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Choice of entry timing and scale by foreign banks in Japan and Korea
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- Clare, Andrew & Gulamhussen, Mohamed Azzim & Pinheiro, Carlos, 2013. "What factors cause foreign banks to stay in London?," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 32(C), pages 739-761.
- Christian Weller, 2000.
"Financial Liberalization, Multinational Banks and Credit Supply: The case of Poland,"
International Review of Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 14(2), pages 193-211.
- Weller, Christian E., 1999. "Financial liberalization, multinational banks and credit supply: The case of Poland," ZEI Working Papers B 10-1999, University of Bonn, ZEI - Center for European Integration Studies.
- Marc Ruhr & Michael Ryan, 2005. "“Following” or “attracting” the customer? Japanese Banking FDI in Europe," Atlantic Economic Journal, Springer;International Atlantic Economic Society, vol. 33(4), pages 405-422, December.
- Josep Garcia Blandón, 1998. "The choice of the form of representation in multinational banking: Evidence from Spain," Economics Working Papers 271, Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
- Fadzlan Sufian, 2012. "Determinants of multinational banks’ subsidiary performance: the host and home country effects," Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, vol. 28(2), pages 130-155, February.
- Tan, Benjamin & Vertinsky, Ilan, 1995. "Strategic advantages of japanese electronics firms and the scale of their subsidiaries in the US and Canada," International Business Review, Elsevier, vol. 4(3), pages 373-386, September.
- Minh To, Huong & Tripe, David, 2002. "Factors influencing the performance of foreign-owned banks in New Zealand," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 12(4-5), pages 341-357.
- Alberto Franco Pozzolo, 2009.
"Bank Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Causes, Consequences, and Recent Trends,"
Springer Books, in: Alberto Zazzaro & Michele Fratianni & Pietro Alessandrini (ed.), The Changing Geography of Banking and Finance, edition 1, chapter 0, pages 155-183,
- Pozzolo, Alberto Franco, 2008. "Bank Cross-Border Merger and Acquisitions (Causes, consequences and recent trends)," Economics & Statistics Discussion Papers esdp08048, University of Molise, Department of Economics.
- Alberto Franco Pozzolo, 2008. "Bank cross-border mergers and acquisitions (Causes, consequences and recent trends)," Mo.Fi.R. Working Papers 9, Money and Finance Research group (Mo.Fi.R.) - Univ. Politecnica Marche - Dept. Economic and Social Sciences.
- Yonglong Cai & Fenghua Pan, 2023. "The expansion of Chinese banks along the routes of the Belt and Road Initiative: Following customers and geopolitical relations," Growth and Change, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 54(1), pages 26-44, March.
- Engwall, Lars & Marquardt, Rolf & Pedersen, Torben & Tschoegl, Adrian E., 2001.
"Foreign bank penetration of newly opened markets in the Nordic countries,"
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 11(1), pages 53-63, March.
- Engwall, Lars & Marquardt, Rolf & Pedersen, Torben & Tschoegl, Adrian E., 1999. "Foreign bank penetration of newly opened markets in the Nordic Countries," Working Papers 2-1999, Copenhagen Business School, Department of International Economics and Management.
- Fisch, Jan Hendrik, 2008. "Internalization and internationalization under competing real options," Journal of International Management, Elsevier, vol. 14(2), pages 108-123, June.
- Sul, Wonsik, 2000. "On the performance of the foreign subsidiaries of Korean banks: are securities investments really profitable?," Journal of Asian Economics, Elsevier, vol. 11(2), pages 207-222.
- Arvanitis, Spyros & Hollenstein, Heinz & Stucki, Tobias, 2016.
"Does the explanatory power of the OLI approach differ among sectors and business functions? Evidence from firm-level data,"
Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal (2007-2020), Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel), vol. 10, pages 1-46.
- Arvanitis, Spyros & Hollenstein, Heinz & Stucki, Tobias, 2015. "Does the explanatory power of the OLI approach differ among sectors and business functions: Evidence from firm-level data," Economics Discussion Papers 2015-67, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel).
- Tschoegl, Adrian E., 2002.
"Entry and survival: the case of foreign banks in Norway,"
Scandinavian Journal of Management, Elsevier, vol. 18(2), pages 131-153, June.
- Adrian E. Tschoegl, 1997. "Entry and Survival: The Case of Foreign Banks in Norway," Center for Financial Institutions Working Papers 97-40, Wharton School Center for Financial Institutions, University of Pennsylvania.
