- 1992046 Modelling Cyclical Asymmetry in A Production Series Using Treshold Autoregressive Models
by Horst Kräger - 1992045 On the long-run Relationship Between Money, Output and Interest Rates : A Cointegration Analysis for West Germany
by Werner GAAB & Olaf LIEDTKE - 1992044 Illusive Persistence in German Unemployment
by Rolf TSCHERNIG & Klaus F. ZIMMERMANN - 1992043 Persistence and Seasonality in output and Employment of the Federal Republic of Germany
by Jürgen WOLTERS - 1992042 International Business Cycles and Long - Run Growth : An analysis with Markov-Switching and Cointegration Methods
by Juergen KÄHLER & Volker MARNET - 1992041 Overtime Work, Lack of Labour, and Structural Mismatch : Some Extensions of the “European Unemployment Programme” Framework
by Horst ENTORF - 1992036 The Importance of Rationing in International Trade : An Econometric Analysis for Germany
by Wolfgang FRANZ & Gustav HEIDBRINK - 1992035 Semi-Nonparametric Estimation of Binary Choice Models Using Panel Data : an Application to the Innovative Activity of German Firms
by François LAISNEY & Michael LECHNER & Winfried POHLMEIER - 1992034 The “Public Capital Hypothesis” : The Case of Germany
by Klaus CONRAD & Helmut SEITZ - 1992033 The Demographics of Labour Turnover : A Comparison of Ordinal Probit and Censored Count Data Models
by Lucie MERKLE & Klaus F. Zimmermann - 1992032 Income, Uncertainty and the Probability of Self-Employment
by Friedhelm PFEIFFER & Winfried POHLMEIER - 1992031 Demand Uncertainty and Labour Input in a Bivariate ARCH-M Model
by Gebhard FLAIG - 1992025 Fiscalité, q de Tobin et investissement privé en Suisse
by Milad ZARIN-NEJADAN - 1992024 Commodity Demands and Female Labour-Supply over the Life-Cycle
by Pedro DUARTE NEVES - 1992023 Amplification des cycles : le rôle des facteurs financiers, des rigidités et des anticipations
by Patrick ARTUS - 1992022 From the “Value of Life” to the Economics and Ethics of Population : the Path is Purely Methodological
by Jacques H. DRÈZE - 1992021 The Value of Living
by John BROOME - 1992016 Market Index Specification and Estimation of Risk on the Brussels Stock Exchange
by Albert CORHAY - 1992015 Endogenous Stackelberg Leadership when Costs are Private Information
by Svend ALBAEK - 1992014 Q Investment Models, Factor Complementarity and Monopolistic Competition
by Omar LICANDRO - 1992013 Le paradigme rationaliste et ses compagnons
by Phillippe VAN PARIJS - 1992012 Le réalisme cognitif et l’avenir du “Modèle économique”
by Olivier FAVEREAU - 1992011 Evolutionary Approaches in Economics
by Jack VROMEN
- 1991045 Cross section Engel Curves over Time
by Wolfgang HÄRDLE & Michael JERISON - 1991044 On the Diferrence between Income and Consumption Taxes when the Return to Savings is uncertain
by Wolfram F. RICHTER & Wolfgang WIEGARD - 1991043 Demand Management Towards Internal and External Balance in an Open Economy with Centralized Wage Setting
by Torben M. ANDERSEN - 1991041 Les anticipations rationnelles et la rationalité : un examen de quelques modèles d’apprentissage
by Philippe MONGIN - 1991034 Efficience informationnelle du marché boursier: vérification empirique et implications théoriques
by Roland GILLET - 1991033 Double risque moral et délégation
by Inés MACHO-STADLER & David PÉREZ-CASTRILLO - 1991032 Taux d’épargne des ménages anticipations et incertitudes
by P. Artus & E. Bleuze - 1991031 Interrelation, Structural Changes and Cointegration in a Model for Manufacturing Demand in the Netherlands
