Dawley. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1976. Pp. viii + 301. $17.50.)
by Greenberg, Brian - 582-583 Counsel for the United States: U.S. Attorneys in the Political and Legal Systems. By James Eisenstein. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978. Pp. xi + 264. $15.00.)
by Baum, Lawrence - 583-584 Medicare: The Politics of Federal Hospital Insurance. By Judith M. Feder. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1977. Pp. ix + 177. $16.00.)
by Smith, Bruce L. R. - 584-586 Home Style: House Members in their Districts. By Richard F. FennoJr., (Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown and Co., 1978. Pp. xvi + 304. $6.98, paper.)
by Davidson, Roger H. - 586-587 Education and the Presidency. By Chester E. FinnJr., (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, 1977. Pp. xv + 153. $15.00.)
by Hartle, Terry W. - 587-588 Congressional Staffs: The Invisible Force in American Lawmaking. By Harrison W. FoxJr., and Susan Webb Hammond. (New York: Free Press, 1977. Pp. xiv + 227. $12.95.)
by Balutis, Alan P. - 588-589 Policing a Free Society. By Herman Goldstein. (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1977. Pp. xi + 371. $16.50, cloth; $7.95, paper.)
by Guyot, Dorothy - 589-590 Black Separatism in the United States. By Raymond L. Hall. (Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 1978. Pp. x + 306. $15.00.)
by Baker, Ross K. - 590-591 Emergency Employment: A Study in Federalism. By Howard W. Hallman. (University, Ala.: University of Alabama Press, 1977. Pp. ix + 207. $11.50.)
by Seidman, Harold - 591-592 Plea Bargaining: The Experiences of Prosecutors, Judges, and Defense Attorneys. By Milton Heumann. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978. Pp. viii + 220. $15.00.)
by Casey, Gregory - 592-593 Campaign Organization. By Xandra Kayden. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1978. Pp. x + 182. $3.95, paper.)
by Clem, Alan - 593-593 Pollution and Policy: A Case Essay on California and Federal Experience with Motor Vehicle Air Pollution, 1940–1975. By James E. Krier and Edmund Ursin. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977. Pp. vii + 401. $15.95.)
by Marcus, Alfred A. - 594-594 Federal Government and Urban Problems. HUD: Successes, Failures, and the Fate of Our Cities. By M. Carter McFarland. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1978. Pp. xviii + 277. $20.00.)
by Sundquist, James L. - 594-595 Innovation and Implementation in Public Organizations. Edited by Richard R. Nelson and Douglas Yates. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, 1978. Pp. xi + 186. $18.00.)
by Morgan, Edward P. - 595-596 The Abuse of Power: The Permanent Government and the Fall of New York. By Jack Newfield and Paul Du Brul. (New York: Viking Press, 1977. Pp. xiv + 368. $12.50, cloth; $4.95, paper.)
by Katznelson, Ira - 596-597 Patterns of Metropolitan Policing. By Elinor Ostrom, Roger B. Parks, and Gordon Whitaker. (Cambridge: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1978. Pp. xxxv + 343. $18.50.)
by Weinberg, Lee S. - 597-598 Poor People's Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail. By Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1977. Pp. xiv + 381. $12.95.)
by Lipsky, Michael - 598-599 The Case-or-Controversy Provision. By James E. Radcliffe. (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1978. Pp. viii + 285. $13.50.)
by Heck, Edward V. - 599-601 Cancer Crusade: The Story of the National Cancer Act of 1971. By Richard A. Rettig. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1977. Pp. xix + 382. $15.00.)
by Smith, Michael P. - 601-602 Progressive Cities: The Commission Government Movement in America, 1901–1920. By Bradley Robert Rice. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1977. Pp. xix + 160. $10.95.)
by Villanueva, A. B. - 602-603 The Democratic Party Primary in Virginia: Tantamount to Election No Longer. By Larry Sabato. (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1977. Pp. ix + 169. $9.95.)
