September 2022, Volume 3, Issue 9
- 15-23 Public Procurement of Tangible Fixed Assets. Legal Provisions and Accounting Treatments
by Aurelia ȘTEFĂNESCU & Ileana Cosmina PITULICE & Adriana Florina POPA - 24-32 Account Management and Accounting Operations Specific to the Agricultural Cooperatives (VIII)
by Paul C. ȘCHIOPU - 33-43 Short Financial Diagnosis at a Do-It-Yourself Company
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 44-54 Accounting and Fiscal Treatment Regarding the Travel Expenses
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 55-61 How Quarterly Reports Support the Market
by Natashya NATASHYA & Yanuar Nanok SOENARNO - 62-72 How Banks Can Leverage Credit Risk Evaluation to Improve Financial Performance
by Daniul Thomas ISENBERG & Mesbaul Haque SAZU & Sakila Akter JAHAN
August 2022, Volume 3, Issue 8
- 3-10 Account Management and Accounting Operations Specific to the Agricultural Cooperatives (VII)
by Paul C. ȘCHIOPU - 11-22 IAS 41 Agriculture
by Corina-Graziella BÂTCĂ-DUMITRU & Adriana Florina POPA - 23-33 The Financial Analysis of a Retailer in Romania
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 34-44 New Regulations Regarding the Taxation of the Micro-Enterprises Incomes Starting with the Year 2023
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 45-55 The Preventive Financial Control, a Tool for Organizing and Increasing the Efficiency of the Public Entities’ Activity
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 56-62 The Two Sides of the Coin – The Success and Failure of the Business
by Sorin ȘOMÎTCĂ & Alina CRÎȘMARIU (ȘOMÎTCĂ) - 63-72 Distribution of Dividends by Companies in 2020. Case Study on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
by Justin GOTAMA & Yanuar Nanok SOENARNO
July 2022, Volume 3, Issue 7
- 3-13 Account Management and Accounting Operations Specific to the Agricultural Cooperatives (VI)
by Paul C. ȘCHIOPU - 14-23 Analysis of the Financial Position of an Entity on the Romanian Seaside under Normal and Pandemic Conditions
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 24-34 Adjustment of Value-Added Tax
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 35-42 The Impact of Socio-Cultural Factors on the Business Environment
by Cătălina-Ioana TOADER - 43-54 The Impact of the Activity-Based Costing on SMEs’ Financial Performance in Lusaka, Zambia (II)
by Anthony MWILA & Vincent MASAKA & Kaombe TUKUMANA - 55-61 The Relevance of Cost-Value-Performance Trinom for Organization Management
by Mihaela (ȘTEFAN) HINT - 62-72 The Impact of Data Analytics on High Efficiency Supply Chain Management
by Sakila Akter JAHAN & Mesbaul Haque SAZU
June 2022, Volume 3, Issue 6
- 3-11 The Impact of Socio-Cultural Factors on the Business Environment
by Cătălina-Ioana TOADER - 12-20 Account Management and Accounting Operations Specific to the Agricultural Cooperatives (V)
by Paul C. ȘCHIOPU - 21-29 Taxation of Revenues from Independent Activities Obtained by Performing Beauty/Fitness Treatments Services
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 30-41 Specific Regulations Regarding the Establishment, Operation and Organisation of Non-Profit Legal Entities
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 42-50 The Impact of the Activity-Based Costing on SMEs’ Financial Performance in Lusaka, Zambia (I)
by Anthony MWILA & Vincent MASAKA & Kaombe TUKUMANA - 51-61 The Effect of Economic, Environmental and Social Dimension Disclosure in Sustainability Report on Earnings Response Coefficient. Study of Banks in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand
by Kezia Nabella KUSUMA & Yanuar Nanok SOENARNO - 62-72 How Big Data Analytics Impacts the Retail Management on the European and American Markets?
