Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- _008 Trade Patterns, Technology Flows, and Productivity Growth: Any Relationship?
by Wolfgang Keller
- _007 Technical Trading Rules and Regime Shifts in Foreign Exchange
by Blake LeBaron - _006 Persistence of the Dow Jones Index on Rising Volume
by Blake LeBaron - _005 Do Moving Average Trading Rule Results Imply Nonlinearities in Foreign Exchange?
by Blake LeBaron - _004 The Joint Dynamics and Stability of Stock Prices and Volume
by Blake LeBaron - _003 Evaluating Neural Network Predictors by Bootstrapping (with A. Weigend)
by Blake LeBaron - _002 Technical Trading Rule Profitability and Foreign Exchange Intervention
by Blake LeBaron - _001 Experiments in Evolutionary Finance
by Blake LeBaron