2024, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 1-10 Labour Market and Unemployment
by Janicki Tadeusz - 11-52 Unfulfilled dreams? The Financial Situation of Workers in Paris and the department of Loir-Et-Cher Between 1789 and 1795
by Derejski Krzysztof - 53-74 Organization of Poor Minors Labor by Charity Societies in the Mid-Nineteenth Century: A Poznan Case
by Łysakowska-Trzoss Agata Karolina - 75-94 Reparations, Hyperinflation, Unemployment and the Rise of Adolph Hitler
by Thies Clifford F. - 95-114 On the road to the Split of the American Labor Movement: Criticism of the American Federation of Labor in Committee for Industrial Organizations Pamphlets (1935–1936)
by Kowalski Kamil - 115-152 Hidden Unemployment in Polish Industry (1945–1956)
by Chumiński Jędrzej - 153-176 Socialist Exploitation of the Worker in the First Half of the 1950s: A Case Study of the H. Cegielski Industry Plant in Poznań
by Jankowiak Stanisław - 177-196 Unemployment as a Consequence of the Liquidation of State Agricultural Farms in 1991–2003
by Machałek Małgorzata - 197-222 The issue of labour in Germany in the Galicia District Press: Content Analysis
by mosora Volodymyr - 223-226 Book Review: The Importance of Constitutional Rules and Property Rights: The German Economy in 1990–2015
by Moszyński Michał - 227-230 Book Review: Silniki Stacjonarne na Ziemiach Polskich [Stationary Engines on Polish Lands]
by Zaradzki Bartosz - 231-236 Book Review: Wąsosz. Historia Miasta i Gminy [Wąsosz: History of City and Municipality]
by Miłosz Jan
May 2024, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-12 Editorial: Human and Nature: Between Destruction and Creation
by Gwiazdowicz Dariusz J. & Janicki Tadeusz - 13-20 Different Forms of Civilizations and the Development of Woodlands: Systems of Interactions
by Küster Hansjörg - 21-36 Forest Aesthetics as a Basic Idea for Forest Management from the Perspectives of Light Quality, Ecosystems, and Sustainability in Japan
by Koike Tatsunori & Koike Takayoshi & Ueda Hirofumi - 37-62 “Itaque Tam Istud Vitandum Habebit Quam Hercule Fugiendum Venandi aut Aucupandi Studium, Quibus Rebus Plurimae Operae Avocantur”
by Benincasa Zuzanna - 63-72 Soil Degradation as a Matter of Concern for Plato: A Few Notes in the Margin of Critias (110–112, Ed. Burnet)
by Ilski Kazimierz & Kotłowska Anna - 73-112 Springs of Life: Spas in Western Galicia from the Beginning of the 19th Century to the Outbreak of World War I
by Hojka Zbigniew - 113-124 Reintroductions of Forest Fauna in the Second Polish Republic
by Daszkiewicz Piotr - 125-144 Agriculture and the environment in Poland in the years 1944–2004: an Outline
by Janicki Tadeusz - 145-150 Book review: Ziemie Obiecane. Rolnictwo Dolnego Śląska W Latach 1945–1956 W Ujęciu Ekonomicznym I Historycznym [Promised Lands: Agriculture of Lower Silesia in the Years 1945–1956 from the Economic and Historical Point of View]
by Błażejczyk-Majka Lucyna - 151-154 Reports: In Care of the Family: Social Welfare in the Polish Lands from 19th to 21st Century. Historical Dictionary [W Trosce O Rodzinę. Pomoc Społeczna Na Ziemiach Polskich Od XIX do XXI Wieku. Słownik Historyczny] as a Project Carried out Under the National Program for the Development of the Humanities [Narodowy Program Rozwoju Huma Nistyki]
by Kinal Jarosław
December 2023, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 1-18 Changes in Peasant Children’s Reading Practices and Living Conditions in Dnieper Ukraine at the Turn of the 19th–20th Centuries
by Voloshenko Viktoriia - 19-40 Some Remarks About the Workers’ Motherhood in the Industrial City of Łódź in the 19th–20th Centuries
by Śmiechowski Kamil - 41-62 Labor of Minors in Industrial of Ukrainian Lands (19th – Early 20th Century)
