- paper1407 Trends and Quality of Decentralized Public Investment
by Lorena Viñuela - paper1406 The Infrastructure Gap and Decentralization
by Luis Andres & Dan Biller & Jordan Schwartz - paper1405 Decentralization And Infrastructure: From Gaps To Solutions
by Jonas Frank & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - paper1404 Does Competition for Capital Discipline Governments? The Role of Fiscal Equalization
by Yongzheng Liu - paper1403 Inter-Jurisdictional Tax Competition In China
by Yongzheng Liu & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - paper1402 Public Input Competition under Stackelberg Equilibrium: A Note
by Yongzheng Liu & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - paper1401 Efficiency Cost of Fiscal Equalization: The Case of Belarus
by Sebastian Eckardt & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Andrey Timofeev
- paper1326 Are User Charges Underutilsed in Indian Cities? An Analysis for Delhi
by Simanti Bandyopadhyay & Debraj Bagchi - paper1325 Beyond FDI: The Influence of Bilateral Investment Treaties on Debt
by Wasseem Mina - paper1324 Fiscal Decentralization in Peru: A Perspective on Recent Developments and Future Challenges
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - paper1323 Local Taxes and Local Expenditures: Strengthening the Wicksellian Connection
by Richard M. Bird & Enid Slack - paper1322 Taxation and Inequality in the Americas: Changing the Fiscal Contract?
by Richard M. Bird & Eric M. Zolt - paper1321 Property Tax Reforms in India: A Comparison of Delhi and Bangalore
by Simanti Bandyopadhyay - paper1319 Estimating Fiscal Health of Cities: A Methodological Framework for Developing Countries
by Simanti Bandyopadhyay - paper1318 A Retrospective On Taxation In Developing Countries: Will The Weakest Link Be Strengthened?
by Roy Bhal - paper1315 Taxation and Inequality in the Americas: Changing the Fiscal Contract?
by Richard M. Bird & Eric M. Zolt - paper1314 Personal Income Distribution at the Local Level. An Estimation for Spanish Municipalities Using Tax Microdata
by Miriam Hortas-Rico & Jorge Onrubia & Daniele Pacifico - paper1313 Why Theory and Practice are Different: The Gap Between Principles and Reality in Subnational Revenue Systems
by Paul Smoke - paper1312 Reforming Subsidies for Fossil Fuel Consumption: Killing Several Birds with One Stone
by Charles E. McLure, Jr. - paper1311 Making the Property Tax Work
by Roy Kelly - paper1310 Taxing the Small: Fostering Tax Compliance Among Small Enterprises in Developing Countries
by William F. Fox & Matthew Murray - paper1309 “The Impact of Micro-simulation and CGE modeling on Tax Reform and Tax Advice in Developing Countries”: A Survey of Alternative Approaches and an Application to Pakistan
by Andrew Feltenstein & Luciana Lopes & Janet Porras Mendoza & Sally Wallace - paper1308 Measuring tax effort: Does the estimation approach matter and should effort be linked to expenditure goals?