by Mesbaul Haque SAZU & Sakila Akter JAHAN
May 2022, Volume 3, Issue 5
- 3-9 The Two Faces of Currency – Business Success and Failure
by Sorin ȘOMÎTCĂ & Alina CRÎȘMARIU (ȘOMÎTCĂ) - 10-18 Account Management and Accounting Operations Specific to the Agricultural Cooperatives (IV)
by Paul C. ȘCHIOPU - 19-28 Structural Analysis of the Utilization-Resources, Rotation of the Current Structure and Cost-Effectiveness of a Listed Company
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 29-38 Corporate Governance Reporting – A Way to Increase Public Trust in Entities
by Dorina PLESCACI - 39-48 Taxation of Incomes from Independent Activities Obtained by Tutoring Teachers
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 49-61 Challenges Being Faced by Small and Medium Enterprises in Accessing Credit Facilities in Lusaka Province, Zambia
by Vincent MASAKA - 62-72 The Impact of Enterprise Risk Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Sustainability Report on Firm Value in Banking Sector of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand
April 2022, Volume 3, Issue 4
- 3-11 Accounting in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Recapitulation and Romanian Perspectives
by Dorina PLESCACI - 12-22 Account Management and Accounting Operations Specific to the Agricultural Cooperatives (III)
by Paul C. ȘCHIOPU - 23-33 LLC Versus NGO, Similarities and Differences Regarding the Equities
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 34-42 The Influence of Contingent Factors on Spreading the Activity-Based Costing Method (II)
by Elena Daniela CRIȘAN & Luminița Ramona GRAMA - 43-51 Analysis of the Results Structures Corresponding to a Joint Stock Company
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 52-60 Aspects Regarding the Support of Non-Profit Entities/Places of Worship
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 61-65 Judicial Accounting Expertise – Attribute of the Accounting Profession
by Felicia-Elena SUCCURRO (ZAGREAN) - 66-72 Poverty and Inequality as Predictors of Corruption
by Carmen PÎRVAN & Ileana NIȘULESCU
March 2022, Volume 3, Issue 3
- 3-9 Account Management and Accounting Operations Specific to the Agricultural Cooperatives (II)
by Paul C. ȘCHIOPU - 10-16 LLC Versus NGO, Similarities and Differences Regarding the Accounting and Tax Treatment Applicable to the Trade and Financial Discounts
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 17-25 The Influence of Contingent Factors on Spreading the Activity-Based Costing Method (I)
by Elena Daniela CRIȘAN & Luminița Ramona GRAMA - 26-36 Analysis of the Financial Position and Performances at an Entity in the Construction Field
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 37-47 Fiscal Obligations of the Associations Without Legal Personality Set Up Between Natural Persons
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 48-52 The Contract – Main Source of Civil Obligations. Classification of Contracts
by Ioana Nely MILITARU - 53-61 Research on the Role of the Company’s Financial Statements in the Decision-Making Process
by Adriana Florina POPA & Mihaela Andreea NEDELEA - 62-72 Dividend Policy and Firm Value in Indonesia: The Moderating Role of Capital Structure
by Vriska Mega PRATIWI & Anggita Langgeng WIJAYA & Ratih PARAMITASARI
February 2022, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 3-11 Considerations Regarding the Acknowledgment and Counting of the Capital Premiums
by Cristina NICOLAESCU - 12-18 Account Management and Accounting Operations Specific to the Agricultural Cooperatives (I)
by Paul C. ȘCHIOPU - 19-29 Responsibility Centres and Internal Assignment Prices
by Corina-Graziella BÂTCĂ-DUMITRU & Daniela-Nicoleta SAHLIAN & Cleopatra ȘENDROIU - 30-41 Kaizen Costing – A Continuous Improvement Strategy of the Organisations
by Dorina PLESCACI - 42-49 Stimulating the Maintenance/ Increase of Equity Capitals by Measures of a Fiscal Nature, Applicable on Fixed-Term
