November 2016, Volume 289, Issue 16
- 2069-2082 Large time asymptotics of Feynman–Kac functionals for symmetric stable processes
by Masayoshi Takeda & Masaki Wada - 2083-2088 The order of starlikeness of the class of uniformly starlike functions
by Agnieszka Wiśniowska-Wajnryb
September 2016, Volume 289, Issue 13
- 1568-1584 On a class of Hamiltonian elliptic systems involving unbounded or decaying potentials in dimension two
by Francisco S. B. Albuquerque & João Marcos do Ó & Everaldo S. Medeiros - 1585-1593 Eigenvalues of the k-th power of a graph
by Kinkar Ch. Das & Ji-Ming Guo - 1594-1605 A note on Riemann problems for single-periodic polyanalytic functions
by Pengju Han & Yufeng Wang - 1606-1625 Perturbation determinants in Banach spaces — with an application to eigenvalue estimates for perturbed operators
by Marcel Hansmann - 1626-1635 Reduction theorems for Sobolev embeddings into the spaces of Hölder, Morrey and Campanato type
by Miloslav Holík - 1636-1647 Geometry and spectrum of rapidly branching graphs
by Matthias Keller & Florentin Münch & Felix Pogorzelski - 1648-1664 A classification of isometry groups of homogeneous 3-manifolds
by Panagiotis Konstantis & Frank Loose - 1665-1679 A continuum of solutions in a Fréchet space of a nonlinear functional integral equation in N variables
by Le Thi Phuong Ngoc & Nguyen Thanh Long - 1680-1691 ( S + N ) -triangular operators: spectral properties and important examples
by Lev Sakhnovich
August 2016, Volume 289, Issue 11-12
- 1309-1324 Rigidity of linear Weingarten hypersurfaces in locally symmetric manifolds
by Luis J. Alías & Henrique F. de Lima & Josué Meléndez & Fábio R. dos Santos - 1325-1340 Maximal regularity for non-autonomous Robin boundary conditions
by Wolfgang Arendt & Sylvie Monniaux - 1341-1369 Schrödinger type singular integrals: weighted estimates for p = 1
by Bruno Bongioanni & Adrián Cabral & Eleonor Harboure - 1370-1385 Natural almost contact structures and their 3D homogeneous models
by Giovanni Calvaruso & Antonella Perrone - 1386-1395 Pointwise bounds for integral type operators
by María J. Carro & Carlos Domingo–Salazar - 1396-1407 Einstein almost cokähler manifolds
by Diego Conti & Marisa Fernández - 1408-1432 Global existence and nonexistence of solutions for a viscoelastic wave equation with nonlinear boundary source term
by Huafei Di & Yadong Shang & Xiaoming Peng - 1433-1449 Asymptotics for the best Sobolev constants and their extremal functions
by G. Ercole & G. A. Pereira - 1450-1465 Spherical subcategories in algebraic geometry
by Andreas Hochenegger & Martin Kalck & David Ploog - 1466-1487 Very weak solutions to the rotating Stokes, Oseen and Navier–Stokes problems in weighted spaces
by S. Kračmar & M. Krbec & Š. Nečasová & P. Penel & K. Schumacher - 1488-1525 Paley–Littlewood decomposition for sectorial operators and interpolation spaces
by Christoph Kriegler & Lutz Weis - 1526-1547 Boundary value problems of singular multi-term fractional differential equations with impulse effects
by Yuji Liu - 1548-1559 Jakšić–Last theorem for higher rank perturbations
by Anish Mallick
July 2016, Volume 289, Issue 10
- 1177-1188 On the Hyers–Ulam stabilities of functional equations on n -Banach spaces
by Hahng-Yun Chu & Ahyoung Kim & Jinhae Park - 1189-1207 On the automorphism group of the asymptotic pants complex of an infinite surface of genus zero
by Louis Funar & Maxime Nguyen - 1208-1218 A Mehta–Ramanathan theorem for linear systems with basepoints
