2025, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-1. G v Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority [2024] EWHC 2453 (FAM): two distinct routes to posthumous fertility treatment
by Lisa Cherkassky & Emily Ottley - 1-2. Mental health and capacity laws in Northern Ireland: examining the position of children and young people
by Anne-Maree Farrell & Elizabeth Agnew & Patrick Hann - 1-3. A reparatory account of health inequities
by Michael Thomson - 1-4. Future challenges for UK regulation of brain organoid research
by Emily Jackson - 1-5. Regulating algorithmic care in the European Union: evolving doctor–patient models through the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI-Act) and the liability directives
by Barry Solaiman & Abeer Malik - 1-6. The two lives of the Mental Capacity Act: rethinking East-west binaries in comparative analysis
by Hillary Chua & Camillia Kong & Michael Dunn - 1-7. Unlocking the promise of UK health data: considering the case for a charitable GP data trust
by Caroline A B Redhead & Catherine Bowden & John Ainsworth & Nigel Burns & James Cunningham & Søren Holm & Sarah Devaney - 1-8. Harnessing deliberative regulation to address inequities in accessing healthcare services in England
by Sabrina Germain & Gianluca Veronesi - 288-288 Maeve O’Rourke, Human Rights and the Care of Older People: Dignity, Vulnerability, and the Anti-Torture Norm
by Ergün Cakal - 600-600 Lawrence O. Gostin and Benjamin Mason Meier (eds), Global Health Law & Policy: Ensuring Justice for a Healthier World
by Aileen Editha
2024, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 441-443 Editorial: Reproductive health, choice, and justice
by Bev Clough & Sara Fovargue & Rob Heywood & José Miola - 444-467 Addressing the consequences of the corporatization of reproductive medicine
by Sara A Attinger & Emily Jackson & Isabel Karpin & Ian Kerridge & Ainsley J Newson & Cameron Stewart & Lucy van de Wiel & Wendy Lipworth - 468-485 FemTech: empowering reproductive rights or FEM-TRAP for surveillance?
by Dylan Hofmann - 486-504 Towards a rights-based approach for disabled women’s access to abortion
by Magdalena Furgalska & Fiona de Londras - 505-529 Donor conception, direct-to-consumer genetic testing, choices, and procedural justice: an argument for reform of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990
by Caroline A B Redhead & Lucy Frith - 530-548 Anticipatory declarations in obstetric care: a relational and spatial examination of patient empowerment, institutional impacts and temporal challenges
by Aimee V Hulme - 549-557 Guy’s and St Thomas’-v-Knight [2021] EWHC 25: Dignity in English law
by Melanie J Weismann - 558-566 The Delicate Balance Struck by the Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Act 2024
by Emily Ottley - 567-570 James Cameron, Critically Ill Children and the Law: Medical Decision-Making and the Best Interests Principle
by Alex Ruck Keene - 570-576 Fiona Kelly, Deborah Dempsey, and Adrienne Byrt (eds), Donor-Linked Family in the Digital Age: Relatedness and Regulation
by Andrea Martani - 576-580 Julia Duffy, Mental Capacity, Dignity and the Power of International Human Rights
by Kay Wilson - 580-585 Theodosia Stavroulaki, Healthcare, Quality Concerns and Competition Law—A Systematic Approach
by Mary Guy
2024, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 301-335 ‘My Advocacy is Not About Me, My Advocacy is About Canadians’: A Qualitative Study of how Caregivers and Patients Influence Regulation of Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada
by Ruthie Jeanneret & Eliana Close & Jocelyn Downie & Lindy Willmott & Ben P White - 336-355 Mediating disputes under the Mental Capacity Act 2005: relationships, participation, and best interests
by Jaime Lindsey & Chris Danbury - 356-372 Money matters: a critique of ‘informed financial consent’
by Sara A Attinger & Ian Kerridge & Cameron Stewart & Isabel Karpin & Siun Gallagher & Robert J Norman & Wendy Lipworth - 373-391 A health-conformant reading of the GDPR’s right not to be subject to automated decision-making
by Hannah B van Kolfschooten - 392-398 France’s constitutional right to abortion: symbolism over substance
by Zoe L Tongue - 399-409 The short-lived verdict in Le Page v Center for Reproductive Medicine: why ‘personhood’ matters in the regulation of assisted reproductive technologies
by Edward R Grant - 410-420 Michael Holmes v Poeton Holdings Ltd [2023] EWCA Civ 1377: a necessary clarification for a non ‘de minimis’ discussion in causation
