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Vanessa Campos-Climent

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First Name:Vanessa
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Last Name:Campos-Climent
RePEc Short-ID:pca1670
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Facultad de Economía
Universidad de València

València, Spain
RePEc:edi:fcvales (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

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  1. Vanessa Campos & Joan R. Sanchis & Ana T. Ejarque, 2024. "Can organizational size moderate the relationship between sustainable-driven financial management and business competitiveness?," International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Springer, vol. 20(1), pages 39-54, March.
  2. Vanessa Campos & Joan R. Sanchis & Carmen Talavera, 2021. "The Importance of Social Value in Agroecological Farms: Adjusting the Common Good Balance Sheet to Improve Their Sustainable Management," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 13(3), pages 1-24, January.
  3. Ana T. Ejarque & Vanessa Campos, 2020. "Assessing the Economy for the Common Good Measurement Theory Ability to Integrate the SDGs into MSMEs," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 12(24), pages 1-17, December.
  4. Joan-Ramon Sanchis-Palacio & Vanessa Campos-Climent, 2019. "El modelo de la economía del bien común: aproximación desde el enfoque organizativo y el análisis bibliométrico," Estudios Gerenciales, Universidad Icesi, vol. 35(153), pages 440-450, December.
  5. Christian Felber & Vanessa Campos & Joan R. Sanchis, 2019. "The Common Good Balance Sheet, an Adequate Tool to Capture Non-Financials?," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 11(14), pages 1-23, July.
  6. Vanessa Campos Climent & Joan Ramon Sanchis Palacio & Ana Teresa Ejarque Catalá, 2019. "El modelo de la Economía del Bien Común. Un estudio empírico sobre su aplicación a la empresa privada [The model of the Economy for the Common Good. An empirical study on its application to enterpr," REVESCO: Revista de estudios cooperativos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Escuela de Estudios Cooperativos, issue 132, pages 46-76.
  7. Vanessa Campos Climent & Cristina Navarro Babiera, 2017. "Participación en redes organizacionales y uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, un estudio de su impacto en los resultados de la cooperativas de enseñanza de la comunidad valenci," REVESCO: Revista de estudios cooperativos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Escuela de Estudios Cooperativos, issue 124, pages 32-46.
  8. Joan Ramón Sanchis Palacio & Vanessa Campos Climent & Antonia Mohedano Suanes, 2015. "Factores clave en la creación y desarrollo de cooperativas. Estudio empírico aplicado a la Comunidad Valenciana [Key factors in cooperatives creation and development. Empirical study applied to Val," REVESCO: Revista de estudios cooperativos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Escuela de Estudios Cooperativos, issue 119, pages 183-207.
  9. Campos-Climent, Vanessa & Sanchis-Palacio, Joan Ramon, 2015. "Factores clave en el éxito de las empresas agrarias: El caso de las cooperativas hortofrutícolas en Espana," Revista Tendencias, Universidad de Narino, vol. 16(2), pages 164-191, July.
  10. Cynthia Giagnocavo & Silvia Gerez & Vanessa Campos i Climent, 2014. "Path to Cooperative Survival: Structure, Strategy and Regeneration of Fruit and Vegetables Cooperative in almeria and Valencia, Spain," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 85(4), pages 617-639, December.
  11. Amparo Melián Navarro & Vanessa Campos Climent & Joan Ramón Sanchis Palacio, 2011. "Emprendimiento social y empresas de inserción en España. Aplicación del método Delphi para la determinación del perfil del emprendedor y las empresas sociales creadas por emprendedores [Social entr," REVESCO: Revista de estudios cooperativos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Escuela de Estudios Cooperativos, issue 106, pages 150-172.
  12. Amparo Melián Navarro & Vanessa Campos Climent, 2010. "Emprendedurismo y economía social como mecanismos de inserción sociolaboral en tiempos de crisis [Entrepreneurship and social economy as mechanisms for sociolaboral insertion in crisis time]," REVESCO: Revista de estudios cooperativos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Escuela de Estudios Cooperativos, issue 100, pages 43-67.
  13. Joan Ramon Sanchis Palacio & Vanessa Campos Climent, 2007. "La Dirección Estratégica en la Economía Social: utilización de herramientas de análisis estratégico en las Cooperativas," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 59, pages 237-258, October.
  14. Vanessa Campos Climent & Gemma Fajardo García & Joan Ramón Sánchis Palacios, 2006. "Triple justificación de las secciones de crédito de las cooperativas agrarias de la Comunidad Valenciana: jurídica, económica y social," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 54, pages 129-165, April.
  15. Joan Ramon Sanchis Palacio & Vanessa Campos Climent, 2005. "Inserción Sociolaboral, Economía Social y Desarrollo Local. Estudio empírico sobre la realidad actual del Agente de Empleo y Desarrollo Local en España," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 52, pages 279-306, August.


Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.


  1. Ana T. Ejarque & Vanessa Campos, 2020. "Assessing the Economy for the Common Good Measurement Theory Ability to Integrate the SDGs into MSMEs," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 12(24), pages 1-17, December.

    Cited by:

    1. Vanessa Campos & Joan R. Sanchis & Carmen Talavera, 2021. "The Importance of Social Value in Agroecological Farms: Adjusting the Common Good Balance Sheet to Improve Their Sustainable Management," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 13(3), pages 1-24, January.
    2. Angelina Roša (Rosha) & Liudmila Lobanova, 2022. "Ethical Responsibility of a Company in the Context of Digital Transformation of Work: Conceptual Model," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 14(18), pages 1-29, September.
    3. Jasmin Wiefek & Kathrin Heinitz, 2021. "The Common Good Balance Sheet and Employees’ Perceptions, Attitudes and Behaviors," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 13(3), pages 1-30, February.
    4. María Garrido-Ruso & Beatriz Aibar-Guzmán & Albertina Paula Monteiro, 2022. "Businesses’ Role in the Fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda: A Bibliometric Analysis," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 14(14), pages 1-35, July.

