- 322869 Philosophy of Aereboe in Relation to Scope and Method of Research in Farm Management
by Stippler, H. - 322868 Large Scale Wheat Farming
by Clemgard, Gordon - 322867 The Relation of Research and Extension Agencies to Cooperative Marketing Associations
by Erdman, H.E. - 322866 Studies of Plant Organization and Operation of Handling and Processing Plants
by Tinley, J.M. - 322865 Studies of Sales Methods and Policies of marketing Organizations
by Stokdyk, E.A. - 322864 Status of Research in Marketing in the Western States
by Dummier, E.F. - 322863 President's Address
by Thomas, W.P. - 322862 Front Matter and Table of Contents
by Wfea
- 322861 Scope and methods of research in land utilization (including discussion by Paul A. Eke, 8 pages)
by Weeks, David - 322860 Values derived from a commercial apple cost of production study
by Severance, George - 322859 Effect of irrigation development upon markets for farm products of the rainfall sections
by Stoutemyer, B. L. - 322858 Developing market information service in California
by Wells. C. F. - 322857 Agricultural clearing house associations
by Nelson, Milton N. - 322856 Brief account of tafriff-making 1929
by Adams, D. L. - 322855 Experiment Station workers and the tariff question
by Unknown - 322854 Front matter
by Unknown