August 2004, Volume 58
- 259-260 Grade Inflation: A Crisis in College Education
by Duncan, Kristin A. - 259-260 Statistics in Action: Understanding a World of Data
by Miller, Stephen J. - 260-260 SAS Programming: The One-Day Course
by Chan, Grace - 261-261 Stochastic Processes and Their Applications
by Lund, Robert
November 2003, Volume 57
- 229-232 A Potential for Bias When Rounding in Multiple Imputation
by Horton N.J. & Lipsitz S.R. & Parzen M. - 233-236 Confidence Intervals for Mean Absolute Deviations
by Bonett D.G. & Seier E. - 237-240 Use of the Sign Test for the Median in the Presence of Ties
by Fong D.Y.T. & Kwan C.W. & Lam K.F. & Lam K.S.L. - 241-248 A Penalized Maximum Likelihood Approach for the Ranking of College Football Teams Independent of Victory Margins
by Mease D. - 249-252 On a Sampling Design for Estimation of Negligible Accident Rates Involving Electronic Toys
by Hedayat A.S. & Sinha B.K. - 253-253 Introduction
by Scheuren F. - 254-257 A History of the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
by Hitchcock D.B. - 258-264 What Happens When a 1 1 r Die is Rolled?
by Dunn P.K. - 265-267 A Gentle Introduction to Optimal Design for Regression Models
by OBrien T.E. & Funk G.M. - 268-274 Raindrop Plots: A New Way to Display Collections of Likelihoods and Distributions
by Barrowman N.J. & Myers R.A. - 275-284 Detecting Dependence With Kendall Plots
by Genest C. & Boies J-C. - 285-288 A Graphical Tool for Assessing Normality
by Hazelton M.L. - 289-289 Section Editors Notes
by Hilbe J. - 290-309 A Review of Software Packages for Data Mining
by Haughton D. & Deichmann J. & Eshghi A. & Sayek S. & Teebagy N. & Topi H. - 310-315 A Review of Current SPSS Products: SPSS 12, SigmaPlot 8.02, SigmaStat 3.0, Part 1
by Hilbe J.M. - 316-316 An R and S-PLUS Companion to Applied Regression
by Cowles M.K. - 316-317 Hyperstat (2nd ed.)
by Jersky B. - 317-317 Statistical Methods in Agricultural and Experimental Biology (3rd ed.)
by Anderson-Cook C.M. & Alley M.M.
August 2003, Volume 57
- 153-154 Editors Reports
by Albert J.H. - 155-160 Small Samples and Ordered Logistic Regression: Does it Help to Collapse Categories of Outcome?
by Murad H. & Fleischman A. & Sadetzki S. & Geyer O. & Freedman L.S. - 161-165 Adjusted Coefficients of Determination for Logistic Regression
by Liao J.G. & McGee D. - 166-170 Sample Size: More Than Calculations
by Parker R.A. & Berman N.G. - 171-178 Confusion Over Measures of Evidence (ps) Versus Errors (alphas) in Classical Statistical Testing
by Hubbard R. & Bayarri M.J. - 178-179 Discussion
by Berk K.N. - 179-181 Discussion
by Carlton M.A. - 183-188 Nearly Nonparametric Multivariate Density Estimates That Incorporate Marginal Parametric Density Information
by Spiegelman C. & Ark E.S. - 189-189 Introduction
by Scheuren F. - 190-192 Galtons Bend: A Previously Undiscovered Nonlinearity in Galtons Family Stature Regression Data
by Wachsmuth A. & Wilkinson L. & Dallal G.E. - 193-199 A Diamond-Shaped Equiponderant Graphical Display of the Effects of Two Categorical Predictors on Continuous Outcomes
by Li X. & Buechner J.M. & Tarwater P.M. & Munoz A. - 200-200 Section Editors Notes
by Hilbe J. - 201-213 An Examination of Statistical Software Packages for Categorical Data Analysis Using Exact Methods-Part II
by Oster R.A. - 214-217 Comparing Statistical Software Packages: The Case of the Logrank Test in StatXact
by Callaert H. - 218-218 The A to Z of Mathematics: A Basic Guide
by Anderson-Cook C.M. - 218-218 Problems in Probability
by Pillers Dobler C. - 218-218 Duelling Idiots amd Other Probability Puzzlers and What are the Chances? Voodoo Deaths, Office Gossip, and Other Adventures in Probability
by Cleary R.J. - 219-219 Basic Statistics and Data Analysis (with InfoTrac and CD-ROM) (1st ed.), Introduction to Probability and Statistics (11th ed.)and Just the Essemtials of Elementary Statistics (3rd ed.)
by Miller S.J.