by Musharraf Cyan & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & VIoleta Vulovic - paper1307 Foreign Advice and Tax Policy in Developing Countries
by Richard M. Bird - paper1306 The Impact of Tax Incentives to Stimulate Investment in South Africa
by Estian Calitz & Sally Wallace & Le Roux Burrows - paper1305 Does Municipal Amalgamation Strengthen the Financial Viability of Local Government? A Canadian Example
by Enid Slack & Richard M. Bird - paper1304 On the Size and Determinants of Inter-regional Redistribution in European Countries over the Period 1995-2009
by Santiago Lago-Peñas & Albino Prada & Alberto Vaquero - paper1303 A Behavioral Local Public Finance Perspective on the Renter’s Illusion Hypothesis
by Roberto Dell’Anno & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - paper1302 Below the Salt: Decentralizing Value-Added Taxes
by Richard M. Bird - paper1301 A Generalization of the Pfähler-Lambert Decomposition
by Jorge Onrubia & Fidel Picos & María del Carmen Rodado
- paper1233 Metropolitan City Finances in India: Options for A New Fiscal Architecture
by Roy Bahl - paper1232 Performance Evaluation of Urban Local Governments: A Case for Indian Cities
by Simanti Bandyopadhyay - paper1231 Toward a More General Theory of Revenue Assignments
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Cristian Sepulveda - paper1230 On the Political Determinants of Intergovernmental Grants in Decentralized Countries: The Case of Spain
by Pablo Simón-Cosano & Santiago Lago-Peñas & Alberto Vaquero - paper1229 Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations: the Efficiency Effect of Taxes, Transfers and Fiscal Illusion
by Julio López-Laborda & Antoni Zabalza - paper1228 The Topsy-Turvy Sharing of the Gaming Tax Field in Canada, 1970-2010: Provincial Payments, Federal Withdrawal
by Étienne Desjardins & Mélina Longpré & Francois Vaillancourt - paper1227 Rethinking the Political Economy of Decentralization: How Elections and Parties Shape the Provision of Local Public Goods
by Raúl A. Ponce-Rodríguez & Charles R. Hankla & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Eunice Heredia-Ortiz - paper1226 A Computational General Equilibrium Approach to Sectoral Analysis for Tax Potential: An Application to Pakistan
by Andrew Feltenstein & Musharraf Cyan - paper1225 The Impact of Tax and Expenditure Policies on Income Distribution: Evidence from a Large Panel of Countries
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Blanca Moreno-Dodson & VIoleta Vulovic - paper1224 Designing Tax Policy: Constraints and Objectives in an Open Economy
by Richard M. Bird & J. Scott Wilkie - paper1223 Fiscal Decentralization in Colombia: A Work (Still) in Progress
by Richard M. Bird - paper1222 The Costs of VAT: A Review of the Literature
by Luca Barbone & Richard M. Bird & Jaime Vazquez-Caro - paper1221 The GST/HST: Creating an Integrated Sales Tax in a Federal Country
by Richard M. Bird - paper1220 Small is Different Size, Political Representation and Governance
by Nicholas Charron & José Fernández-Albertos & Victor Lapuente - paper1219 An International Perspective on the Determinants of Local Government Fragmentation
by Juan Luis Gómez-Reino & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - paper1218 Local Government Cooperation for Joint Provision: The Experiences of Brazil and Spain with Inter-Municipal Consortia
by Luiz de Mello & Santiago Lago-Peñas - paper1217 Do Fiscal Decentralization and Government Fragmentation Affect Corruption In Different Ways? Evidence from a Panel Data Analysis
by Nadia Fiorino & Emma Galli & Fabio Padovano - paper1216 Propensity to Invest and the Additionality of Capital Transfers: A Country Panel Perspective
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Andrey Timofeev - paper1215 Local Government Size and Efficiency in Capital Intensive Services: What Evidence is There of Economies of Scale, Density and Scope?
by Germà Bel - paper1214 Local Government Size and Efficiency in Labour Intensive Public Services: Evidence from Local Educational Authorities in England
by Rhys Andrews - paper1213 Government Fiscal Policies and Redistribution in Asian Countries
by Iris Claus & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & VIoleta Vulovic - paper1212 Does Local Government Size Matter? Privatization and Hybrid Systems of Local Service Delivery
by Mildred E. Warner - paper1211 Reexamining The Determinants Of Fiscal Decentralization: What Is The Role Of Geography?
by Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - paper1210 Corruption and the Size of Local Governments: Are They Related?
by Michael A. Nelson - paper1209 Sub-national Revenue Mobilization in Peru
by Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Cristian Sepúlveda - paper1208 Estimating the Impacts of Bolivia's Protected Areas on Poverty
by Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza & Merlin M. Hanauer - paper1207 Options for Rationalizing Local Government Structure: A Policy Agenda
by Brian Dollery & Michael Kortt & Bligh Grant - paper1206 Financing Social Expenditures in Developing Countries: Payroll or Value Added Taxes?
by Richard M. Bird & Michael Smart - paper1205 Are There Trends in Local Finance? A Comparative Look at Data and Normative Models of Local Government Finance
by Richard M. Bird - paper1204 Voluntary amalgamation of local governments: the Swiss debate in the European context
by Bernard Dafflon - paper1203 Coping with Change: The Need to Restructure Urban Governance and Finance in India
by Richard M. Bird & M. Govinda Rao - paper1202 Taxation and Development: What Have We Learned from Fifty Years of Research?