by Havard, William C. - 603-604 Blue-Collar Soldiers? Unionization and the U.S. Military. Edited by Alan Ned Sabrosky. (Philadelphia: Foreign Policy Research Institute, 1977. Pp. ix + 166. $5.95, paper.)
by Segal, David R. - 604-605 At the Grass Roots in the Garden State: Reform and Regular Democrats in New Jersey. By Vicki Granet Semel. (Cranbury, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1978. Pp. 287. $18.50.)
by Margolis, Michael - 605-605 Economic Policy Beyond the Headlines. By George P. Schultz and Kenneth W. Dam. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1977. Pp. xi + 225. $8.95.)
by Tufte, Edward R. - 606-606 Policy Analysis and Deductive Reasoning. Edited by Gordon Tullock and Richard E. Wagner. (Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1978. Pp. xii + 201. $18.00.)
by Bish, Robert L. - 606-608 The Memoirs of Chief Justice Earl Warren. By Earl Warren. (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1977. Pp. xii + 394. $12.95.)
by Lytle, Clifford M. - 608-609 Governance of Federal Regulatory Agencies. By David M. Welborn. (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1977. Pp. viii + 179. $9.50.)
by Rourke, Francis E. - 609-610 The Investigators: Managing F.B.I. and Narcotics Agents. By James Q. Wilson. (New York: Basic Books, 1978. Pp. xi + 228. $10.00.)
by Rourke, Francis E. - 610-611 Power in the City: Decision Making in San Francisco. By Frederick M. Wirt. (Berkeley: University of California Press, Institute of Governmental Studies, 1978. Pp. xi + 417. $6.95, paper.)
by Browning, Rufus P. - 611-612 China's Industrial Revolution: Politics, Planning, and Management, 1949 to the Present. By Stephen Andors. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1977. Pp. xviii + 344. $17.95.)
by Benjamin, Roger W. - 612-614 Women in Russia. Edited by Dorothy Atkinson, Alexander Dallin, and Gail Warshofsky Lapidus. (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1977. Pp. xiii + 410. $18.75.)
by Jancar, Barbara - 614-615 On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. By Etienne Balibar. (London: New Left Books, and Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1977. Pp. 237. $13.00.)
by Rubenstein, Diane - 615-616 Angola Under the Portuguese: The Myth and the Reality. By Gerald J. Bender. (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1978. Pp. xxvii + 287. $15.00.)
by Chilcote, Ronald H. - 616-617 Yundong: Mass Campaigns in Chinese Communist Leadership. By Gordon Bennett. (Berkeley, Calif.: Center for Chinese Studies China Research Monographs, 1976. Pp. 133. $4.50, paper.) - Revolution at Work: Mobilization Campaigns in China. By Charles P. Cell. (New York: Academic Press, 1977. Pp. xxi + 221. $14.95.)
by Rosen, Stanley - 617-618 Facing Up to Modernity: Excursions in Society, Politics, and Religion. By Peter L. Berger. (New York: Basic Books, 1977. Pp. xix + 233. $11.50.)
by Scott, James C. - 618-619 Contemporary Venezuela and Its Role in International Affairs. Edited by Robert D. Bond. (New York: New York University Press, for the Council on Foreign Relations, 1977. Pp. x + 267. $15.00, cloth; $6.95, paper.)
by Blank, David Eugene - 619-620 Political Culture and Political Change in Communist States. Edited by Archie Brown and Jack Gray. (London: Macmillan, 1976; New York: Holmes and Meier, 1977. Pp. xiii + 286. $24.00.)
by Paul, David W. - 621-621 Light Water: How the Nuclear Dream Dissolved. By Irvin C. Bupp and Jean-Claude Derian. (New York: Basic Books, 1978. Pp. xii + 241. $10.00.)
by Davis, David Howard - 621-622 Contemporary Japanese Budget Politics. By John Creighton Campbell. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977. Pp. xv + 308. $15.75.)
