- 16-01 Rethinking The Social Market Economy – A Basic Outline
by Willem Spanjers & Elettra Agliardi
- 15-01 Why is Italy doing so badly?
by Gianluigi Pelloni & Marco Savioli
- 02_14 Why is Italy doing so badly after doing so well?
by Gianluigi Pelloni & Marco Savioli - 01_14 From Rags to Riches back to Rags? The Slow Economic Decline of a Successful Nation: Italy 1950–2013
by Gianluigi Pelloni & Marco Savioli
- 02_11 The Dilemma of Delegating Search: Budgeting in Public Employment Service
by John T. Addison & Martin Altemeyer-Bartscher & Thomas Kuhn - 01_11 The Greek Debt Crisis: Suggested Solutions and Reforms
by Leo Michelis
- 04_10 Canadian Monetary Policy: Lessons from the Crisis
by Angelo Melino - 03_10 Seven Pillars of Wisdom
by Giovanni Barone-Adesi - 02_10 Is the Economic Crisis Over (and Out)?
by Karim M. Abadir - 01_10 Evidence, Uncertainty and the Policy Pursuit of Fairness
by Anthony J. Culyer
- 04_09 Why Are they Doing so Well while We Are Doing so Badly? A Comparison between the Canadian and Italian University Systems
by Gianluigi Pelloni - 03_09 Worker Directors: A German Product that Didn't Export?
by John T. Addison & Claus Schnabel - 02_09 Monetary Integration in East Asia: Issues of Economic and Policy Convergence in a Comparative Context
by Mordechai E. Kreinin & Michael G. Plummer - 01_09 In the Beginning, There Was Social Policy: Developments in Social Policy in the European Union from 1972 through 2008
by John T. Addison