February 2003, Volume 57
- 1-14 Reliability of the Uncertified Ballots in the 2000 Presidential Election in Florida
by Wolter K. & Jergovic D. & Moore W. & Murphy J. & OMuircheartaigh C. - 15-20 One-Step Screening and Process Optimization Experiments
by Lawson J. - 21-26 Statistics and Ethics: Some Advice for Young Statisticians
by Vardeman S.B. & Morris M.D. - 27-32 Significantly Insignificant F Tests
by Christensen R. - 33-36 Separation Among Distributions Related by Linear Regression
by Xie R. & Nelson P.I. - 37-45 College Students Conceptions of Probability
by Albert J.H. - 46-50 Teaching Experiences With a Course on
by Symanzik J. & Vukasinovic N. - 51-57 Illustrating the Law of Large Numbers (and Confidence Intervals)
by Blume J.D. & Royall R.M. - 58-61 Suppression and Confounding in Action
by Lynn H.S. - 62-65 A Real Example That Illustrates Interesting Properties of Bootstrap Bias Correction
by Jeske D.R. & Sampath A. - 66-66 Statistics with Confidence (2nd ed.)
by Cleary R.J. - 66-67 A First Course in Design and Analysis of Experiments
by Wulff S.S. - 67-67 Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis (3rd ed.)
by Jammalamadaka S.R. - 67-68 Generalized Linear Models: With Applications in Engineering and the Sciences
by Hu X.J. - 68-69 Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences (4th ed.)
by Gonzalez R. - 69-69 Risk-Benefit Analysis (2nd ed.)
by Haigh J. - 69-70 All the Mathematics You Missed But Need to Know for Graduate School
by Terrell G. - 70-70 Resampling Methods: A Practical Guide to Data Analysis (2nd ed.)
by Gentleman R.
May 2003, Volume 57
- 73-73 Special Section on Statistical Literacy: How You Can Help
by Utts J. - 74-79 What Educated Citizens Should Know About Statistics and Probability
by Utts J. - 80-84 Teaching for Statistical Literacy and Services of Statistics Agencies
by Gal I. - 85-88 Promoting Statistical Thinking Among Secondary School Students in the National Context
by Boland P.J. - 89-93 The Getting of Wisdom: Educating Statisticians to Enhance Their Clients Numeracy
by Sowey E.R. - 94-94 A New Column in The American Statistician
by Albert J.H. - 94-96 Looking Back So We Can Look Forward
by Scheuren F. - 97-104 Type I Error Inflation in the Presence of a Ceiling Effect
by Austin P.C. & Brunner L.J. - 105-114 Fixing the F Test for Equal Variances
by Shoemaker L.H. - 115-123 How Do Statisticians Perceive Statistics Journals?
by Theoharakis V. & Skordia M. - 124-131 Local Versus Global Models for Classification Problems: Fitting Models Where it Matters
by Hand D.J. & Vinciotti V. - 132-138 Exact Confidence Intervals for Nonconstant Effects by Inverting the Signed Rank Test
by Rosenbaum P.R. - 139-141 Monotone Regrouping, Regression, and Simpsons Paradox
by Rinott Y. & Tam M. - 142-142 Statistical Rules of Thumb
by Cleary R.J. - 142-143 The Practice of Statistics: Putting the Pieces Together
by Pillers Dobler C. - 143-144 The First Measured Century
by Cleary R.J. - 144-145 Weighing the Odds: A Course in Probability and Statistics
by Roback P. - 145-146 The Statistical Sleuth (2nd ed.)
by Ledolter J. - 146-146 A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using S-Plus (2nd ed.)
by Manola J.