by Patrick Graf - 1219-1236 Induced Riemannian structures on null hypersurfaces
by Manuel Gutiérrez & Benjamín Olea - 1237-1254 Carleson measures and balayage for Bergman spaces of strongly pseudoconvex domains
by Zhangjian Hu & Xiaofen Lv & Kehe Zhu - 1255-1271 Compact embeddings of Sobolev spaces with power weights perturbed by slowly varying functions
by Therese Mieth - 1272-1287 On attractors and stability for semigroup actions and control systems
by Josiney A. Souza & Carlos J. Braga Barros & Victor H. L. Rocha - 1288-1300 Fractional integral operators on α -modulation spaces
by Guoping Zhao & Dashan Fan & Weichao Guo
June 2016, Volume 289, Issue 8-9
- 920-949 Dissipative operators and additive perturbations in locally convex spaces
by Angela A. Albanese & David Jornet - 950-961 Tango bundles on Grassmannians
by Laura Costa & Simone Marchesi & Rosa Maria Miró-Roig - 962-973 Diffeomorphisms preserving R -circles in three dimensional CR manifolds
by E. Falbel & J. M. Veloso - 974-981 Two-sided estimates and positivity conditions for solutions of linear operator equations in a Banach lattice
by Michael Gil' - 982-993 A remark on the Frequent Hypercyclicity Criterion for weighted composition semigroups and an application to the linear von Foerster–Lasota equation
by T. Kalmes - 994-1004 Weighted Hardy and Rellich type inequalities on Riemannian manifolds
by Ismail Kombe & Abdullah Yener - 1005-1020 On the class of Banach spaces with James constant 2
by Naoto Komuro & Kichi-Suke Saito & Ryotaro Tanaka - 1021-1043 Riesz transforms of the Hodge–de Rham Laplacian on Riemannian manifolds
by Jocelyn Magniez - 1044-1051 Circular symmetrization, subordination and arclength problems on convex functions
by M. Okada & S. Ponnusamy & A. Vasudevarao & H. Yanagihara - 1052-1099 Boundary pairs associated with quadratic forms
by Olaf Post - 1100-1111 Construction of W 2 , n ( Ω ) function with gradient violating Lusin (N) condition
by Tomáš Roskovec - 1112-1130 A T ( b ) type theorem on the weighted Herz-type Hardy spaces and applications
by Jianmiao Ruan & Lijing Sun & Huoxiong Wu & Xiao Yu - 1131-1147 Positive solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger equation with peaks on a Clifford torus
by Sanjiban Santra & Juncheng Wei - 1148-1169 Self-adjoint Sturm–Liouville problems with an infinite number of boundary conditions
by Yingchun Zhao & Jiong Sun & Anton Zettl
May 2016, Volume 289, Issue 7
- 782-791 Variational and Perron–Wiener solutions in stratified Lie groups
by Beatrice Abbondanza - 792-801 On generalized criss-cross and near-commutativity for n-tuples
by C. Benhida - 802-819 Forward and backward in time Cauchy problems for systems of parabolic-type PDE with a small parameter
by V. G. Danilov - 820-830 Solutions of the congruence 1 + 2 f ( n ) + ⋯ + n f ( n ) ≡ 0 mod n
by José María Grau & Pieter Moree & Antonio M. Oller-Marcén - 831-844 Regularity of spectral fractional Dirichlet and Neumann problems
by Gerd Grubb - 845-853 Topological and algebraic properties of spaces of Lorch analytic mappings
by Guilherme V. S. Mauro & Luiza A. Moraes & Alex F. Pereira - 854-887 P T -symmetry and Schrödinger operators. The double well case
by Nawal Mecherout & Naima Boussekkine & Thierry Ramond & Johannes Sjöstrand - 888-894 Harbourne constants and conic configurations on the projective plane
by Piotr Pokora & Halszka Tutaj-Gasińska - 895-909 Spectrality of certain self-affine measures on the generalized spatial Sierpinski gasket
by Qi Wang & Jian-Lin Li
April 2016, Volume 289, Issue 5-6