by Franz C. PALM & Gerard A. PFANN - 1991025 Non-Wage Labour Costs and Productivity Shifts in an Efficiency-Wage-Hours Model
by Jan Beyer SCHMIDT-SØRENSEN - 1991024 Ratios de fonds propres et comportement des banques
by Patrick ARTUS - 1991023 Keynes’ Aggregate Supply Function and the Principle of Effective Demand
by Rodolphe DOS SANTOS FERREIRA & Philippe MICHEL - 1991022 A Macro Disequilibrium Model for Switzerland
by Peter STALDER - 1991021 Races of Research and Development between Firms with Different Incentives to Innovate
by Flavio DELBONO & Vincenzo DENICOLÒ - 1991015 Introduction au processus d’évolution du prix des actions en temps continu et efficience du marché boursier
by Roland GILLET - 1991014 Induced Socio-economic Behavior in Long Waves : the Recurrence of Normal and Revolutionary Economic Science
by Orley M. Amos Jr. & Edward O. Price III - 1991013 Diminution des cotisations patronales à la Sécurité Sociale et création d’empois en Belgique
by Bruno VAN der LINDEN - 1991012 Vertical Product Differentiation and Taste Differences
by Marie-Paule DONSIMONI & Johnathan H. Hamilton - 1991011 On the Role of Monetary Factors in Business Cycle Models
by Fabio-Cesare BAGLIANO & Giancarlo MARINI
- 1990040 Welfare, Freedom and Social Choice: a Reply
by Amartya SEN - 1990039 Sen's Concept of the Living Standard applied to the Belgian Unemployed
by Erik SCHOKKAERT & Luc VAN OOTEGEM - 1990038 Poverty Measures and Anti-Poverty Policy
by François BOURGUIGNON & Gary S. FIELDS - 1990037 Putting Rights in Their Place
by Hillel STEINER - 1990036 On Ranking Opportunity Sets in Terms of Freedom of Choice
by Prasanta K. PATTANAIK & Yongsheng XU - 1990035 Equality of What? On Welfare, Goods and Capabilities
by G.A. Cohen - 1990034 Equal Endowments as Undominated Diversity
by Philippe VAN PARIJS - 1990033 Interpreting Common Ownership
by Hervé MOULIN - 1990032 Welfarism and Axiomatic Bargaining Theory
by John E. ROEMER - 1990031 A Welfarist Proof of Arrow's Theorem
by Charles BLACKORBY & David DONALDSON & John A. WEYMARK - 1990026 Introducing the Market in a Shortage Economy : The Vertical Integration Issue
by Gérard ROLAND - 1990025 Labour Redeployment and Cooperatives in the Soviet Union
by Silvana Malle - 1990024 The Social Obstacles to Economic Reform in Hungary
by Zsuzsa FERGE - 1990023 Stabilisation and Reform Sequencing in the Soviet Economy
by Mario NUTI - 1990022 Intra-CMEA Relations and Domestic Reforms: Some Interactions
by Marie LAVIGNE - 1990021 The Dynamics of the Gorbachev Reforms: a Crisis of Reconstruction
by David A. DYKER - 1990014 Les coûts et bénéfices du Canal du Centre
by Michel BEUTHE & Anne-Sophie DE SAINT MARTIN - 1990013 Some Specification Tests of Uncovered Interest Parity
by Ian D. McAVINCHEY & Ronald MacDONALD - 1990012 La sécuritisation et la théorie de l’intermédiation financière
by Olivier LEFÈBVRE - 1990011 1992 et l’industrie belge
by Pierre BUIGUES & Fabienne ILZKOVITZ
- 1989046 The Rise and Fall of the Concept of Equilibrium in Economic Analysis
by Philip MIROWSKI - 1989045 Individualistic Foundation for General Equilibrium Theory: a Review of some Game Theoretic Approaches
by Maarten C. JANSSEN - 1989044 Équilibre marshallien et équilibre walrasien
by Rodolphe DOS SANTOS FERREIRA - 1989043 From Walras's General Equilibrium to Hicks's Temporary Equilibrium
by Bruna INGRAO - 1989042 Théorie des jeux et genèse des institutions
by Bernard WALLISER - 1989041 Pouvoirs de marché et informations privées en équilibre général: la théorie peut-elle avoir un pouvoir prédictif?