February 2002, Volume 56
- 1-4 The Role of Informative Priors in Zero-Numerator Problems: Being Conservative Versus Being Candid
by Winkler R. L. & Smith J. E. & Fryback D. G. - 5-9 Measuring a Binary Responses Range of Influence in Logistic Regression
by Fay M. P. - 10-21 Tiered Polychotomous Regression: Ranking NFL Quarterbacks
by White C. & Berry S. - 22-28 Thoughts on the Origins, Concepts, and Pedagogy of Statistics as a
by Bessant K. C. & MacPherson E. D. - 29-38 The Calculus of M-Estimation
by Stefanski L. A. & Boos D. D. - 39-43 The Equivalence Between the Cholesky Decomposition and the Kalman Filter
by Eubank R. L. & Wang S. - 44-47 The Existence of the First Negative Moment Revisited
by Khuri A. & Casella G. - 48-54 The Mixture Approach for Simulating Bivariate Distributions With Specified Correlations
by Michael J. R. & Schucany W. R. - 55-62 Vector Differential Calculus in Statistics
by Wand M. P. - 63-70 Designing Monte Carlo Implementations of Permutation or Bootstrap Hypothesis Tests
by Fay M. P. & Follmann D. A. - 71-71 Section Editors Notes
by Hilbe J. - 72-75 A Review of JMP 4.03 With Special Attention to its Numerical Accuracy
by Altman M.
August 2002, Volume 56
- 163-170 A Preliminary Investigation of Maximum Likelihood Logistic Regression versus Exact Logistic Regression
by King E.N. & Ryan T.P. - 171-174 A Note on the Use of Marginal Likelihood and Conditional Likelihood in Analyzing Clustered Data
by Pan W. - 175-185 Quantitative Analysis of Literary Styles
by Peng R.D. & Hengartner N.W. - 186-190 Probability Inequalities Related to Markovs Theorem
by Ghosh B.K. - 191-195 Measuring Dependency With Volume Tests
by Sabatti C. - 196-201 On the Sensitivity of Bayes Factors to the Prior Distributions
by Sinharay S. & Stern H.S. - 202-206 Median of the p Value Under the Alternative Hypothesis
by Bhattacharya B. & Habtzghi D. - 207-214 Bayesian Design of
by Bayarri M.J. & Mayoral A.M. - 215-222 Hypothesis Testing About Proportions in Two Finite Populations
by Krishnamoorthy K. & Thomson J. - 223-229 Is Human Height Bimodal?
by Schilling M.F. & Watkins A.E. & Watkins W. - 230-233 Beyond Traditional Statistical Methods
by Duckworth W.M. & Stephenson W.R. - 234-234 Section Editors Notes
by Hilbe J. - 235-246 An Examination of Statistical Software Packages for Categorical Data Analysis Using Exact Methods
by Oster R.A. - 247-247 A First Course in Probability
by Devore J. - 248-248 Applied Probability Models
by Fotopoulos S.B. - 248-248 Statistics for Psychologists: An Intermediate Course
by Holmes Rowell G. - 248-249 Applied Multivariate Data Analysis (2nd Edition)
by Williams C. - 249-250 Understanding Statistical Concepts Using S-Plus
by Lund U.J. - 250-251 Contemporary Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel
by Walker J.H. - 251-251 Applied Nonparametric Statistical Methods, 3rd Edition
by Jammalamadaka S.R.
November 2002, Volume 56
- 261-262 Editors Reports
by Stokes L. & Albert J.H. - 263-272 A Graphical Method for Assessing the Fit of a Logistic Regression Model
by Pardoe I. & Cook R.D. - 273-283 Characterizing the Diurnal Rhythm of DHEA
by Erosheva E.A. & Kroboth P.D. & Greenhouse J.B. - 284-289 Split-Plot Model With Covariate: A Cautionary Tale
by Aldworth J. & Hoffman W.P. - 290-298 Deming and the Proactive Statistician
by Hahn G.J. - 299-303 Seek Whence: Answer Sequences and Their Consequences in Key-Balanced Multiple-Choice Tests
by Bar-Hillel M. & Attali Y. - 304-307 On Khintchines Theorem and its Place in Random Variate Generation
by Jones M.C. - 308-311 You Can Load a Die, But You Cant Bias a Coin
by Gelman A. & Nolan D. - 312-315 Case Study Based Instruction of DOE and SPC
by Brady J.E. & Allen T.T. - 316-324 Corrgrams: Exploratory Displays for Correlation Matrices
by Friendly M. - 325-325 Statistical Computing Software Reviews: Section Editors Notes
by Hilbe J. - 326-328 XPro 5.1: Exact Procedures for Parametric Statistical Inference
by Hilbe J.M. - 329-329 Statistical Consulting
by Anderson-Cook C.M. - 329-330 Calculated Bets: Computers, Gambling, and Mathematical Modeling to Win
by Albert J.H. - 330-331 News and Numbers: A Guide to Reporting Statistical Claims and Controversies in Health and Related Fields, (2nd Ed.)
by Utts J. - 331-331 Statistics at Square Two: Understanding Modern Statistical Applications in Medicine
by Abbott R.D. - 331-332 An Introduction to Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, (2nd ed.)