by Richardson, Bradley M. - 623-624 Manipulating Soviet Population Resources. By Jeff Chinn. (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1977. Pp. vii + 163. $22.50.)
by Desfosses, Helen - 624-625 P'yongyang Between Peking and Moscow: North Korea's Involvement in the Sino-Soviet Dispute, 1958–1975. By Chin O. Chung. (University, Ala.: University of Alabama Press, 1978. Pp. x + 230. $15.00.)
by Koh, B. C. - 625-626 Society against the State: The Leader as Servant and the Humane Uses of Power Among the Indians of the Americas. By Pierre Clastres. (New York: Urizen Press, 1977. Pp. 186. $12.95.)
by Ellard, George - 626-627 Public Opinion in European Socialist Systems. By Walter D. Connor and Zvi Y. Gitelman, with Adaline Huszczo and Robert Blumstock. (New York: Praeger, 1977. Pp. ix + 196. $17.50.)
by Mickiewicz, Ellen - 627-628 Liberal Party Politics in Britain. By Arthur Cyr. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, Inc., 1977. Pp. 318. $12.95.)
by Noonan, Lowell G. - 628-629 Québec: The Unfinished Revolution. By Léon Dion. (Montréal and London: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1976. Pp. xiv + 218. $15.00, cloth; $7.50, paper.) - Choix: Le Nationalisms Quebécois à la Croisée des Chemins. Centre Québécois de Relations Internationales, Institut Canadien des Affaires Internationales. (Québec: Université Laval, 1975. Pp. 382. Can. $5.00, paper.)
by Schwartz, Mildred A. - 629-630 China's Economic Revolution. By Alexander Eckstein. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1977. Pp. xii + 340. $19.95, cloth; $6.95, paper.)
by Starr, John Bryan - 630-631 The Brazilian Corporative State and Working-Class Politics. By Kenneth Paul Erickson. (Berkeley: University of California Press. Pp. xvii + 225. $14.00.)
by Malloy, James M. - 631-632 Political Parties and Elections in the French Fifth Republic. By J. R. Frears. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1977. Pp. xii + 292. $17.95.)
by Campbell, Bruce A. - 632-633 The Army in Victorian Society. By Gwyn Harries-Jenkins. (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul; Toronto and Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 1977. Pp. xi + 320. $12.50.)
by Dale, Richard - 633-634 Mexico in Crisis. By Judith Adler Hellman. (New York: Holmes and Meier Publishers, 1978. Pp. vi + 229. $15.75, cloth; $7.95, paper.)
by Padgett, L. Vincent - 634-636 Revolutionary Ideology and Chinese Reality: Dissonance under Mao. By Paul J. Hiniker. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1977. Pp. 320. $14.00, cloth; $6.95, paper.)
by Hsiung, James C. - 636-637 The Soviet Union and Social Science Theory. By Jerry F. Hough. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1977. Pp. xiv + 275. $16.50.)
by Armstrong, John A. - 637-638 The Foreign Trade of China: Policy, Law, and Practice. By Gene T. Hsiao. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977. Pp. xxi + 291. $22.50.)
by Hunsberger, Warren S. - 638-639 Political Power and Communications in Indonesia. Edited by Karl D. Jackson and Lucian W. Pye. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978. Pp. xxi + 424. $18.50.)
by Hindley, Donald - 639-640 Social Change in Romania, 1860–1940: A Debate on Development in a European Nation. Edited by Kenneth Jowitt. (Berkeley: University of California, Institute of International Studies, 1978. Pp. xi + 207. $4.50, paper.)
by Gilberg, Trond - 640-641 New Trends in British Politics: Issues for Research. Edited by Dennis Kavanagh and Richard Rose. (London: Sage Publications, 1977. Pp. 254. $11.95, cloth; $5.75, paper.)