by Richard M. Bird - paper1201 Subnational Taxation in Large Emerging Countries: BRIC Plus One
by Richard M. Bird
- paper1124 The Dynamics of Revenue-Neutral Trade Liberalization
by Jenny Ligthart & Gerard C. van der Meijdenz - paper1123 Public Input Competition, Stackelberg Equilibrium and Optimality
by Yongzheng Liu & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - paper1122 Tax Structure in Latin America: Its Impact on the Real Economy and Compliance
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & VIoleta Vulovic - paper1121 An International Perspective on the Determinants of Local Government Fragmentation
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Juan Luis Gómez-Reino - paper1120 Designing the Local Government Enhancement Fund for the Philippines
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Yongzheng Liu - paper1119 Public Infrastructure Investment, Output Dynamics, and Balanced Budget Fiscal Rules
by Pedro R. D. Bom & Jenny Ligthart - paper1118 In Government We Trust: The Role of Fiscal Decentralization
by Jenny Ligthart & Peter van Oudheusden - paper1117 The Design of a Performance-Oriented Fiscal Transfer in West Bengal
by Andrey Timofeev - paper1116 GP Financial Management Capacity and PRI Financial Management Reform Efforts in West Bengal
by Katherine Willoughby & Juan Luís Gómez - paper1115 Status of PRI Finances in West Bengal Final Report
by Sally Wallace - paper1114 Decentralization in Jharkhand: Some Implications for Urban Service Delivery
by Simanti Bandyopadhyay & O.P.Bohra & Aishna Sharma - paper1113 Finances of Urban Local Bodies in Jharkhand: Some Issues and Comparisons
by Simanti Bandyopadhyay - paper1112 Program Evaluation, Performance Budgeting and PART: The U.S. Federal Government Experience
by Katherine Willoughby & Paul Benson - paper1111 Report on the Bihar PRI Finance Study
by Mark Rider & Prabhat P. Ghosh & Shaibal Gupta - paper1110 The Taxation of Gambling In Africa
by Francois Vaillancourt - paper1109 Explaining Property Tax Collections in Developing Countries: The Case of Latin America
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Cristian Sepúlveda - paper1108 Intergovernmental Transfers in Latin America: A Policy Reform Perspective
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Cristian Sepúlveda - paper1107 Municipal Finances in Latin America: Features, Issues, and Prospects
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - paper1106 Taxing Soft Drinks
by Roy Bahl - paper1104 Benchmarking Tax Administrations in Developing Countries: A Systemic Approach
by Jaime Vázquez-Caro & Richard M. Bird - paper1103 The New Spanish System of Intergovernmental Transfers
by Antoni Zabalza & Julio Lopez-Laborda - paper1102 Budget Transparency in Local Governments: An Empirical Analysis
by José Caamaño-Alegre & Santiago Lago-Peñas & Francisco Reyes-Santias & Aurora Santiago-Boubeta - paper1101 Do Companies View Bribes as a Tax? Evidence on the Trade-off between Corporate Taxes and Corruption in the Location of FDI
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Timothy Goodspeed & Li Zhang
- paper1320 The Growth-Inequality Tradeo in the Design of Tax Structure: Evidence from a Large Panel of Countries
by Yongzheng Liu & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - paper1317 Beneficiary Charges: The Cinderella of Subnational Finance
by Yeti Nisha Madhoo & Shyam Nath - paper1316 Territorial vs. Worldwide Corporate Taxation: Implications for Developing Countries?
by Thornton Matheson & Victoria Perry & Chandara Veung - paper1105 Public Goods, Labor Supply and the Source of Economic Distortions
by Cristian Sepúlveda - paper1034 Institutional Reforms Debate and FDI Flows to MENA Region: Does One “Best” Fit All?
by Wasseem MIchel Mina - paper1033 The New Spanish System of Intergovernmental Transfers
by Antoni Zabalza & Julio Lopez-Laborda - paper1032 Decentralization and Regional Government Size: an Application to the Spanish Case
by Patricio Perez & David Cantarero - paper1031 Taxing Alcohol In Africa: Reflections And Updates
by Richard M. Bird & Sally Wallace - paper1030 Fiscal Transfers a Curse or Blessing? Evidence of Their Effect on Tax Effort for Municipalities in Sinaloa, Mexico
by Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza & Nicolas Guadalupe Zuniga Espinoza - paper1029 Coordinated Tax-Tari Reforms, Informality, and Welfare Distribution
by Jenny Ligthart & Gerard C. van der Meijden - paper1028 Expenditure Assignments in China
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Baoyun Qiao - paper1027 The Long and Winding Road to Local Fiscal Equity in the United States: A Fifty Year Retrospective
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Andrey Timofeev - paper1026 Value Added Tax: Onward and Upward?