by Shandra Iryna & Birova Olha - 63-78 Child Labour and Health During the Industrialization in Western Europe with Special Reference to Prussia
by Vögele Jörg Peter & Liczbińska Grażyna - 79-102 Development as Labour and Labour as Development: Korczak’s Philosophy of Labour Against the Background of Interwar Childhoods
by Rakoczy Marta - 103-126 The One that Wasn’t: Child and Youth Labour in the Post-Stalin Era in the Soviet Union
by Studenna-Skrukwa Marta - 127-144 Between a Relic of the Past and a Socialist Duty: Child and Adolescent Labour in ‘Comunist Poland’ in the Light of Literary Fiction for Young People (1948–1980)
by Skrukwa Grzegorz - 145-164 Two Models of Child Labour in the Past
by Łukasiewicz Dariusz - 165-204 Women and Girl Child Labour in the Bangle Industry of Hyderabad, India
by Pande Rekha - 205-214 Forced Labour of Polish and Soviet Children Under Nazi Occupation Discussion by Prof. Johannes-Dieter Steinert and Prof. Beata Halicka, 1 December 2022
by Halicka Beata & Steinert Johannes-Dieter - 215-220 Report from the 2nd National Scientific Conference on ‘Work Culture’, December 1, 2022
by Rydz Romuald - 221-225 Report from the Scientific Conference Entitled: “Saving the Economy: Reconstruction, Stabilization and Creation of Economic Development Paths in the 19th and 21st Centuries” [Na Ratunek Gospodarce: Odbudowa, Stabilizacja I Kreowanie Ścieżek Rozwoju Gospodarki W XIX–XXI Wieku]. Lubin, September 14–16, 2023
by Janicki Tadeusz
July 2023, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-28 Unsuccessful Attempts at the Incorporation of Cities in the District Duchy of Greater Poland in the 13th Century
by Górczak Zbyszko - 29-52 Food, Housing, Work, Retirement: Resourcefulness in Everyday Life as an Element of the Functioning of Society and the Economy in the People’s Republic of Poland (Selected Aspects)
by Jarosz Dariusz - 53-78 State Entrepreneurship in Interwar Poland
by Kaliński Janusz - 79-120 Principles of Shaping and Composition of the Management Staff of Polish Industry (1945–1956)
by Chumiński Jędrzej - 121-142 Second Life of Post-Mining Facilities: Mines as a Tourist Attraction of Southern Poland
by Hojka Zbigniew - 143-146 Book Review: Polish Minority in the Russian Federation: Conditions, Current Status and Prospects [Mniejszość Polska W Federacji Rosyjskiej: Uwarunkowania, Stan Aktualny I Perspektywy]
by Czerwieniec-Ivasyk Marta - 147-152 Book Review: With a Zest and in a Refined Form…The 7th International Congress of Historical Sciences in Warsaw, 1933
by Błażejczyk-Majka Lucyna - 153-156 Reports: Report from the 23rd International Congress of Historical Sciences Poznań 2020/2022 on 21–27 August 2022
by Filipowska Karolina
December 2022, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 1-19 Group Portrait of the Galician Oil Entrepreneurs
by Franaszek Piotr - 21-52 Entrepreneurship in Sport: Sport in Business, Using Professional Football as an Example
by Kowalski Wojciech Szymon - 53-78 Lower Silesian Factory of Nicotine Preparations
by Synowiec Andrzej - 79-103 Landowners’ Activities Aimed at Improving the Economic Condition of Rural Farms in the Years 1918–1939 (On the Example of Kielce Voivodeship)
by Słabińska Elżbieta - 105-121 Between Art, Industry and Entrepreneurship: Artistic, Design, and Managerial Activity of Professor Zbigniew Horbowy in 1959–1989
by Popiński Krzysztof - 123-135 Poverty in Sub-Africa: Reflecting on the Failure of International Global Governance
by Gwandu Hassan Attahiru - 137-143 Book Review: Decade of Wonders 1988–98. This is How Polish Capitalism was Born [Dekada Cudów 1988–98. Tak Się Rodził Polski Kapitalizm]
by Pacanowska Regina - 145-148 Report from the Academic Session “Human and Nature: Between Destruction and Creation” Organized as Part of the 23rd International Congress of Historical Sciences in Poznań on 24th August 2022