by Cain, Bruce E. - 641-642 Red Years/Black Years: A Political History of Spanish Anarchism, 1911–1937. By Robert W. Kern. (Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues, 1978. Pp. xiv + 335. $19.50, cloth; $7.95, paper.)
by Nowlin, William G. - 642-643 Korea: A Divided Nation. Edited by Se-Jin Kim and Chang-hyun Cho. (Silver Spring, Md.: Research Institute on Korean Affairs, 1976. Pp. vii + 330. Price not given.)
by Choi, Yearn H. - 643-644 Interest Groups in Norwegian Politics. By Robert B. Kvavik. (Oslo: Universitets-forlaget, 1976. Pp. 206. $11.00, paper.)
by Cowart, Andrew T. - 644-645 Khrushchev: The Years in Power. By Roy A. Medvedev and Zhores A. Medvedev. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1976. Pp. xi + 198. $10.95.)
by Linden, Carl A. - 645-646 Peasants, Politics and Revolution: Pressures toward Political and Social Change in the Third World. By Joel S. Migdal. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1975. Pp. 301. $15.00.)
by Landsberger, Henry - 646-647 British Business and Ghanian Independence. By Josephine F. Milburn. (Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 1977. Pp. x + 156. $12.50.)
by Scarritt, James R. - 647-648 The ‘Kept Men’? The First Century of Trade Union Representation in the British House of Commons 1874–1975. By William D. Muller. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1977. Pp. xx + 283. $21.50.)
by Milburn, Josephine F. - 648-650 System and Succession: The Social Bases of Political Elite Recruitment. By John D. Nagle. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1977. Pp. x + 273. $17.50.)
by Marvick, Dwaine - 650-651 Comparing Urban Service Delivery Systems: Structure and Performance. Edited by Vincent Ostrom and Frances Pennell Bish. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1977. Pp. 304. $17.50, cloth; $7.50, paper.)
by Danziger, James N. - 651-652 The Canadian State: Political Economy and Political Power. Edited by Leo Panitch. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1977. Pp. xi + 475. $25.00, cloth; $7.50, paper.)
by Grayson, J. Paul - 652-653 The Politics of Bureaucracy: A Comparative Perspective. By B. Guy Peters. (New York and London: Longman, 1978. Pp. ix + 246. $12.50, cloth; $6.95, paper.)
by Diamant, Alfred - 654-655 Cambodge année zero: document. By François Ponchaud. (Paris: Juillard, 1977. Pp. 250. FF 42.)
by Zasloff, Joseph J. - 655-656 Christian Democracy in Western Germany. By Geoffrey Pridham. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978. Pp. 371. $19.95.)
by Helm, Jutta A. - 656-657 The Expansive Elite: District Politics and State Policy-Making in India. By Donald B. Rosenthal. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977. Pp. xiii + 348. $16.75.)
by Weiner, Myron - 657-659 The Moral Economy of the Peasant: Rebellion and Subsistence in Southeast Asia. By James C. Scott. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1976. Pp. ix + 246. $15.00.)
by Perry, Elizabeth J. - 659-660 Peasant Politics: Struggle in a Dominican Village. By Kenneth Evan Sharpe. (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977. Pp. xix + 263. $15.00.)
by Forman, Shepard - 660-661 Praxis: Marxist Criticism and Dissent in Socialist Yugoslavia. By Gerson S. Sher. (Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press, 1977. Pp. xix + 360. $15.00.)
by Dunn, William N. - 661-662 Burma: Military Rule and the Politics of Stagnation. By Josef Silverstein. (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1977. Pp. xiii + 224. $16.50, cloth; $4.95, paper.)
by Neher, Clark D. - 662-663 Roots of German Nationalism. By Louis L. Snyder. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1978. Pp. x + 309. $17.50.)
by Bald, Richard H. - 663-664 Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe. Third Edition. By Richard F. Staar. Stanford, Calif.: Hoover Institution Press, 1977. Pp. 302. Price not given.)
