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Maria Brouwer

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First Name:Maria
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Last Name:Brouwer
RePEc Short-ID:pbr79
Maria Brouwer Zeeburgerstraat 72 1018 AG Amsterdam The Netherlands

Research output

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  1. Brouwer, Maria, 2011. "Of markets and men: comments on Chang," Journal of Institutional Economics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 7(4), pages 505-509, December.
  2. Maria Brouwer, 2008. "Horizontal mergers and efficiencies; theory and anti trust practice," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 26(1), pages 11-26, August.
  3. Maria Brouwer, 2006. "Reorganization in US and European Bankruptcy law," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 22(1), pages 5-20, July.
  4. Maria Brouwer, 2005. "Managing Uncertainty through Profit Sharing Contracts from Medieval Italy to Silicon Valley," Journal of Management & Governance, Springer;Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), vol. 9(3), pages 237-255, September.
  5. Maria Brouwer, 2005. "Entrepreneurship and University Licensing," The Journal of Technology Transfer, Springer, vol. 30(3), pages 263-270, July.
  6. Maria T. Brouwer, 2002. "special issue: Weber, Schumpeter and Knight on entrepreneurship and economic development," Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Springer, vol. 12(1), pages 83-105.
  7. Maria Brouwer, 2001. "Deregulation of Network Industries – Theory and Dutch Experience," Economic Studies journal, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Economic Research Institute, issue 1, pages 3-27.
  8. Brouwer, Maria & Hendrix, Bart, 1998. "Two Worlds of Venture Capital: What Happened to U.S. and Dutch Early Stage Investment?," Small Business Economics, Springer, vol. 10(4), pages 333-348, June.
  9. Brouwer, Maria, 1989. "The empirical renaissance in industrial economics : Timothy F. Bresnahan and Richard Schmalensee, eds., (Basil Blackwell, Oxford/New York, 1987, published in cooperation with the journal of industrial," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 5(1), pages 129-131.
  10. Brouwer, Maria, 1989. "Economics of industrial organization : Stephen Davies, Bruce Lyons with Huw Dixon, Paul Geroski (Longman, London and New York, 1988) pp. viii+248, ISBN-0-582-29567-X, [UK pound]17.50," European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 5(4), pages 596-599.


  1. Maria Brouwer, 2016. "Governmental Forms and Economic Development," Springer Books, Springer, number 978-3-319-42040-0, January.


Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.


  1. Maria Brouwer, 2008. "Horizontal mergers and efficiencies; theory and anti trust practice," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 26(1), pages 11-26, August.

    Cited by:

    1. Gugler, Klaus & Szücs, Florian, 2016. "Merger externalities in oligopolistic markets," International Journal of Industrial Organization, Elsevier, vol. 47(C), pages 230-254.
    2. Rigoberto Lopez & Elena Lopez & Carmen Lirón-España, 2014. "Who Benefits from Industrial Concentration? Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing," Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, Springer, vol. 14(3), pages 303-317, September.
    3. Kamerbeek, S.P., 2009. "Merger Performance and Efficiencies in Horizontal Merger Policy in the US and the EU," MPRA Paper 18064, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    4. Ralph Siebert, 2017. "Heterogeneous Merger Impacts on Competitive Outcomes," CESifo Working Paper Series 6607, CESifo.
    5. Juan Luis Jiménez & Jordi Perdiguero, 2018. "Mergers and difference-in-difference estimator: Why firms do not increase prices?," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 45(2), pages 285-311, April.

  2. Maria Brouwer, 2006. "Reorganization in US and European Bankruptcy law," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 22(1), pages 5-20, July.