by Patricia de Moraes Paisani Matthey Claudet - 421-426 Thierry Vansweevelt and Nicola Glover-Thomas (eds.), Privacy and Medical Confidentiality in Healthcare: A Comparative Analysis
by Edward S Dove - 426-431 Steph Jowett, Consent for Medical Treatment of Trans Youth
by Ed Horowicz - 431-438 Suzanne Ost and Hazel Biggs, Exploitation, Ethics and Law. Violating the Ethos of the Doctor–Patient Relationship
by Jonathan Fisk
2024, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 141-157 Accommodations of private and family life and non-traditional families: the limits of deference in cases of cross-border surrogacy before the European Court of Human Rights
by Lydia Bracken - 158-177 How should we decide how to treat the child: harm versus best interests in cases of disagreement
by David Archard & Emma Cave & Joe Brierley - 178-204 Heritable human genome editing: correction, selection and treatment
by Rosamund Scott - 205-228 Biobank donation in search of public benefits and the potential impact of intellectual property rights over access to health-technologies developed: A focus on the bioethical implications
by Aisling M McMahon & Opeyemi I Kolawole - 229-247 ‘Border Country’: health law in a devolved UK
by John Harrington & Abbie-Rose Hampton - 248-254 Case Comment—JJ v Spectrum Community Health: When Medical Paternalism Meets Prisoners’ Dignity
by Angelika R Reichstein - 255-263 Indi Gregory: A Wider Perspective on Children’s Best Interests at the End-of-life
by Kevin De Sabbata & Abigail Pearson - 264-273 McCulloch v Forth Valley Health Board [2023] UKSC 26: Hello Bolam, the court’s old friend
by Louise Austin - 274-281 Jaime Lindsey, Reimagining the Court of Protection: Access to Justice in Mental Capacity Law
by Jordan Briggs - 281-286 Margaret Brazier, Law and Healing: A History of a Stormy Marriage
by Rebekah McWhirter - 286-292 Sally Sheldon, Gayle Davis, Jane O’Neill and Clare Parker, The Abortion Act 1967: A Biography of a UK Law
by Emily Ottley - 292-298 Stevie Martin, Assisted Suicide and the European Convention on Human Rights
by John Keown
2024, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-19 Healthcare Services for Asylum-Seekers: Untangling the European Social Charter
by Yana Litins’ka - 20-41 Post-trial access to investigational drugs in India: addressing challenges in the regulatory framework
by Nidhi Mehrotra & Padmavati Manchikanti - 42-60 Looking back to look forward—the history of VAD laws in Australia and future law reform in the Australian territories
by Kerstin Braun - 61-80 The role of non-genetic parents in a surrogate-born child’s identity: an argument for removal of the genetic link requirement
by Lottie Park-Morton - 81-100 The role of the right to life in respect of deaths caused by negligence in the healthcare context
by Elizabeth Wicks - 101-110 Bangladesh’s Mental Health Act 2018: A Critical Analysis
by Rose Barua - 111-119 Puzzles of the Liminal Dead: St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v Casey
by Mary Donnelly & Barry Lyons - 120-126 Govert den Hartogh, What Kind of Death: The Ethics of Determining One’s Own Death
by Chrystala Fakonti - 127-133 Daisy Cheung and Michael Dunn (eds), Advance Directives Across Asia: A Comparative Socio-legal Analysis
by Daniel Bianchi - 133-139 Xavier Symons, Why Conscience Matters: A Defence of Conscientious Objection in Healthcare
by James E Hurford
2023, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 485-500 The frontiers of medical negligence and diagnosis: an interview-based analysis
by Annie Mackley & Kathleen Liddell & Jeffrey M Skopek & Isabelle Le Gallez & Zoë Fritz - 501-520 Artificial intelligence and clinical decision support: clinicians’ perspectives on trust, trustworthiness, and liability
by Caroline Jones & James Thornton & Jeremy C Wyatt - 521-537 Regulating non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for fetal sex determination
by Michelle Taylor-Sands & Chanelle Warton & Hilary Bowman-Smart - 538-563 The (mis)use of fetal viability as the determinant of non-criminal abortion in the Netherlands and England and Wales
by Samantha Halliday & Elizabeth Chloe Romanis & Lien de Proost & E Joanne Verweij - 564-593 Interpersonal influences on decision-making capacity: a content analysis of court judgments
by Kevin Ariyo & Nuala B Kane & Gareth S Owen & Alex Ruck Keene - 594-605 The appeal in Bell v Tavistock and beyond: where are we now with trans children’s treatment for gender dysphoria?