by Gavril CHIȘ & Adrian Rareș CIUCE - 50-57 The Fixed Assets Held Based on a Leasing Contract, between Accounting and Taxation. Applying the Prevalence of the Economic Realm on the Judiciary
by Doru PLEȘEA - 58-66 The Health Insurance Contribution Due by Natural Persons Earning Incomes from Independent Activities
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 67-72 A Structured Perspective on Behavioral Accounting Research
by Tatiana DĂNESCU & Lavinia CONSTANTINESCU & Bogdan Radu MATEI
January 2022, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 3-8 The Expert Accountant’s Ethics in the Context of the Mission of Reviewing the Accounting, Drawing Up and Certifying the Annual Financial Statements
by Ludovica BREBAN - 9-16 The General Budget and the Provisional Financial Statements
by Corina-Graziella BÂTCĂ-DUMITRU & Daniela-Nicoleta SAHLIAN & Cleopatra ȘENDROIU - 17-25 Study Regarding the Application of Cost Calculation Proceedings in the Production Activity
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 25-36 The Single Statement Corresponding to the Year 2022
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 37-43 Taxation of the Natural Persons’ Incomes Based on Income Rules
by Delia DAVID & Luminița PĂIUȘAN & Ștefania Amalia JIMON - 44-52 Considerations on the Improvement of Ethical Decision Making in the Accounting Profession
by Alina Beattrice VLADU & Dan Dacian CUZDRIOREAN - 53-60 Joint Venture and Value Added Tax Regime. Common Law Rules versus Tax Law Rules
by Doru PLEȘEA - 61-72 Financial Liquidity of Indonesian Manufacturing Companies before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Linda Puspita SARI & Anggita Langgeng WIJAYA
December 2021 2022, Volume 2, Issue 12
- 3-11 Planning the Training of the Accountancy Apprentices within the Accounting Companies
by Daniela MALEȘ - 12-21 Accounting and Tax Treatment of Provisions
by Cristina NICOLAESCU - 22-33 Applying the Direct-Costing Method in the Hotel Sector
by Cristian-Remus JURJ & Adelin-Nicolae MATEȘ - 34-43 Input and Output in/from the VAT upon Collection System
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 44-51 Joint Venture and Value Added Tax Regime. Common Law Norms versus Fiscal Law Norms
by Doru PLEȘEA - 52-56 SAF-T – The Reporting that Will Improve the Collection?
by Florin ANDREI & Alina PETRAȘ - 57-64 History of Accounting Expertise – At the Profession’s Centenary
by Anca Alexandra PANTAZI & Florentina PANTAZI - 65-72 The Challenges of Digitalization in the Public Sector: Cloud Computing
November 2021, Volume 2, Issue 11
- 3-9 The Influence of Direct Foreign Investments on Romania’s Economic Growth in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Radu CIOBANU & Daniela-Nicoleta SAHLIAN & Mihai VUȚĂ & Silviu Cornel CHIRIAC - 10-16 The Controlling – the Prospective Key that Leads the Way towards the Proactive Fulfilment of the Firm’s Objectives
by Luana COSĂCESCU - 17-25 Accounting for and Analysing the E-Commerce Operations – between Platform and Courier
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 26-32 The Accounting Treatment Applicable to Non-Refundable European Funds
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 33-41 The Taxation Revenue from Independent Activities Obtained from Exercising the Expert Accountant Profession
by Lucian CERNUȘCA & Ronela-Manuela LASCU - 42-48 The Challenges of Digitalization in the Public Sector: Cloud Computing
by Alina CRÎȘMARIU (ȘOMÎTCĂ) & Sorin ȘOMÎTCĂ - 49-61 Accounting Principles Compliance – the True and Fair View Recipe. A Theoretical Perspective on the Contribution of Accounting Principles to the Financial Reporting Objective Achievement
by Claudia Cătălina CIOCAN - 62-72 Practical Solutions to Increase Business’ Resilience. Diagnostic Analysis of the Company’s Financial Position and Performance
by Elena Cristina DORNEANU
October 2021, Volume 2, Issue 10
- 3-8 The Beginning of Accounting. The Emergence and Evolution of the Romanian Accounting Thinking
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 9-17 The Accounting Information Quality – A Bibliometric Analysis