by McGregor, James P. - 664-664 Housing the Urban Poor in Africa: Policy, Politics, and Bureaucracy in Mombasa. By Richard E. Stren. (Berkeley: Institute of International Studies, 1978. Pp. xii + 330. $5.95.)
by Rothchild, Donald - 665-665 Tribalisme et parti unique en Afrique noire: esquisse d'une théorie générale de l'intégration nationale. By Lanciné Sylla. (Paris: Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques et Université Nationale de Côte d'Ivoire, 1977. Pp. 392. FF 95, paper.)
by DeLancey, Mark W. - 665-667 Marxism and the Metropolis: New Perspectives in Urban Political Economy. Edited by William K. Tabb and Larry Sawers. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. Pp. viii + 376. $10.00, cloth; $5.50, paper.)
by Eisinger, Peter K. - 667-668 The Production of Political Television. By Michael Tracey. (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978. Pp. xiii + 283. $10.00, paper.)
by Paletz, David L. - 668-669 The Military in Contemporary Soviet Politics: An Institutional Analysis. By Edward L. WarnerIII. (New York: Praeger, 1977. Pp. viii + 314. $19.95.)
by Herspring, Dale R. - 669-670 Politics in Postwar Japanese Society. By Joji Watanuki. (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1977. Pp. x + 171. $9.50.)
by Farnsworth, Lee W. - 670-671 Socialist Society and Free Enterprise Politics: A Study of Voluntary Associations in Urban India. By Robert G. Wirsing. (Durham, N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 1977. Pp. xiv + 214. $11.00.)
by Hart, Henry C. - 671-672 France 1848–1945: Intellect, Taste and Anxiety, Vol. 2. By Theodore Zeldin. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977. Pp. vii + 1202. $29.95.)
by Gourevitch, Peter Alexis - 672-673 The Decision to Divide Germany: American Foreign Policy in Transition. By John H. Backer. (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1978. Pp. x + 212. $9.95.)
by Hughes, Richard D. - 673-674 Soldiers, Statesmen, and Cold War Crises. By Richard K. Betts. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1977. Pp. ix + 292. $15.00.)
by Kinnard, Douglas - 674-674 Foreign Affairs for New States: Some Questions of Credentials. By P. J. Boyce. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1977. Pp. x + 298. $19.95.)
by Singer, Marshall R. - 674-675 The Future Global Challenge: A Predictive Study of World Security, 1977–1990. By Neville Brown. (London: Royal United Service Institute for Defense Studies, and New York: Crane, Russak, 1977. Pp. x + 402. £9.95.)
by Brown, Seyom - 675-676 The Dialectic of World Politics. By Silviu Brucan. (New York: Free Press, 1978. Pp. xii + 163. $13.95.) - State Systems: International Pluralism, Politics, and Culture. By Robert G. Wesson. (New York: Free Press, 1978. Pp. vii + 296. $14.95.) - Revolution of Being: A Latin American View of the Future. By Gustavo Lagos and Horacio H. Godoy. (New York: Free Press, 1977. Pp. xxvii + 226. $14.95.)
by Petersen, Keith S. - 677-677 The Geopolitics of Energy. By Melvin A. Conant and Fern Racine Gold. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1978. Pp. xviii + 224. $20.00.)
by Choucri, Nazli - 677-678 Governments Under Fire: Civil Conflict and Imperialism. By William Eckhardt and Christopher Young. (New Haven, Conn.: HRAF Press, 1977. Pp. 379. $16.00, cloth; $8.00, paper.)
by Nesvold, Betty A. - 678-679 The Conduct of American Foreign Relations: The Other Side of Diplomacy. By Thomas H. Etzold. (New York: New Viewpoints, 1978. Pp. viii + 125. $5.95, paper.)
by Esterline, John H. - 679-680 Rich and Poor Nations in the World Economy. By Albert Fishlow, Carlos F. Díaz-Alejandro, Richard R. Fagen and Roger D. Hansen. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978. Pp. xii + 264. $10.95, cloth; $6.95, paper.)