by Kirsty L Moreton - 606-614 R v Foster: Exemplifying the urgency of the decriminalisation of abortion
by Elizabeth Chloe Romanis - 615-622 Mortier v Belgium [2022] ECHR 764: Warning Signs for Assisted Dying Regulation?
by Chay M Burt - 623-629 Joel Michael Reynolds and Christine Wieseler (eds), The Disability Bioethics Reader
by Heloise Robinson - 629-636 Paul Enríquez, Rewriting Nature: The Future of Genome Editing and how to Bridge the Gap Between Law and Science
by Jeanne Snelling - 636-642 Fiona Bloomer and Emma Campbell (eds), Decriminalizing Abortion in Northern Ireland, Volumes 1 (Legislation and Protest) and 2 (Allies and Abortion Provision)
by Rebecca Smyth
2023, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 317-339 When is the processing of data from medical implants lawful? The legal grounds for processing health-related personal data from ICT implantable medical devices for treatment purposes under EU data protection law
by Sarita Lindstad & Kaspar Rosager Ludvigsen - 340-357 Mental capacity—why look for a paradigm shift?
by Alex Ruck Keene & Nuala B Kane & Scott Y H Kim & Gareth S Owen - 358-390 Intellectual property protection for traditional medical knowledge in China’s context: a round peg in a square hole?
by Nan Xia - 391-423 The publication of impaired doctors’ identity by Australian and New Zealand tribunals: law, practice, and reform
by Owen M Bradfield & Marie M Bismark & Matthew J Spittal & Paula O’Brien - 424-440 The Warnock report and partial ectogestation: retracing the past to step into the future
by Victoria Adkins - 441-448 London Borough of Islington v EF [2022] EWHC 803 (FAM): falling through the great safety net of the inherent jurisdiction
by Daniel Bedford & Philip Bremner - 449-456 Jennings v Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority [2022] EWHC 1619 (Fam): confirming the paradigm of inferred consent for posthumous conception
by Alexander Tiseo - 457-468 Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022): consequences one year on
by Emily Ottley & Karolina Szopa & Jamie Fletcher - 469-473 Jonathan Herring, The Right to Be Protected from Committing Suicide
by Ewa Posner - 473-478 Sue Westwood, Regulating the End of Life—Death Rights
by Nataly Papadopoulou - 478-482 Daniel Wei Liang Wang, ‘Health Technology Assessment, Courts and the Right to Healthcare’
by Thomas J W Peck
2023, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 187-204 Parsing human rights, promoting health equity: reflections on Colombia’s response to Venezuelan migration
by Stefano Angeleri & Thérèse Murphy - 205-225 The Voluntary Sterilisation Act: Best Interests, Caregivers, and Disability Rights
by Hillary Chua - 226-246 Plaintiff aims in medical negligence disputes: limitations of an adversarial system
by Mary-Elizabeth Tumelty - 247-271 Record linkage of routine and cohort data of children in Portugal: challenges and opportunities when using record linkage as a tool for scientific research
by Julia Nadine Doetsch & Vasco Dias & Inês Lopes & Regina Redinha & Henrique Barros - 272-292 Should states restrict recipient choice amongst relevant and available COVID-19 vaccines?
