- 17 Time series filtering techniques in Stata
by Kit Baum - 16 A brief introduction to Mata
by David M. Drukker - 15 Modeling for response variables that are proportions
by Maarten L. Buis - 14 Problems with infinite solutions in logistic regression
by Ian White - 13 Two postestimation commands for assessing confounding effects in medical and epidemiological studies
by Zhiqiang Wang - 12 Estimating and modeling the proportion cured of disease in population-based cancer studies
by Paul C. Lambert - 11 Scheming your way to consistent graphs
by Vincent L. Wiggins - 10 Graphs for all seasons
by Nicholas J. Cox - 09 Econometric analysis of panel data using Stata
by David M. Drukker - 08 Consistency checking with assertk
by Krishnan Bhaskaran & Hannah Green - 07 Variance estimation for quantile group shares, cumulative shares, and Gini coefficient
by Stephen Jenkins - 06 A comparison analysis of dynamic panel-data estimators in the presence of endogenous regressors
by Giovanni S.F. Bruno - 05 Marginal effects and extending the Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition for nonlinear models
by Tamás Bartus - 04 Automatic generation of documents
by Rosa Gini & Jacopo Pasquini - 03 Automating the production of large reports from Stata
by Ross Harris - 02 Visualizing and analyzing time to event data: Lifting the veil of censoring
by Patrick Royston - 01 On the central role of Somers' D
by Roger Newson