2013, Volume 3, Issue 9
- 609-614 Gender Analysis of Rural Dwellers Accessibility to Free Natural Resources in Ussa Local Government Area of Taraba State, Nigeria
by Catherine O Ojo & Hadiza S Nuhu & Thomas A Igbankwe - 615-621 The Policy Strategy of Rice Straw Utilization of as Feed for Ruminants
by Jasmal A Syamsu & Hasmida Karim - 622-631 The Effect of Nitrogen and Sulfur Addition on Bioethanol Solid Waste Fermented by the Consortium of Trichoderma viride and Saccharomyces cerevisiae towards Dry Materials, Organic Materials, Crude Protein and Non Nitrogen Protein
by Yani Suryani & Iman Hernaman & Ana Rochana & Ayu Setiawati & Gilang Dayinta Paramarta & Poniah Andayaningsih - 632-649 Effects of Continuous Cultivation of Soil on Termites (Isoptera) Diversity and Abundance in Savannas of Northern of Côte d’Ivoire
by Coulibaly Ténon & Boga Jean-Pierre & YAPI Ahoua & Kouassi Kouassi Philippe - 650-656 Gender Resource Accessibility and Profitability among Groundnut Producers in Hong Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria
by Ojo C. O & Ghide A. A & Phanuel E - 657-666 Assessment of the Adoption Rate of Technologies among Fadama III Farmers in Adamawa State, Nigeria
by Umar AdamuMadu - 667-673 Response of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) Genotypes to Wicth Weed (Alectra vogelii Benth) Infection
by Joyful Tatenda Rugare & Stanford Mabasa & Shylet Tsekenedza
2013, Volume 3, Issue 8
- 523-531 Economic Threshold Density of Multi Species Weed for Direct Seeded Rice
by Md. Abdullah Al Mamun & Rakiba Shultana & Md. Masud Rana & Abdul Jalil Mridha - 532-542 Principal-Agent Governance Mechanism in an Emerging Biofuels Supply Chain in USA
by Vivek Pandey & Aleksan Shanoyan & H Christopher Peterson & R. Brent Ross - 543-553 Allelopathic Effects of Lantana (Lantana camara) on Blackjack (Bidens pilosa) and Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum)
by Kwembeya A & Rugare J. T & Mabasa S - 554-565 Screening Green Manure Cover Crops for their Allelopathic Effects on Some Important Weeds Found in Zimbabwe
by Runzika M & Rugare J. T & Mabasa S - 566-575 Paclobutrazol Application and Shading Levels Effect to the Growth and Quality of Begonia (Begonia rex-cultorum) Cultivar Marmaduke
by Yayat Rochayat Suradinata & Ramadhani Rahman & Jajang S Hamdani - 576-583 Factors Affecting the Decision and Extent of Rice-milling before Sale among Ugandan Farmers
by Florence Nakazi & Dick Sserunkuuma - 584-596 The Climate Change Dynamics and its Impact on the Wheat Productivity in Pakistan: A VAR Approach
by Naveed Mehmood & Samina Khalil - 597-608 Manufacturing Process and Various uses of Savannah Herbal Tea (Lippia multiflora) in Côte d’Ivoire
by EKISSI Alice Christine & YAO-KOUAME Albert & KONAN Amoin Georgette & ALUI Konan Alphonse & AGBO N’Zi Georges & KATI-COULIBALY Séraphin
2013, Volume 3, Issue 7
- 430-436 Gender Participation in Forestry and Agro-Forestry Practices in Sapele Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria
by R. A. Isiorhovoja - 437-445 Effects of Agricultural Input Assistance on Households Affected by HIV/AIDS: A Case of Chirumanzu Communal Area
by Mutambara Jackqeline & Emmanuel Mwakiwa & Charity Mumaniki - 446-456 Impact of Credit Access on Charcoal Productivity: Implication for Sustainable Development, Oyo- State
by Olagunju F. I & Ojedokun I. K & Ogunwole–Olapade F - 457-468 Case Studies of Rural Development and Clean Agriculture in Lao PDR
by Sachika Hirokawa - 469-476 Does Access to Microfinance Improve Farm Production? Evidence from Rice Farmers in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, Philippines
by Jon Marx P Sarmiento & Adela G Ellson & Adonis M Traje & Gianne Francis Alfred E Manzano & Sherleen M Comidoy - 477-487 Prospects and Challenges of Privatization of Agricultural Extension Service in Bangladesh