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Richard M. Bird - paper1025 Capital Transfers and Equalization: An Application to Spanish Regions
by Ana Herrero-Alcalde & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Encarnación Murillo-García - paper1024 Output Dynamics, Technology, and Public Investment
by Pedro R. D. Bom & Ben J. Heijdra & Jenny Ligthart - paper1023 Corruption in the Tax Administration: Is there Scope for Wage Incentives?
by Konstantin Pashev & Neven Valev & Vanya Pasheva - paper1022 Political Regimes, Institutions and the Nature of Tax Systems
by Stanely L. Winer & Lawrence W. Kenny & Walter Hettich - paper1021 The Administration of Tax Systems
by John Hasseldine - paper1020 Financing Subnational Governments with Decentralized Taxes
by Roy Bahl - paper1019 The Scale and Scope of Environmental Taxation
by Agnar Sandmo - paper1018 The Economics of Excise Taxation
by Sijbren Cnossen - paper1017 Wealth and Wealth Transfer Taxation: A Survey
by Helmuth Cremer & Pierre Pestieau - paper1016 The Challenges of Corporate Income Taxes in a Globalised World
by Emilio Albi - paper1015 Individual Income Taxation: Income, Consumption, or Dual?
by Robin Boadway - paper1014 Direct versus Indirect Taxation: Trends, Theory and Economic Significance
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Violeta Vulovic & Yongzheng Liu - paper1013 Tax System Change and the Impact of Tax Research
by Richard M. Bird - paper1012 Tax Systems in the OECD: Recent Evolution, Competition and Convergence
by Vito Tanzi - paper1011 Intra-Regional Equalization & Growth in Russia
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Andrey Timofeev - paper1010 Decentralization (Localization) & Corruption: New Cross-Country Evidence
by Maksym Ivanyna & Anwar Shah - paper1009 Fiscal Federalism and Long-Run Macroeconomic Performance
by Lars P. Feld & Jan Schnellenbach - paper1008 Moving Beyond Expenditures: Reevaluating the Way We Test Theories of Fiscal Federalism
by Cameron A. Shelton - paper1007 Does Fiscal Decentralization Strengthen Social Capital? Cross-Country Evidence and the Experiences of Brazil and Indonesia
by Luiz de Mello - paper1006 Decentralization and Nationalization of Party Systems
by Ignacio Lago-Peñas & Santiago Lago-Peñas - paper1005 Fiscal and Political Decentralization and Government Quality
by Andreas P. Kyriacoua & Oriol Roca-Sagalésb - paper1004 Tax Assignment: Does the Practice Match the Theory?
by Roy Bahl & Musharraf Cyan - paper1003 Is Decentralization "Glue" or "Solvent" for National Unity?