by Cohen A. - 332-332 Mathematical Statistics: Basic Ideas and Selected Topics (vol. 1, 2nd ed.)
by Pillers Dobler C. - 332-333 Stochastic Processes. An Introduction
by Lund R. - 333-333 The Elements of Statistics: With Applications to Economics and the Social Sciences
by Reiss E. & Hoffman L.L. - 333-334 Experimental Design With Applications in Management, Engineering, and the Sciences
by Tang B. - 334-335 A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using SAS, 2nd ed
by Gupta G. - 335-336 Teach/Me Data Analysis CD: Single User Edition
by Bond M.E.
May 2002, Volume 56
- 83-84 Editors Reports
by Stokes L. - 85-89 A Comparison of Nine Confidence Intervals for a Poisson Parameter When the Expected Number of Events is 5
by Barker L. - 90-99 The Standard Two-Sided Power Distribution and its Properties: With Applications in Financial Engineering
by van Dorp J.R. & Kotz S. - 100-101 A Simple Derivation of the Wishart Distribution
by Ghosh M. & Sinha B.K. - 102-106 Rao-Cramer Type Inequalities for Mean Squared Error of Prediction
by Nayak T.K. - 107-112 Statistics Education and the Making Statistics More Effective in Schools of Business Conferences
by Love T.E. & Hildebrand D.K. - 113-120 Illustrating the Neyman-Pearson Lemma With a Stopping Rule of Order k
by Bradstreet T.E. & Parnes M.N. - 121-130 Lets Practice What We Preach: Turning Tables into Graphs
by Gelman A. & Pasarica C. & Dodhia R. - 131-138 Displays for Direct Comparison of ARIMA Models
by Heiberger R.M. & Teles P. - 139-147 Representing Trees Using Microsoft Doughnut Charts
by Bordley R.F. - 148-148 Section Editors Notes
by Hilbe J. - 149-155 The Saw-Toothed Behavior of Power Versus Sample Size and Software Solutions: Single Binomial Proportion Using Exact Methods
by Chernick M.R. & Liu C.Y.
February 2001, Volume 55
- 1-6 Undergraduate Programs and the Future of Academic Statistics
by Moore D. S. - 7-13 Curriculum Guidelines for Bachelor of Science Degrees in Statistical Science
by Bryce G.R. & Gould R. & Notz W. I. & Peck R. L. - 14-18 Advice From Prospective Employers on Training BS Statisticians
by Ritter M.A. & Starbuck R. R. & Hogg R. V. - 19-24 The Abuse of Power: The Pervasive Fallacy of Power Calculations for Data Analysis
by Hoenig J. M. & Heisey D. M. - 25-34 Conditional Linear Mixed Models
by Verbeke G. & Spiessens B. & Lesaffre E. - 35-40 How to Get a Job in Academics
by Stasny E. A. - 41-50 Using Model/Data Simulations to Detect Streakiness
by Albert J. & Williamson P. - 51-54 On Asymmetric Properties of the Correlation Coeffcient in the Regression Setting
by Dodge Y. & Rousson V. - 55-61 Likelihood Confidence Intervals for Proportions in Finite Populations
by Wendell J. P. & Schmee J. - 62-71 Calibration of rho Values for Testing Precise Null Hypotheses
by Sellke T. & Bayarri M. J. & Berger J. O. - 72-79 Local Regression With Meaningful Parameters
by Irizarry R. A.
August 2001, Volume 55
- 175-181 Finding Near-Optimal Bayesian Experimental Designs via Genetic Algorithms
by Hamada M. & Martz H. F. & Reese C. S. & Wilson A. G. - 182-186 On Judging the Significance of Differences by Examining the Overlap Between Confidence Intervals
by Schenker N. & Gentleman J. F. - 187-193 Some Practical Guidelines for Effective Sample Size Determination
by Lenth R. V. - 194-199 The National Hockey League Entry Draft, 1969-1995: An Application of a Weighted Pool-Adjacent-Violators Algorithm
by Dawson D. & Magee L. - 200-202 Logit Confidence Intervals and the Inverse Sinh Transformation
by Newcombe R. G. - 203-206 An Adjusted, Asymmetric Two-Sample t Test
by Balkin S. D. & Mallows C. L. - 207-210 The Kaplan-Meier Estimator as an Inverse-Probability-of-Censoring Weighted Average
by Satten G. A. & Datta S. - 211-212 Another Look at the Cramer-Rao Inequality
by Kagan A. - 213-218 Network Reliability and Borels Paradox
by Singpurwalla N. D. & Swift A. - 219-222 On the Maximum Likelihood Estimates for the Goel-Okumoto Software Reliability Model
by Jeske D. R. & Pham H. - 223-227 Replicating Effects and Biases
by Rosenbaum P. R. - 228-232 A Computer-Based Lab Supplement to Courses in Introductory Statistics
by Cabilio P. & Farrell P. J. - 233-239 Graphical Assessment of Dependence: Is a Picture Worth 100 Tests?