by Md Ektear Uddin & Gao Qijie - 488-498 Entrepreneurial Traits and the Distribution of Poultry Farm Entrepreneurs in Delta State, Nigeria
by R. A Isiorhovoja & O. E Inoni & O. D Ogisi - 497-504 Physiological Pattern of Leaf Growth at Various Plucking Cycles Applied to Newly Released Clones of Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis L. O. Kuntze)
by M Subandi & Dikayani & Diani Nurjanah - 505-513 Effects of Variety and Spacing on Percentage (%) Emergence and Grain Weight of Maize in Asaba Area of Delta State
by Enujeke E. C - 514-522 Herbicides Use by Smallholder Farmers in the Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria
by Mutambara Jackqeline
2013, Volume 3, Issue 6
- 360-370 Cocoa Farmers Performance at Highland Area in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
by Imam Mujahidin Fahmid - 371-377 Aquaculture, a Component of the Farming Systems among the Fishing Communities in Oil Producing Areas of Delta, Nigeria
by CHUKWUJI, Christopher Okeleke - 378-386 Characterization of Plant-Parasitic-Nematode Communities Associated with three Species used in Hedges in Western Niger and their Susceptibility to Meloidogyne Javanica
by Haougui Adamou & Sarr Etienne & Balde Hamidou & Doumma Ali & Adam Toudou - 387-399 Characterization and Dynamics of Agrarian Structures in Bouna, Northeast of Côte d'Ivoire
by Seïdou Coulibaly & Kouadio Koffi Patrice & Kwadjo Koffi Eric & Biemi Jean & Yao-Kouame Albert - 400-411 Increasing Crop Output through Improved Technology Adoption: The Fadama III Approach in Delta State, Nigeria
by CHUKWUJI Christopher Okeleke - 412-423 Agricultural Production Assets Transfer and Poverty Upward Mobility in Isolated Areas of Zambia: A Domestic Life Cycle Perspective
by Martin W Muyunda - 424-429 Analysis of Impact of Microfinance Services on Business Performance of Small Scale Women Entrepreneurs in Enugu State, Nigeria
by P. C. Ike
2013, Volume 3, Issue 5
- 234-248 Response of Grain Weight of Maize to Variety, Organic Manure and Inorganic Fertilizer in Asaba Area of Delta State
by Enujeke E. C - 249-262 How well do NEEDS and NPIRD Hang together? – An Essay on Policy Coherence
by Ihebuzor A Noel & Ukaejiofo U Rex - 263-282 Factors Associated with Dynamic Changes in Japanese Agriculture: Farm Discontinuation and Entry Using the Individual 2005 and 2010 Census of Agriculture
by Shinichi Kurihara & Shimpei Shimoura & Atsushi Maruyama & A. E Luloff - 283-289 Current Situation and Future Outlook of Sorghum Area and Production in Pakistan
by Nusrat Habib & Ayesha Tahir & Qurat ul Ain - 290-295 Screening Drought Tolerance Criteria in Maize
by Masoud Kiani - 296-310 Effects of Variety and Spacing on Growth Characters of Hybrid Maize
by Enujeke E. C. - 311-320 Accounting for Training Effectiveness: The Case of MIDA Training in Enterprise and Commercial Agriculture on Behaviour and Practices of Rice Farmer-Based Organisations
by Osei C. K & Bakang J. A & Nimoh F - 321-336 The Impact of Integrated Agricultural Research for Development on Collective Marketing among Smallholder Farmers of Southern Africa
by Kefasi Nyikahadzoi & Shepherd Siziba & Nelson Mango & Byron Zamasiya & Adenkule Adewale Adekunhle - 337-345 Analysis of Child Labour among Rural Household of Oyo State, Nigeria
by Alao Bashir Idowu & Olasore Abiodun Amos & Aremu Adeola Olabisi - 346-359 Spatial Management to Enhance Tourism Industrial Ecology and Natural Resources Conservation: A Case Study of Kakas Sub-district, Lake Tondano, North Sulawesi
by Steiva A. S Wowiling & Mohammad Bisri & Jailani Husain & Luchman Hakim
2013, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 154-162 Optimization of Cassava Waste from Bioethanol Post-Production through Bioactivity Process Consortium of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Trichoderma viride and Aspergillus niger
