2024, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 75-88 Moderating effect of work experience on motivation and performance at Islamic hospital
by Chamdan Purnama & Mirhamida Rahmah & Dinda Fatmah & Karina Ananda Putri & Syaiful Hasani & Yusriyah Rahmah & Zakiyah Zulfa Rahmah - 89-103 Impact of digital marketing, fintech, and Islamic branding on MSME performance with innovation moderation
by Ahmad Nur Rofiq & Diyah Ariyani & Izzatul Muna - 104-121 Enhancing competitiveness of Muslim clothing SMEs through entrepreneurial orientation and product innovation
by Dinda Fatmah & Mirhamida Rahmah & Nurul Aslikhah & Htet Paing Soe & Yusriyah Rahmah - 122-139 Resilience of Islamic and conventional stocks to geopolitical conflict: A GARCH model analysis
by Fuad Hasyim & Moh. Nurul Qomar & Husny Gibreel Musa Saleh - 140-158 A bibliometric analysis of halal tourism research: Indonesia and Malaysia
by Hanim Misbah & Fuadah Johari - 159-171 Boycotts and brand perception of mineral water affecting generation Z Muslim purchases
by Miftakhul Khasanah & M. Radjasa Sing Agul Kusuma Kaha
2024, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-11 Influence of student factors on entrepreneurial intentions: Evidence from Nigeria
by Olumuyiwa Oluseun Adeoye & Timilehin Olasoji Olubiyi - 12-22 Exploring online infaq intentions of young Muslim
by Retty Ikawati & Fiqih Afriadi & Yeny Fitriyani & Jannahar Saddam Ash Shidiqie & Mussolini Sinsuat Lidasan - 23-34 Exploring Muslim students' adoption of mobile banking in conventional banks
by Heri Sudarsono & Sri Utami & Asri Noer Rahmi & Fauziah Rizki Yuniarti & Siti Aisiyah Suciningtias - 35-49 SME support for halal industry and sharia economy in Indonesia: SWOT analysis
by Azwar Azwar & Mohd Musa Bin Sarip - 50-62 The moderating effect of religiosity on intention to use product financing
by Mochamad Wildan Faiz & Fani Firmansyah - 63-73 Student compliance in paying zakat: Do zakat literacy and awareness matter?
by Abdul Malik & Harun Alrasyid & Muhammad Musyawir Kamaruddin
2023, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 97-106 The role of electronic word of mouth on halal brand image and purchase intention in halal cosmetics
by Wulandini Az Zahrah & Istyakara Muslichah & Wan Nur Fazni Wan Mohamad Nazarie - 107-116 The influence of spiritual leadership on work engagement
by Dessy Triharjanti & Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono - 117-128 The understanding of the Islamic community's intention toward religious tourism
by Zuhdi Mu'ammar & Heri Sudarsono & Asri Noer Rahmi & Weni Hawariyuni - 129-140 Does the halal label of Lemonilo instant noodles matter to students?
by Ni’matus Saadah & Sokhikhatul Mawadah & Muhammad Fauzi - 141-154 Exploring how local cultural influences affect tourist conduct
by Indra Iryanto Nur Hidayat & Wisnalmawati Wisnalmawati & Dyah Sugandini - 155-172 Integration of financing and macroeconomic shock in Islamic banking in Indonesia
by Dini Rahmayanti & Mail Hilian Batin & Suryati Suryati & Diyah Ariyani & Khusnul Ifada
2023, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-17 Determinants of BSI mobile banking adoption intentions: DeLone & McLean and UTAUT Model integration with religiosity
by Erlinda Sholihah & Ika Septiana Windi Antari & Rizqi Fajar Rochimawati & Ulwiyyah - 18-35 Patient satisfaction with Indonesian sharia hospital services: Halal healthcare tool and implications for loyalty-WoM
by Muhammad Alfarizi & Rafialdo Arifian - 36-53 The important role of the DTPB in the development of Islamic P2P lending in Indonesia
by Azidni Rofiqo & Ainul Zamarkasi & Abdurrizqi Bin Abd Razak - 54-68 The impact of Islamic financial development on renewable energy production in Islamic countries
by Siswantoro & Amir Mahmud - 69-82 The mediating effect of Islamic ethical identity disclosure on financial performance
by Ina Mutmainah & Annisa Apriliantika - 83-95 Interactive marketing and relationship quality in Islamic banking: A Parepare case study
by Multazam Mansyur Addury & Dian Resky Pangestu
2022, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 87-95 Operationalizing ulul albab on a spiritual leader: A case of TV AlHijrah Malaysia
by Nur Kamariah Abdul Wahid & Nur Arfifah Abdul Sabian & Suhaimi Md. Sarif - 96-109 Factors affecting the purchase intention of non-certified halal Korean instant noodles
by Alissa Aulina Rahmawati & Hendy Mustiko Aji - 110-125 Strengthening social media capabilities to improve private Islamic higher education marketing performance
by Hendra Riofita & Waldana Dimasadra - 126-137 Determinants of investment intention in sharia stocks
by Sylvania Dwi Yulianti & Selfira Salsabilla - 138-149 Determining the main factors of Islamic banks’ profitability in Indonesia: Does Covid-19 crisis play an important role?
by Ahmad Munawar & Sulaeman - 150-162 The intention of the young Muslim generation to purchase halal cosmetics: Do religiosity and halal knowledge matter?