by Dorel MATEȘ & Daniela PORDEA - 18-28 Practical Solutions to Increase Business’ Resilience. Diagnostic Analysis of the Company’s Financial Position and Performance
by Elena Cristina DORNEANU - 29-34 Business Digitalization, a Challenge for Taxation
by Robert-Aurelian ȘOVA & Adriana Florina POPA - 35-44 Single Tax Rectifying Statement
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 45-50 The Assessment for the Financial Reporting – Allocation of the Real Estate’s Purchase Price
by Silviu Cornel CHIRIAC - 51-59 The Impact of Applying AAOIFI in Islamic Banks. Case Study in Iraqi Islamic Banks (II)
by Dhiaa Al Deen ALAZZAWI & Ileana NIȘULESCU-ASHRAFZADEH - 60-72 Macro-Level Determinants of Board Effectiveness in UK and Romanian Listed Companies: A Conceptual Approach
by Peter JANSEN & Gabriel Viorel RAITA
September 2021, Volume 2, Issue 9
- 3-11 Accounting Principles Compliance – the True and Fair View Recipe. A Theoretical Perspective on the Contribution of Accounting Principles to the Financial Reporting Objective Achievement (II)
by Claudia Cătălina CIOCAN - 12-21 The Financial Analyses of an Entity from the Tourism Field – Between Normality and the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 22-32 Adjusting the Tax Base of the Value Added Tax
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 33-44 Tax Inspection
by Raluca Cristina ANDREI - 45-51 The Impact of Applying AAOIFI in Islamic Banks. Case Study in Iraqi Islamic Banks (I)
by Dhiaa Al Deen ALAZZAWI & Ileana NIȘULESCU-ASHRAFZADEH - 52-62 Working Capital Management and Cash Holdings: Evidence from LQ45 Companies in Indonesia
by Anggita Langgeng WIJAYA & Mayang Resqita Ayu NADYA - 63-72 Direct Taxation in the European Union Countries (II)
by Maria-Cosmina PINȚEA
August 2021, Volume 2, Issue 8
- 3-9 Accounting Principles Compliance – the True and Fair View Recipe. A Theoretical Perspective on the Contribution of Accounting Principles to the Financial Reporting Objective Achievement (I)
by Claudia Cătălina CIOCAN - 10-17 Human Resources Budget
by Corina-Graziella BÂTCĂ-DUMITRU & Daniela-Nicoleta SAHLIAN & Cleopatra ȘENDROIU - 18-27 Short Financial Diagnosis for a Transport Entity
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 28-36 The Taxation Mechanism for the Income Obtained Through Practice of the Lawyer Profession
by Lucian CERNUȘCA & Vanina Adoriana TRIFAN - 37-44 The Taxation Regime of Enterprises: Income Tax vs. Revenue Tax
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 45-52 Financial Mechanisms Used in Implementing Projects with European Funds
by Mihaela ENACHI - 53-64 The Impact of Applying the IFRSs in Emerging Economies. Case Study on Iraqi Conventional Banks
by Dhiaa Al Deen ALAZZAWI & Ileana NIȘULESCU-ASHRAFZADEH - 65-72 Direct Taxation in the European Union Countries (I)
by Maria-Cosmina PINȚEA
July 2021, Volume 2, Issue 7
- 3-13 LLC vs. NGO, Similarities and Differences in the Accounting Treatment of Inventories
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 14-24 The Budgetary Management of Sales
by Corina-Graziella BÂTCĂ-DUMITRU & Daniela-Nicoleta SAHLIAN & Cleopatra ȘENDROIU - 25-34 Study Regarding the Development of an Investment Project. (III) – Project Evaluation
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 35-43 Social Security Contribution (CAS) Owed by Natural Persons that Obtain Revenues from Independent Activities
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 44-56 The Impact of COVID-19 on the Tax Policy in the European Union
by Radu CIOBANU & Adriana Florina POPA & Mirela PĂUNESCU - 57-63 Setting Up Share Companies and Partnerships Limited by Shares
by Ioana Nely MILITARU - 64-72 Development of Rating Models under IFRS 9
by Ioan-Codruț ȚURLEA
June 2021, Volume 2, Issue 6
- 3-7 Performance Measurement Methods in Business Entities
by Ioan-Codruț ȚURLEA - 8-17 LLC vs. NGO, Similarities and Differences in the Accounting Treatment of Intangible and Tangible Assets