by Yani Suryani - 163-168 Technological Innovation Capacity: Impact Factors in National Agricultural Research Organisations in Nigeria
by Rex Uzonna Ukaejiofo - 169-175 A Case on Problems in Quality and Reasons in Rice -Under the Scheme of UPDS in Tamil Nadu
by Mahendran A - 176-185 Farming Mothers’ Perceptions on Exclusive Breastfeeding in Ori-Ade Area, Osun State
by Ashimolowo Olubunmi R & Aromolaran Adetayo K & Akinmoyede Omolola G - 186-192 Effects of Liquid Organic Fertilizer on Time of Tasselling, Time of Silking and Grain Yield of Maize (Zea mays)
by Enujeke E. C & Ojeifo I. M & Nnaji G. U - 193-198 Food Security Index and Socio-Economic Effects of Climate Change on Rural Farming Households in Delta State, Nigeria
by Emaziye P. O - 199-204 Rhizobacteria Selection to Enhance Spore Germination and Hyphal Length of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Vitro
by Cecep Hidayat & Dedeh H. Arief & Ane Nurbaity & Jajang Sauman - 205-214 The Biology of the Red and Green Morphs of the Tobacco Aphid, Myzus Persicae Nicotianae (Blackman) on Flue-Cured Tobacco
by Masukwedza Rhoda & Mazarura Upenyu & Chinwada Peter & Dimbi Susan - 215-225 Effects of Variety and Fertilizers on Number of Grains/Cob of Maize in Asaba Area of Delta State
by Enujeke E. C - 226-233 The Perceptions to Climate Change among Rural Farming Households in the Niger Delta Area, Nigeria
by Emaziye P. O
2013, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 79-92 Evaluation of Income and Employment Generation from Cassava Value Chain in the Nigerian Agricultural Sector
by Oni Timothy Olukunle - 93-107 Socioeconomic and Ecological Dimension of Certified and Conventional Arabica Coffee Production in North Sumatra, Indonesia
by Jef Rudiantho Saragih - 108-114 Capacity Building on Food-Crop Farming to Improve Food Production and Food Security in Central Java, Indonesia
by Waridin - 115-126 Exploring the Influence of Coal Rubble and Pine Bark Substrate Mixes on Germination, Spiral Rooting, Substrate Chemical and Physical Properties: Using Tobacco as Test Crop
by Upenyu Mazarura - 127-134 Relative Efficiency of Small and Medium Scale Agribusiness Enterprises in Imo State, Nigeria
by Emesowum Charles Emeka & Mbanasor Jude A - 135-140 The Effect of Two Formulations of Sulfentrazone on Soil and Leaf Residues and Phytotoxicity in Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum L.)
by Bertha K Mashayamombe & Upenyu Mazarura & Albert Chiteka - 141-147 The Response of the Red Morph of the Tobacco Aphid, Myzus Persicae Nicotianae, to Insecticides Applied under Laboratory and Field Conditions
by Masukwedza Rhoda & Upenyu Mazarura & Chinwada Peter & Dimbi Susan - 148-153 Socio-Economic Determinants of Seed Yam Production in Oyi Local Government Area of Anambra State
by Okeke Daniel C & Okeke Charity C & Udeora Samuel N
2013, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 38-45 Comparative Studies of Two Nigerian Ecotypes Chicken Kept in Battery Cages for Laying Performance and Egg Quality Traits
by Sola-Ojo F. E & Ayorinde K. L & Toye A. A & Jatto O. M - 46-55 An Examination of the Crop Acreage Allocation Decision Process under Uncertainty
by Young-Jae Lee & P Lynn Kennedy - 56-66 Spatial Effects of Cocoa Production on Rural Economy in Idanre-Ifedore Area, Ondo State of Nigeria
by J. O Adefila - 67-71 Production of Biodiesel and Growth of Staurastrum sp. in Response to CO2 Induction
by Mohamad Agus Salim & Yeni Yuniarti & Opik Taufikurohman - 72-78 The Effective Application Time to Spray Bacillus Thuringiensis Subspecies Kurstaki for Managing Bagworm, Metisa Plana Walker on Oil Palm
by Shahir M. S & Mohd Rasdi Z & Fauziah I & Md Jamaludin B & Fakhrorazi A & Ismail R & Mohd Hanysyam M. N & Norazliza R
2013, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-6 Effect of Two Formulations of Sufentrazone on Weed Control in Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum L)
