Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 349143 Transportation of U.S. Grains: A Modal Share Analysis, 1978-2022 Update
by Henderson, Richard & Gastelle, Jesse & Caffarelli, Peter
- 341819 Transportation of U.S. Grains: A Modal Share Analysis, 1978-2020 Update
by Henderson, Richard & Gastelle, Jesse & Caffarelli, Peter - 337565 More and Better Choices for Farmers: Promoting Fair Competition and Innovation in Seeds and Other Agricultural Inputs
by Agricultural Marketing Service
- 341816 Boxed Beef & Fed Cattle Price Spread Investigation Report
by Agricultural Marketing Service & Office of the Chief Economist - 313492 The Importance of Highways to U.S. Agriculture
by U.S. Department of Transportation, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center & U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service
- 320850 The Promise of Urban Agriculture: National Study of Commercial Farming in Urban Areas
by Rangarajan, Anu & Riordan, Molly - 313491 Importance of Inland Waterways to U.S. Agriculture
by Prepared for: USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service - 313485 Transportation of U.S. Grains: A Modal Share Analysis, 1978-2016 Update
by Chang, Kuo-Liang “Matt” & Caffarelli, Peter & Gastelle, Jesse & Sparger, Adam
- 352079 The Impact of Infrastructure and Transportation Costs on U.S. Soybean Market Share: An Updated Analysis from 1992-2017
by Salin, Delmy L. & Somwaru, Agapi
- 313483 The Importance of Transportation to Agriculture
by Blanton, Bruce
- 320851 Guide for Farmers Markets on Military Installations
by Edmonson, Bob & Sandolo, Christina & Borst, Elizabeth & Schubert, Robert & Farley, Steven
- 147348 A Comprehensive Rail Rate Index for Grain
by Sparger, Adam & Prater, Marvin E. - 145637 The Potential Impact of Brazil’s Transportation Efficiencies on World Cotton Trade
by Salin, Delmy L.
- 316236 Connecting Local Farmers with USDA Farmers Market Nutrition Program Participants
by Nadovich, Joanne & Metrick, John - 147032 Impact of Panama Canal Expansion on the U.S. Intermodal System
by Salin, Delmy L.
- 313482 Report on Geographically Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers (Prepared for Submission to Congress)
by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service
- 317882 Mexico’s Changing Marketing System for Fresh Produce: Emerging Markets, Practices, Trends, and Issues
by Tropp, Debra & Skully, David & Link, John & Málaga, Jaime - 317880 Improving and Facilitating a Farmers Market in a Low-Income Urban Neighborhood: A Washington, DC, Case Study
by Agricultural Marketing Service & Capital Area Food Bank
- 317878 How Local Farmers and School Food Service Buyers Are Building Alliances -- Lessons Learned from the USDA Small Farm/School Meals Workshop, May 1, 2000
by Tropp, Debra & Olowolayemo, Surajudeen - 317876 Las Ventas Directas Hoy en Día: Retos y Oportunidades
by Servicio Comercial Agrícola & Bills, Nelson & Roth, Monika & Maestro-Scherer, Jane - 317875 Direct Marketing Today: Challenges and Opportunities
by Agriculture Marketing Service & Bills, Nelson & Roth, Monika & Maestro-Scherer, Jane - 313490 The Panama Canal in Transition: Implications for U.S. Agriculture
by Eriksen, Ken A. - 313481 Transportation, Handling, and Logistical Implications of Bioengineered Grains and Oilseeds: A Prospective Analysis
by Sonka, Steven & Schroeder, R. Christopher & Cunningham, Carrie - 313480 Inland Waterborne Transportation – An Industry Under Siege
by Casavant, Ken - 313479 Long-Term Structural Shifts in Grain, Oilseed, and Animal Industries in the United States
by Hurt, Chris & Schrader, Lee - 313478 Long-Term Trends in Railroad Service and Capacity for U.S. Agriculture
by Prater, Marvin & Klindworth, Keith
- 329437 A Review of Little Rock’s River Market Public and Farmers Market Operations
by The City of Little Rock & Wholesale and Alternative Markets, Transportation and Marketing Programs, Agricultural Marketing Service
- 329436 Floral Product Marketing in Greater Los Angeles
by Blyn, Martin R. & Kindya, William G. & Mills, R. Bryant & Yavas, Burhan F.
- 329336 Concentration in Agriculture: A Report of the USDA Advisory Committee on Agricultural Concentration
by USDA Advisory Committee on Agricultural Concentration
- 313484 Transportation of U.S. Grains: A Modal Share Analysis
by Norton, Jerry D. & Bertels, Paul J. & Buxton, Freeman K.
- 338785 The ABC's of Federal Marketing Orders and Agreements for Fruits and Vegetables
by Hedlund, Floyd F.
- 340801 Surveys of Economic Results in Agriculture: Demand and Prices
by Foote, Richard J.
- 341157 Reliability and Adequacy of Farm Wage Rate Data
by Hale, R. F. & Gastineau, R. L
- 339788 Hay Quality: Relation to Production and Feed Value
by Pollock, E. O. & Hosterman, W. H
- 337411 Why Local Food Matters: Views from the National Landscape
by Tropp, Debra