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 18-25 Approaches to Setting Sales Prices
by Corina-Graziella BÂTCĂ-DUMITRU & Daniela-Nicoleta SAHLIAN & Cleopatra ȘENDROIU & Ioan-Codruț ȚURLEA - 26-37 Study Regarding the Development of an Investment Project. (II) – Estimating the Cost of Project and Identifying the Main Income and Expense Flows
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 38-45 Development of Rating Models under IFRS 9
by Ioan-Codruț ȚURLEA - 46-53 Taxation of Income Obtained by Natural Persons from Lease Contracts in 2011
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 54-61 The Contents of the Civil Legal Report
by Ioana Nely MILITARU - 62-72 Comparative Analysis of Direct Taxation Rules from Different European Union Countries
by Maria-Cosmina PINȚEA
May 2021, Volume 2, Issue 5
- 3-14 Detecting the Elements for Cosmeticizing the Financial Statements Using Analytical Models
by Valentin BURCĂ & Oana BOGDAN - 15-24 Value Adjustments Established at the Balance Sheet Date, Accounting and Fiscal Treatments Applicable to Taxpayers
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 25-34 The Budgetary Management of Production
by Corina-Graziella BÂTCĂ-DUMITRU & Daniela-Nicoleta SAHLIAN & Cleopatra ȘENDROIU - 35-43 Study Regarding the Development of an Investment Project. (I) – Identifying the Main Suppliers and Customers
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 44-48 Accounting for the Loans Granted for Early Education
by Mirela PAVONE & Allex ZARA & Adriana POPA - 49-57 The Taxation of Income Obtained from Advisory Activity in the Field of Information Technology
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 58-62 The Administration of Another Person’s Assets
by Ioana Nely MILITARU - 63-72 Comparative Analysis Regarding the Recognition and Evaluation of Property, Plant and Equipment – IAS 16 vs. OMPF No. 1802/2014
April 2021, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 3-8 Quality and Quantity in Accountancy
by Horia CRISTEA - 9-18 Comparative Analysis Regarding the Recognition and Evaluation of Property, Plant and Equipment– IAS 16 vs. OMPF No. 1802/2014
by Mărioara MOLOCINIUC (HRIȚCAN) - 19-27 The Elimination of Shareholdings in Subsidiaries, Jointly Controlled Entities and Associates
by Corina-Graziella BÂTCĂ-DUMITRU - 28-38 The Accounting Treatment Regarding Grants in Agriculture from the Perspective of the National Accounting Reference System and the International One
by Maria Petronela ARON & Monica Laura ZLATI - 39-46 Management and Profitability Ratios – The Connection Between the Financial Position and the Performance of the Economic Entities
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 47-56 Supporting the Non-Profit/Cult Organizations
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 57-62 Exemptions from the Payment of the Income Tax
by Mirela PĂUNESCU & Adriana Florina POPA & Radu CIOBANU - 63-72 The Impact of Blockchain on the Accounting Profession
by Elena Alina OLARU (COLBEA)
March 2021, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 3-14 Convergences and Divergences in Communication Between Managers and Professional Accountants
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 15-23 Specific Cases Regarding the Income Tax – The Reporting of Tax Losses and Tax Redemptions
by Mirela PĂUNESCU & Adriana Florina POPA & Radu CIOBANU - 24-30 The Tax Regime Regarding the Taxation of Revenues Obtained Through Contracts of Sport Activities
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 31-39 The Consequences for the Romanian State Budget Generated Through the Inappropriate Interpretation/ Evading of the Civil and Tax Legislation in Relation to the Sale of Second-Hand Vehicles
by Gabriel GOICEA - 40-48 Financial Management of POCU European Funding Projects
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 49-58 The Impact of Blockchain on the Accounting Profession
by Elena Alina OLARU (COLBEA) - 59-72 Comparative Analysis of Measurement after Recognition of Property, Plant and Equipment – IAS 16 vs. OMPF No. 1802/2014