- 523-536 Globally generated vector bundles on the Segre threefold with Picard number two
by Edoardo Ballico & Sukmoon Huh & Francesco Malaspina - 537-545 On parameterizations of plane rational curves and their syzygies
by A. Bernardi & A. Gimigliano & M. Idà - 546-574 Elastic energy of a convex body
by Chiara Bianchini & Antoine Henrot & Takéo Takahashi - 575-609 On index theory for non-Fredholm operators: A (1 + 1)-dimensional example
by Alan Carey & Fritz Gesztesy & Galina Levitina & Denis Potapov & Fedor Sukochev & Dima Zanin - 610-625 On nonlinear perturbations of a periodic fractional Schrödinger equation with critical exponential growth
by Manassés de Souza & Yane Lisley Araújo - 626-633 Reeb parallel Ricci tensor for homogeneous real hypersurfaces in complex hyperbolic two-plane Grassmannians
by Hyunjin Lee & Young Jin Suh & Changhwa Woo - 634-677 Weak Musielak–Orlicz Hardy spaces and applications
by Yiyu Liang & Dachun Yang & Renjin Jiang - 678-692 On the temporal decay of solutions to the two-dimensional nematic liquid crystal flows
by Qiao Liu - 693-717 q -differential equations for q -classical polynomials and q -Jacobi–Stirling numbers
by Ana F. Loureiro & Jiang Zeng - 718-726 Multiplicity results for a class of boundary value problems with impulsive effects
by Hongxia Shi & Haibo Chen - 727-747 Semiclassical ground state solutions for a Schrödinger equation in R 2 with critical exponential growth
by Bo Tao & Zhibin Liu & Minbo Yang - 748-755 A generalized Sard theorem on real closed fields
by Anna Valette & Guillaume Valette - 756-774 Duality theorem for B -valued martingale Orlicz–Hardy spaces associated with concave functions
by Lin Yu
March 2016, Volume 289, Issue 4
- 395-409 Weak solutions for fractional differential equations in nonreflexive Banach spaces via Riemann-Pettis integrals
by Ravi P. Agarwal & Vasile Lupulescu & Donal O'Regan & Ghaus ur Rahman - 410-435 UMD Banach spaces and square functions associated with heat semigroups for Schrödinger, Hermite and Laguerre operators
by Jorge J. Betancor & Alejandro J. Castro & Juan C. Fariña & Lourdes Rodríguez-Mesa - 436-451 Well-posedness of second order degenerate integro-differential equations with infinite delay in vector-valued function spaces
by Gang Cai & Shangquan Bu - 452-470 Unique solvability for the density-dependent non-Newtonian compressible fluids with vacuum
by Mingtao Chen & Xiaojing Xu - 471-484 On the transmission problems for the Oseen and Brinkman systems on Lipschitz domains in compact Riemannian manifolds
by Robert Gutt & Mirela Kohr & Cornel Pintea & Wolfgang L. Wendland - 485-500 Strong convergence of two-dimensional Vilenkin-Fourier series
by Nacima Memić & Ilona Simon & George Tephnadze - 501-514 On the existence of solutions for quasilinear elliptic problems with radial potentials on exterior ball
by Leiga Zhao & Jiabao Su & Caiyun Wang
February 2016, Volume 289, Issue 2-3
- 136-174 Local well-posedness for volume-preserving mean curvature and Willmore flows with line tension
by Helmut Abels & Harald Garcke & Lars Müller - 175-186 On the existence of RUC systems in rearrangement invariant spaces
by Sergey V. Astashkin & Guillermo P. Curbera & Konstantin E. Tikhomirov - 187-193 Invariant class sizes and solvability of finite groups under coprime action
by Antonio Beltrán & Changguo Shao - 194-212 Solutions to the Navier–Stokes equations with mixed boundary conditions in two-dimensional bounded domains
by Michal Beneš & Petr Kučera - 213-231 Dissipativity in impulsive systems via Lyapunov functions