by Emma Cave & Aisling McMahon - 293-302 Terminating abortion demonstrations
by Candace Lui & Edward Lui - 303-308 Swati Jha and Eloise Power (eds), Lessons from Medicolegal Cases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Improving Clinical Practice
by Anna Nelson - 308-314 Carolyn Adams, Judy Allen, and Felicity Flack, Sharing Linked Data for Health Research: Toward Better Decision Making
by Edward S Dove
2023, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-24 Where Does Responsibility Lie? Analysing Legal And Regulatory Responses To Flawed Clinical Decision Support Systems When Patients Suffer Harm
by Megan Prictor - 25-46 ‘This Is No Country For Old (Wo)Men’? An Examination Of The Approach Taken To Care Home Residents During The Covid-19 Pandemic
by Clayton Ó Néill - 47-82 The Requirement For Trans And Gender Diverse Youth To Seek Court Approval For The Commencement Of Hormone Treatment: A Comparison Of Australian Jurisprudence With The English Decision In Bell
by Malcolm K Smith - 83-108 Relationships, Rights, And Responsibilities: (Re)Viewing The Nhs Constitution For The Post-Pandemic ‘New Normal’
by Caroline A B Redhead & Sara Fovargue & Lucy Frith & Anna Chiumento & Heather Draper & Paul B Baines - 109-140 On Gestation And Motherhood
by Zaina Mahmoud & Elizabeth Chloe Romanis - 141-157 Self-Administration Or Practitioner Administration? The Scope Of Future German Assisted Dying Legislation
by Kerstin Braun - 158-166 The Health and Care Act 2022: inserting telemedicine into the Abortion Act 1967
by Adelyn L M Wilson - 167-174 B v University of Aberdeen [2020] CSIH 62: Where there’s a will, there’s a way
by Alexander Tiseo - 175-182 Mary Donnelly, Rosie Harding and Ezgi Taşcıoğlu, Supporting Legal Capacity in Socio-Legal Context
by Jordan Briggs - 182-185 Bo Chen, Mental Health Law in China: A Socio-Legal Analysis, Routledge, 2022, Hardback/ebook, 176 pp, £120/£33.29, ISBN 9781032079066
by Alex Ruck Keene
2022, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 581-583 Editorial
by B Clough & S Fovargue & R Heywood & J Miola - 584-609 Vaccination as an Equaliser? Evaluating COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritisation and Compensation
by Christian Günther & Lauren Tonti & Irene Domenici - 610-634 Legal Determinants of Health
by Michael Thomson - 635-657 The Challenge of Bioinequality: Addressing the Health Impact of Unequal Treatment Through Law
by Isabel A Karpin & Karen O’Connell - 658-679 Inequality by design: The politics behind forced migrants’ access to healthcare
by Mechthild Roos - 680-704 The social determinants of health, law, and urban development: using human rights to address structural health inequalities in our cities
by Lisa Montel - 705-723 The legal determinants of health (in)justice
by John Coggon & Beth Kamunge-Kpodo - 724-733 The Scope of a Doctor’s Duty of Care to Their Patient
by Gemma Turton - 734-743 R (Gardner and Harris) v Secretary of State for Health and Social care and Others [2022] EWHC 967: Scant regard for Covid-19 risk to care homes
by Victoria L Moore & Luke D Graham - 744-752 Parental orders for deceased intended parents: Re X (Foreign Surrogacy: Death of Intended Parent) [2022] EWFC 34
by Alan Brown & Katherine Wade - 753-757 Jordan A Parsons and Elizabeth Chloe Romanis, Early Medical Abortion, Equality of Access, and the Telemedical Imperative
by Philippa Kemp - 757-762 Lucy Series, Deprivation of Liberty in the Shadows of the Institution
by Ruby Reed-Berendt - 762-767 David Orentlicher and Tamara K.Hervey (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law
by Mary Guy - 768-771 Jeremy Hunt, Zero: Eliminating Unnecessary Deaths in a Post-pandemic NHS
by Harry Hudson
2022, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 407-409 Legal horizons and new challenges
by Hazel Biggs & Suzanne Ost - 410-433 Monitoring Female Fertility Through ‘Femtech’: The Need for a Whole-System Approach to Regulation
by Catriona McMillan - 434-456 DNACPR Decisions: Aligning Law, Guidance, and Practice
by Sabine Michalowski & Wayne Martin - 457-478 Is the Unequal Treatment of Maternal and Paternal Liability Under the Congenital Disabilities (Civil Liability) Act 1976 Justified?