by Nincic, Miroslav - 680-681 Humanitarian Politics: The International Committee of the Red Cross. By David P. Forsythe. (Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977. Pp. xii + 298. $17.95.)
by Wiseberg, Laurie S. - 681-682 U.S. Intelligence and the Soviet Strategic Threat. By Lawrence Freedman. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1977. Pp. xv + 235. $22.50.)
by Blackstock, Paul W. - 682-683 Marine Policy: A Comparative Approach. By John King GambleJr., et al. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, 1977. Pp. xiii + 146. $15.00.)
by Atkinson, J. D. - 683-684 Verwaltete Aussenpolitik. By Helga Haftendorn, Wolf-Dieter Karl, Joachim Krause, and Lothar Wilker. (Cologne: Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1978. Pp. 296. DM 32.) - Politikwissenschaft und Aussenpolitik in den USA. By Gebhard Schweigler. (Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1977. Pp. 305. DM 46.)
by Foster, Charles R. - 684-685 The Widening Gulf: Asian Nationalism and American Policy. By Selig S. Harrison. (New York: Free Press, 1978. Pp. xi + 468. $15.95.)
by Palmer, Norman D. - 685-686 Command Decision and the Presidency: A Study of National Security Policy and Organization. By R. Gordon Hoxie. (New York: Reader's Digest Press, distributed by Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1977. Pp. vi + 505. $15.00.)
by Hirschfield, Robert S. - 686-687 The World Council of Churches in International Affairs. By Darril Hudson. (Leighton Buzzard, Beds., U.K.: The Faith Press for The Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1977. Pp. 336. £5.40, paper.)
by Lampert, Donald E. - 687-688 The Domestic Context of American Foreign Policy. By Barry B. Hughes. (San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1978. Pp. xii + 240. $14.00, cloth; $7.00, paper.)
by Mueller, John E. - 688-690 The Soviet Union and International Oil Politics. By Arthur Jay Klinghoffer. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1977. Pp. ix + 389. $16.50.)
by Gilison, Jerome M. - 690-691 Post-Mao China and U.S.-China Trade. Edited by Shao-chuan Leng. (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1977. Pp. xi + 156. $9.95.)
by Hsiao, Gene T. - 691-692 Africa's International Relations: The Diplomacy of Dependency and Change. By Ali A. Mazrui. (Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1977. Pp. x + 310. $23.75, cloth; $15.00, paper.)
by Park, Sang-Seek - 692-693 Deterrence: A Conceptual Analysis. By Patrick A. Morgan. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1977. Pp. 216. $11.00, cloth; $6.00, paper.)
by Lauren, Paul Gordon - 693-694 The Philosophy of International Relations: A Study in the History of Thought. By F. Parkinson. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1977. Pp. 245. $14.00, cloth; $6.95, paper.)
by Herz, John H. - 694-695 From June to October: The Middle East Between 1967 and 1973. Edited by Itamar Rabinovich and Haim Shaked. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transactions Books, 1978. Pp. xxiii + 419. $19.95.)
by AlRoy, Gil Carl - 695-696 Conflict in Perspective. Understanding Conflict and War, Vol. 3. By R. J. Rummel. (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1977. Pp. 200. $12.95.)
by Davies, James Chowning - 696-698 Israel—The Embattled Ally. By Nadav Safran. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1978. Pp. ix + 633. $18.50.)
by Jabber, Paul - 698-699 The Politics and Economics of European Monetary Integration. By Loukas Tsoukalis. (Reading, Mass.: Allen and Unwin, 1977. Pp. 192. $18.75.)
by Warmenhoven, Henri J. - 699-700 Reducing Global Inequities. By W. Howard Wriggins and Gunnar Adler-Karlsson. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978. Pp. xiv + 193. $9.95, cloth; $5.95, paper.)
by Rothstein, Robert L. - 700-702 The Missile Defense Controversy: Strategy, Technology, and Politics, 1955–1972. By Ernest J. Yanarella. (Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1977. Pp. xi + 236. $17.25.)
by Rosi, Eugene J.
