FAQ for RePEc archive maintainers, general questions
- Handles are permanent and unique identifiers. NEVER REUSE THEM FOR ANOTHER ITEM. Doing so causes considerable grief, as they are used to create URLs and to crosslink items, authors, references, citations, statistics etc.
- Use our facilities to check whether templates are OK or whether we have issues accessing your files. Find your archive at the EconPapers check (append your three letter archive code to the URL) and check for alerts in your monthly email.
- Maintain your data. We can only display what you put in your RePEc archive.
- Plan for succession. Should somebody else take charge, this person needs to know how your archive works. Also, adjust the contact details in your archive and series templates once succession takes place.
If by any chance you have to deal with a publisher that requires that you take a paper offline, then only remove the File-* lines in the template. Do not erase the template. This allows us then to put a link from the working paper to the article once the author has claimed both in his/her RePEc Author Service profile.
There is more in this RePEc Blog post.
Comments and additions about your own experience are welcome. Send them to Christian Zimmermann.