- Oskar Kowalewski, 2011. "When are multinational banks getting a bang for their buck on their subsidiaries abroad?," NBP Working Papers 97, Narodowy Bank Polski.
- Christopher F. Baum & Mustafa Caglayan & Oleksandr Talavera, 2016.
"R&D Expenditures and Geographical Sales Diversification,"
Manchester School, University of Manchester, vol. 84(2), pages 197-221, March.
- Christopher F Baum & Mustafa Caglayan & Oleksandr Talavera, 2012. "R&D Expenditures and Geographical Sales Diversification," Boston College Working Papers in Economics 794, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 12 Nov 2012.
- Josep Garcia Blandón, 1999. "The timing of foreign direct investment under uncertainty: Evidence from the Spanish banking sector," Economics Working Papers 360, Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
- Jérémie BERTRAND & Caroline PERRIN, 2022. "Girls Just Wanna Have Funds? The Effect of Women-Friendly Legislation on Women-Led Firms’ Access to Credit," Working Papers 2022-ACF-01, IESEG School of Management.
- Hondroyiannis, George & Papapetrou, Evangelia, 1996. "International banking activity in Greece: The recent experience," Journal of Economics and Business, Elsevier, vol. 48(3), pages 207-215, August.
- Sturm, Jan-Egbert & Williams, Barry, 2010.
"What determines differences in foreign bank efficiency? Australian evidence,"
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 20(3), pages 284-309, July.
- Jan-Egbert Sturm & Barry Williams, 2005. "What Determines Differences in Foreign Bank Efficiency? Australian Evidence," CESifo Working Paper Series 1587, CESifo.
- Focarelli, Dario & Pozzolo, Alberto Franco, 2001. "The patterns of cross-border bank mergers and shareholdings in OECD countries," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 25(12), pages 2305-2337, December.
- Njoroge, Lucas & Ouma, Shem, 2014. "Determinants of banks expansion in the East African Community: An empirical analysis of Kenyan banks," KBA Centre for Research on Financial Markets and Policy Working Paper Series 9, Kenya Bankers Association (KBA).
- Gloria Ge & Hugh Wang, 2013. "The impact of network relationships on internationalization process: An empirical study of Chinese private enterprises," Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Springer, vol. 30(4), pages 1169-1189, December.
- Hongxin Zhao & Chin-Chun Hsu, 2007. "Social ties and foreign market entry: An empirical inquiry," Management International Review, Springer, vol. 47(6), pages 815-844, December.
- Chen, Sheng-Hung & Liao, Chien-Chang, 2011. "Are foreign banks more profitable than domestic banks? Home- and host-country effects of banking market structure, governance, and supervision," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 35(4), pages 819-839, April.
- Li Dai & Lorraine Eden & Paul W. Beamish, 2023. "The timing and mode of foreign exit from conflict zones: A behavioral perspective," Journal of International Business Studies, Palgrave Macmillan;Academy of International Business, vol. 54(6), pages 1090-1104, August.
- Spyros Arvanitis & Heinz Hollenstein & Tobias Stucki, 2013. "Determinants of Internationalisation - Do they Differ among Sectors and Business Functions?," KOF Working papers 13-348, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich.
- Clarke, George R. G. & Cull, Robert & D'Amato, Laura & Molinari, Andrea, 1999. "The effect of foreign entry on Argentina's domestic banking sector," Policy Research Working Paper Series 2158, The World Bank.
- Alicia Garcia-Herrero & Daniel Navia Simon, 2006. "Why Banks go to Emerging Countries and What is the Impact for the Home Economy? A Survey," Working Papers 0602, BBVA Bank, Economic Research Department.
- Dario Focarelli & Alberto Franco Pozzolo, 2005.
"Where Do Banks Expand Abroad? An Empirical Analysis,"
The Journal of Business, University of Chicago Press, vol. 78(6), pages 2435-2464, November.
- Focarelli, Dario & Pozzolo, Alberto Franco, 2003. "Where Do Banks Expand Abroad? An Empirical Analysis," Economics & Statistics Discussion Papers esdp03009, University of Molise, Department of Economics.
- Sheng-Hung Chen & Feng-Jui Hsu, 2022. "National Governance Differences and Foreign Bank Performance in Asian Countries: The Role of Bank Competition," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 59(4), pages 1283-1333, April.