by Janicki Tadeusz - 149-153 Report from the Academic Conference “Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurs and Enterprises: Between Synthesis and Case Study. On the 100th Aniversary of the Chair and Department of Economic History at the University of Poznań and the University of Adam Mickiewicz” in Poznań on 22–23 September 2022
by Miłosz Jan
December 2022, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-28 Polish Population Censuses in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Scope and Subject Matter in the Context of International Standards
by Leszczyńska Cecylia - 29-40 Monitoring Disease: Cause-of-Death-Registration in Prussia During the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
by Vögele Jörg - 41-58 Transylvanian Health Database: A Historical Database of Medicalization Spreading in Transylvania Before 1918
by Dumănescu Luminița & Hegedűs Nicoleta & Lumezeanu Angela - 59-76 Possibilities of Studying Epidemics of Cholera in Upper Hungary (Contemporary Slovakia) in the 19th Century
by Golian Ján - 77-96 Population Registry Cards for Inhabitants of Lodz as a Source of Information About the City’s Population in the 19th and Early 20th Century
by Repczyńska-Górczak Helena M. & Antosik Szymon & Chmielarz Małgorzata - 97-122 The Victims of the “Great War” in Transylvania: Recovering the Sources and Designing a Database of Invalids, Orphans, and War Widows
by Holom Elena Crinela & Lumezeanu Angela - 123-141 National Agricultural Censuses in Poland from 1921–2010: Evolution, Thematic Scope and Relevance for the Study of Rural and Agricultural History
by Machałek Małgorzata - 143-154 Book Review: Housing Problems in Poland in the 1970s in the Light of Personal Documents [Problemy Mieszkaniowe W Polsce W Latach Siedemdziesiątych Xx Wieku W Świetle Dokumentów Osobistych]
by Kujawa Jakub
December 2021, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 3-32 Ludwik Wołowski and His Contribution to the French Credit Revolution of the 19th Century
by Dobek Rafał - 33-54 The Ideological Background of Japanese Expansionism, C. 1900
by Kleinschmidt Harald - 55-76 Cocoa Production in Ghana (1879-1976)
by Kuusaana Mariama Marciana & Adu-Gyamfi Samuel & Darkwa Benjamin Dompreh - 77-124 Instant Gloss: Promoting Paint in 1840s Paris. The Example of Louis Viard’s Chromo-Duro-Phane Varnish
by Spennemann Dirk H.R. - 125-144 Wroclaw Electronic Works: Wrocławskie Zakłady Elektroniczne „Elwro” 1959–2000
by Popiński Krzysztof - 145-162 Expectations of a Post-Wwii Depression
by Thies Clifford F. - 163-188 ‘Kapitalisten’ and ‘Prywaciarze’. A Comparison of Nationalisation Campaigns in the GDR and Poland
by Flade Falk & Kamosiński Sławomir - 189-215 Development of Transport as a Factor of the Economic Miracle (Wirtschaftswunder) of West Germany
by Myszczyszyn Janusz - 216-249 Polish State Railways in 1945–1989 – A Research Contribution
by Keller Dawid - 250-265 No Chance of Success. State Agrarian Real Estate 1946–1949. A Contribution to the Research on the History of the State Agricultural Sector in Poland
by Machałek Małgorzata - 266-269 Reviews: Women’s Everyday Life and Their Life Stories in the Time of Communism: A Comparative Study Between Poland, Romania, and the Former German Democratic Republic (GDR)
by Mendoza Miguel Angel Gomez
December 2020, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 4-36 Economic Policy from the Perspective of Contemporary Challenges in Economic History – Hopes, Concerns and Dilemmas
by Słodowa-Hełpa Małgorzata - 37-56 Economic Content in the Narratives of Władysław I the Elbow-High’s Diplomas – Clichéd Form Records or a Symptom of Awareness of the Medieval Ruler?
