- 11 Decoding CAAR: Insights, Challenges, and Pathways for Reforms
by Vijay Singh Chauhan & Prashant Narang & Monika Yadav - 10 A guide to writing good regulatory orders
by Natasha Aggarwal & Bhavin Patel - 9 Improving electricity regulation in Tamil Nadu
by Akshay Jaitly & Charmi Mehta & Rishika Ranga & Renuka Sane & Ajay Shah & Karthik Suresh - 8 Bargains and Banking: How Institutionalized Political Bargains Have Shaped the Development of Indian Banking
by John Echeverri-Gent & Renuka Sane
- 7 Bypassing expert tribunals through writs: Judicial overreach in review of the Telangana State Electricity Regulatory Commission's orders
by Natasha Aggarwal & Bhavin Patel - 6 An evaluation framework for public procurement processes
by Karan Gulati & Anjali Sharma - 5 Manual For Reviewing Regulatory Orders: Orders of the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission at the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity
by Natasha Aggarwal & Abhinav Hansaraman & Bhavin Patel - 4 Performance at the Appellate Tribunal as an indicator of regulatory capacity: The case of TNERC at APTEL
by Bhavin Patel & Renuka Sane - 3 The electricity chokepoint in Tamil Nadu public finance
by Charmi Mehta & Radhika Pandey & Renuka Sane & Ajay Shah - 2 Solarisation in agriculture in Tamil Nadu: A first principles evaluation
by Susan Das & Renuka Sane & Ajay Shah
- 1 Lost in translation: Legislative drafting and judicial discretion
by Madhav Goel & Renuka Sane