February 2021, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 3-16 Exemplifying the Effect of Big Bath Accounting in the Pandemic
by Valentin BURCA & Dorel MATEȘ & Oana BOGDAN - 17-24 The Role of Professional Accountants in Entity Management
by Anamaria GHIURA & Marta GRANCEA - 25-38 Comparative Study on the Valuation of Property, Plant and Equipment after Recognition – IAS 16 vs. OMPF No. 1802/2014
by Mărioara MOLOCINIUC (HRIȚCAN) - 39-43 The Performance Factors at the Level of the Financial Management of an Economic Entity – Between Normality and the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 44-52 Single Return for 2021
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 53-63 Quantitative Research Regarding the Impact of Amending the VAT Legislation on the Business Environment and on the Population
by George-Adrian STANCIU - 64-72 Accounting Conservatism and Cost of Equity Capital – Evidence from Indonesia
by Ratna Puji Astuti KRISMIAJI
January 2021, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 3-10 The Eliminations of Intra-Group Accounts, Unachieved Internal Results and Dividends
by Corina-Graziella BÂTCĂ-DUMITRU - 11-19 Study Regarding the Accounting and Taxation of Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources
by Cristina NICOLAESCU - 20-31 SIG and CAF – Methods of Tracking and Analysing the Financial Performances of Economic Entities
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI & Natalia Ioana PANTELIMON - 32-38 Stock Valuation Methods
by Delia Andreea FLOREA & Diana Iulia OPRIȘ - 39-48 Statement 311
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 49-59 Activities for Preventing, Identifying and Sanctioning the Irregularities Emerged in Obtaining and Using European Funds and/or National Public Funds
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 60-72 The Link Between Public Management and Accounting from the Point of View of Performance
by Cristina Silvia NISTOR & Cristina Alexandrina ȘTEFĂNESCU
December 2020 2021, Volume 1, Issue 12
- 3-11 Study Regarding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Firms in Arad County
by Delia DAVID & Lucian CERNUȘCA - 12-18 The Adjustment of Individual Annual Financial Statements
by Corina-Graziella BÂTCĂ-DUMITRU - 19-28 Brief Financial Diagnosis of a Transnational Company
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI & Mioara Florina PANTEA & Lavinia Denisia CUC - 29-36 The Taxation of Income from Consultancy Activities Regarding the Accessing and Implementation of the Projects Financed by European Funds
by Ramona LILE & Teodor-Florin CILAN & Grigorie SANDA & Robert Cristian ALMAȘI & Silviu Ilie SĂPLĂCAN - 37-47 The Contest and Suspension of the Administrative Tax Provisions. The Notification of the Prosecuting Authorities and Consequences Regarding the Ongoing Procedures
by Raluca Cristina ANDREI - 48-57 Conducting the Acquisition Process Within European Funding Projects
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 58-63 The Accounting Profession in the Context of Globalisation
by Dorel MATEȘ & Roxana Mirella IRIMUȘ - 64-72 Challenges and Trends for the Incorporation of Big Data in the Accounting Profession: From the Traditional Approach to the Future Professional Accountant
by Adrian GROȘANU & Melinda-Timea FÜLÖP & George-Silviu CORDOȘ & Gabriel RAITA
November 2020, Volume 1, Issue 11
- 3-14 The Perception of the Economic Field Professionals Regarding the Accounting and Tax Regulations Specific to SMEs
by Bogdan-Alexandru SMERCINSCHI - 15-22 The Accounting and Tax Regime Regarding the Real Estate Rentals
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 23-35 Study Regarding the Budgeting of an Economic Entity’s Cash Flow in the Context of the Accrual Accounting System
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 36-43 Related Party Transactions: A Series of Relevant Considerations