by Obara-Pawłowska Anna - 57-82 Between Progress and Backwardness. A Look at the Housing Policy of the Period of the People’s Republic of Poland from the Social and Economic Perspective After 1989
by Kujawa Jakub - 83-99 What was the Direction of the Reform of the PRL (Polish People’s Republic) Economy in the Eighties?
by Kaliński Janusz - 100-129 The Agricultural Reform of 1981 and the Competition for Resources Between Peasant Farms and State-Owned Farms in the 1980s
by Grala Dariusz T. - 130-162 Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship in the Exposé of the Prime Ministers: From Tadeusz Mazowiecki to Mateusz Morawiecki
by Kamosiński Sławomir - 163-181 British Land Policies in the Gold Coast and Her Relations with Asante
by Adu-Gyamfi Samuel & Bempong Emmanuel & Yartey Henry Tettey & Darkwa Benjamin Dompreh - 182-201 Congresses of Mining Industrialists of the South of Russia and the Kingdom of Poland as a form of Representing Entrepreneur’s Interests (End of the 19th – Beginning of the 20th Century)
by Shandra Iryna & Kravchenko Olena - 202-218 Women’s Employment Support Activities By Labor Offices Under the “AZ” Program in Years 1947-1950
by Słabińska Elżbieta - 219-244 Migration Policy in the Area of Border Control and Migration of the Population in OECD Countries –Theoretical and Practical Aspects
by Woźniak Katarzyna - 245-252 100 Years of Poznań Economic History
by Błażejczyk-Majka Lucyna
December 2019, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-4 Marcin Graban, Ph.D. (April 3, 1976–May 12, 2019)
by Miłosz Jan - 5-24 The Role of Imperial Women in the Monetary Distributions (Liberalitas) in Rome in the Light of Numismatic Sources
by Balbuza Katarzyna - 25-45 Femina oeconomica. Fighting against Landflucht in the Program of Agrarian Women’s Movement in Prussia before the Outbreak of World War I
by Szudarek Agnieszka - 46-66 ”You Must Swear [...] That Care for the Well-Being and Health of Women in Labor and Their Infants Shall Be the Only Objective of Your Work.” Midwives in the Galician Autonomy — Statistical and Geographical Analysis by Counties
by Rejman Sabina - 67-92 Socks at War: American Hand Knitters and Military Footwear Production for the World Wars
by Maines Rachel P. - 93-115 Women in Polish banking during the Second Polish Republic
by Leszczyńska Cecylia - 116-146 Feminization of Higher Education in Poland in 1918-2018
by Popiński Krzysztof - 147-176 Women in the Polish Industry — Employment Numbers and Structure in the Years 1945-1956
by Chumiński Jędrzej - 177-190 Professional Work of Women in State Agricultural Farms (1949–1989) — an Overview
by Machałek Małgorzata - 191-221 Globalisation and Women’s Work in the Beedi Industry
by Pande Rekha - 222-243 Influence of Family Benefits on Women’s Professional Activity. The cases of Poland, the United Kingdom, and France
by Kacperska Magdalena - 244-251 Poczet polskich przedsiębiorców [Polish entrepreneurs’ cluster] (2018). Wydawnictwo Magam, Biblioteka Warsaw Enterprise Institute, Warszawa, pp. 192
by Pacanowska Regina
December 2018, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 3-21 “From the East, This Town Borders the River Zbruch Bordering Poland...”.: Towns in the Galicia, Volhynia and Podolia Borderland in the Late 18th Century: Urban, Public, Political, and Socio -Economic Spaces
by Kargol Tomasz & Ślusarek Krzysztof - 23-41 Foreign Trade of Galicia and Bukovina and Other Austrian Countries at the End of the 19th Century Based on German Railway Statistics
