- 2024/01 Trade implications of upstream circular economy policies
by Shunta Yamaguchi
- 2023/02 The nexus between illegal trade and environmental crime
by Shunta Yamaguchi - 2023/01 Trade policies to promote the circular economy: A case study of lithium-ion batteries
by Evdokia Moïsé & Stela Rubínová
- 2022/02 Securing reverse supply chains for a resource efficient and circular economy
by Shunta Yamaguchi - 2022/01 Incorporating environmental provisions in regional trade agreements in chapters and articles dealing with trade in services
by Christophe Bellmann & Alena Bulatnikova
- 2021/02 International trade and circular economy - Policy alignment
by Shunta Yamaguchi - 2021/01 Trade as a channel for environmental technologies diffusion: The case of the wind turbine manufacturing industry
by Grégoire Garsous & Stephan Worack
- 2020/04 Greening regional trade agreements on non-tariff measures through technical barriers to trade and regulatory co-operation
by Christophe Bellmann & Colette van der Ven - 2020/03 Greening regional trade agreements on investment
by Shunta Yamaguchi - 2020/02 New digital technologies to tackle trade in illegal pesticides
by Clara Frezal & Grégoire Garsous - 2020/01 Greening regional trade agreements: Subsidies related to energy and environmental goods
by Shunta Yamaguchi
- 2019/01 Trends in policy indicators on trade and environment
by Grégoire Garsous
- 2018/03 International Trade and the Transition to a More Resource Efficient and Circular Economy: A Concept Paper
by Shunta Yamaguchi - 2018/02 Assessing the Effectiveness of Environmental Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements: An Empirical Analysis
by Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso - 2018/01 Assessing Implementation of Environmental Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements
by Clive George & Shunta Yamaguchi
- 2017/3 Climate change and trade policy interaction: Implications of regionalism
by Harro van Asselt - 2017/2 Trade in services related to the environment
by Jehan Sauvage & Christina Timiliotis - 2017/1 International trade consequences of climate change
by Rob Dellink & Hyunjeong Hwang & Elisa Lanzi & Jean Chateau
- 2014/3 The Stringency of Environmental Regulations and Trade in Environmental Goods
by Jehan Sauvage - 2014/2 Environment and Regional Trade Agreements: Emerging Trends and Policy Drivers
by Clive George - 2014/1 Developments in Regional Trade Agreements and the Environment: 2013 Update
by Clive George
- 2013/6 Border Carbon Adjustment and International Trade: A Literature Review
by Madison Condon & Ada Ignaciuk - 2013/5 Measuring Environmental Regulatory Stringency
by Claire Brunel & Arik Levinson - 2013/4 Developments in Regional Trade Agreements and the Environment: 2012 Update
by Clive George - 2013/3 Measures Supporting Minerals and Primary Metals Extraction and Processing: Case Study: Australia
by Marnie Griffith - 2013/2 Cross-Border Trade in Electricity and the Development of Renewables-Based Electric Power: Lessons from Europe
by Heymi Bahar & Jehan Sauvage - 2013/1 Domestic Incentive Measures for Renewable Energy With Possible Trade Implications
by Heymi Bahar & Jagoda Egeland & Ronald Steenblik
- 2011/6 Implementing Regional Trade Agreements with Environmental Provisions: A Framework for Evaluation
by Peter Gallagher & Ysé Serret - 2011/5 The Trade Effects of Phasing Out Fossil-Fuel Consumption Subsidies
by Jean-Marc Burniaux & Jean Château & Jehan Sauvage - 2011/4 Trade-Related Measures Based on Processes and Production Methods in the Context of Climate-Change Mitigation
by Evdokia Moïsé & Ronald Steenblik - 2011/3 Trade in Services Related to Climate Change: An Exploratory Analysis
by Ronald Steenblik & Massimo Geloso Grosso - 2011/2 Regional Trade Agreements and the Environment: Monitoring Implementation and Assessing Impacts: Report on the OECD Workshop
by Clive George - 2011/1 Regional Trade Agreements and the Environment: Developments in 2010
by Clive George & Ysé Serret
- 2010/1 Environment and Regional Trade Agreements: Developments in 2009
by Peter Gallagher & Ysé Serret
- 2009/2 Facilitating Trade in Selected Climate Change Mitigation Technologies in the Energy Supply, Buildings, and Industry Sectors
by Ronald Steenblik & Joy A. Kim - 2009/1 Environment and Regional Trade Agreements: Developments in 2008
by Simone Gigli
- 2008/2 Checklist for Negotiators of Environmental Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements
by Cristina Tébar Less & Joy A. Kim - 2008/1 Trade and Environment at the OECD: Key Issues since 1991
by Michel Potier & Cristina Tébar Less
- 2007/1 Issues of Dual Use and Reviewing Product Coverage of Environmental Goods
by Joy A. Kim
- 2006/3 Building Capacity to Monitor Water Quality: A First Step to Cleaner Water in Developing Countries
by Jim Hight & Grant Ferrier - 2006/2 The Impact of Monitoring Equipmenton Air Quality Management Capacity in Developing Countries
by Jim Hight & Grant Kirkpatrick - 2006/1 Liberalisation of Trade in Renewable Energy and Associated Technologies: Biodiesel, Solar Thermal and Geothermal Energy
by Ronald Steenblik
- 2005/7 Liberalisation of Trade in Renewable-Energy Products and Associated Goods: Charcoal, Solar Photovoltaic Systems, and Wind Pumps and Turbines
by Ronald Steenblik - 2005/6 Liberalisation of Trade in Environmentally Preferable Products
by Monika Tothova - 2005/5 Liberalising Trade in 'Environmental Goods': Some Practical Considerations
by Ronald Steenblik - 2005/4 Environmental Goods: A Comparison of the APEC and OECD Lists
by Ronald Steenblik - 2005/3 Environmental Goods and Services: A Synthesis of Country Studies
by Maxime Kennett & Ronald Steenblik - 2005/2 Achieving the Successful Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies: Trade-related Aspects
by Cristina Tébar Less & Steven McMillan - 2005/1 Synergies Between Trade in Environmental Services and Trade in Environmental Goods
by Ronald Steenblik & Dominique Drouet & George Stubbs