by Bertha K. Mashayamombe & Upenyu Mazarura & Albert Chiteka - 7-17 Assessment of Irrigation Land Suitability and Development of Map for the Fogera Catchment Using GIS, South Gondar
by Dagnenet Sultan - 18-29 Improvement Tests on the Germination in Lippia Multiflora: Influence of Some Factors Related to Soil on Germination and Seedling Development
by Alui Konan Alphonse & Ballo Koffi Célestin & Yapi Ahoua & Kouadio Konan-Kan Hypolite & Kouadio Koffi Patrice & Touré Nantarie & N’Guessan Kouamé Antoine & Kwadjo Koffi Eric & Yao-Kouamé Albert - 30-37 Effect of Sulfentrazone Application Method and Time, on Weed Control and Phytotoxicity in Flue-Cured Tobacco
by Upenyu Mazarura
2012, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 514-518 The Effect of Logical Choice Weight and Corrected Scoring Methods on Multiple Choice Agricultural Science Test Scores
by B. K Ajayi - 519-526 Restoring the Health of Paddy Soil by Using Straw Compost and Biofertilizers to Increase Fertilizer Efficiency and Rice Production with Sobari (System of Organic Based Aerobic Rice Intensification) Technology
by Tien Turmuktini & Endang Kantikowati & Betty Natalie & Mieke Setiawati & Yuyun Yuwariah & Benny Joy & Tualar Simarmata - 527-535 Effect of Temperatures, Air Velocity and Flow Rate on Quality Attributes of Dried Cassava Chips
by Ajala, A. S. & Babarinde G. O & Olatunde S. J - 536-551 Management of Water Saving and Organic based Fertilizers Technology for Remediation and Maintaining the Health of Paddy Soils and To Increase the Sustainability of Rice Productivity in Indonesia
by Tien Turmuktini & Tualar Simarmata & Benny Joy & Ania Citra Resmini - 552-564 Vertical Price Transmission in Local Rice Markets in Côte d’Ivoire: Are Consumers Really Right?
by Yaya KEHO & Aïssata SOBIA CAMARA - 565-578 Effect of Poultry Production on the Poverty Status of Small Scale Farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria
by Babatunde Raphael Olanrewaju & Adekunle Adedayo Olufemi & Olagunju Funke Iyabo - 579-583 The Impact of Agriculture Credit on Growth in Pakistan
by Nadeem Akmal & Bushra Rehman & Akhtar Ali & Hassnain Shah - 584-597 Trends and Variability of Rice, Maize, and Wheat Yields in South Asian Countries: A Challenge for Food Security
by Mahadeb Prasad Poudel & Shwu-En Chen - 598-603 The Concept of Withholding Period and Pesticide Residue in Grain Storage
by Adegbola J. A & Anugwom U. D & Awagu F & Adu E. A - 604-608 Farmers’ Evaluation of Upland Rice Varieties in Fogera District, South Gondar, Ethiopia
by Yemane Asmelash - 609-620 Assessment of Feed Supplementation to Dairy Goat: Results of Research and Technology Dissemination Trials
by Muhammad Zubair Anwar & Akhter Ali & M. Azeem Khan & Nisar Ali Shah & Ikram Saeed - 621-631 The Impact of Climate Change on Livestock Production amongst the Resource-Poor Farmers of Third World Countries: A Review
by L Musemwa & V Muchenje & A Mushunje & L Zhou - 632-640 Effects of Long Term Cropping Systems on Soil Chemical Properties
by U Mazarura & C Chisango - 641-645 Utilizing Community through Developing the Center of Community’s Learning Activity (CCLA) in the Rural Area
by A Rusdiana - 646-657 Morphological Characterization of Four Selected Spider Plant (Cleome Gynandra L.) Morphs from Zimbabwe and Kenya
by A Masuka & M. Goss & U Mazarura - 658-667 Rural Women in Livestock and Fisheries Production Activities: an Empirical Study on Some Selected Coastal Villages in Bangladesh
by Md. Mamun-ur Rashid & Qijie Gao - 668-675 Management of the Root Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne Javanica. Treub) and Sore Shin (Rhizoctonia Solani. Kuhn) Using A Nematicide and Poor Host Crops in Rotations
by U Mazarura & C Chisango & M Goss
