- 002303 How do we Measure the “Value” in Value-Based care?
by Ian McKenna - 002289 Incentives for R&D: Payment Options and Pricing Challenges
by Pedro Pita Barros - 002266 Personalised Medicine: is it an Oil-Rush or Oil-Spill?
by Alistair McGuire - 002259 Closing the ‘Know-Do’ Gap for Health Systems Reform at the Policy Level
by David Hunter and Rafael Bengoa - 002246 What NHS Trusts Can Do to Reduce Waiting Times for Cancer Treatment
by Julia Gonzalez-Esuerra;Sarah Karlsberg;Steven Paling - 002245 Evaluating the Cost-effectiveness of Health System Strengthening: A Platforms Perspective
by Peter Smith
- 002000 The UK Biotech Sector and Brexit: Past Performance and Future Prospects
by Sir Geoffrey Owen;Michael Hopkins - 001942 NHS Agency Staffing and the Impact of Recent Interventions
by Chris Mullin
- 001880 Interventions that Encourage High-value Nursing Home Care: Lessons for the UK
by David Grabowski - 001804 Delivering an Outcomes-based NHS: Creating the Right Conditions
by Nick Hicks
- 001724 Waiting Time Policies in the Health Sector
by Siciliani, L.
- 001653 Multi-indication Pricing: Pros, Cons and Applicability to the UK
by Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz;Renato Dellamano;Michele Pistollato;Adrian Towse - 001616 Improving the Fiscal and Political Sustainability of Health Systems through Integrated Population Needs-Based Planning
by Stephen Birch - 001589 A Framework for Payer Assessment of the Value of New Technologies: A US Approach
by Office of Health Economics
- 001556 Biosimilar Competition: Lessons from Europe and Prospects for the US
by Henry G. Grabowski - 000077 Real Option Value and Path Dependence in Oncology Innovation
by Joseph P Cook - 000074 Can the US Afford to Ignore Cost-effectiveness Evidence?
by James Chambers
- 000146 Is There a Productivity Crisis in Pharmaceutical R&D?
by Massimo Riccaboni - 000141 Value Based Pricing in Sweden: Lessons for Design?
by Ulf Persson
- 000193 Priority Review Vouchers to Encourage Innovation for Neglected Diseases
by Henry G. Grabowski - 000173 Willingness to Pay and Publicly Funded Health Care: Contradiction in Terms?
by Cam Donaldson
- 000219 Innovation in Medicines: Can We Value Progress?
by Office of Health Economics - 000197 Science Policy Research: Having an Impact on Policy?
by Ben Martin
- 000482 Mental Health Economics and Policy in a Global Context
by Office of Health Economics
- 000478 Making the best of the Private Finance Initiative in the NHS
by Office of Health Economics
- 000454 The New NHS: What Can We Learn From Managed Care in New Zealand and the US?
by Nick Goodwin - 000451 Public Involvement in Priority Setting
by Lisa Gold - 000449 Leadership, Change and Primary Care Groups
by Louise Locock