by Everaldo Mello Bonotto & Jaqueline Costa Ferreira - 232-242 Some remarks on uniformly regular Riemannian manifolds
by Marcelo Disconzi & Yuanzhen Shao & Gieri Simonett - 243-246 A stronger version of the Kleiman-Chevalley projectivity criterion
by Michał Farnik - 247-274 Asymptotic gauges: Generalization of Colombeau type algebras
by Paolo Giordano & Lorenzo Luperi Baglini - 275-289 Functional calculus on real interpolation spaces for generators of C 0 -groups
by Markus Haase & Jan Rozendaal - 290-299 Nonradial positive solutions of the -Laplace Emden–Fowler equation with sign-changing weight
by Ryuji Kajikiya - 300-320 Existence and general decay for nondissipative hyperbolic differential inclusions with acoustic/memory boundary conditions
by Wenjun Liu & Kewang Chen - 321-331 Solvable extensions of negative Ricci curvature of filiform Lie groups
by Y. Nikolayevsky - 332-342 Bifurcation and multiplicity results for critical fractional p-Laplacian problems
by Kanishka Perera & Marco Squassina & Yang Yang - 343-359 Essential spectrum of singular discrete linear Hamiltonian systems
by Huaqing Sun & Qingkai Kong & Yuming Shi - 360-376 Div-curl lemma with critical power weights in dimension three
by Yohei Tsutsui - 377-388 Global solutions to the Navier-Stokes-Landau-Lifshitz system
by Xiaoping Zhai & Yongsheng Li & Wei Yan
January 2016, Volume 289, Issue 1
- 4-12 The sub-Riemannian cut locus of H-type groups
by Christian Autenried & Mauricio Godoy Molina - 13-27 PT -symmetry and potentiel well. The simple well case
by Naima Boussekkine & Nawal Mecherout - 28-33 Regularity criteria for harmonic heat flow and related system
by Jishan Fan & Tohru Ozawa - 34-59 Log del Pezzo surfaces with not small fractional indices
by Kento Fujita - 60-66 Hyers–Ulam stability of delay differential equations of first order
by Jinghao Huang & Yongjin Li - 67-84 On the Ambrosetti-Prodi problem for a system involving p-Laplacian operator
by T. Junges Miotto - 85-96 Splitting-characterizations of the Papangelou process
by Benjamin Nehring & Mathias Rafler & Hans Zessin - 97-115 Distribution of zeros and disconjugacy of fourth order differential equations
by S. H. Saker & I. Kubiaczyk - 116-127 Infinitely many homoclinic solutions for a second-order Hamiltonian system
by X. H. Tang
December 2015, Volume 288, Issue 17-18
- 1921-1938 Exponential moments of first passage times and related quantities for Lévy processes
by Frank Aurzada & Alexander Iksanov & Matthias Meiners - 1939-1951 Lifting Galois sections along torsors
by Niels Borne & Michel Emsalem & Jakob Stix - 1952-1969 Log-concavity of genus distributions for circular ladders
by Yichao Chen & Jonathan L. Gross & Toufik Mansour - 1970-1980 Exponentially harmonic maps and their properties
by Yuan-Jen Chiang - 1981-1994 A new Gershgorin-type result for the localisation of the spectrum of matrices
by Anna Dall'Acqua & Delio Mugnolo & Michael Schelling - 1995-2000 States on systems of sets that are closed under symmetric difference
by Anna Simone & Mirko Navara & Pavel Pták - 2001-2015 Sequences of harmonic maps in the 3-sphere
by Bart Dioos & Joeri Van der Veken & Luc Vrancken - 2016-2027 Schur-convexity and quadrature formulae
by Iva Franjić - 2028-2041 First and second moments for self-similar couplings and Wasserstein distances
by Jonathan M. Fraser - 2042-2056 Subscalarity of operator transforms
by Sungeun Jung & Eungil Ko & Shinhae Park - 2057-2078 Topologically-based characterizations of the existence of solutions of optimization-related problems