by Richard M. Bird & François Vaillancourt & Édison Roy-César - paper1002 The Consequences of Fiscal Decentralization on Poverty and Income Inequality
by Cristian Sepúlveda & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - paper1001 Public Policies and FDI Location: Differences Between Developing and Developed Countries
by Timothy Goodspeed & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Li Zhang
- paper0915 Dynamic Panel Data Models Featuring Endogenous Interaction and Spatially Correlated Errors
by Jan P.A.M. Jacobs & Jenny E. Ligthart & Hendrik Vrijburg - paper0914 Urbanization and the Poverty Level
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Panupong Panudulkitti & Andrey Timofeev - paper0913 Decentralization Measures Revisited
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Andrey Timofeev - paper0912 How Productive is Public Capital? A Meta-Regression Analysis
by Pedro R.D. Bom & Jenny E. Ligthart - paper0911 Direct versus Indirect Taxation: Trends, Theory and Economic Significance
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Violeta Vulovic & Yongzheng Liu - paper0910 Public Policies and FDI Location: Differences between Developing and Developed Countries
by Timothy Goodspeed & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Li Zhang - paper0909 Local Government Taxation in Pakistan
by Roy Bahl & Musharraf Cyan - paper0908 Pakistan Tax Policy Report: Tapping Tax Bases for Development
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Kaspar Richter - paper0907 West Bengal: Fiscal Decentralization to Rural Governments: Analysis and Reform Options
by Roy Bahl & Geeta Sethi & Sally Wallace - paper0906 Does Labor Supply Respond to a Flat Tax? Evidence from the Russian Tax Reform
by Denvil Duncan & Klara Sabirianova Peter - paper0905 Inequality and Volatility Moderation in Russia: Evidence from Micro-Level Panel Data on Consumption and Income
by Yuriy Gorodnichenko & Klara Sabirianova Peter & Dmitriy Stolyarov - paper0904 South Africa’s Provincial Equitable Share: An Assessment of Issues and Proposals for Reform
by James Alm & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - paper0903 Fiscal Decentralization and Public Sector Employment: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Ming-Hung Yao - paper0902 Financial Incentives in the Austrian PAYG-Pension System: Micro-Estimation
by Roman Rabb - paper0901 Food Consumption in Jamaica: A Household and Social Behavior
by Shiyuan Chen & Sally Wallace
- paper0838 Local Government Discretion and Accountability in Ethiopia
by Serdar Yilmaz & Varsha Venugopal - paper0837 Decentralization in Madagascar: A String of Unfinished Races
by François Vaillancourt - paper0836 Decentralization in Cambodia: Consolidating Central Power or Building Accountability from Below?
by Paul Smoke & Joanne Morrison - paper0835 Decentralization in the Post-Conflict African Environment: Sierra Leone and Southern Sudan
by Bob Searle - paper0834 The Difficult Road to Local Autonomy in Yemen
by Leonardo G. Romeo and Mohamed El Mensi & Mohamed El Mensi - paper0833 Decentralizing Egypt: Not Just Another Economic Reform
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Andrey Timofeev - paper0832 Decentralization and Local Governments in Kenya
by Balakrishna Menon, James Mutero and Simon Macharia & James Mutero & Simon Macharia - paper0831 Decentralization in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Opportunities and Risks
by Kai Kaiser - paper0830 Reigning in Provincial Fiscal 'Owners': Decentralization in Lao P.D.R
by Juan Luís Gómez & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Cristian Sepúlveda - paper0829 Decentralization in Bangladesh: Change Has Been Elusive
by William F. Fox & Balakrishna Menon - paper0828 Decentralization in Burkina Faso: A Policy Reform Process in Slow Motion
by Eric Champagne & Ben Mamadou Ouedraogo - paper0827 Conceptual Problems in the Assigment of Functions in SEE: The Case of Albania
by Bernard Dafflon - paper0826 Fiscal Federalism and Petroleum Resources in Iraq
by Grant Bishop & Anwar Shah - paper0825 The Challenge of Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations in Pakistan: The Property Tax Division
by Roy Bahl & Sally Wallace & Musharraf Cyan - paper0824 Constraints to Effective Fiscal Decentralization in Peru
by Ehtisham Ahmad and Mercedes García-Escribano & Mercedes García-Escribano - paper0823 The Political-Economy of Property Taxation and Land Taxation
by Michael A. Pagano & Benoy Jacob - paper0822 Fairness and Market Value Property Taxation
by Steven M. Sheffrin - paper0821 The Assignment of the Property Tax: Should Developing Countries Follow the Conventional Wisdom?