by Widjiarti Nur Riswandi & Heri Sudarsono & Asri Noer Rahmi & Ali Hamza
2022, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-14 Factors affecting recommendation to use of sharia e-wallet in Indonesia and Malaysia
by Eka Rani Fitrianingsih & Bayu Arie Fianto - 15-24 FinTech and MSMEs: The role of product knowledge
by Rifaldi Majid & Herti Mawaddah - 25-42 Covid-19 impact on technology usage: An empirical evidence from Indonesia zakat institutions
by Darihan Mubarak & Muhammad Hakimi Mohd Shafiai & Hairunnizam Wahid & Aimi Anuar - 43-58 The impact of Covid-19 on the banking industry efficiency: Comparison between Indonesia and Malaysian banks
by Ririn Riani & Ihsanul Ikhwan - 59-71 Determinants of buying intention of halal products on private Islamic religious college lecturers in West Java
by Uus Ahmad Husaeni & Selviana Zakiah - 72-85 Halal blockchain: Bibliometric analysis for mapping research
by Roaida Yanti & Melinska Ayu Febrianti & Qurtubi & Joko Sulistio
2021, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 67-82 The reality on the ground – placing Indonesian halal cosmetics onto the international pedestal
by Helma Malini & Benedict Valentine Arulanandam & Rizqi Maghribi - 83-96 The influence of Bank Syariah Indonesia's brand logo on brand image: comparison between brand personality and halal brand personality
by Anya Safira & Mohammad Anugerah Amiluhur - 97-110 Do religiosity, halal knowledge, and halal certification affect Muslim students' intention to purchase halal packaged food?
by Arya Bagus Wirakurnia & Ponchanok Nuanmark & Heri Sudarsono & Arga Ramadhana - 111-122 Forecasting of Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) returns using Holt-Winters family models
by Regi Muzio Ponziani - 123-136 Sharia insurance efficiency in Indonesia and Malaysia using the stochastic frontier approach analysis
by Zubaidah Nasution - 137-152 Financial performance and corporate values: Case in Jakarta Islamic Index
by Lutfi Aulia Rahman & Razana Juhaida Johari & Abdulazeez Adewuyi Abdurraheem & Dwipraptono Agus Harjito
2021, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-10 Food and beverage industry competitiveness and halal logistics: Perspective from small and medium enterprises in Malaysia
by Maizaitulaidawati Md Husin & Suzilawati Kamarudin & Adriana Mohd Rizal - 11-22 Halal cosmetics and behavior of Muslim women in Indonesia: the study of antecedents and consequences
by Frideswidi Aufi & Hendy Mustiko Aji - 23-33 The relationship between m-banking service quality and loyalty: evidence in Indonesian Islamic Banking
by Rizaldi Yusfiarto - 34-44 Indonesian young consumers’ intention to donate using sharia fintech
by Maulida Dwi Agustiningsih & Ravika Mutiara Savitrah & Putri Catur Ayu Lestari - 45-55 Good corporate governance practices and voluntary disclosure in companies listed in the Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI)
by Avininda Dewi Nindiasari - 56-66 Analysis of factors affecting sharia compliance levels in sharia banks in Indonesia
by Fajar Satriya Segarawasesa
2020, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 71-81 Do religiosity and knowledge affect the attitude and intention to use halal cosmetic products? evidence from Indonesia
by Monicha Divianjella & Istyakara Muslichah & Zafirah Hanoum Ahmad Ariff - 82-95 The effect of social media marketing and religiosity on perceived value and student’s decision in choosing non-religious program at Islamic higher education
by Lutfi Auliarahman & Sumadi Sumadi - 96-106 The influence of Islamic religiosity on e-book piracy: an accounting student perspective
by Dela Anggraeni & Muamar Nur Kholid - 107-122 A conceptual and empirical study on the development of the Islamic donation-based crowdfunding platform model for micro small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in times of Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia
by Sulaeman Sulaeman - 123-137 Analysis of factor affecting Islamic commercial bank financing for the agricultural sector in Indonesia
by Satrio Arif Wicaksono & Yeny Fitriyani - 138-152 The influence of financial performance and macroeconomic on financing risk in Islamic banks
by Dita Putri Angraini & Heri Sudarsono & Sella Fitri Anindita
2019, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 75-84 Customers attitude toward Islamic mobile banking in Indonesia: Implementation of TAM
by Alex Fahrur Riza & Muhammad Riza Hafizi - 85-92 The effect of religiosity and financial literacy on intention to use Islamic banking products
by Istyakara Muslichah & Soliha Sanusi - 93-100 The role of Islamic work ethics in influencing organizational commitments mediated by intrinsic motivation of Islamic senior high school teachers
by Dhian Pratiwi - 101-108 The impact of macro economy toward profitability of Islamic bank
by Yunice Karina Tumewang & Rindang Nuri Isnaini & Jannatul Liutammima Musta’in - 109-115 The effect of religiosity on organizational citizenship behavior and affective commitment: A case of Islamic higher education institution
by Wiwik Yulistia Ningsih - 116-126 Analysis of factor affecting financing with Islamic banks in agriculture sectors
by Heri Sudarsono & Mustika Noor Mifrahi & Indah Susantun & Ari Rudatin & Sarastri Mumpumi Ruchba
2019, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-12 An investigation toward purchase intention of halal beef from traditional market: A TPB perspective
by Mohammad Khibran - 13-27 Advertisement and the extrinsic cues toward buying attitude: Case of Wardah halal cosmetics
by Dara Anggun Puspita Dewi & Guruh Ghifar Zalzalah - 28-37 The effect of non-performing financing and financing to deposit ratio on Islamic banks financing in Indonesia
by Gupita Permataningayu & Siti Mahdaria - 38-50 Does company size and profitability affect corporate social responsibility disclosure?
by Rukaanisy Syahierah & Ashilla Larasati - 51-65 Islamic banking development and economic growth: a case of Indonesia
by Meri Anggraini - 66-73 Religiosity and tax evasion: the application of theory of planned behavior
by Ummi Fadhilah