by Phan Quoc Khanh & Nguyen Hong Quan - 2079-2092 l p -maximal regularity for fractional difference equations on UMD spaces
by Carlos Lizama - 2093-2108 On regularization of a certain class of distributions
by A. L. Pavlov - 2109-2128 Cauchy problem for doubly singular parabolic equation with gradient source
by Haifeng Shang & Junling Sun & Lihua Deng - 2129-2152 Integral transform approach to solving Klein–Gordon equation with variable coefficients
by Karen Yagdjian
November 2015, Volume 288, Issue 16
- 1803-1813 On singularity and fine spectral structure of random continued fractions
by Sergio Albeverio & Yuliya Kulyba & Mykola Pratsiovytyi & Grygoriy Torbin - 1814-1821 Critical metrics of the total scalar curvature functional on 4-manifolds
by A. Barros & B. Leandro & E. Ribeiro Jr - 1822-1833 Conformal spectral stability estimates for the Dirichlet Laplacian
by V. I. Burenkov & V. Gol'dshtein & A. Ukhlov - 1834-1872 The Foldy-Lax approximation of the scattered waves by many small bodies for the Lamé system
by Durga Prasad Challa & Mourad Sini - 1873-1890 Common fixed point results for mappings of Perov type
by Marija Cvetković & Vladimir Rakočević - 1891-1899 Approximate construction of the set of trajectories of the control system described by a Volterra integral equation
by Nesir Huseyin & Khalik G. Guseinov & Vladimir N. Ushakov - 1900-1909 The mixed joint universality for a class of zeta-functions
by Roma Kačinskaitė & Kohji Matsumoto - 1910-1915 New Lyapunov-type inequalities for a class of even-order linear differential equations
by Xiaojing Yang & Kueiming Lo
October 2015, Volume 288, Issue 14-15
- 1569-1580 On ( p , r ) -null sequences and their relatives
by Kati Ain & Eve Oja - 1581-1591 Borcea–Voisin Calabi–Yau threefolds and invertible potentials
by Michela Artebani & Samuel Boissière & Alessandra Sarti - 1592-1601 Area-preserving curvature flow of one-dimensional graphs and application to smoothing of dynamic PET data
by Charles Baker - 1602-1614 Gradient estimates in generalized Morrey spaces for parabolic operators
by Sun-Sig Byun & Lubomira G. Softova - 1615-1621 Mild solutions of stochastic Navier-Stokes equation with jump noise in L p -spaces
by B. P. W. Fernando & B. Rüdiger & S. S. Sritharan - 1622-1633 On the invariant spectrum on P 1
by Mounir Hajli - 1634-1646 Iterative approximation of fixed points of Prešić operators on partial metric spaces
by Dejan Ilić & Mujahid Abbas & Talat Nazir - 1647-1672 Surface tensor estimation from linear sections
by Astrid Kousholt & Markus Kiderlen & Daniel Hug - 1673-1693 Properties of analytic Morrey spaces and applications
by Junming Liu & Zengjian Lou - 1694-1717 Bernstein numbers of embeddings of isotropic and dominating mixed Besov spaces
by Van Kien Nguyen - 1718-1726 Biaxial monogenic functions from Funk-Hecke's formula combined with Fueter's theorem
by Dixan Peña Peña & Frank Sommen - 1727-1740 Small perturbations of an indefinite elliptic equation
by Humberto Ramos Quoirin - 1741-1775 Non-smooth atomic decomposition for generalized Orlicz-Morrey spaces
by Yoshihiro Sawano & Denny Ivanal Hakim & Hendra Gunawan - 1776-1785 Boundary systems and (skew-)self-adjoint operators on infinite metric graphs
by Carsten Schubert & Christian Seifert & Jürgen Voigt & Marcus Waurick - 1786-1800 A priori time regularity estimates and a simplified proof of existence in perfect plasticity
by Francesco Solombrino
September 2015, Volume 288, Issue 13