March 1979, Volume 73, Issue 1
- 9-31 Pre-Behavioralism in Political Science
by Wahlke, John C. - 32-49 Plus ça change…: The New CPS Election Study Panel
by Converse, Philip E. & Markus, Gregory B. - 50-66 Comparisons between Category and Magnitude Scaling of Political Opinion Employing SRC/CPS Items
by Lodge, Milton & Tursky, Bernard - 67-84 Type-Set Politics: Impact of Newspapers on Public Confidence
by Miller, Arthur H. & Goldenberg, Edie N. & Erbring, Lutz - 85-102 Factions in Committees: The U.S. House of Representatives
by Parker, Glenn R. & Parker, Suzanne L. - 103-112 Relative Deprivation Revisited: A Response to Miller, Bolce, and Halligan
by Crosby, Faye - 113-128 Aristippus in and out of Athens
by Holmes, Stephen Taylor - 129-133 On the Proper Use of Ancient Political Philosophy: A Comment on Stephen Taylor Holmes's “Aristippus in and out of Athens”
by Nichols, James H. - 134-138 A Reply to Nichols
by Holmes, Stephen Taylor - 139-154 The Good, the Beautiful, and the Useful: Montaigne's Transvaluation of Values
by Schaefer, David Lewis - 155-170 Metaphor and Political Knowledge
by Miller, Eugene F. - 171-180 The Intelligence of Stupidity: Understanding Failures in Strategic Warning
by Chan, Steve - 181-185 Inflation, Unemployment, and Left-Wing Political Parties: A Reanalysis
by Payne, James L. - 190-192 The Meaning of Property Rights
by Lowery, David - 197-198 Walter Lippmann. By Larry L. Adams. (Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1977. Pp. 229. $8.50.)
by Hallowell, John H. - 198-198 Justice and Punishment. Edited by J. B. Cederblom and William L. Blizek. (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Company, J.B, Lippincott, 1977. Pp. 222. $16.50.)
by van den Haag, Ernest - 199-200 The Philosophical Anarchism of William Godwin. By John P. Clark. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1977. Pp. 320. $16.50.)
by Nowlin, William G. - 200-201 Hobbes and America: Exploring the Constitutional Foundations. By Frank M. Coleman. (Toronto and Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 1977. Pp. ix + 159. $12.50.) - Hobbes: Morals and Politics. By D. D. Raphael. (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1977. Pp. 104. $14.50, cloth; $6.50, paper.)
by Chapman, Richard Allen - 201-203 Equality and Freedom: International and Comparative Jurisprudence. Vol. I, II, and III. Edited by Gray Dorsey. (Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publications, and Leiden, The Netherlands: A. W. Sijthoff, 1977. 3 Vols. Pp. xxx + 1203. $75.00.)
by Pennock, J. Roland - 203-204 Taking Rights Seriously. By Ronald Dworkin. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1977. Pp. 293. $12.00.)
by Conrad, Thomas R. - 204-205 Public Administration and Public Policy. Edited by H. George Frederickson and Charles R. Wise. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, 1977. Pp. viii + 232. $14.00.)
by Meier, Kenneth J. - 205-206 Methodology and Ideology: Theory and Methods of Social Research, Volume 1. By Johan Galtung. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1977. Pp. 271. $12.50, paper.)
by Alker, Hayward R. - 206-208 Founding Principles of American Government: Two Hundred Years of Democracy on Trial. Edited by George J. GrahamJr. and Scarlett G. Graham. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1977. Pp. xviii + 395. $17.50.) - The Moral Foundations of the American Republic. Edited by Robert H. Horwitz. (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1977. Pp. viii + 245. $15.00, cloth; $2.95, paper.)
