- 002500 Challenges and Solutions for Budget Impact Analysis of Gene Therapies
by Nadine Henderson;Paul Oyalo;Ellie Tunnicliffe;Hania El Banhawi;SooChin Yen;Grace Hampson - 002499 Establishing the Economic Value of Carbon-Minimal Inhalers
by Sukanya Subramaniyan;Grace Hampson - 002498 The Importance of Diversity of Supply in Rare Diseases Markets
by Matthew Napier;Brittany Darrow;Matthias Hofer;Mikel Berdud;Amanda Cole
- 002496 Employer Costs from Respiratory Infections
by Helen Hayes;Brittany Darrow;Lotte Steuten;Graham Cookson;Amanda Cole - 002495 Understanding societal preferences for priority by disease severity in England & Wales
by Helen Hayes;Priscila Radu;David Mott;Chris Skedgel - 002494 A Spotlight on Haemophilia Therapies
by Nadine Henderson;Matthias Hofer;George Bray;Dimitrios Kourouklis;Mikel Berdud;Grace Hampson - 002493 The Cost of Drug Shortages
by Matthew Napier;Mikel Berdud;Amanda Cole - 002492 Unlocking the Value of Combination Therapies
by George Bray;Lotte Steuten;Gayathri Kumar - 002491 Inequalities in Dementia: Unveiling the Evidence and Forging a Path Towards Greater Understanding
by Sian Hodgson;Helen Hayes;Patricia Cubi-Molla;Martina Garau - 002490 A Framework for Value-aligned Pricing of Combination Therapies
by Matthew Napier;Chris Sampson;Amanda Cole;Martina Garau - 002489 How Have HTA Agencies Evolved Their Methods Over Time?
by Priscila Radu;Gayathri Kumar;Patricia Cubi-Molla;Martina Garau;Eleanor Bell;Jia Pan;Ramiro Gilardino ;Julie Van Bavel;Agnes Brandtmüller;Katherine Nelson;Melinda Goodall - 002488 Socio-Economic Value of Adult Immunisation Programmes
by Hania El Banhawi;Sulayman Chowdhury;Margherita Neri;Priscila Radu;Sian Hodgson;Eleanor Bell;Simon Brassel;Lotte Steuten - 002487 Incorporating the Patient Voice in Health Technology Assessment
by Gayathri Kumar;George Bray;Jia Pan;Chris Skedgel;Kyle Dunton;Francisco Fonseca Santos;Paul Genin;Gunnar Schroefel - 002486 Developing a Conceptual Framework of Healthcare System Pressure
by Simon Brassel;Margherita Neri;Lotte Steuten;Hannah Schirrmacher;Fernando Albuquerque de Almeida;Apostolos Charos;Katharina Schley;Kimberly Shea - 002485 The Socioeconomic Burden Of Cervical Cancer in the UK: What are the benefits of achieving the WHO elimination target?
by Gayathri Kumar;Matthew Napier;Margherita Neri;Martina Garau - 002483 The Dynamics of Drug Shortages
by Matthew Napier;Dimitrios Kourouklis;Amanda Cole;Graham Cookson
- 002480 Capturing the Broader Value of Antibiotics
by Simon Brassel;Isobel Firth;Sulayman Chowdhury;Grace Hampson;Lotte Steuten - 002479 Innovation for Health System Efficiency and Improvement
by Margherita Neri;Matthias Hofer;Fred McElwee;Jia Pan;Graham Cookson - 002478 Proposals for a Novel UK Antimicrobial Subscription Model: How Will Antibiotic Innovation be Scored?