by Mirela PĂUNESCU & Adriana Florina POPA & Radu CIOBANU - 44-49 The Role of Digital Competences in the Economic Recovery in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Daniela-Nicoleta SAHLIAN & Mihai VUȚĂ & Elena STĂNCIULESCU & Florentina PANTAZI - 50-58 Challenges and Trends for the Incorporation of Big Data in the Accounting Profession: From the Traditional Approach to the Future Professional Accountant
by Adrian GROȘANU & Melinda-Timea FÜLÖP & George-Silviu CORDOȘ & Gabriel RAITA - 59-63 Accounting Education – Between Digitalisation and the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis
by Robert-Aurelian ȘOVA & Adriana Florina POPA - 64-72 National and International Fiscal Regulations on Value Added Tax (II)
by George-Adrian STANCIU
October 2020, Volume 1, Issue 10
- 3-8 The Accounting Education, Between Digitalisation and the COVID-19 Crisis
by Robert-Aurelian ȘOVA & Adriana Florina POPA - 9-19 Financial-Accounting Approaches Regarding the Decision of Financing the Economic Entities During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Delia DAVID & Semida DUCĂ - 20-26 Accounting and Tax Regulations and Practices Specific to Small- and Medium-Sized Entities (II)
by Bogdan-Alexandru SMERCINSCHI - 27-37 The Fiscal Treatment of the Acquisition Expenses for the Electronic Cash Registers
by Lucian CERNUȘCA - 38-45 Taxation of Income from Professional Training Activities
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 46-51 Grants – the European Union’s Response in the Fight Against the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Dorel MATEȘ & Daniel DRĂGUȚ & Aura DOMIL & Marian SOCOLIUC & Sorina Ancuța PUȘCAȘ - 52-60 Teleworking and Working from Home in the Current Environment
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 61-72 National and International Fiscal Regulations on Value Added Tax (I)
by George-Adrian STANCIU
September 2020, Volume 1, Issue 9
- 3-10 Professional and Transversal Accounting Competences (II)
by Lucian CERNUȘCA & Luiela Magdalena CSORBA - 11-24 Proposals Regarding Accounting for Cryptocurrencies in Accordance with Romanian Accounting Regulations
by Mirela PĂUNESCU & Adriana Florina POPA & Radu CIOBANU - 25-32 Accounting Policy Aspects in Accordance with the Provisions of OMPF No. 1802/2014
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI - 33-42 Accounting and Tax Regulations and Practices Specific to Small- and Medium-Sized Entities (I)
by Bogdan-Alexandru SMERCINSCHI - 43-51 The de minimis Aid Scheme “Aid for the Establishment of Social Enterprises”
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 52-60 Case Studies Regarding Accounting Expertise in Criminal Cases (II)
by Sergiu-Bogdan CONSTANTIN - 61-72 International Double Taxation. Content, Consequences and Avoidance (II)
by Adriana CAZACU
August 2020, Volume 1, Issue 8
- 3-14 Professional and Transversal Accounting Competences (I)
by Lucian CERNUȘCA & Luiela Magdalena CSORBA - 15-20 Technical Unemployment in the Context of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in Romania
by Liliana Maria DRUIU & Daniel DRĂGUȚ - 21-29 Accounting for Events and Transactions Regarding Long-Term Debt
by Corina-Graziella BÂTCĂ-DUMITRU - 30-40 Comparative Analysis Regarding the Financial and Financing Structure of Limited Liability Companies
by Bogdan Cosmin GOMOI & Natalia Ioana PANTELIMON - 41-44 Evaluation Indicators for Investment Projects (II)
by Elena Valentina ȚILICĂ & Radu CIOBANU - 45-52 The Reverse Charge Mechanism
by Elena STĂNCIULESCU - 53-61 Case Studies Regarding Accounting Expertise in Criminal Cases (I)
by Sergiu-Bogdan CONSTANTIN - 62-72 International Double Taxation. Content, Consequences and Avoidance (I)
by Adriana CAZACU
July 2020, Volume 1, Issue 7
- 3-10 The Perception of Professional Accountants Regarding the Future of the Accounting Profession in the Digital Era
by Delia DAVID & Lucian CERNUȘCA - 11-18 Opinions Regarding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic over the Financial Reporting
by Ovidiu-Constantin BUNGET & Alin-Constantin DUMITRESCU & Cristian LUNGU & Andrei-Marius OLARIU