    Cited by:

    1. Maria Brouwer, 2008. "Horizontal mergers and efficiencies; theory and anti trust practice," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 26(1), pages 11-26, August.
    2. Bertrand Chopard & Eric Langlais, 2009. "Défaut de paiement stratégique et loi sur les défaillances d’entreprises," Cahiers du CEREFIGE 0901, CEREFIGE (Centre Europeen de Recherche en Economie Financiere et Gestion des Entreprises), Universite de Lorraine, revised 2009.
    3. Estrin, Saul & Mickiewicz, Tomasz & Rebmann, Anna, 2017. "Prospect theory and the effects of bankruptcy laws on entrepreneurial aspirations," LSE Research Online Documents on Economics 68997, London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library.
    4. Moldovan Rucsandra Livia & Achim Sorin Adrian, 2009. "Considerations On Reorganization. A Comparison Of Reorganization Rates In Eastern Europe," Annals of Faculty of Economics, University of Oradea, Faculty of Economics, vol. 3(1), pages 1049-1054, May.
    5. Beti Zafirova & Sonja Topuzovska & Julija Zhivadinovik & Marija Andonova, 2017. "Public Health Aspects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Patients Who Have Experienced a Car Accident," European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Articles, Revistia Research and Publishing, vol. 3, ejis_v3_i.
    6. Bhattacharjee, Arnab & Hany, Jie, 2010. "Financial Distress in Chinese Industry: Microeconomic, Macroeconomic and Institutional Infuences," SIRE Discussion Papers 2010-53, Scottish Institute for Research in Economics (SIRE).
    7. Julian Oliver Dörr & Georg Licht & Simona Murmann, 2022. "Small firms and the COVID-19 insolvency gap," Small Business Economics, Springer, vol. 58(2), pages 887-917, February.
    8. Blazy, Régis & Esquerré, Stéphane, 2021. "The CV effect: To what extent does the chance to reorganize depend on a bankruptcy judge’s profile?," International Review of Law and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 66(C).
    9. Philippe Frouté, 2007. "Theoretical foundation for a debtor friendly bankruptcy law in favour of creditors," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 24(3), pages 201-214, December.
    10. Srhoj, Stjepan & Kovač, Dejan & Shapiro, Jacob N. & Filer, Randall K., 2023. "The impact of delay: Evidence from formal out-of-court restructuring," Journal of Corporate Finance, Elsevier, vol. 78(C).
    11. Jose M Garrido & Mr. Wolfgang Bergthaler & Ms. Chanda M DeLong & Juliet Johnson & Amira Rasekh & Anjum Rosha & Natalia Stetsenko, 2019. "The Use of Data in Assessing and Designing Insolvency Systems," IMF Working Papers 2019/027, International Monetary Fund.
    12. Nicolae Stef, 2023. "Bankruptcy voting process and corporate reorganization," Bulletin of Economic Research, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 75(2), pages 508-524, April.
    13. Régis Blazy & Nirjhar Nigam, 2019. "Corporate insolvency procedures in England: the uneasy case for liquidations," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 47(1), pages 89-123, February.
    14. Tarantino, E.T., 2009. "Bankruptcy Law and Corporate Investment Decisions," Discussion Paper 2009-86, Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research.
    15. Aloisio Araujo & Bruno Funcha, 2013. "Bankruptcy law and credit market: a general-equilibrium approach," Fucape Working Papers 39, Fucape Business School.
    16. Dewaelheyns, Nico & Van Hulle, Cynthia, 2009. "Filtering speed in a Continental European reorganization procedure," International Review of Law and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 29(4), pages 375-387, December.
    17. Konstantaras, Konstantinos & Siriopoulos, Costas, 2011. "Estimating financial distress with a dynamic model: Evidence from family owned enterprises in a small open economy," Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Elsevier, vol. 21(4), pages 239-255, October.
    18. Appelbaum, Elie, 2021. "Improving the efficacy of carbon tax policies," Journal of Government and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 4(C).
    19. Régis BLAZY & Stéphane ESQUERRE, 2019. "The CV effect: How far do the chances to reorganize depend on the bankruptcy judges’ profile?," Working Papers of LaRGE Research Center 2019-07, Laboratoire de Recherche en Gestion et Economie (LaRGE), Université de Strasbourg.
    20. Régis Blazy & Bertrand Chopard, 2012. "(Un)secured debt and the likelihood of court-supervised reorganization," European Journal of Law and Economics, Springer, vol. 34(1), pages 45-61, August.
    21. Bhattacharjee, Arnab & Han, Jie, 2014. "Financial distress of Chinese firms: Microeconomic, macroeconomic and institutional influences," China Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 30(C), pages 244-262.
    22. Błażej Prusak & Sylwia Morawska & Michał Łukowski & Przemysław Banasik, 2022. "The impact of bankruptcy regimes on entrepreneurship and innovation. Is there any relationship?," International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Springer, vol. 18(1), pages 473-498, March.