2012, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 302-311 Field Evaluation of Some Insecticides on Whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) and Predator (Macrolophus caliginosus) on Brinjal and Tomato Plants
by Mohd Rasdi Z & Che Salmah M. R & Abu Hassan A & Hamady D & Hamaseh A & Fauziah Ismail - 312-328 Diversity of Aquatic Insects in Keniam River, National Park, Pahang, Malaysia
by Mohd Rasdi Z & Fauziah I & Ismail R & Mohd Hafezan S & Fairuz K & Hazmi A. D & Che Salmah M. R - 329-336 Effort of Increasing Production of Livestock Feed out of Cassava Waste by Identifying the more Suitable Cellulotic Degrading Fungi
by Yani Suryani & Poniah Andayaningsih & Iman Hernaman & Ulfanuri Fajri Muharromi - 337-343 Motivations for Women Involvement in Urban Agriculture in Nigeria
by Adedayo Adebisi & Tunde Afolabi Monisola - 344-350 Assessment of Women’s Participation in Cooperative Societies and its Determinants in Yewa North Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria
by Awotide Diran Olawale - 351-365 Consumers’ Use and Understanding of Food Label Information and Effect on their Purchasing Decision in Ghana; a Case Study of Kumasi Metropolis
by Osei Mensah J & Lawer D. R & Aidoo R - 366-372 Assessment of Poverty among Arable Crop Farmers: A Case Study of Farmers Empowerment Programme (FEP) in Osun State, Nigeria
by Ayanwale A. B & O. D Adisa - 373-380 Economic Analysis of Floricultural Plants Production in Kwara State, North Central Nigeria
by Muhammad-Lawal A & Adenuga A. H & Olatinwo K. B & Saadu T. A - 381-393 Rural Development Practice in Nigeria: How Participatory and What Challenges?
by Nseabasi S Akpan - 394-404 Rural Dwellers’ Perception of Human Trafficking and its Implication for Agricultural Production in Edo State, Nigeria
by Ofuoku A. U & Uzokwe U. N - 405-410 The Effect of Agricultural Development Project (ADP) on the Rural Farmers in Adamawa State, Nigeria
by Umar Adamu Madu & Abba Mohammed Wakili - 411-421 Climate Change and Variability: Farmers’ Perception, Experience and Adaptation Strategies in Makueni County, Kenya
by Kirina T Kitinya & Richard N. Onwonga & Cecilia Onyango & Joseph P Mbuvi & Geoffrey Kironchi - 422-446 Participation in Development: A Case Study on Local Participation in Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in Vietnam
by Dang Ngoc Toan - 447-451 Hot Bed & Cold Frame Construction and Use
by Pradeep Kumar Singh - 452-464 Rural Development in Bangladesh since Independence: A Study on Progress and Performance
by Mohammad Ismail Hossain & Mst Esmat Ara Begum Begum & Eleni Papadopoulou & Anastasios Semos - 465-472 Alleviating Rural Farmers Poverty through Effective Micro credit: Evaluation of UNDP Intervention in Delta State
by P. C Ike & U. N Uzokwe - 473-479 Assessment of Veterinary Extension Services Rendered to Poultry Farmers by the Agricultural Development Project, Kwara State, Nigeria
by Matanmi B. M & Omotesho K. F. & Obaniyi K. S & Adisa R. S & Ogunsola J. D - 480-486 Resource Accessibility and Productivity among Women Crop Farmers in Borno State, Nigeria
by Catherine O Ojo & Yakubu Bila & Andrew C Iheanacho - 487-497 Econometric Analysis of Food Crops’ Response to Climate Variability and Macroeconomic Policies’ Reforms in Nigeria (1978-2009)
by Onoja Anthony O & Ajie E. N - 498-505 Stochastic Profit Efficiency of Homestead based Cassava Farmers in Southern Nigeria
by Sunday Brownson Akpan & Inimfon Vincent Patrick & Samuel James Udoka - 506-513 Economics of Tea Production in Pakistan
by Bushra Rehman & Nadeem Akmal & Muhammad Azeem Khan & Saima Rani
2012, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 107-112 Growth, Instability and Price Flexibility of Major Pulses in Pakistan
by Saima Rani & Hassnain Shah & Akhter Ali & Bushra Rehman - 113-119 Consumer Preference for Processed Cowpea Products in Selected Communities of the Coastal Regions of Ghana
