- 9-14 Contribution of Small and Medium Enterprises to Employment in Slovakia
by ¼ubica Lesáková - 9-14 ERP System and Beyond
by Péter Lõrincz - 15-30 Innovativeness of Slovenian Enterprises and the Role of the MER Model of Integral Management
by Jernej Belak & Mojca Duh & Zoran Kriter & Janko Belak - 31-42 Cross-Cultural Issues of International Joint Ventures: A Viewpoint from Israel
by Ferenc Farkas & Giora Avny - 43-54 Betriebswirtschaftliche Kompetenzentwicklung und Kompetenztransfer als zentraler Erfolgsfaktor beim Generationenwechsel in KMU
by Gerold Weiß - 55-64 Internationalization and Globalization in Human Resource Management
by József Poór - 65-78 Benchmark of Working Capital Performance
by András Farkas - 79-88 Decision-Making Attitude: from Behaving to Decision
by István Szûts & Gábor László - 89-100 Die Wirkungen der Globalisierung auf die Kleinunternehmen
by György Kadocsa - 111-115 Utilizing KolibriMFG Software System to Schedule and Control Shop Floor
by Lajos Kiss - 117-122 Ein zweizweckiges Bildungsmodell mit der Orientierung des Arbeitskraftmarkts für wirksamere Betätigung des HRM
by György Szabó - 123-128 Information Management in the Higher Education -- The Role and Importance of the Different Technologies
by András Keszthelyi - 129-138 Specific Features of the Development Potentials of Controlling Systems
by Anna Francsovics - 139-156 Sell the Country, Sell the Product! (The Role of Country of Origin Effect in the Global Competition)
by Árpád Ferenc Papp-Váry - 157-164 The Facility Management and the Controlling
by Sándor Dobi - 165-170 The Contribution of SMEs to the Regional Development of Flanders
by László Borbás - 171-186 Evaluation of Factors behind the Stagnation of Japan’s Economy
by Valéria Szekeres - 187-192 Building Clusters and Partnership on the Example of Italy and Slovakia
by Viera Marková - 193-208 In order to raise the potential of founders among students and to support
by Norbert Kailer - 209-220 Crisis Communication as Effective Tool of Change Management
by Sarolta Várnai - 221-232 The Appreciation of Social Competences in Modular Organisations
by Éva Ferenczi - 233-248 Outsourcing in Hungary and Abroad – Fashion or Necessity?
by Katalin Turcsányi - 249-256 The Role of Venture Capital on the Hungarian Capital Market and the Current Situation in Hungary
by Mária Bencsik - 257-262 A vevõi megelégedettség a Minõségirányítási rendszer és a Fogyasztóvédelem szemszögébõl. A vevõ az Unióban is úr
by Elek Erzsébet & Kovácsné Bukucs Erzsébet - 263-268 Diákreklámverseny - csapatmunka és tapasztalatszerzés
by Tóth Gábor - 269-280 Educational Information Systems in Hungary
by Ádám Tarcsi - 281-291 Felmérés a mûszaki menedzser diplomával rendelkezõk pályakezdési, elhelyezkedési lehetõségeirõl
by Derecskei Anita & Kovácsné Bukucs Erzsébet, & Gombaszögi Ildikó