- Kowalewski, Oskar, 2023.
"Effect of operating multiple affiliates on the performance of subsidiaries in the same host country,"
Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 65(C).
- Oskar Kowalewski, 2023. "Effect of operating multiple affiliates on the performance of subsidiaries in the same host country," Post-Print hal-04273844, HAL.
- Jean-Marie Bassouamina, 1999. "Les déterminants de la présence bancaire étrangère en France," Revue d'Économie Financière, Programme National Persée, vol. 55(5), pages 99-111.
- Man K. Leung & Trevor Young & Michael K. Fung, 2008. "The entry and exit decisions of foreign banks in Hong Kong," Managerial and Decision Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 29(6), pages 503-512.
- Ekman, Peter & Hadjikhani, Annoch Isa & Pajuvirta, Andreas & Thilenius, Peter, 2014. "Tit for tat and big steps: The case of Swedish banks’ internationalization 1961–2010," International Business Review, Elsevier, vol. 23(6), pages 1049-1063.
- Liang, Hsin-Yu & Ching, Yann Peng & Chan, Kam C., 2013. "Enhancing bank performance through branches or representative offices? Evidence from European banks," International Business Review, Elsevier, vol. 22(3), pages 495-508.
- Calzolari, Giacomo & Loranth, Gyongyi, 2011.
"Regulation of multinational banks: A theoretical inquiry,"
Journal of Financial Intermediation, Elsevier, vol. 20(2), pages 178-198, April.
- Lóránth, Gyöngyi & Calzolari, Giacomo, 2004. "Regulation of Multinational banks: A Theoretical Inquiry," CEPR Discussion Papers 4232, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.
- Calzolari, Giacomo & Loranth, Gyongyi, 2005. "Regulation of multinational banks: a theoretical inquiry," Working Paper Series 431, European Central Bank.
- Gulamhussen, Mohamed Azzim, 2007. "Choice of scale by banks in financial centers," International Business Review, Elsevier, vol. 16(4), pages 507-525, August.
- Magri, Silvia & Mori, Alessandra & Rossi, Paola, 2005. "The entry and the activity level of foreign banks in Italy: An analysis of the determinants," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 29(5), pages 1295-1310, May.
- Sturm, Jan-Egbert & Williams, Barry, 2008. "Characteristics determining the efficiency of foreign banks in Australia," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 32(11), pages 2346-2360, November.
- Avkiran, Necmi K., 2006. "Developing foreign bank efficiency models for DEA grounded in finance theory," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 40(4), pages 275-296, December.
- Josep Garcia Blandon, 1996. "La decisión de establecer sucursal bancaria en el exterior: análisis empírico del caso español," Investigaciones Economicas, Fundación SEPI, vol. 20(2), pages 281-288, May.
- Blandon, Josep Garcia, 2001. "The timing of foreign direct investment under uncertainty: evidence from the Spanish banking sector," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 45(2), pages 213-224, June.
- Mutinelli, Marco & Piscitello, Lucia, 2001. "Foreign direct investment in the banking sector: the case of Italian banks in the '90s," International Business Review, Elsevier, vol. 10(6), pages 661-685, December.
- Williams, Barry, 1998. "A pooled study of the profits and size of foreign banks in Australia," Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Elsevier, vol. 8(2-3), pages 211-231, September.
- Kosmidou, Kyriaki & Pasiouras, Fotios & Tsaklanganos, Angelos, 2007. "Domestic and multinational determinants of foreign bank profits: The case of Greek banks operating abroad," Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Elsevier, vol. 17(1), pages 1-15, February.
- M. K. Leung & D. Rigby & T. Young, 2003. "Entry of foreign banks in the People's Republic of China: a survival analysis," Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 35(1), pages 21-31.
- Wright, April, 2002. "The impact of competition on the operations of foreign banks in Australia in the post-deregulation period," Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 12(4-5), pages 359-375.
- Williams, Barry, 1998. "Factors affecting the performance of foreign-owned banks in Australia: A cross-sectional study," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 22(2), pages 197-219, February.
- Shujuan Ding & Dafei Chen, 2013. "Survival Analysis on the Timing of Foreign Banks into China from the Aspect of Traditional Real Option," Accounting and Finance Research, Sciedu Press, vol. 2(4), pages 1-11, November.