June 2020, Volume 94, Issue 5-6
- 205-217 From performance measurement to performance management in the impact investment industry
by Jeroen van Raak & Amber Raaphorst - 219-230 The application of Artificial Intelligence in banks in the context of the three lines of defence model
by Alette Tammenga - 231-241 Over het meten van gedragsaspecten in organisaties
by Gert de Jong & Frank de Graaf - 243-259 De continuïteitsparagraaf bij zorginstellingen. Do we have to blame the player or the game…?
by Malika Bensellam-Bouhtala & Frans Schaepkens
April 2020, Volume 94, Issue 3-4
- 79-80 De internal auditfunctie
by Edo Roos Lindgreen - 81-82 Internal audit: waker, slaper of dromer?
by Edo Roos Lindgreen & Daco Daams - 83-92 What is the value of internal auditing? – A literature review on qualitative and quantitative perspectives
by Anna Eulerich & Marc Eulerich - 93-101 Compliant in principle! and in practice? Internal audit at listed companies in the Netherlands: beyond compliance with the Dutch Corporate Governance Code
by Robert Bogtstra & Inge Garretsen & Remko Renes - 103-112 Non-auditors in the internal audit function: better practices for successful implementation
by Gijs Hendrix & Jack Wai & Judith Tjin A Sioe & Martina Hener-Schaminée & Wim Ottema - 113-125 Personality of internal auditors; an exploratory study in The Netherlands
by Bob van Kuijck & Violaine Paresi - 127-135 Internal Audit: Van compliance naar performance audit?
by Hans Strikwerda - 137-145 Digitalisering en de impact op de internal auditfunctie
by Edo Roos Lindgreen & Michel Vlak & Arthur Verkerke - 147-160 Improving trust in data and algorithms in the medium of AI
by Aditya Vasan Srinivasan & Mona de Boer - 161-168 Gedragspatronen bij doofheid voor risicowaarschuwingen – Patronen van dynamiek in de relatie tussen managers en interne auditors
by Arno Nuijten & Mark van Twist & Cokky Hilhorst - 169-176 Kan internal audit bijdragen aan het succes van een fusie of overname?
by Antoine van Vlodorp - 177-180 De bril van de internal auditor; oogklep of varifocus?
by Peter Hartog & Leen Paape
March 2020, Volume 94, Issue 1-2
- 65-76 Percepties door commissarissen van de communicatie door de accountant
by Auke de Bos & Martijn de Jong & Henk Strating