by Lipelt Robert - 43-69 The History of Joint-Stock Companies in the Second Polish Republic as Exemplified by Wspólnota Interesów Górniczo–Hutniczych SA (Mining and Metallurgy Community of Interests Joint Stock Company)
by Majewski Mariusz W. - 71-90 East Central Europe in the First Globalization (1850-1914)
by Müller Uwe - 91-97 The Decline of the Cloth Industry in Birnbaum (Międzychód) After the Napoleonic Wars
by Lorenz Torsten - 99-103 The Forgotten Trade of European Pond Turtle Emys orbicularis in Central Europe in the 18th and 19th Centuries – An Essential Introduction to Historical and Economic Investigation
by Daszkiewicz Piotr - 105-123 Transfer of Japanese Culture Patterns on the Example of a Comic Book.: How Manga Conquered the World and Became an Integral Part of the Polish Publishing Market?
by Bazylewicz Tomasz - 125-141 Transfer of Ownership of Forests in the Western and Northern Teritories after World War II: Nationalization and Reprivatization
by Jaroszyk-Pawlukiewicz Joanna - 143-173 Informational Support of Civilian Intelligence for Heavy Industry (Including Machine Industry) and the Energy Sector in the Polish People’s Republic in the Years 1970–1990
by Sikora Mirosław
December 2017, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 3-6 Creation of the Journal “Studia Historiae Oeconomicae”
by Janicki Tadeusz - 7-26 At the Origins of Welfare State? Social Expenses in the Budgetary Policy in the Second Polish Republic
by Grata Paweł - 27-46 Debate Over the Economic Role of the State in Poland in the Works of the Representatives of the Kraków School, the Leviathan Organization and the First Economic Brigade in the Years 1919–1939
by Jarosz-Nojszewska Anna - 47-60 American Investment Banking in the Context of Great Economic Crises
by Hempel Dominika - 61-79 The “Gryfice Scandal” In Poznań — Dealing with Abuses Committed in the Process of Establishing Cooperative Farms in the Poznań Region
by Jankowiak Stanisław - 81-96 “In Order to Adapt the Consumption...”. The Creation of a Rationing System for Petrol in the Polish People’s Republic in the 1980s
by Zawistowski Andrzej - 97-111 Currency Reforms in the Polish State After 1945. Legaleconomic Issues
by Jastrzębski Robert - 113-127 To Regulate or to Liberate? Business Development and the Dilemmas of the Authorities Regarding the Shape of Economic Policy in the Years 1989–1995
by Kamosiński Sławomir - 129-141 Consumer Policy in Poland in the Period of Transformation
by Malczyńska-Biały Mira - 143-161 Economic Policy Towards Domestic Stock Exchanges
by Kowalski Wojciech Szymon - 163-176 Application of DEA for Evaluating the Efficiency of Economic Policy as Exemplified by EU Agriculture
by Błażejczyk-Majka Lucyna
December 2016, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 3-6 National Academic Conference – Financial Crime in Poland
by Trawiński Tomasz - 7-32 Financial Crime in Socialist Poland and Its Causes in the Light of Polish Central Statistical Office (GUS) Statistics
by Błażejczyk-Majka Lucyna & Macyra Roman - 33-44 Financial Crime in Crime Fiction in Socialist Poland
by Skotarczak Dorota - 45-62 Black Market – Financial Crimes Committed for Personal Purposes
by Miłosz Jan - 63-84 Authorities and Society vs. Financial Crime in the Gomułka Period in Poland
by Jarosz Dariusz - 85-104 Financial Crime Among Polish Workers in the Years 1945-1956
by Chumiński Jędrzej - 105-128 New Reality – New Problems. Financial Crime in Greater Poland in the Years 1945-1970