by Catherine E Bowden - 479-508 Judicial Discomfort over ‘Innovative’ Treatment for Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria
by Michelle M Taylor-Sands & Georgina Dimopoulos - 509-533 Fixed Buffer Zone Legislation: A Proportionate Response to Demonstrations Outside Abortion Clinics in England and Wales?
by Emily Ottley - 534-543 A fine balance: Best interests in the context of invasive treatment and autism: Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust v William Verden [2022] EWCOP 9
by Mollie Cornell - 544-554 An Emerging Pattern? A Further Case of Anticipated Capacity Loss in Pregnancy: North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust V SR [2021] EWCOP 58
by Aimee V Hulme - 555-562 Anna Nilsson, Compulsory Mental Health Interventions and the CRPD: Minding Equality
by John Fanning - 562-574 Jonathan Herring, Law and the Relational Self
by Clark Hobson - 574-578 Jo Samanta and Ash Samanta (eds), Clinical Guidelines and the Law of Medical Negligence—Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives
by Lindsey Hogg
2022, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 213-215 Times have changed?
by Margaret Brazier - 216-242 Beyond Criminalisation: Abortion Law Reform in Aotearoa New Zealand
by Jeanne M Snelling - 243-267 Vaccine Liability in the Light of Covid-19: A Defence of Risk–Benefit
by Richard Goldberg - 268-298 Presumed Dissent? Opt-out Organ Donation and the Exclusion of Organs and Tissues
by Nicola J Williams & Laura O’Donovan & Stephen Wilkinson - 299-323 ‘She Wanted to Listen to her General Practitioner’s Advice…’: Exploring and Explaining Antibiotic Prescribing as a Regulatory Encounter
by David J Carter - 324-347 Duties of Candour in Healthcare: The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth?
by Oliver Quick - 348-363 The Omid Litigation: Should Courts Hear Oral Evidence When Determining the Proportionality of Section 2(1) of the Suicide Act 1961?
by Nataly Papadopoulou & Clark Hobson - 364-379 Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust V AB [2020] EWCOP 40—Mental Capacity and the Anorexic Patient in the Court of Protection: Understanding Values, Framing Matters and Specification of the Declaration
by Matthew J B Watkins - 380-384 Imogen Goold, Cressida Auckland, and Jonathan Herring, Medical Decision-Making on Behalf of Young Children: A Comparative Perspective
by Emma Nottingham - 380-387 Jonathan Herring, Law Through the Life Course
by Victoria Adkins - 392-399 Visa A. J. Kurki, A Theory of Legal Personhood
by Kelly Amal Dhru - 400-404 Jo Bridgeman, Medical Treatment of Children and the Law—Beyond Parental Responsibilities
by Aoife Daly
2022, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-3 Guest Editorial
by Andrew Grubb & Ian Kennedy - 4-32 The Excessive Regulation of Early Abortion Medication in the UK: The Case for Reform
by Elizabeth Chloe Romanis & Alexandra Mullock & Jordan A Parsons - 33-59 Differentiating Negligent Standards of Care in Diagnosis
by Kathleen Liddell & Jeffrey M Skopek & Isabelle Le Gallez & Zoë Fritz - 60-80 DNACPR decisions during Covid-19: An empirical and analytical study
by Hannah Bows & Jonathan Herring - 81-109 Dying with Assistance: The Call for an Inquiry, the Power of a declaration, the role of evidence
by Nataly Papadopoulou - 110-136 The National Quality Framework: The Benchmark for the Alcohol and Other Drug Sector in Australia
by Simone M Henriksen - 137-149 Whose Right Is It Anyway? The Duties Owed to a Deceased and to Surviving Family Members When Dealing with a Corpse: Brennan v City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust [2021] 1 WLUK 429
by Tina Davey & David Mead - 150-157 Samantha Thimmaya v Lancashire NHS Foundation Trust v Mr Firas Jamil
by Catherine Stanton - 158-176 Reforming the Mental Health Act: Will More Rights Lead to Fewer Wrongs?
