- 01/2025 Earnings dynamics and top-earnings inequality
by Karl Harmenberg & Raysa Lizarraga
- 06/2024 The housing channel of intergenerational wealth persistence
by Ella Getz Wold & Knut Are Aastveit & Eirik Eylands Brandsaas & Ragnar Enger Juelsrud & Gisle James Natvik - 05/2024 Joint Search over the Life Cycle
by Annika Bacher & Philipp Gr bener & Lukas Nord - 04/2024 Winners and Losers from Property Taxation
by Kasper Kragh Balke & Markus Karlman & Karin Kinnerud - 03/2024 Down-payment requirements: Implications for portfolio choice and consumption
by Kasper Kragh Balke & Markus Karlman & Karin Kinnerud - 02/2024 Estimating the elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution using Dividend Tax News Shocks
by Rustam Jamilov & Martin B. Holm & Marek Jasinski & Plamen Nenov - 01/2024 Saving after retirement and preferences for residual Wealth
by Guilio Fella & Martin B. Holm & Thomas M. Pugh
- 07/2023 Why Are the Wealthiest So Wealthy? A Longitudinal Empirical Investigation
by Serdar Ozkan & Joachim Hubmer & Sergio Salgado & Elin Halvorsen - 06/2023 The importance of unemployment risk for individual savings
by Ragnar Enger Juelsrud & Ella Getz Wold - 05/2023 How Does Monetary Policy Affect Household Indebtedness?
by Andreas Fagereng & Magnus A. H. Gulbrandsen & Martin Holm & Gisle Natvik - 04/2023 The leverage-liquidity trade-of mortgage regulation
by Knut Are Aastveit & Ragnar Enger Juelsrud & Ella Getz Wold - 03/2023 The Gender Investment Gap over the Life-Cycle
by Annika Bacher - 02/2023 Asset-Pricing Redistribution
by Andreas Fagereng & Matthieu Gomez & Emilien Gouin-Bonenfant & Martin Holm & Benjamin Moll & Gisle Natvik - 01/2023 The Finance Uncertainty Multiplier
by Iv n Alfaro & Nicholas Bloom & Xiaoji Lin