by Matthias Hofer;Grace Hampson - 002477 Proposals for a Novel UK Antimicrobial Subscription Model: The Investor Perspective
by Matthias Hofer;Grace Hampson - 002470 Real-World Evidence: Current Best Practice for Reimbursement Decision-Making
by Sian Hodgson;Amanda Cole;Raoh-Fang Pwu;Jason Chia-Hsun Hsieh - 002469 A Novel Incentive Model for Uptake of Diagnostics to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance
by Isobel Firth;Jia Pan;Adrian Towse;Lotte Steuten - 002468 The Case for Expanding Uptake of Next-Generation Sequencing for Lung Cancer in Europe
by Chris Sampson;Edward Oliver;Priscila Radu;Tanja Podkonjak;Lotte Steuten - 002467 Dementia in the UK: Estimating the Potential Future Impact and Return on Research Investment
by Sian Hodgson;Dimitrios Kourouklis;Phill O’Neill;Martina Garau - 002466 The Burden of Hidradenitis Suppurativa on Patients, the NHS and Society
by Nadine Henderson;Chris Skedgel;Claud Theakston - 002464 NICE enough? Do NICE’s Decision Outcomes Impact International HTA Decision-making?
by Nadine Henderson;Simon Brassel;Phill O’Neill;Rachel Allen;Jonathan Cooke;Martina Garau - 002463 Are Recommendations for HTA of Gene Therapies Being Achieved?
by Sian Hodgson;Nadine Henderson;Matthew Napier;Amanda Cole;Grace Hampson - 002462 Delivering the Triple Win: A Value-Based Approach to Pricing
by Eleanor Bell;Mikel Berdud;Graham Cookson;Sian Hodgson - 002461 Incentivising New Antibiotics: Designing a Value-Based Delinked Pull Incentive Mechanism
by Simon Brassel;Isobel Firth;Edward Oliver;Grace Hampson;Adrian Towse;Lotte Steuten
- 002474 Supporting the Era of Green Pharmaceuticals in the UK
by Jake Hitch;Nadine Henderson;Graham Cookson;Isobel Firth - 002473 Proposal for a General Outcome-based Value Attribution Framework for Combination Therapies
by Adrian Towse;Lotte Steuten - 002471 Navigating the Landscape of Digital Health - United Kingdom
by Simon Brassel;Priscila Radu;Eleanor Bell;Martina Garau - 002448 Health Technology Assessment of Gene Therapies: Are Our Methods Fit for Purpose?
by Sian Hodgson;Nadine Henderson;Adrian Towse;Amanda Cole - 002394 Limitations of CBO’s Simulation Model of New Drug Development as a Tool for Policymakers
by Graham Cookson;Jake Hitch
- 002386 The Value of Vaccines in Maintaining Health System Capacity in England
by Simon Brassel;Margherita Neri;Lotte Steuten - 002377 A Case Study Analysis: Challenges in the NICE Evaluation of Multi-Indication Medicines for Rare and Ultra-Rare Diseases
by Maria Errea;Nadine Henderson;Chris Skedgel;Mireia Jofre-Bonet - 002370 The Lower Drug Costs Now Act and Pharmaceutical Innovation
by Lou Garrison;Jake Hitch;Grace Hampson;Mireia Jofre-Bonet;Martina Garau;Graham Cookson - 002359 Working Towards a Sustainable, Healthy Market for Vaccines: a Comprehensive Framework to Support Policy Dialogue and Decision-Making
by Marina Rodes Sanchez;Boris Rachev;Julia Spencer;Isha Sharma;Anupama Tantri;Rachel Mitrovich;Adrian Towse;Lotte Steuten - 002344 Key Factors on How to Procure, Pay, Distribute and Use Vaccines for COVID-19: A European Perspective
by Mikel Berdud;Mireia Jofre-Bonet;Adrian Towse - 002338 The Promise of Gene Therapies: Are We Ready?
by Office of Health Economics
- 002290 Bridging the Gap: Pathways for Regulatory and Health Technology Assessment of Histology Independent Therapies
by Nadine Henderson;Lotte Steuten - 002284 A Bargaining Approach: A Theory on ICER Pricing and Optimal Level of Cost-Effectiveness Threshold
by Mikel Berdud;Jimena Ferraro;Adrian Towse - 002283 The Broader Value of Vaccines: The Return on Investment From a Governmental Perspective
by Simon Brassel;Lotte Steuten - 002282 Realising the Broader Value of Vaccines in the UK
by Simon Brassel;Margherita Neri;Phill O’Neill;Lotte Steuten - 002280 NICE ‘Optimised’ Decisions: What is the Recommended Level of Patient Access?