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Mark Rider - paper0820 Taxing Property Transactions versus Taxing Property Ownership
by Terri A. Sexton - paper0819 Reforming the Property Tax in Developing Countries: A New Approach
by Roy Bahl & Sally Wallace - paper0818 Rental Value versus Capital Value: Alternative Bases for the Property Tax
by William J. McCLuskey & Michael E. Bell - paper0817 In Search of an Optimal Revaluation Policy: Benefits and Pitfalls
by Alan S. Dornfest - paper0816 Measuring Behavioral Responses to the Property Tax
by John Deskins & William Fox - paper0815 The Efficiency Costs of Local Property Tax
by Athiphat Muthitacharoen & George R. Zodrow - paper0814 An Assessment of Fiscal Decentralization in Macedonia
by Nicoletta Feruglio & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Andrey Timofeev - paper0813 Incidence of Taxes in Pakistan: Primer and Estimates
by Umir Wahid & Sally Wallace - paper0812 Pakistan: Comprehensive Individual Tax Reform: Round 2
by Sally Wallace & Harini Kannan - paper0811 Pakistan’s Tax Gap: Estimates By Tax Calculation and Methodology
by Robina Ather Ahmed & Mark Rider - paper0810 Assessing Enterprise Taxation and the Investment Climate in Pakistan
by James Alm & Mir Ahmad Khan - paper0809 Pakistan – A Globalized Tax World: An Analysis of Its International Tax Practice
by Geerten M. M. Michielse - paper0808 Tax Policy in Pakistan: An Assessment of Major Taxes and Options for Reform
by Wayne Thirsk - paper0807 Pakistan: Provincial Government Taxation
by Roy Bahl & Sally Wallace & Musharraf Cyan - paper0806 Fiscal Perspective of State Rescaling
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Andrey Timofeev - paper0805 Tax Assignment Revisited
by Richard M. Bird - paper0804 The BBLR Approach to tax Reform in Emerging Countries
by Richard M. Bird - paper0803 Determinants of Education Duration in Jamaica
by Shiyuan Chen & Sally Wallace - paper0802 Tax Challenges Facing Developing Countries
by Richard Bird - paper0801 The Municipal Transfer System in Nicaragua: Evaluation and Proposals for Reform
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Cristian Sepúlveda
- paper0732 Tax Morale and Tax Evasion in Latin American Countries
by James Alm & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez - paper0731 Procedural Justice and the Regulation of Tax Compliance Behaviour: The Moderating Role of Personal Norms
by Kristina Murphy - paper0730 Why Pay Taxes? A Review of Tax Compliance Decisions
by Erich Kirchler & Stephan Muehlbacher & Barbara Kastlunger & Ingrid Wahl - paper0729 Tax Evasion, Tax Amnesties and the Psychological Tax Contract
by Lars P. Feld & Bruno S. Frey - paper0728 Myth and Reality of Flat Tax Reform: Tax Evasion and Real Side Response of Russian Households
by Yuriy Gorodnichenko & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Klara Sabirianova Peter - paper0727 Tax Compliance, Tax Morale, and Governance Quality
by Benno Torgler & Markus Schaffner & Alison Macintyre - paper0726 Vertical and Horizontal Reciprocity in a Theory of Taxpayer Compliance
by Jan Schnellenbach - paper0725 Tax Evasion, Corruption, and the Social Contract in Transition
by Eric M. Uslaner - paper0724 A Meta-Analysis of Tax Compliance Experiments
by Calvin Blackwell - paper0723 Econometric Models for Multi-Stage Audit Processes: An Application to the IRS National Research Program
by Brian Erard & Jonathan S. Feinstein - paper0722 Tax Compliance: Social Norms, Culture and Endogeneity
by John Cullis & Philip Jones & Alan Lewis - paper0721 Global Reform of Personal Income Taxation, 1981-2005: Evidence from 189 Countries
by Klara Sabirianova Peter & Steve Buttrick & Denvil Duncan - paper0720 Myth and Reality of Flat Tax Reform: Micro Estimates of Tax Evasion Response and Welfare Effects in Russia
by Yuriy Gorodnichenko & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Klara Sabirianova Peter - paper0719 The Evolution of Tax Morale in Modern Spain
by Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Benno Torgler - paper0718 Do Tax Amnesties Work? The Revenue Effects of Tax Amnesties during the Transition in the Russian Federation
by James Alm & Jorge Martinez-Vazquez & Sally Wallace - paper0717 Moving Towards Dual Income Taxation in Europe
by Bernd Genser & Andreas Reutter - paper0716 Consumption-Based Direct Taxes: A Guide Tour of the Amusement Park
by Charles E. McLure & George R. Zodrow - paper0715 Economic Effects of A Personal Capital Income Tax Add-on to a Consumption Tax
by John W. Diamond & George R. Zodrow - paper0714 Cost Benefit Analysis of Presumptive Taxation
by Shlomo Yitzhaki - paper0713 Implications of Return-Free Tax Systems for the Structure of the Individual Income Tax
by Janet Holtzblatt - paper0712 From Income Tax to Consumption Tax? The Case of Jamaica
by Roy Bahl & Sally Wallace