by Grimes, Alan P. - 208-209 Science and Technology Policy: Perspectives and Developments. Edited by Joseph Haberer. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, 1977. Pp. ix + 221. $18.00.)
by Keenan, Boyd R. - 210-210 Mass Society and Political Conflict: Towards a Reconstruction of Theory. By Sandor Halebsky. (London: Cambridge University Press, 1976. Pp. ix + 309. $19.95.)
by Bachrach, Peter - 210-211 Rational Behavior and Bargaining Equilibrium in Games and Social Situations. By John C. Harsanyi. (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1977. Pp. x + 314. $29.95.)
by Brams, Steven J. - 212-213 Rational Choice and Social Exchange: A Critique of Exchange Theory. By Anthony Heath. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976. Pp. iii + 184. $16.95, cloth; $5.95, paper.)
by Merelman, Richard M. - 213-214 Decision Making: A Psychological Analysis of Conflict, Choice, and Commitment. By Irving L. Janis and Leon Mann. (New York: Free Press, 1977. Pp. xx + 488. $15.95.)
by Semmel, Andrew K. - 214-215 Karl Korsch: Revolutionary Theory. Edited by Douglas Kellner. (Austin and London: University of Texas Press, 1977. Pp. vii + 299. $14.95.)
by Fenn, Robert A. - 215-216 Hegel's Retreat from Eleusis: Studies in Political Thought. By George Armstrong Kelly. Princeton University Press, 1978. Pp. ix + 259. $16.50.)
by Riley, Patrick - 216-218 Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory: Capitalism—Fascism—Populism. By Ernesto Laclau. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1977. Pp. 203. $12.00.)
by Boris, Richard J. - 218-219 Rousseau's Political Philosophy: An Exposition and Interpretation. By Ramon M. Lemos. (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1977. Pp. x + 252. $14.50.)
by Riley, Patrick - 219-220 The Life and Times of Liberal Democracy. By C. B. Macpherson. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977. Pp. 120. $6.95, cloth; $2.50, paper.)
by Kariel, Henry S. - 220-221 Harold D. Lasswell on Political Sociology. Edited by Dwaine Marvick. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1977. Pp. vi + 456. $22.00.)
by Robinson, James A. - 221-221 Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Translated by A. V. Miller. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977. Pp. xxxv + 595. $29.50.)
by Mewes, Horst - 221-222 Between Faith and Reason: An Approach to Individual and Social Psychology. By Francisco José Moreno. (New York: New York University Press, 1977. Pp. xvi + 133. $8.95.)
by Strong, Tracy B. - 222-223 Due Process. Edited by J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman. (New York: New York University Press, 1977. Pp. ix + 362. $17.50.)
by Mack, Eric - 223-224 The Marxist Conception of Ideology: A Critical Essay. By Martin Seliger. (New York and London: Cambridge University Press, 1977. Pp. xiii + 229. $13.95.)
by Parekh, Bhikhu - 224-226 Government and the Mind. By Joseph Tussman. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977. Pp. viii + 175. $8.95.)
by Kress, Paul F. - 226-227 Punishing Criminals: Concerning a Very Old and Painful Question. By Ernest van den Haag. (New York: Basic Books, 1975. Pp. xiii + 283. $11.50, cloth; $3.95, paper.)
by Wertheimer, Alan - 227-228 Teaching Political Science: The Professor and the Polity. Edited by Vernon Van Dyke. (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1977. Pp. ix + 179. $10.00.)
by Somit, Albert - 228-229 Lobbying for the People: The Political Behavior of Public Interest Groups. By Jeffrey M. Berry. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1977. Pp. 331. $20.00, cloth; $5.95, paper.)
by Dawson, Paul A. - 229-230 The Adoption of Innovation by Local Government. By Richard D. Bingham with Thomas P. McNaught. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, 1976. Pp. xi + 271. $19.00.)
by Yin, Robert K.