by Mehmet Bulut;Phill O’Neill;Amanda Cole - 002277 Delivering the 2.4 Percent: Unlocking UK Pharma R&D Investment through Evidence-Based Policies
by Simon Brassel;Graham Cookson - 002271 International Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds and Modifiers for HTA Decision Making
by Kyann Zhang;Martina Garau - 002268 Opportunities to Increase Efficiency in Healthcare
by Maria Errea;Chris Skedgel;Bernarda Zamora;Grace Hampson;Graham Cookson;Maria Errea;Rikard Althin;Thomas Hofmarcher;Peter Lindgren - 002249 Meningococcal Vaccines: An International Comparison of Decision-Making Processes, Frameworks and Methodologies. Are Values Missing?
by Karla Hernandez-Villafuerte;Koonal Shah;Mike Herdman;Paula Lorgelly - 002247 Are Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds fit for Purpose for Real-World Decision Making?
by Patricia Cubi-Molla;Maria Errea;Kyann Zhang;Martina Garau - 002236 Ethical and Economic Issues in the Appraisal of Medicines for Ultra-Rare Conditions
by Nadine Henderson;Maria Errea;Chris Skedgel;Mireia Jofre-Bonet
- 002201 Data Governance Arrangements for Real-World Evidence in Japan
by Hideo Yasunaga;Hayato Yamana;Adrian Towse - 002197 Unrelieved Pain in Palliative Care in England
by Bernarda Zamora;Graham Cookson;Martina Garau - 002108 Public Preferences for Health Gains and Cures: A Discrete Choice Experiment
by Nancy Devlin;Koonal Shah;Grace Hampson
- 002096 Legal Barriers to the Better Use of Health Data to Deliver Pharmaceutical Innovation
by Amanda Cole;Adrian Towse - 002051 Measurement of Medicines Expenditure in the Context of the 2014-18 PPRS
by Phill O’Neill;Adrian Towse;Jimena Ferraro - 002047 The Impact of New Medicines in the NHS: 70 Years of Innovation
by Chris Sampson;Phill O’Neill;Paula Lorgelly - 002023 Quality of Life in Long-term Cancer Survivors: Implications for Future Health Technology Assessments in Oncology
by Koonal Shah;Mike Herdman;Yvonne Summers;Nancy Devlin;Patricia Cubi-Molla - 002015 A Critique of the Paper “The Estimated Costs of Production and Potential Prices for the World Health Organization Essential Medicines List”
by Karla Hernandez - Villafuerte;Brendan Shaw;Adrian Towse - 002009 The Debate on Indication-Based Pricing in the U.S. and Five Major European Countries
by Adrian Towse;Amanda Cole;Bernarda Zamora - 001978 Appraising Ultra-Orphan Drugs: Is Cost-Per-QALY Appropriate? A Review of the Evidence
by Adrian Towse;Martina Garau - 001976 Barriers to Uptake of Minimal Access Surgery in the United Kingdom
by Paula Lorgelly;Amanda Cole;Phill O’Neill;Chris Sampson - 001944 Review of CRA’s Report “Assessing the Economic Impacts of Changing Exemption Provisions During Patent and SPC Protection in Europe”
by Mikel Berdud;Adrian Towse;Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz
- 001932 Routine Funding in the NHS in the UK of Medicines Authorised Between 2011 and 2016 via the European Centralised Procedure
by Bernarda Zamora;Francois Maignen;Paula Lorgelly - 001910 Data Governance Arrangements for Real-World Evidence: South Korea
by Amanda Cole;Eui-Kyung Lee;Jae-A Park;Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz - 001818 Comparing Access to Orphan Medicinal Products (OMPs) in the United Kingdom and other European countries
by Bernarda Zamora;Phill O’Neill;Martina Garau;Francois Maignen;Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz - 001802 Exploring the Assessment and Appraisal of Regenerative Medicines and Cell Therapy Products: Is the NICE Approach Fit for Purpose?