by Judy Laing - 177-187 Crowter v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care [2021] EWHC 2536: Discrimination, Disability, and Access to Abortion
by Zoe L Tongue - 188-193 Lawrence O. Gostin and Benjamin Mason Meier (eds), Foundations of Global Health & Human Rights
by Abbie-Rose Hampton - 193-199 Ivan Glenn Cohen, Disability, Health, Law and Bioethics
by Aisling de Paor - 199-210 Mélinée Kazarian, Criminalising Medical Malpractice: A Comparative Perspective
by James Slater - 211-211 Erratum to: Feats, Flops, and Free Lessons From NZ’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Joanna M Manning
2021, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 595-612 Challenging the Comparison in Montgomery Between Patients and ‘Consumers Exercising Choices’
by Emily Jackson - 613-638 Not Dying Alone: the Need to Democratize Hospital Visitation Policies During Covid-19
by Maayan Sudai - 639-660 The Privilege of Information—An Examination of the Defence of Therapeutic Privilege and its Implications for Pregnant Women
by Aoife M. Finnerty - 661-687 The Medicalisation of Childbirth and Access to homebirth in the UK: Covid-19 and Beyond
by Anna Nelson & Elizabeth C. Romanis - 688-698 Patient Confidentiality and Disclosure of HIV Status: Disentangling the Entitlement to Disclose from the Duty to Warn
by Andrea Mulligan* - 699-715 A Backwards-step for Gillick: Trans Children’s Inability to Consent to Treatment for Gender Dysphoria—Quincy Bell & Mrs A v The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust and Ors [2020] EWHC 3274 (Admin)
by Kirsty L. Moreton - 716-727 Compulsory Childhood Vaccination: Human Rights, Solidarity, and Best Interests
by David Archard & Joe Brierley & Emma Cave - 728-739 Basma v Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: The Scrutiny of a Clinical Judgement
by Abeezar I. Sarela - 740-745 Catriona A. W. Mcmillan, The Human Embryo in vitro: Breaking the Legal Stalemate
by Mollie Cornell - 746-754 Marie-Andrée Jacob and Anna Kirkland (eds), Research Handbook on Socio-Legal Studies of Medicine and Health, Edward Elgar
by Rebecca Gulbul
2021, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 411-445 Signalling Standards for Progress: Bridging the Divide Between a Valid Consent to Use Patient Data Under Data Protection Law and the Common Law Duty of Confidentiality
by Edward S Dove & Mark J Taylor - 446-467 A Normative Framework for the Reconciliation of EU Data Protection Law and Medical Research Ethics
by Dara Hallinan - 468-496 Feats, Flops, and Free Lessons From NZ’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Joanna M Manning - 497-523 Family Involvement in the End-of-Life Decision-Making Process: Legal and Bioethical Analysis of Empirical Findings
by Nili Karako-Eyal & Roy Gilbar - 524-536 According Appropriate Weight to Children’s Wishes and Feelings: University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust v B (A Minor) [2019] EWHC 1670 (Fam)
by Rebecca L A Limb - 537-546 Confirmation of the High Court’s Power to Override a Child’s Treatment Decision: A NHS Trust v X (In the matter of X (A Child) (No 2)) [2021] EWHC 65 (Fam)
by Emma Cave - 547-561 Correia, Diamond and the Chester Exception: Vindicating Patient Autonomy?