by Louis-André GÉRARD-VARET - 1989034 Holdups and Non-standard Breach Remedies in Delegation Contracts
by Christophe DEFEUILLY - 1989033 Diffusion technologique et transferts vers un drainage des cerveaux optimal
by Maonon DOMINGUES DOS SANTOS - 1989032 Jeux stratégiques de marché dans le modèle à générations imbriquées, le modèle "achat ou vente"
by Francis de MOROGUES - 1989031 On a shareholder constrained efficient criterion for strategic firms
by Luigi VENTURA - 1989024 Discrimination statistique et marché du travail
by Jean-Michel Plassard - 1989023 Equity and efficiency of a reform of Belgian indirect taxes
by André DECOSTER & Erik SHCOKKAERT - 1989022 Les choix de portefeuille des ménages en France
by Patrick ARTUS & Eric BLEUZE - 1989021 Price Inertia and Nominal Aggregate Demand in Major European Countries
by Christian BORDES & Michael Driscoll & Marc-Olivier STRAUSS-KAHN - 1989013 Employment in Disequilibrium: a Disaggregated Approach on a Panel of French Firms
by Brigitte Dormont - 1989012 Unemployment in a Cournot Oligopoly Model with Ford Effects
by Claude d’ASPREMONT & Rodolphe DOS SANTOS FERREIRA & Louis-André GÉRARD-VARET - 1989011 L'arbitrage entre équité et efficacité en matière d'emploi et de salaires
by Jacques H. DRÈZE
- 1988044 A short-period growth cycle model
by Jörg GLOMBOWSKI & Michael KRÜGER - 1988043 Un modèle estimé de demande de capital en déséquilibre dans l'industrie française
by Pierre PORET - 1988042 La création d'un marché à terme peut-elle être déstabilisante? L'effet de la qualité des arbitrages et du mode de formation des anticipations
by Partrick ARTUS - 1988041 R&D rivalry Vs R&D cooperation under uncertainty
by John BEATH & Yannis KATSOULACOS & David ULPH - 1988034 Les effets des prix énergétiques sur les comportements d'investissement à long terme : une comparaison des sept grands pays de l'OCDE
by Marie-Ange CARRERE & Jean-Guy DEVEZEAUX de LAVERGNE - 1988033 Investment demand at the firm level : The case of Spain
by Gonzalo MATO - 1988032 Investment behaviour in Europe : a comparative analysis
by Michel CATINANT & Richard CAWLEY & Fabienne ILZKOVITZ & Alexander ITALIANER & Matthias MORS - 1988031 Tobin's Q, non-constant returns to scale, and imperfectly competitive product markets
by Robert S. CHIRINKO & Steven M. FAZZARI - 1988025 L’investissement dans un contexte de faible croissance et de taux d’intérêt élevés
by Jean-Yves CHEVALLIER & François LEGENDRE & Pierre MORIN - 1988024 Investment and Financial Decision Making in the UK Company Sector
by Carol PADGETT - 1988022 Investment, Sales Constraints and Profitability in France, 1957-1985
by Henri SNEESSENS & Bénédicte MAILLARD - 1988021 Econométrie de l’investissement
by Edmond MALINVAUD - 1988014 Technological flexibility, financial fragility and the recent of Schumpeterian entrepreneurship
by Alessandro VERCELLI - 1988012 Equilibre général et concurrence Imparfaite : un tour d’horizon
by Robert GARY-BOBO - 1988011 The two-handed groth strategy for Europe: Anatomy through flexible cooperation
by Jacques DRÈZE & Charles WYPLOSZ & Charles BEAN & Francesco GIAVAZZI & Herbert GIERSCH
- 1987044 Analyse chronologique des prix des produits vivriers au Burundi : Interprétation statistique et économique
by J. Degand & P. Dutilleul - 1987043 The Role of Information in a Duopoly Setting : Some Experimental Results
by Reinhilde VEUGELERS - 1987042 Strike Costs, Ability to Win and the Determination of Wage Settlements
by Howard C. PETITH - 1987041 Le salaire des jeunes est-il flexible ?