  3. Maria Brouwer, 2005. "Managing Uncertainty through Profit Sharing Contracts from Medieval Italy to Silicon Valley," Journal of Management & Governance, Springer;Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), vol. 9(3), pages 237-255, September.

    Cited by:

    1. Jürgen Jerger & Jochen Michaelis, 2010. "The Fixed Wage Puzzle : Why Profit Sharing Is So Hard to Implement," Working Papers 283, Leibniz Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung (Institute for East and Southeast European Studies).
    2. Mirakhor, Abbas, 2010. "Whither Islamic Finance? Risk Sharing in An Age of Crises," MPRA Paper 56341, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    3. Bruno Bonizzi, 2015. "Capital Market Inflation in Emerging Markets: the Cases of Brazil and South Korea," PSL Quarterly Review, Economia civile, vol. 68(273), pages 115-150.
    4. Abbas Mirakhor, 2014. "Foundations of risk-sharing finance: an Islamic view," Chapters, in: Mervyn K. Lewis & Mohamed Ariff & Shamsher Mohamad (ed.), Risk and Regulation of Islamic Banking, chapter 6, pages 107-128, Edward Elgar Publishing.
    5. Hossein Askari & Abbas Mirakhor, 2014. "Risk sharing, public policy and the contribution of Islamic finance," PSL Quarterly Review, Economia civile, vol. 67(271), pages 345-379.
    6. Hossein Askari, 2015. "Severe Financial Crises and Fundamental Reforms: The Benefits of Risk-Sharing الأزمات المالية الخطيرة والإصلاحات الأساسية: فوائد تقاسم المخاطر," Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, King Abdulaziz University, Islamic Economics Institute., vol. 28(1), pages 93-128, January.
    7. Mirakhor, Abbas, 2012. "Islamic Finance, Risk Sharing and Macroeconomic Policies," MPRA Paper 56338, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    8. Hossein Askari & Noureddine Krichene, 2014. "Islamic finance: an alternative financial system for stability, equity, and growth," PSL Quarterly Review, Economia civile, vol. 67(268), pages 9-54.
    9. Obiyathulla Ismath Bacha, Abbas Mirakhor, Hossein Askari, 2015. "Risk Sharing in Corporate and Public Finance: The Contribution of Islamic Finance," PSL Quarterly Review, Economia civile, vol. 68(274), pages 187-213.
    10. Kaouthar Lajili, 2015. "Embedding human capital into governance design: a conceptual framework," Journal of Management & Governance, Springer;Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA), vol. 19(4), pages 741-762, November.

  4. Maria Brouwer, 2005. "Entrepreneurship and University Licensing," The Journal of Technology Transfer, Springer, vol. 30(3), pages 263-270, July.

    Cited by:

    1. Néstor Duch-Brown & Martí Parellada-Sabata & Jose Polo-Otero, 2010. "Economies of scale and scope of university research and technology transfer: a flexible multi-product approach," Working Papers 2010/51, Institut d'Economia de Barcelona (IEB).
    2. Jose Polo & Nèstor Duch & Marti Parellada, 2011. "Scale and scope of university technology transfer: A flexible multiproduct approach," ERSA conference papers ersa10p613, European Regional Science Association.
    3. Dolores Modic & Borut Lužar & Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi, 2023. "Structure of university licensing networks," Scientometrics, Springer;Akadémiai Kiadó, vol. 128(2), pages 901-932, February.

  5. Maria T. Brouwer, 2002. "special issue: Weber, Schumpeter and Knight on entrepreneurship and economic development," Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Springer, vol. 12(1), pages 83-105.