- 1451-1475 On some structural sets and a quaternionic ( φ , ψ ) -hyperholomorphic function theory
by Ricardo Abreu Blaya & Juan Bory Reyes & Alí Guzmán Adán & Uwe Kaehler - 1476-1486 Demicompact linear operators, essential spectrum and some perturbation results
by Wajdi Chaker & Aref Jeribi & Bilel Krichen - 1487-1511 Lyapunov theorems for measure functional differential equations via Kurzweil-equations
by Márcia Federson & Jaqueline G. Mesquita & Eduard Toon - 1512-1526 On the Chern-Ricci flow and its solitons for Lie groups
by Jorge Lauret & Edwin Alejandro Rodríguez Valencia - 1527-1537 Examples of Finsler metrics with special curvature properties
by Huaifu Liu & Xiaohuan Mo - 1538-1563 Lifshitz tails for Anderson models with sign-indefinite single-site potentials
by Zhongwei Shen
August 2015, Volume 288, Issue 11-12
- 1207-1215 Ideal properties of the Dunford integration operator
by F. Bertoloto & G. Botelho & A. Jatobá - 1216-1225 A note about Volterra operators on weighted Banach spaces of entire functions
by José Bonet & Jari Taskinen - 1226-1240 On a p ( x ) -Kirchhoff equation with critical exponent and an additional nonlocal term via truncation argument
by Francisco Julio S. A. Corrêa & Augusto César dos Reis Costa - 1241-1253 Spectral analysis for linear semi-infinite mass-spring systems
by Rafael del Rio & Luis O. Silva - 1254-1285 Littlewood-Paley functionals on graphs
by Joseph Feneuil - 1286-1302 Unifying order structures for Colombeau algebras
by Paolo Giordano & Eduard A. Nigsch - 1303-1316 Smoothness spaces of higher order on lower dimensional subsets of the Euclidean space
by Lizaveta Ihnatsyeva & Riikka Korte - 1317-1326 On admissible topologies in JB -triples
by José M. Isidro - 1327-1359 Anisotropic Lizorkin–Triebel spaces with mixed norms — traces on smooth boundaries
by J. Johnsen & S. Munch Hansen & W. Sickel - 1360-1370 Two lower bounds for the Stanley depth of monomial ideals
by L. Katthän & S. A. Seyed Fakhari - 1371-1387 R s -bounded H ∞ -calculus for sectorial operators via generalized Gaussian estimates
by Peer Christian Kunstmann & Alexander Ullmann - 1388-1393 Comparison between overconvergent de Rham-Witt and crystalline cohomology for projective and smooth varieties
by Andreas Langer & Thomas Zink - 1394-1404 The rigidity theorem for harmonic maps from Berwald manifolds
by Jintang Li & Jianfeng Zhang - 1405-1412 GV-subschemes and their embeddings in principally polarized abelian varieties
by Luigi Lombardi & Sofia Tirabassi - 1413-1430 Extremal solutions to a system of n nonlinear differential equations and regularly varying functions
by Serena Matucci & Pavel Řehák - 1431-1447 Uniqueness of eigenforms on fractals – II
by Roberto Peirone
July 2015, Volume 288, Issue 10
- 1085-1097 Stability of oscillatory solutions of differential equations with general piecewise constant arguments of mixed type
by Kuo-Shou Chiu & Jyh-Cheng Jeng - 1098-1121 Maximal functions for multipliers on stratified groups
by Woocheol Choi - 1122-1126 A note on generalized quasi-Einstein manifolds
by YiHua Deng - 1127-1149 Distributional representations of N κ ( ∞ ) -functions
by Matthias Langer & Harald Woracek - 1150-1162 Oscillation of second-order neutral differential equations
by Tongxing Li & Yuriy V. Rogovchenko - 1163-1178 New geometric properties of Banach spaces
by Kichi-Suke Saito & Ryotaro Tanaka - 1179-1202 Estimates for norms of two-weighted summation operators on a tree under some restrictions on weights
by A. A. Vasil'eva
