1999, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 1-23 Dependence on the State and the Crisis of the Kibbutz: The System of Concentrated Credit in the 1960s and 1970s
by De Vries, David & Shalem, Eldad - 1-41 The Rise and Decline of the Israeli Moshav Cooperative: A Historical Overview
by Schwartz, Moshe - 301298 Completing the Chain: Research-Extension-Farmer-Cooperatives - A Nigerian Experience
by Lundborg, Gun - 301299 The Transformation of the Kibbutz: From a Classless to a Class Society
by Rosolio, Dani
1999, Volume 27, Issue 01
- 1-16 What Makes People Participate in Cooperatives? Towards a Theoretical Model
by Birchall, Johnston - 1-16 The Crisis of the Bulgarian Cooperatives in the 1990s
by Giordano, Christian & Kostova, Dobrinka - 1-17 Loss of Communal Sustainability: The Kibbutz Shift from High-Trust to Low-Trust Culture
by Shapira, Reuven - 1-27 Farmer Cooperatives in the 21st Century: Young and Old Farmers in Sweden
by Hakelius, Karin
1998, Volume 26, Issue 01-2
- 1-16 Rhetorical Constructions and Cooperative Conversions: A Comment
by Gray, Thomas W. & Mooney, Patrick H. - 1-17 Competitive or Consensual Economics?
by Maron, Stanley - 1-19 Reactions of Spanish Farm Cooperatives to Globalization: Ideal Discourse Types
by Entrena, Francisco & Moyano-Estrada, Eduardo - 1-21 Responding to Poverty: Communitarian Solutions through Cooperative Facilitation of Primary Associations
by Davis, Peter - 301292 Advancing Cooperation in an Uncooperative World - Issues of Transformation and Survival: A Position Paper
by Gil, Efraim - 301293 Beyond Traditional Models: Multi-Stakeholder Cooperatives and their Differential Roles
by Levi, Yair - 301294 Employee Ownership in Chinese Rural Industry and Lessons from Comparison to the Russian Case
by Tseo, George K.Y. - 301295 The Kibbutz: Issues of Existence and Models of Survival
by Don, Yehuda - 301296 Future Trends of the Kibbutz: An Assessment of Recent Changes
by Rosner, Menahem - 301297 Future Directions for Kibbutz Research: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations
by Warhurst, Chris
1997, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 1-15 Reciprocity and Rural Development in the Action of Two Farmer Cooperatives
by Osti, Giorgio - 1-16 The Crisis of Greek Cooperatives in the Context of the Globalization Process
by Papadopoulos, Apostolos G. & Patronis, Vassilis - 1-17 Reactions to Globalization and Integration in the Czech Agro-Food Complex
by Hudeckova, Helena & Lost'ak, Michal - 1-21 From Productivism to Flexible Specialization? Experiences from a Restructuring Process in the Norwegian Dairy Industry
by Almas, Reidar & Kvam, Gunn Turid & Straete, Egil Petter
1997, Volume 25, Issue 01
- 1-14 Profitability of Cooperatives and Investor-Owned Firms in the Greek Dairy Industry
by Oustapassidis, Kostas & Notta, Ourania - 301290 Machinery Rings in UK Agriculture: An Example of Opportunistic Cooperation
by Craig, Steven & Sumberg, James - 301291 Productivity and Consumption in the Kibbutz System at a Time of Crisis: Measurement and Comparison to National Statistics
by Kroll, Yoram & Polovin, Avraham
1996, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 1-27 China's Rural Shareholding Cooperatives as a Form of Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation
by Clegg, Jenny - 301288 Rural Women and the Development of the Agritouristic Cooperatives in Greece: The Case of Petra, Lesvos
by Giagou, Dimitra I. & Apostolopoulos, Constantine D. - 301289 The Cooperative Village in Israel: A Study of Flexibility in Settlement Administration
by Levinger, Perez
1996, Volume 24, Issue 01
- 1-7 A Kibbutz Dilemma: Social Movement or Self-Interested Group?
by Avrahami, Eli - 301264 The Individual within the Collective: A New Perspective
by Gil, Efraim - 301265 The Importance of Behaving Altruistically: Altruism as an Efficiency Boosting Factor in the Kibbutz
by Don, Yehuda - 301266 The Ideological Crisis of the Kibbutz Movement
by Utitz, Zeev - 301284 Reducing Collectivity in a Kibbutz
by Kressel, Gideon M. - 301285 Kibbutz, Cooperation and the Issue of Embeddedness
by Levi, Yair - 301286 Individual vs Collective Forms of Sharing Ownership in Israel
by Russell, Raymond - 301287 Trends of Change in Kibbutzim
by Topel, Menachem