by Nimoh F & Asuming Brempong S & Sarpong D. B - 120-125 A Comparative Study of Growth Performance and Feed Efficiency in Dominant Black Strain, Fulani Ecotype Chicken and Progeny from their Reciprocal Crosses
by Sola-Ojo F. E & Ayorinde K. L & Toye A. A - 126-135 The Effect of Fertilizers on the Growth and the Yield of Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud)
by M Subandi - 136-141 Effects of Family Size on Household Food Security in Osun State, Nigeria
by Adebayo Oyefunke Olayemi - 142-148 Determinants Of Export-Led Cassava Production Intensification Among Small-Holder Farmers in Delta State, Nigeria
by Achoja F. O & Idoge D. E & Ukwuaba S. I & Esowhode A. E - 149-154 Efficiency of Resource Use by Rice Farmers in Ebonyi State, South East Nigeria: A Data Envelopment Analysis
by Ogisi O’raye D & Chukwuji Christopher O & Okeke Daniel C - 155-161 Adopted Engineering and Agronomic Conservation Measures of Agricultural Land Use in Lafia L. G. A. Nasarawa State of Nigeria
by Jonathan Kuje Yohanna & Simeon Ode & Habiba K Ali & Usman A Fulani & Azagaku E Dominic - 162-170 Factors Associated with Performance of Farmer Field School as Extension Approach to Cocoa Production in Osun State, Nigeria
by B. O Adisa & Adeloye K. A - 171-176 Impact Assessment of the Causes and Prevention of Farm Accidents on Mechanized Farms of North Central Zone/States of Nigeria
by J. K Yohanna & U. A Fulani & S Ode & H. K Ali - 177-183 Phytochemicals in Vegetables and Health Protective Effects
by Pradeep Kumar Singh & K Mallikarjuna Rao - 184-188 Response of Broilers to Two Management Systems of Housing in Etche Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria
by Kalio, Godfrey Adokiye & Okafor, Belema Beatrice - 189-200 Estimation of the Determinants of Credit Demand by Farmers and Supply by Rural Banks in Ghana’s Upper East Region
by M. A Akudugu - 201-205 Indirect Solar Drier for drying of Hill products
by R. K Aggarwal - 206-212 A Critical Analysis of Climate Change Factors and its Projected Future Values in Delta State, Nigeria
by Emaziye P. O & R. N Okoh & P. C Ike - 213-219 A Study on Relationship between Demographic Variable and Branded Milk
by S Franklin John & S. Senith - 220-225 Assessment of Access to Information and Communication Technology among Agricultural Extension Officers in Kwara State, Nigeria
by Omotesho K. F & Ogunlade I. O & Muhammad Lawal - 226-234 Estimation of Margins and Efficiency in the Ghanaian Yam Marketing Chain
by Robert Aidoo & Fred Nimoh & John-Eudis Andivi Bakang & Kwasi Ohene-Yankyera & Simon Cudjoe Fialor & James Osei Mensah & Robert Clement Abaidoo - 235-237 Goats Rearing Under Islamic Teachings and its Profitable Impact on Agricultural Economics
by Abad-ur Rahman & Syed Naeem Badshah & Janas Khan & Muhammad Ayaz - 238-242 Assessment of the Perception of Benefits of Organic Gardening in Maiduguri Metropolis, Nigeria
by Mustapha S. B & Undiandeye U. C & Idrisa Y. L - 243-24-247 Cucurbits Cultivation under Diara-Land
by Pradeep Kumar Singh - 248-259 Estimation of a Mechanization Index and Its Impact on Energy and Economic Factors in Apple Orchard in Iran
by Raheleh Fadavi & Alireza Keyhani & Seyyed Saied Mohtasebi - 260-270 Regional Differences and Dynamic Changes in Rural China: the study of 1996 and 2006 National Agricultural Census
by Peng Bin & Roberto Fanfani & Cristina Brasili - 271-276 Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Adoption of Soya Bean Production Technologies in Takum Local Government Area of Taraba State, Nigeria
by Mustapha S. B & Makinta A. A & Zongoma B. A & Iwan, A. S. - 277-286 An Analysis of Improving Energy use with Data Envelopment Analysis in Apple Orchard
by Raheleh Fadavi & Naiemeh Samavatean Naiemeh Samavatean & Alireza Keyhani & Seyyed Saied Mohtasebi - 287-293 Brazil Nut (Bertholettia excelsa H.B.K.) Selenium Distribution and Physical Chemical Characteristics of Shell, Brown Skin and Edible Part from Two Amazon Regions