by Fisher N. I. & Switzer P. - 240-243 A Toroidal Scatter Diagram for Ternary Variables
by Upton G. J. G. - 244-254 Multiple Imputation in Practice: Comparison of Software Packages for Regression Models With Missing Variables
by Horton N. J. & Lipsitz S. R.
November 2001, Volume 55
- 263-271 An Exercise in the Real World of Design and Analysis
by Denby L. & Landwehr J. M. & Mallows C. L. - 272-278 The Statistical Paleontology of Charles Lyell and the Coupon Problem
by McCready T. A. & Schwertman N. C. - 279-287 Equivalence Testing for Binomial Random Variables: Which Test to Use?
by Barker L. & Rolka H. & Rolka D. & Brown C. - 288-292 Sample Size for Testing a Proportion in Clinical Trials: A
by Cesana B. M. & Reina G. & Marubini E. - 293-298 Using the Sample Range as a Basis for Calculating Sample Size in Power Calculations
by Browne R. H. - 299-305 Explaining the Perfect Sampler
by Casella G. & Lavine M. & Robert C. P. - 306-309 Dependence in Simulation: A Case Study From the Game of Contract Bridge
by Shuster J. - 310-313 Randomization Inference and Bias of Standard Errors
by Gadbury G. L. - 314-321 Efficiency Study of Estimators for a Treatment Effect in a Pretest-Posttest Trial
by Yang L. & Tsiatis A. A. - 322-325 Is the Property of Being Positively Correlated Transitive?
by Langford E. & Schwertman N. & Owens M. - 326-331 Community-Based Projects in Applied Statistics: Using Service-Learning to Enhance Student Understanding
by Root R. & Thorme T. - 332-336 Statistics in Preschool
by Hilton S. C. & Grimshaw S. D. & Anderson G. T. - 337-344 Exploring the Confidence Interval for a Binomial Parameter in a First Course in Statistical Computing
by Henderson M. & Meyer M. C. - 345-351 Dynamic Graphical Tools for Teaching Experimental Design and Analysis Concepts
by Iversen P. & Marasinghe M. - 352-357 The Central Limit Theorem Under Simple Random Sampling
by Bellhouse D. R. - 358-365 A Tool for Computing Confidence Regions on the Stationary Point of a Response Surface
by Del Castillo E. & Cahya S. - 366-369 Fast and Stable Algorithms for Computing and Sampling From the Noncentral Hypergeometric Distribution
by Liao J. G. & Rosen O.
May 2001, Volume 55
- 87-88 Editors Report for The American Statistician, Volume 54 (2000)
by Stokes L. - 89-95 A Note on the Estimation of the Multinomial Logit Model With Random Effects
by Chen Z. & Kuo L. - 96-101 On Neutral Responses (Zeros) in the Sign Test and Ties in the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test
by Randles R. H. - 102-105 An Effective Confidence Interval for the Mean With Samples of Size One and Two
by Wall M. M. & Boen J. & Tweedie R. - 106-110 The Statistical Foundations of the EI Method
by McCue K. F. - 111-120 Eleven Ways to Look at the Chi-Squared Coefficient for Contingency Tables
by Mirkin B. - 121-124 The Inequality Between the Coefficient of Determination and the Sum of Squared Simple Correlation Coefficients
by Shieh G. - 125-130 Comparison of GEE, MINQUE, ML, and REML Estimating Equations for Normally Distributed Data
by Wu C-t. & Gumpertz M. L. & Boos D. D. - 131-139 Distributions Agreeing With Exchangeable Sequential Forecasting
by Lad F. & Scozzafava R. - 140-144 Sequencing Topics in Introductory Statistics: A Debate on What to Teach When
by Chance B. L. & Rossman A. J. - 145-149 Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll Survey in a First-Year Service Course in Statistics
by Bolstad W. M. & Hunt L. A. & McWhirter J. L.