- 002497 2023 OHE Annual Report to the Charity Commission
by Mireia Jofre-Bonet
- 002460 Quality of life and wellbeing in individuals with experience of fertility problems and assisted reproductive techniques
by Office of Health Economics
- 002357 How is Quality of Life Measured for Health Technology Assessments?
by David Mott;Gayathri Kumar;Chris Sampson;Martina Garau
- 002218 2018 OHE Annual Report to the Charity Commission
by Office of Health Economics - 002176 Documento de debate sobre la fijación de precios en función de la indicación (IBP) ¿Deben variar los precios de los medicamentos según la indicación?
by Amanda Cole;Adrian Towse;Bernarda Zamora - 002165 Indication-Based Pricing (IBP) Discussion Paper: Should drug prices differ by indication?
by Amanda Cole;Adrian Towse;Bernarda Zamora - 002146 How Should We Measure Quality of Life Impact in Rare Disease? Recent Learnings in Spinal Muscular Atrophy
by Chris Sampson;Martina Garau
- 002084 Multi-Indication Pricing (MIP): Practical Solutions and Steps to Move Forward
by Margherita Neri;Adrian Towse;Martina Garau - 002079 2017 OHE Annual Report to the Charity Commission
by The Office of Health Economics - 002055 Private Provision of Publicly Funded Health Care: The Economics of Ownership
by Martin Chalkley
- 001922 Antimicrobials Resistance: A Call for Multi-disciplinary Action. How Can HTA Help?
by Margherita Neri;Adrian Towse - 001842 Incentives for New Drugs to Tackle Anti-Microbial Resistance
by Adrian Towse;Jimena Ferraro;Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz
- 001741 “New Age” Decision Making in HTA: Is It Applicable in Asia?
by Amanda Cole;Grace Hampson;Nancy Devlin;David Grainger;Eui-Kyung Lee;Wija Oortwijn - 001740 How Can Health Technology Assessments in the Asia-Pacific Area Respond to Increased Clinical Uncertainty as a Consequence of Expedited US and EU Regulatory Processes?
by Amanda Cole;Adrian Towse;Michelle Mujoomdar;Arnold Chan;Franz Pichler
- 001583 Incentives to follow Best Practice in Health Care
by Sarah Karlsberg-Schaffer;Jon Sussex;Yan Feng
- 000143 Causes of Death: A Study of a Century of Change in England and Wales
by Lesley Cockcroft;Emma Hawe
- 000233 The Impact of Health Technology Assessment on Drug Development
by Nancy Mattison - 000232 American Exceptionalism and American Health Care: Implications for the US Debate on Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
by Peter J. Neumann - 000231 Deliberative Processes in Decisions about Health Care Technologies
by Anthony Culyer - 000230 How Fair? Competition between Independent and NHS Providers to Supply Non-Emergency Hospital Care to NHS Patients in England
by Office of Health Economics - 000228 Why Should Economic Evaluations of Medical Innovations Have a Societal Perspective?
by Magnus Johannesson;Bengt Jonsson;Linus Jonsson;Gisela Kobelt;Niklas Zethraeus - 000227 Access Mechanisms for Orphan Drugs: A Comparative Study of Selected European Countries
by Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz;Martina Garau
- 000242 The Ideas and Influence of Alan Williams: Be Reasonable – Do It My Way
by Anne R. Mason;Adrian Towse - 000241 Sixty Years of the NHS: Changes in Demographics, Expenditure, Workforce and Family Services
by Emma Hawe - 000240 Health Care Services and the Single European Market
by Diane Dawson;Lyndsay Mountford - 000239 Challenges and Opportunities for Improving Benefit-Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals from an Economic Perspective
by James T. Cross;Lou Garrison - 000238 The Market for Biosimilars: Evolution and Policy Options
by Deven Chauhan;Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz;Adrian Towse - 000237 New Guidelines for Economic Evaluation in Germany and the United Kingdom: Are We Any Closer to Developing International Standards?