June 2015, Volume 288, Issue 8-9
- 841-853 On massive sets for subordinated random walks
by Alexander Bendikov & Wojciech Cygan - 854-871 Solving the biharmonic Dirichlet problem on domains with corners
by Colette De Coster & Serge Nicaise & Guido Sweers - 872-876 The existence of light-like homogeneous geodesics in homogeneous Lorentzian manifolds
by Zdeněk Dušek - 877-897 A duality principle in weighted Sobolev spaces on the real line
by Simon P. Eveson & Vladimir D. Stepanov & Elena P. Ushakova - 898-904 On C-Suslin spaces
by J. C. Ferrando & L. M. Sánchez Ruiz - 905-916 Weighted estimates for integral operators on local B M O type spaces
by Elida V. Ferreyra & Guillermo J. Flores - 917-924 Universality properties of the quaternionic power series and entire functions
by Sorin G. Gal & Irene Sabadini - 925-934 Desch-Schappacher perturbation of one-parameter semigroups on locally convex spaces
by Birgit Jacob & Sven-Ake Wegner & Jens Wintermayr - 935-967 Elliptic Yang–Mills flow theory
by Rémi Janner & Jan Swoboda - 968-983 Realizations of rotations on an indecomposable compact monothetic group
by Daniel Maier - 984-1002 Weighted Morrey spaces of variable exponent and Riesz potentials
by Yoshihiro Mizuta & Tetsu Shimomura - 1003-1008 On order of strongly starlikeness in the class of uniformly convex functions
by Mamoru Nunokawa & Janusz Sokół - 1009-1027 Absolutely continuous spectrum of fourth order difference equations
by Fredrick Oluoch Nyamwala - 1028-1046 Multiple summability properties for Cohen p -summing operators
by Dumitru Popa - 1047-1056 Random sets of finite perimeter
by Jan Rataj - 1057-1072 Navier-Stokes equations, Haar wavelets and Reynolds numbers
by Hans Triebel - 1073-1081 Homoclinic solutions for a class of second order Hamiltonian systems
by Qingye Zhang
May 2015, Volume 288, Issue 7
- 723-729 On rotationally starlike logharmonic mappings
by Z. AbdulHadi & Rosihan M. Ali - 730-742 Reverses of Schwarz inequality in inner product spaces with applications
by S. S. Dragomir - 743-762 Lower bounds for the integration error for multivariate functions with mixed smoothness and optimal Fibonacci cubature for functions on the square
by Dinh Dũng & Tino Ullrich - 763-774 Biharmonic hypersurfaces with three distinct principal curvatures in spheres
by Yu Fu - 775-783 Gröbner bases of balanced polyominoes
by Jürgen Herzog & Ayesha Asloob Qureshi & Akihiro Shikama - 784-797 An operator theoretical approach to Riemann-Liouville fractional Cauchy problem
by Zhan-Dong Mei & Ji-Gen Peng & Yang Zhang - 798-823 Scattering theory below energy for the cubic fourth-order Schrödinger equation
by Changxing Miao & Haigen Wu & Junyong Zhang - 824-836 Mori's program for M ¯ 0 , 6 with symmetric divisors
by Han-Bom Moon
April 2015, Volume 288, Issue 5-6
- 486-497 The existence of multiple positive solutions for a class of non-local elliptic problem in R N
by Shinji Adachi - 498-508 A strict topology on Orlicz spaces
by I. Akbarbaglu & S. Maghsoudi & J. B. Seoane-Sepúlveda - 509-524 A mean value theorem for metric spaces
by P. M. Carvalho Neto & P. A. Liboni Filho - 525-539 Anisotropic dilations of shift-invariant subspaces and approximation properties in L 2 ( R d )
by P. Cifuentes & Á. San Antolín & M. Soto-Bajo - 540-565 Constraints on the fundamental topological parameters of spatial tessellations
by Richard Cowan & Viola Weiss - 566-576 On a quadratic integral equation with supremum involving Erdélyi-Kober fractional order
by Mohamed Abdalla Darwish & Kishin Sadarangani