by Grace Hampson;Adrian Towse
- 001743 Four Case Studies to Explore the Added Value of Oxford AHSN
by Grace Hampson;Bernarda Zamora;Adrian Towse;Adam Martin;Jo Exley - 001699 Shaping the Research Agenda to Estimate Cost-effectiveness Thresholds for Decision Making
by Patricia Cubi-Molla;Adrian Towse;Sarah Karlsberg-Schaffer;Nancy Devlin - 001688 Assessing Trends in SMC Advice Decisions (October 2009- September 2015)
by Phill O’Neill;Bernarda Zamora
- 001660 Data Governance Arrangements for Real-World Evidence
by Amanda Cole;Adrian Towse;Lou Garrison;Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz - 001645 Estimation of Future Cases of Dementia from Those Born in 2015
by Fraser Lewis - 001595 Assessing the Use of Multi-indication Medicines: A Review of Current Data Capabilities in the UK
by Amanda Cole - 001576 Do Respondents Completing Abstract, Hypothetical Priority-setting Exercises Agree With the Policy Implications of Their Choices?
by Koonal Shah;Nancy Devlin;Paul Barnsley;Amanda Cole
- 001504 Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: Health Economics Report
by Juan Carlos Rejon-Parilla;Martina Garau - 000518 The Trajectory of Dementia in the UK - Making a Difference
by Fraser Lewis;Lesley Cockcroft;Phill O’Neill - 000050 The Expanding Value Footprint of Oncology Treatments
by Juan Carlos Rejon-Parilla;Karla Hernandez-Villafuerte;Koonal Shah;Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz;Lou Garrison;Adrian Towse
- 000169 Time Trends in NICE HTA Decisions
by Nancy Devlin;Ruth Puig-Peiro;Phill O’Neill - 000144 International Comparisons of Medicines Prices: 2011 Indices
by Ruth Puig-Peiro;Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz;Jon Sussex;Phill O’Neill
- 000192 The Evolution of HTA in Emerging Markets Health Care Systems: Analysis to Support a Policy Response
by Nancy Devlin;Emma Hawe;Lou Garrison;Adrian Towse - 000187 Exploring the Interdependency between Public and Charitable Medical Research
by Arik Mordoh;Martina Garau - 000001 Health and the Use of Medicines in Primary Care in Wales
by Lesley Cockcroft;Emma Hawe;Rick Greville;Phill O’Neill
- 000212 Researching the Relative Efficacy and Relative Effectiveness of Medicines across Europe
by Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz;Ruth Puig-Peiro;Adrian Towse - 000210 The Publicly Funded Vaccines Market in the UK
by Jon Sussex;Koonal Shah - 000206 The Publicly Funded Vaccines Market in Australia
by Jon Sussex;Koonal Shah;Jim Butler - 000203 Assessment of the Impact of Orphan Medicinal Products on the European Economy and Society
by Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz;Jon Sussex;Martina Garau;Phill O’Neill
- 000234 Assessment and Appraisal of Oncology Medicines: NICE's Approach and International HTA Experience
by Koonal Shah;Qing Wang;Michael F. Drummond;Anne R. Mason;Martina Garau;Adrian Towse - 000229 Forward Together: Complementarity of Public and Charitable Research with Respect to Private Research Spending
by Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz;Jon Sussex
- 000236 Medical Research: What's It Worth?
by Office of Health Economics
- 000265 Donor Investment Choices: Modeling the Value for Money of Investing in Product Development, Public Private Parnerships as Compared to Other Health Care and Non-Health Care Interventions
by Alastair Gray;Paul Fenn;Clive Pritchard;Ed Godber;Martina Garau;Adrian Towse