by Michael F. Drummond;Frans Rutten
- 000269 The Faces of Regulation: Profit and Price Regulation of the UK Pharmaceutical Industry after the 1998 Competition Act
by Jorge Mestre-Ferrandiz - 000267 Three Challenges to Achieving Better Analysis for Better Decisions: Generalisability, Complexity and Thresholds
by Martin Buxton;Adrian Towse
- 000492 Developments in Economic Evaluation in Health Care: A Review of HEED
by Clive Pritchard
- 000484 Reducing Harm to Patients in the National Health Service. Will the Government’s Compensation Proposals Help?
by Paul Fenn;Alastair Gray;Neil Rickman;Rodrigo Salinas;Adrian Towse
- 000444 Trends in Economic Evaluation
by Clive Pritchard - 000439 GP Commissioning Groups – The Nottingham Experience
by Stephen Earwicker - 000438 From Efficacy to Cost-Effectiveness
by Michael F. Drummond;Adrian Towse
- 000428 The Pros and Cons of Modelling in Economic Evaluation
by Office of Health Economics - 000427 Regulating Prices Paid by the NHS for Medicines Supplied by the UK-Based Pharmaceutical Industry
by Martin Cave;Adrian Towse - 000424 Health Financing and Pharmaceutical Policy Reform in the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe
by Frans van Andel
- 000410 Handling Uncertainty in the Results of Economic Evaluation
by Andrew Briggs
- 000407 The Impact of Behavioural and Biomedical Advance on Health Trends over the Next 25 Years
by Mike Hall - 000404 Heath Information and the Consumer
by Jane Griffin
- 000401 The Impact of Unemployment on Health
by Jane Griffin
- 000395 Aids in Africa: Meeting the Challenge through Training Education and Prevention
by Office of Health Economics
- 000385 Factors Influencing Clinical Decisions in General Practice
by Office of Health Economics - 000383 Economic Evaluation of Growth Hormone Therapy
by George Teeling Smith;Richard West
- 000380 Variations between General Practitioners
by Ray Robinson;Jane Griffin - 000379 The Economic Impact of Medicines
by George Teeling Smith - 000376 Coronary Heart Disease: The Need for Action
by Office of Health Economics
- 000374 Impact of New Medicines on Health Care Costs
by George Teeling Smith - 000368 Cost-Benefit Analysis of Medicines – a Guide for Industry
by George Teeling Smith
- 000364 HIV and AIDS in the United Kingdom
by Nick Wells - 000363 Health Services in Europe: 1988
by George Teeling Smith
- 000347 Politics of Prescribing
by Office of Health Economics
- 000335 Keep on Taking the Tablets? A Review of the Problem of Patient Non-Compliance
by George Teeling Smith
- 000330 Medicines and the Quality of Life
by George Teeling Smith - 000329 Ill in Europe
by John Vaizey
- 000325 Trends in European Health Spending
by Office of Health Economics - 000323 Sickness Absence – A Review
by Nick Wells - 000319 Doctors, Nurses and Midwives in the NHS
by George Teeling Smith - 000318 Disability in Britain – The Process of Transition
by David Taylor - 000316 Accidents in childhood
by Nick Wells
- 000315 Mild Hypertension
by George Teeling Smith - 000311 End Stage Renal Failure
by William Laing - 000310 Effects of Prescription Charges
by Office of Health Economics
- 000302 Perinatal Mortality in Britain – A Question of Class
by Office of Health Economics - 000300 Immunisation for Everyone – The Polio Experience
by Office of Health Economics
- 000298 Cost of the NHS
by Office of Health Economics - 000281 Health Care Research Expenditure
by Office of Health Economics - 000279 Accidents
by Office of Health Economics
- 000278 Viral Hepatitis in Britain
by Office of Health Economics
- 000261 Murder, Manslaughter and Infanticide
by Office of Health Economics
- 000253 Infant and Child Health
by Office of Health Economics - 000252 Accidental deaths
by Office of Health Economics
- 000249 Venereal Diseases
by Office of Health Economics - 000248 NHS Reorganisation
by Office of Health Economics - 000247 Parkinson's Disease
by Office of Health Economics - 000246 Benefits and Risks and Medical Care: a Symposium Held by the Office of Health Economics
by David Taylor