by R. Leroy - 1987035 Une réflexion sur les ensembles individuels non-bornés et la démonstration de l’existence de l’équilibre général
by Alejandro NADAL & Carlos SALAS PAEZ - 1987034 The distribution approach to the aggregation of production functions
by Joan MUYSKEN - 1987033 Spécification des processus d’ajustement et modélisation macroéconomique
by Thierry LAURENT & François LEGENDRE - 1987032 vérfication empirique de la rationalité des anticipations de la demande par les entreprises
by C. Gourieroux & I. Peaucelle - 1987031 Rationalité des comportements et des anticipations dans les blocs réels des modèles macroéconomiques
by J.P. Laffargue & P. Malgrange - 1987026 A Pioneering Analysis of the Core: Turgot’s Essay on Value
by Meghnad DESSAI - 1987025 Le modèle de reproduction et d’accumulation d’A. Smith
by Michel ROSIER - 1987024 Diffusion de l’innovation à l’intérieur de la firme et apprentissage par la pratique. Une reformulation du modèle d’E. Mansfield
by C. Le Bas - 1987023 Réforme fiscale et chômage : leçons tirées d’un modèle économétrique pour la Belgique
by Serge WIBAUT - 1987022 Conflicting Specifications for investment Functions in Rationing Models : A reconciliation
by Jean-Paul LAMBERT - 1987021 Employment and Unemployment in the Netherlands, 1960-1984 : A Putty-Clay Approach
by J. Muyskens & A. H. Van Zon - 1987015 Can Belgium Borrow Itself out of the Budget Deficit ?
by Michele FRATIANNI - 1987014 Un cadre d’analyse pour l’étude d’un régime de double marché des changes imparfaitement cloisonné
by B. Decaluwe & J.S. Bandhari - 1987013 The Impact of High Tariffs and Imperfect Market Structure on Plant Scale Inefficiency in Canadian Manufacturing Industries in the 1970’s
by J.R. Baldwin & P.K. Gorecki - 1987012 Tobin’s q, the Demand for Investment and the Corporate Profit Taxation Policy in Canada
by Hassouna Moussa - 1987011 A Vintage Model of Labour Demand by U.K. Manufacturing
by J. Ansar & A. Ingham & M. Toker & A. Ulph
- 1986040 Job Creation Programs in an International Comparison
by Marcia DE WACHTER & Yolanda SOMERS - 1986039 Keynesian Policies for Voluntary Unemployment
by William PETERSON - 1986038 Germany and the European Disease
by John DAVIS & Patrick MINFORD - 1986037 Unemployment and Fiscal Activism in a Small Open Economy
by John BRADLEY - 1986036 Trade Unions, Investment and Employment in a Small Open Economy : A Dutch Perspective
by C. B. Mulder & F. Van Der Ploeg - 1986035 Wage Formation in a Two-sector Open Economy with Two Strong Unions
by Oddbjorn RAAUM - 1986034 The Use of Unemployment and Vacancy Data in analysing Unemployment
by Jim TAYLOR - 1986033 Unidentified Floating Unemeployment (UFU) and the Specification of the UV-Curve
by Chris DE NEUBOURG - 1986032 Unemployment and Labour Market Transition Probabilities
by Jules THEEUWES - 1986031 Introduction
by J. MUYSKENS & C. de Neubourg - 1986024 La monnaie dans le financement des investissements des entreprises publiques en Algérie
by Mohammed LAKSACI - 1986023 Le taux de profit et la composition organique du capital dans le cycle long de l'après-guerre: le cas de l'industrie française de 1959 à 1981
by Angelo REATI - 1986022 Limites de la privatisation des services publics
by Charles B. BLANKART - 1986021 Propriété publique, rentabilité et efficacité
by Lysiane CARTELIER - 1986014 A Note on the Inequality Approach of the Labour Theory of Value
by Ludo CUYVERS - 1986013 L'endogénéité de la monnaie chez Keynes
by Marc LAVOIE - 1986012 Mimétisme et anticipations rationnelles: une perspective keynésienne
by André ORLEAN - 1986011 Fédéralisme, coordination et harmonisation fiscales : Etudes du cas suisse
by Bernard DAFFLON