by Daniel Manfio & Manuel N. F Rodrigues & Geovana D Savi & Vildes M. Scussel - 294-301 Evaluation of Fadama II Road Infrastructure among Rural Communities in Adamawa State, Nigeria
by Umar Adamu Madu & John Phoa CL
2012, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-9 Adoption of Improved Agroforestry Technologies among Contact Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria
by Orisakwe Lambert & Agomuo Florence Ozioma - 10-16 Gender Participation in Economic Activities and Decision Making in Keffi Area of Nigeria
by Hassan Ishaq Ibrahim & Napoleon Danbeki Saingbe & Zubairu Ajiya Abdulkadir - 17-26 Toxicity of Selected Insecticides (Spinosad, Indoxacarb and Abamectin) Against the Diamondback Moth (Plutella xylostella L.) On Cabbage
by Fauziah Ismail & Mohd Norazam, M. T. & Mohd Rasdi Z. - 27-38 Commercial Agriculture and Rural Development: Evidence from the Zimbabwe Farm Project in Tsonga, Nigeria
by R. A. Olawepo - 39-45 Perspective on Beneficiaries’ Experiences of Participation in Community-based Agriculture and Rural Development Program in Guba, Northern Nigeria
by Sule Ahmadu & Nobaya Ahmad & Hanina H. Hamsan - 46-54 Toxicity of Copper (11) Tetraoxo Sulphate to African Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) Fingerlings
by Agbebi, F. O & Owoeye, O - 55-61 Resource Use Efficiency for Cowpea Production in Akatsi District of Ghana
by Nimoh, F & Asuming-Brempong S - 62-68 Assessment of the Impact of Extension Services on Fish Farming in Ekiti State, Nigeria
by Agbebi F. O - 69-75 Indian Agricultural Marketing- A Review
by Shakeel-Ul- Rehman & M Selvaraj & M Syed Ibrahim - 76-95 Promoting Community-based Extension Agents as an Alternative Approach to Formal Agricultural Extension Service Delivery in Northern Ghana
by Samuel Z Bonye & Kpieta B Alfred & Godfred Seidu Jasaw - 96-102 The Analysis of Productivity Growth of Tuber Crops in Nigeria (1995-2006)
by Ogunniyi L. T & Ajao A. O - 103-106 Evaluation of Nematode Pests and Fungal Diseases of Ceratotheca Sesamoides in Ilorin
by N. B Izuogu & O. L Egberongbe & E. E. A Oyedunmade
2011, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 27-37 Determinants of Farmer’s Participation in Off-farm Employment: A Case Study in Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia
by Roslan Abdul-Hakim & Siti Hadijah Che-Mat - 38-49 Restoration of Fertility of Gleyic Fluvisols to Increase Rice Yields Using Shellfish Products in Toumbokro, Côte d'Ivoire
by Kouadio Koffi Patrice & Yao-Kouame Albert & Alui Konan Alphonse & Kwadjo Koffi Eric - 50-55 The Relevance of a Rules-based Fresh Milk Price Structure Policy in East Java: An Evidence Based Assessment
by Bambang Ali Nugroho - 56-63 Food Security in Nigeria: Government’s Intervention and the Place of Effective Storage
by Adegbola J. A. & Bamishaiye E. I. & Daura A. M. - 64-68 Farmers Inaccessibility to Agricultural Credit in Nyandarua District, Kenya
by Ng’eno Vincent & Erick Jotham Muiruri & Philiph Mulama Nyangweso & B. K. Langat & Mary Jepkemboi Kipsat - 69-79 Pattern of Alcohol Consumption and its Effects on Livelihood in Selected Rural Communities of Enugu State, Nigeria
by Ng’en Dimelu, M. U. & Agbo, C. & Igbokwe, E. M. - 80-89 Market Power of the Japanese Non-GM Soybean Import Market: The U.S. Exporters vs. Japanese Importers
by Koichi Yamaura - 90-97 Effects of Irrigation Water Quality on the Recovery of 15N-Fertilizer by Sorghum in Field Study
by Mohamed Naceur Khelil & Jean Pierre Destain & Saloua Rejeb & Belgacem Henchi
2011, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-20 A Need for Paradigm Shift to Improve Supply Chain Management of Fruits & Vegetables in India
by Piali Halder & Simayan Pati - 21-26 Agricultural Use of Untreated Urban Wastewater in Pakistan
by Samina Khalil & Mehmood Khan Kakar