    Cited by:

    1. Jörn Block & Christian Fisch & Farooq Rehan, 2020. "Religion and entrepreneurship: a map of the field and a bibliometric analysis," Management Review Quarterly, Springer, vol. 70(4), pages 591-627, November.
    2. Nybakk, Erlend & Hansen, Eric, 2008. "Entrepreneurial attitude, innovation and performance among Norwegian nature-based tourism enterprises," Forest Policy and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 10(7-8), pages 473-479, October.
    3. K. Parboteeah & Sascha Walter & Jörn Block, 2015. "When Does Christian Religion Matter for Entrepreneurial Activity? The Contingent Effect of a Country’s Investments into Knowledge," Journal of Business Ethics, Springer, vol. 130(2), pages 447-465, August.
    4. Lunnan, Anders & Nybakk, Erlend & Vennesland, Birger, 2006. "Entrepreneurial attitudes and probability for start-ups--an investigation of Norwegian non-industrial private forest owners," Forest Policy and Economics, Elsevier, vol. 8(7), pages 683-690, October.
    5. Elert, Niklas & Johansson, Dan & Stenkula, Mikael & Wykman, Niklas, 2022. "The evolution of owner-entrepreneurs’ taxation: five tax regimes over a 160-year period," Working Papers 2022:4, Örebro University, School of Business.
    6. John N.N Ugoani & Anthony N. Nwaubani, 2014. "Entrepreneurship Education as Helicopter for Entrepreneurship Development: Nigerian Perspective," International Journal of Management Sciences, Research Academy of Social Sciences, vol. 4(4), pages 182-198.
    7. John B. Cullen & Jean L. Johnson & K. Praveen Parboteeah, 2014. "National Rates of Opportunity Entrepreneurship Activity: Insights from Institutional Anomie Theory," Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, , vol. 38(4), pages 775-806, July.
    8. Sergio A. Contreras & Andrew J. Greenlee, 2021. "Evaluating the effectiveness of ChileCompra's Entrepreneurship Centers policy," Regional Science Policy & Practice, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 13(4), pages 1262-1282, August.
    9. Blerim Kola, 2016. "An Albanian Case Study On Measuring the Service Quality in An Academic Library," European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Articles, Revistia Research and Publishing, vol. 1, ejms_v1_i.
    10. Mumford, Jonathan Van & Zettinig, Peter, 2022. "Co-creation in effectuation processes: A stakeholder perspective on commitment reasoning," Journal of Business Venturing, Elsevier, vol. 37(4).

  6. Brouwer, Maria & Hendrix, Bart, 1998. "Two Worlds of Venture Capital: What Happened to U.S. and Dutch Early Stage Investment?," Small Business Economics, Springer, vol. 10(4), pages 333-348, June.

    Cited by:

    1. Schertler, Andrea, 2004. "Sources of Funds and Specialization Patterns of European Venture Capital Investments," Kiel Working Papers 1200, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel).
    2. Schertler, Andrea & Stolpe, Michael, 2000. "Venture mania in Europe: Its causes and consequences," Kiel Discussion Papers 358, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel).
    3. Nancy Huyghebaert & Linda Gucht & Cynthia Hulle, 2007. "The Choice between Bank Debt and Trace Credit in Business Start-ups," Small Business Economics, Springer, vol. 29(4), pages 435-452, December.
    4. Alexander Cobham, "undated". "The Financing and Technology Decisions of SMEs: II. Technology and Policy," QEH Working Papers qehwps25, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford.
    5. Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo, 2004. "Financing Technology: An Assessment of Theory and Practice," CEIS Research Paper 43, Tor Vergata University, CEIS.
    6. Schertler, Andrea, 2001. "Venture Capital in Europe's Common Market: A Quantitative Description," Kiel Working Papers 1087, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel).
    7. Alexander Cobham, "undated". "The Financing and Technology Decisions of SMEs: I. Finance as a Determinant of Investment," QEH Working Papers qehwps24, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford.


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