- 1985041 Trends, Random Walks and the Expectations-Augmented Phillips-Curve - A Summary
by W. Wasserfallen - 1985039 Can a Real Wage Decrease Cure Unemployment? A General Equilibrium Analysis for Belgium
by Victor GINSBURGH - 1985038 More Efficient Economic Policies of Disinflation: The Case of Greece
by George E. ECONOMOU - 1985037 Devaluations and Employment in the Economic Policy of the Nordic Countries - Some Reflections on the Finnish Experience
by Jukka PEKKARINEN & Pekka SAURAMO - 1985036 European Policy Coordination: An Evaluation
by Gilles OUDIZ - 1985035 Policy Coordination in the European Economic Community
by Alfred STEINHERR - 1985034 Macroeconomic Policy Co-ordination: Theory and Evidence
by Charles R. BEAN - 1985033 The Need for Policy Coordination under Alternative Types of Macroeconomic Theory
by G. Illing - 1985032 A Role for an International Institution: A One-Shot Game-Theoretic Approach
by Fernando PACHECO - 1985031 International Collusion or Competition for Macroeconomic Policy Coordination? A Restatement
by Roland VAUBEL - 1985024 An Alternative Solution to the Moral Hazard Problem and Some Sufficient Conditions for Its Absence
by H. Moussa - 1985023 Consumption Constraints, Uncertain Income Streams and the Life Cycle Model
by P. Simmons - 1985022 Pouvoir et pluralisme du mouvement syndical : Le cas des Etats-Unis
by Marie-Paule DONSIMONI - 1985021 Approche pragmatique pour une politique de plein emploi: les subventions à la création d'emplois
by Alfred STEINHERR & Béatrice VAN HAEPEREN - 1985016 Echanges extérieurs de produits manufacturés et restructuration industrielle - Le cas belge 1970-1980
by Claudy CULEM - 1985015 Volume des échanges, nature technologique des produits et efficacité économique des secteurs industriels français
by Denis CARRE - 1985014 Some Empirical Evidence on the Behaviour of Export and Domestic Prices in Belgian Manufacturing Industry
by D.J. Frantzen - 1985013 Lobbying for Tariffs and the Cost of Protection
by S. Donnenfeld & S. Weber - 1985012 Order Effects, Perfect Foresight and Intertemporal Price Discrimination
by Norman J. IRELAND & Paul L. STONEMAN - 1985011 In Memoriam: Paul ROUSSEAUX 1910-1985
by Vincent HANSSENS
- 1984042 Comment On « Equity Rates of Return in the U.K.; Evidence from Panel Data »
by A. Ulph - 1984041 Equity Rates of Return in the UK — Evidence From Panel Data
by Colin MAYER & Shirley MEADOWCROFT - 1984039 Capital Utilization and Empirical Analysis
by James M. MALCOMSON - 1984038 Capital Utilization and Investment in a « Mixed » Economy
by A.P. Hamlin & D.F. Heathfield - 1984037 The Theory and Measurement of Capital Utilisation and Its Role in Modelling Investment
by D. Bosworth & A.J. Westaway - 1984036 Comment on “Capital and Labour Movements in the European Community”
by Alan P. Hamlin - 1984035 Capital and Labour Movements in the European Community
by David G. MAYES - 1984034 Comments on the Comparative Study of the Inter-industry Determinants and Economic Performance of Foreign Direct Investments in France and Canada
by Leo SLEUWAEGEN - 1984033 A Comparative Study of the Inter-Industry Determinants and Economic Performance of Foreign Direct Investments in France and Canada
by Robert F. OWEN & Pascal Auburtin - 1984032 Comment on “Macroeconomic Adjustment under Foreign Investments”
by R. Faini - 1984031 Macroeconomic Adjustment under Foreign Investments
by Jean-Marie VIAENE - 1984023 Comment on « Investment or Employment Subsidies for Rapid Employment Creation in the EEC »
by P.J. Warburton - 1984022 Investment or Employment Subsidies for Rapid Employment Creation in the European Economic Community?
by Alfred STEINHERR - 1984021 Comment on “Aggregate Investment and Output in the U. K.”