  2. Christian Felber & Vanessa Campos & Joan R. Sanchis, 2019. "The Common Good Balance Sheet, an Adequate Tool to Capture Non-Financials?," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 11(14), pages 1-23, July.

    Cited by:

    1. Oliver Wagner & Kurt Berlo & Christian Herr & Michael Companie, 2021. "Success Factors for the Foundation of Municipal Utilities in Germany," Energies, MDPI, vol. 14(4), pages 1-15, February.
    2. Vanessa Campos & Joan R. Sanchis & Carmen Talavera, 2021. "The Importance of Social Value in Agroecological Farms: Adjusting the Common Good Balance Sheet to Improve Their Sustainable Management," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 13(3), pages 1-24, January.
    3. María Lourdes Arco-Castro & María Victoria Lopez-Pérez & Sara Rodriguez-Gomez & Raquel Garde-Sánchez, 2020. "Do Stakeholders Modulate Philanthropic Strategy? Corporate Philanthropy as Stakeholders’ Engagement," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 12(18), pages 1-18, September.
    4. Simona Šarotar Žižek & Matjaž Mulej & Amna Potočnik, 2021. "The Sustainable Socially Responsible Society: Well-Being Society 6.0," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 13(16), pages 1-31, August.
    5. Anna Kramarenko & Anton Kvitka, 2023. "Development of a social-oriented inclusive business model for strategic enterprise renewal," Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, PC TECHNOLOGY CENTER, vol. 6(13 (126)), pages 6-14, December.
    6. Gilbert Giacomoni, 2023. "Financement participatif de l’entrepreneuriat durable - une théorie postmoderne du portefeuille de Markowitz," Post-Print hal-04209199, HAL.
    7. Cristina Raluca Gh. Popescu & Gheorghe N. Popescu, 2019. "An Exploratory Study Based on a Questionnaire Concerning Green and Sustainable Finance, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Performance: Evidence from the Romanian Business Environment," JRFM, MDPI, vol. 12(4), pages 1-79, October.
    8. Carmen Talavera & Joan R. Sanchis, 2020. "Alliances between For-Profit and Non-Profit Organizations as an Instrument to Implement the Economy for the Common Good," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 12(22), pages 1-22, November.
    9. Jasmin Wiefek & Kathrin Heinitz, 2021. "The Common Good Balance Sheet and Employees’ Perceptions, Attitudes and Behaviors," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 13(3), pages 1-30, February.
    10. Ana T. Ejarque & Vanessa Campos, 2020. "Assessing the Economy for the Common Good Measurement Theory Ability to Integrate the SDGs into MSMEs," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 12(24), pages 1-17, December.

  3. Cynthia Giagnocavo & Silvia Gerez & Vanessa Campos i Climent, 2014. "Path to Cooperative Survival: Structure, Strategy and Regeneration of Fruit and Vegetables Cooperative in almeria and Valencia, Spain," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 85(4), pages 617-639, December.

    Cited by:

    1. Vanessa Campos & Joan R. Sanchis & Carmen Talavera, 2021. "The Importance of Social Value in Agroecological Farms: Adjusting the Common Good Balance Sheet to Improve Their Sustainable Management," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 13(3), pages 1-24, January.
    2. Gea D.M. Wijers, 2019. "A comparison of cooperative ecosystems: what institutions can bring transformation?," Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, Pro Global Science Association, vol. 18(2), pages 146-159, December.
    3. Alessandra De Chiara, 2020. "Sustainable Business Model Innovation vs. “Made in” for International Performance of Italian Food Companies," Agriculture, MDPI, vol. 11(1), pages 1-17, December.
    4. Juan Ramón Gallego-Bono & Rafael Chaves-Avila, 2016. "Innovation cooperative systems and structural change: An evolutionary analysis of Anecoop and Mondragon cases," Post-Print hal-01867952, HAL.
    5. Ignacio Bretos & Anjel Errasti & Carmen Marcuello, 2020. "Is there life after degeneration? The organizational life cycle of cooperatives under a ‘grow‐or‐die’ dichotomy," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 91(3), pages 435-458, September.
    6. Figueiredo, Vítor & Franco, Mário, 2018. "Wine cooperatives as a form of social entrepreneurship: Empirical evidence about their impact on society," Land Use Policy, Elsevier, vol. 79(C), pages 812-821.
    7. Jos Bijman & Constantine Iliopoulos, 2014. "Farmers' Cooperatives in the Eu: Policies, Strategies, and Organization," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 85(4), pages 497-508, December.
    8. Juan García-Álvarez de Perea & Carolina Ramírez-García & Aida Del Cubo-Molina, 2019. "Internationalization Business Models and Patterns of SMEs and MNEs: A Qualitative Multi-Case Study in the Agrifood Sector," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 11(10), pages 1-26, May.

  4. Joan Ramon Sanchis Palacio & Vanessa Campos Climent, 2007. "La Dirección Estratégica en la Economía Social: utilización de herramientas de análisis estratégico en las Cooperativas," CIRIEC-España, revista de economía pública, social y cooperativa, CIRIEC-España, issue 59, pages 237-258, October.

    Cited by:

    1. Juan Manuel Bucheli-Calvache & Alexander Zuñiga-Collazos & Fabian Osorio-Tinoco & María de los Ángeles Cervantes-Rosas, 2023. "Proposal for an Eco-Innovation Concept for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 15(13), pages 1-15, June.

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