by Jankowiak Stanisław - 129-148 Financial Crime in the Operational Work of the State Security Service Until 1956 – Lower Silesian Perspective
by Klementowski Robert - 149-166 Professional Negligence, Mismanagement and Malpractice. Polish Companies in the Light of Supreme Audit Office Materials in the Years 1976-1980
by Lesiakowski Krzysztof - 167-182 “Autogangs”. Car Smuggle to Communist Poland in the 1980s
by Nawrocki Karol - 183-192 Scoutmaster Jan Poplewski – An Example of Attributing Financial Crime to Opponents of the Communist Regime
by Kuświk Bartosz
December 2015, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 3-18 The role of licenses in public utility services provision – 19th century experiences
by Adamczyk Elżbieta - 19-36 Social privileges in the Second Polish Republic
by Grata Paweł - 37-54 Social insurance in the Second Republic of Poland. Social advantage or the policy of caution
by Chylak Karol - 55-68 Retirement privileges of civil servants in the Second Polish Republic
by Jarosz-Nojszewska Anna - 69-84 The real and expected privileges of the Security Service collaborators recruited from academic milieu in the 1980s
by Franaszek Piotr - 85-106 Employee privileges in the Polish tobacco industry in a period of Polish People’s Republic
by Synowiec Andrzej - 107-120 Benefits package agreement – a special privilege for employees
by Kamosiński Sławomir - 121-134 The female privilege. On celebrating International Women’s Day in state enterprises in the Polish People’s Republic
by Kosztowna Natalia
December 2014, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 3-24 Egalitarian Awareness in the Capitalistic Reality. The Entanglement of Poverty and Wealth in Daily Social Sphere 25 Years after the System Change in Poland
by Żuk Piotr - 25-47 The Material Situation of Polish Workers Between 1945 and 1956
by Chumiński Jędrzej - 49-68 Old Age and Poverty in Poland, 1945-1989: The Status Regarding Knowledge And Research Problems
by Jarosz Dariusz - 69-76 Poverty and Wealth in the Polish Cinematography 1945-1989
by Skotarczak Dorota - 77-108 Unemployment and Homelessness in the City of Poznań in 1929-1939
by Graban Marcin - 109-114 The Fourth Crusade and the Problem of Food Provision in The Accounts of Robert De Clari and Geoffroy De Villehardouin
by Pentek Zdzisław - 115-123 Poverty and Wealth from the Perspective of Selected Psychological Concepts of Value
by Kuświk Justyna
December 2013, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 3-18 The Location (And Founding) of a Town of Poznań in Light of the Earliest Documents and Narrative Sources
by Dobosz Józef - 19-33 Lay-Out and Spatial Development of Towns from Great Poland in the 13th Century – Preliminary Research
by Kustra Maurycy - 35-56 New Urbanization of the Steppe. Astana: A Capital Called the Capital
by Gawęcki Marek - 57-68 Housing Demand in the Polish Peoples’ Republic
by Jarmuż Michał & Jarosz Dariusz - 69-86 Trade as a Socio-Economic Factor of Town Development. A Dynamic Perspective on the Example of Leszno
by Budner Waldemar W. & Palicki Sławomir - 87-105 Ethnic Structure of St Petersburg – Petrograd – Leningrad in the Period of 1703-1991
by Garczyk Bartłomiej - 107-119 Suburbs, Immigrants and Ethnicity. Autobiographical Novels of Algerian Immigrants in France as an Attempt of Emancipation from Ethnic Discrimination Discourse
by Kubera Jacek - 121-129 City as a Potential Source of Stress
by Kuświk Justyna