Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 036 Optimal Procurement Contracts with Pre--Project Planning
by Daniel Krämer & Roland Strausz
- 032 Collusion and Durability
by Dan Sasaki & Roland Strausz
- 031 VCG mechanisms and efficient ex ante investments with externalities
by Daniel Kraehmer & Roland Strausz
- 034 Optimal Hierarchies with Diverse Decision-Makers
by Kerstin Puschke - 033 Task Assignment and Organizational Form
by Kerstin Puschke - 030 The Bologna Process: How student mobility affects multi-cultural skills and educational quality
by Lydia Mechtenberg & Roland Strausz - 029 The Allocation of Authority under Limited Liability
by Kerstin Puschke - 028 Planned Obsolescence and the Provision of Unobservable Quality
by Roland Strausz - 027 Externalities, Communication and the Allocation of Decision Rights
by Helmut Bester - 026 Euroland, Euro and Dollar - Trilogy or Trilemma?
by Elke Muchlinski - 025 Some Remarks on Convention in Keynes's Economic Thinking
by Elke Muchlinski - 024 The Effect of Fair vs. Book Value Accounting on the Behavior of Banks
by Roland Strausz & Katrin Burkhardt - 023 Mediation in Situations of Conflict and Limited Commitment
by Roland Strausz & Kay Mitusch - 022 Entrepreneurial Financing, Advice, and Agency Costs
by Roland Strausz - 021 Buried in Paperwork: Excessive Reporting in Organizations
by Roland Strausz - 020 Deterministic versus Stochastic Mechanisms in Principal--Agent Models
by Roland Strausz - 019 Regulating Availability with Demand Uncertainty
by Roland Strausz - 018 Honest Certification and the Threat of Capture
by Roland Strausz - 017 Contracting with Imperfect Commitment and Noisy Communication
by Helmut Bester & Roland Strausz - 016 Investments in Electricity Generation Capacity under Different Market Structures with Price Responsive Demand
by Anette Boom - 015 Timing of Verification Procedures: Monitoring versus Auditing
by Roland Strausz - 014 Getting to Know your Agent: Interim Information in Long Term Contractual Relationships
by Roland Strausz - 013 Firms' Investments in General Training and the Market for Skilled Labour
by Anette Boom - 012 Wages and Productivity Growth in a Dynamic Monopoly
by Helmut Bester & Emmanuel Petrakis - 011 A Monopolistic Credit Rating Agency
by Anette Boom - 010 Vertical Product Differentiation, Network Externalities, and Compatibility Decisions
by Anette Boom & Pio Baake - 009 Wages and Productivity Growth in a Competitive Industry
by Helmut Bester & Emmanuel Petrakis - 008 Strategic Pricing, Signalling, and Costly Information Acquisition
by Helmut Bester & Klaus Ritzberger - 007 Delegated Bargaining and Renegotiation
by Helmut Bester & Joszef Sakovics - 006 Conflict Resolution under Asymmetric Information
by Helmut Bester & Karl Warneryd - 005 Mediators and Mechanism Design: Why Firms Hire Consultants
by Kay Mitusch & Roland Strausz - 004 Imperfect Commitment and the Revelation Principle
by Helmut Bester & Roland Strausz - 003 Mitigating Non-contractible actions by randomness
by Roland Strausz - 002 Regulation in a Political Economy: An explanation of limited commitment of governments in the context of the ratchet effect
by Roland Strausz - 001 Moral Hazard in Sequential Teams
by Roland Strausz