- 014chedp A cost-benefit study of geriatric-orthopaedic management of patients with fractured neck of femur
by Richard Fordham & Ruth Thompson & Julie Holmes & Catherine Hodkinson - 013chedp Nurses and higher education: the costs of change
by Leigh Goodwin & Bosanquet - 012chedp Planning hospital services - an option appraisal of a major health service nationalisation
by Ron Akehurst
- 011chedp Economic appraisal of health technology in the United Kingdom
by Mike Drummond & John Hutton - 010chedp Health service efficiency - appraising the appraisers
by Tony J Culyer - 009chedp Nursing manpower: recent trends and policy operations
by Nick Bosanquet & Karen Gerard - 008chedp Keep politics out of health!
by Alan Williams - 007chedp Costs of alternative forms of NHS care for mentally handicapped persons
by Ken Wright & Alan Haycox - 006chedp The exchequer costs of nurse training
by Keith Hartley & Leigh Goodwin - 005chedp Provision of decentralised mental health services - an option appraisal
by Sally Holterman & Ron Akehurst - 004chedp Contractual arrangements for geriatric care in private nursing
by Ken Wright - 003chedp Public expenditure rules and the NHS
by Nick Bosanquet - 003cheop Public expenditure rules and the NHS
by Nick Bosanquet
- 002chedp Extended training of ambulance staff
by Ken Wright - 001chedp Public sector costs of caring for mentally handicapped persons in a large hospital
by Ken Wright & Alan Haycox