by Louise Austin - 562-573 A Mother on Trial—Best Interests and the Conflict of Maternal Instincts: Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Z (by Her Litigation Friend, The Official Solicitor) [2020] EWCOP 20
by Dani M O’Connor - 574-579 Chris Dietz, Mitchell Travis, and Michael Thomson (eds), A Jurisprudence of the Body
by Zoe L Tongue - 574-581 Sabrina Germain, Justice and Profit in Health Care Law: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and the United Kingdom
by Zaina Mahmoud - 587-592 John Adenitire, A General Right to Conscientious Exemption: Beyond Religious Privilege
by Lucy M Davis
2021, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 205-232 Responsible Practice or Restricted Practice? an Empirical Study of the Use of Clinical Guidelines in Medical Negligence Litigation
by Ash Samanta & Jo Samanta & Joanne Beswick - 233-251 Dutifully Defying Death: A Right to Life-saving Emergency Treatment
by Edward Lui - 252-283 Charles Byrne, Last Victim of the Bodysnatchers: the Legal Case for Burial
by Mary Lowth - 284-305 HIV Disclosure—Professional Body Guidelines, the Law and the Boundaries of Medical Advice
by Samantha Ryan & Matt Phillips - 306-336 Safeguarding Vulnerable Autonomy? Situational Vulnerability, the Inherent Jurisdiction, and Insights from Feminist Philosophy
by Jonathan Lewis - 337-346 A NHS Foundation Trust v MC [2020] EWCOP 33: Revisiting Best Interests and ‘Altruistic’ Incapacitous Stem Cell Donation
by Bonnie Venter - 347-358 Barnsley Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v MSP [2020] EWCOP 26: The Need for Caution When Establishing the Wishes of Incapacitated Patients
by Cressida Auckland - 359-372 Is there a New Duty to Warn Family Members in English Medical Law? ABC V ST George’s Healthcare NHS Trust and Others [2020] EWHC 4551
by Charles Foster & Roy Gilbar - 373-383 Brady v Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [2020] EWHC 158: ‘Pure Diagnosis’ Claims and Setting the Professional Standard of Care
by Samantha A Schnobel - 384-391 Camilla Pickles and Jonathan Herring (eds), Women’s Birthing Bodies: Unauthorised Intimate Examinations, Power and Vulnerability
by Anna Nelson - 392-401 Friso Johannes Jansen, Professional Regulation and Medical Guidelines: The Real Forces Behind the Development of Evidence-Based Guidelines
by Jo Samanta - 401-407 Robert Klitzman, Designing Babies: How Technology Is Changing the Ways We Create Children
by Dani O’Connor - 408-408 Confirmation of the High Court’s Power to Override a Child’s Treatment Decision: A NHS Trust v X (In the matter of X (A Child) (No 2)) [2021] EWHC 65 (Fam)
by Emma Cave
2021, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Sara Fovargue & José Miola & Beverley Clough & Rob Heywood - 3-23 The Political Determinants of China’S New Health Constitution
by Eric C Ip - 24-47 The Discourse of Dignity in the Charlie Gard, Alfie Evans and Isaiah Haastrup Cases
by Monique Jonas & Samantha Ryan - 48-79 Conceptualising ‘Undue Influence’ in Decision-Making Support for People with Mental Disabilities
by Jillian Craigie - 80-105 Abortion Rights after Artificial Wombs: Why Decriminalisation is Needed Ahead of Ectogenesis
by Claire Horn - 106-127 A Study into the Operation of the Queensland Mental Health Review Tribunal
by Sam Boyle & Tamara Walsh & Lucinda Nelson - 128-142 Regulating Risk and Autonomy in Assisted Suicide: Conway V Secretary of State for Justice
by Clark Hobson & Nataly Papadopoulou - 143-156 A Local Authority v JB [2020] EWCA Civ 735 and A Local Authority v AW [2020] EWCOP 24: Rethinking Sexual Capacity?
by Laura Pritchard-Jones - 157-171 Trans Parenthood and the Meaning of ‘Mother’, ‘Father’ and ‘Parent’—R (McConnell and YY) v Registrar General for England and Wales [2020] EWCA Civ 559
by Alan Brown - 172-184 A Step Too Far? Whittington Hospital NHS Trust v XX [2020] UKSC 14
by Kirsty Horsey & Andrew Powell - 185-192 Sally Sheldon and Kaye Wellings (eds), Decriminalising Abortion in the UK: What Would It Mean?
by Elizabeth Chloe - 192-198 David P Horton, Mental Health Homicide and Society, Understanding Health Care Governance
by Thomas E Webb - 198-202 David Gomez, The Regulation of Healthcare Professionals: Law, Principle and Process
by Marc Cornock