by A. Ingham - 1984019 Aggregate Investment and Output in the U. K
by Michael BEENSTOCK & Alan DALZIEL & Peter WABURTON - 1984018 Comment on “Econometric Analysis of Sectoral Investment in Belgium (1956-1982)”
by A. J. Westaway - 1984017 Econometric Analysis of Sectoral Investment in Belgium (1956-1982)
by M. Gerard & C. Vanden Berghe - 1984016 Comment on “A Unified Framework for Firms' Decisions Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Application to Italy 1970-1980”
by Pierre-Alain MUET - 1984015 A Unified Framework for Firms' Decisions Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Application to Italy 1970-1980
by Riccardo FAINI & Fabio SCHIANTARELLI - 1984014 Comment on “Investment, Output and Labor Constraints, and Financial Constraints: The Estimation of A Model With Several Regimes”
by Joseph PLASMANS - 1984013 Investment, Output and Labor Constraints, and Financial Constraints: The Estimation of A Model With Several Regimes
by Patrick ARTUS & Pierre-Alain MUET - 1984012 Comment on “Industrial Investment in the European Community”
by Chris BOYD - 1984011 Industrial Investment in the European Community
by Daniel WEISERBS
- 1983044 The Life Cycle Hypothesis and Rational Expectations : Some Further Empirical Results
by R. Macdonald & D.A. Peel - 1983043 Trade Unions and Chronic Trade Balance of Deficits
by Howard C. PETITH - 1983042 Price Flexibility and Output « Persistence » in the Postwar U.S
by Thom B. THURSTON - 1983041 Mineral-Taxation in a Stages-of-Production Framework
by Margaret SLADE - 1983034 On the (In) Dependence of Interest-Rate Setting in a Small Open Economy -the Case of Belgium 1976-1983
by Rudi ACX & Marc QUINTYN - 1983033 La configuration Nord-Sud du commerce dans les produits alimentaires : Un essai prospectif et une expérience d’histoire économétrique
by Jean-Marc BURNIAUX - 1983032 Fonctions d'investissement néoclassiques dans un modèle macroéconomique avec rationnement
by B. Mulkay - 1983031 Modèles macroéconomiques de rationnement et enquêtes de conjoncture
by Jean-Paul LAMBERT - 1983026 Stackelberg Duopoly with an Illyrian and Profit-Maximising Firm
by Peter J. LAW & Geoff STEWART - 1983025 La « Digression sur Sismondi » par Torrens ou par Me Culloeh ? Une réponse ricardienne
by D. Torre - 1983024 Les avatars de l'utilitarisme: ou en sont les fondements de l'economie normative?
by Philippe VAN PARIJS - 1983023 Théorie du producteur dans un contexte temporaire
by C. BRONSARD & L. Salvas-Bronsard - 1983022 On Farrell Measures of Technical Efficiency
by Dominique DEPRINS & Léopold Simar - 1983021 Strategic Middlemen and the Neutralization of Monopoly Power
by Sherrill SHAFFER - 1983016 Choice of Technique Under Uncertainty
by David de MEZA - 1983015 A Consumer with a Time-Varying B-Matrix
by A.S.G. Lubulwa - 1983014 Application d'une version dynamique de la fonction de coût quadratique généralisée à la demande de facteurs énergétique
by D. Weiserbs & N. Kuzondisa - 1983013 Posterior moments of elasticities between real wages and unemployment in Belgium : an application of Bayesian inference by Monte Carlo integration
by Luc Bauwens - 1983012 Exchange Rate Changes in the OECD-Area 1948-71 a Comparative Time Path Approach
by E.S. Madsen & M. Paldam
- 1982038 Distance et utilisation du réseau hospitalier dans la région de l'Estrie au Québec
by Paul BODSON & Arlette EK - 1982037 Estimation de la demande postale : l'exemple des bureaux de Namur (Belgique)
by Isabelle THOMAS - 1982036 Analyse de l'offre et de la demande d'un service récréatif: les piscines de l'arrondissement de Mons
by Anne- Marie de KERCHOVE - 1982035 Un modèle de localisation des écoles primaires en milieu urbain : l'exemple d'Etterbeek (Belgique)
by Marie-Laurence DEKEERSMAECKER & Isabelle THOMAS - 1982034 Quelques propositions pour l'implantation d'un service communal de garde d'enfants de 0 à 3 ans à Sambreville (Belgique)
by Anne FATFAT - VAN BOXEL & Dominique PEETERS